]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - biopieces.git/history - code_perl/Maasha
pair.rb now working correctly
[biopieces.git] / code_perl / Maasha /
2012-04-30 martinahansenupgraded write_fixedstep
2011-11-17 martinahansenfixed bug in grab
2011-11-17 martinahansenfixed stupid windows \r bug in Patscan::read_patterns
2011-11-09 martinahansenadded Backtrack.pm
2011-10-05 martinahansencleanup
2011-09-23 martinahansenfixed patscan_seq
2011-05-30 martinahansenupgraded mean_scores
2011-05-10 martinahansenadded fix for negative 454 decimal values
2011-04-11 martinahansenprettyfied gnuplots
2011-04-11 martinahansenadded persist to gnuplot commands
2011-01-17 martinahansenfixed bug in Fasta.pm
2011-01-12 martinahansenposished Calc::standard_deviation
2011-01-03 martinahansenmisq updates
2010-10-13 martinahansenremoved local logging causing trouble
2010-10-13 martinahansenfixed SAM.pm qual scores from phred-33 to phred-64
2010-09-28 martinahansenAlignTwoSeq.pm briefly revisited
2010-09-28 martinahansenfixed indentation in perl code
2010-09-08 martinahansenfixed minor bug in write_align of pairwise protein...
2010-06-30 martinahansenadded trim_seq
2010-06-29 martinahansenadded biopieces mean_scores
2010-06-28 martinahansenadded ID to SCORE alias in KISS.pm
2010-06-22 martinahansencorrected type in log messages
2010-06-17 martinahansenadded fixedstep biopieces
2010-06-16 martinahansenschrubbing UCSC.pm code
2010-06-16 martinahansenfixed s/Common/Filesys/ renaming in UCSC.pm
2010-05-20 martinahansenadded solexa_str_mean to read_454
2010-05-19 martinahansenadded read_454 and write_454 (and ruby stuff)
2010-05-11 martinahansenfixed bug in write_fixedstep
2010-04-27 martinahansenfixed speed issue with track_ruler in BGB
2010-04-26 martinahansenoptimized track_ruler in BGB
2010-03-22 martinahansenugly fix of BGB ladder problem
2010-03-22 martinahansenfixing ladder bug in BGB
2010-03-19 martinahansenadded PDF/SVG export to BGB
2010-03-19 martinahansenadded grid to BGB
2010-03-18 martinahansenadded collapsable tracks to BGB
2010-03-18 martinahansenBGB cleanup
2010-03-18 martinahansenerror handling and seq guess fix
2010-03-13 martinahansenchanged BGB session format to JSON
2010-03-05 martinahansenlayout of wiggle improved
2010-03-05 martinahansenwiggle tracks display - almost there
2010-03-05 martinahansenfixing wiggle tracks in BGB
2010-03-04 martinahansenreworked list_inflate/deflate
2010-03-04 martinahansenchasing wiggle bug
2010-03-03 martinahansenfixed bug in list_deflate
2010-03-02 martinahansenfixed bug in Seq.pm
2010-03-02 martinahansencleaned up BGB track code
2010-03-02 martinahansenmerged BGB::Common.pm to BGB::Track.pm
2010-03-01 martinahansenadded wiggle to BGB
2010-03-01 martinahansenadded wiggle to BGB
2010-02-11 martinahansenfixed issue in KISS.pm but more found
2010-02-10 martinahansenfixed feature width issue
2010-02-10 martinahansenadded arrows to BGB
2010-02-09 martinahansenadded color routine to Draw.pm
2010-02-09 martinahansenmoving back to binned index and using JSON for storing
2010-02-09 martinahansenchanged kiss score to bit_score instead of eval
2010-02-06 martinahansenadded search function to NClist.pm
2010-02-06 martinahansenfixed BGB search function
2010-02-06 martinahansendebugging search function in NClists.pm
2010-02-06 martinahansenadded search function to NClist.pm
2010-02-06 martinahansenshifted to NC list in BGB
2010-02-05 martinahansenfixed bugs in BGB
2010-02-03 martinahansenadded NClist.pm
2010-01-29 martinahansenchanged sorting in BGB
2010-01-28 martinahansenrepair on plot_karyogram
2010-01-28 martinahansenrepair on plot_karyogram
2010-01-26 martinahansenfixed a number of issues - grave bug in complement_seq!
2010-01-24 martinahansencleanup BGB stuff
2010-01-19 martinahansenfixed strand bug in SAM.pm
2010-01-05 martinahansencleanup of BGB
2009-12-17 martinahansensimplified BGB index scheme
2009-12-16 martinahansentodo fixes
2009-12-15 martinahansenadded track label to search function in BGB
2009-12-15 martinahansenfixed upload pipe
2009-12-15 martinahansenthis is the index we want from xeon
2009-12-14 martinahansenadded BGB_list
2009-12-14 martinahansenrenaming BBrowser to BGB
2009-12-14 martinahansenreplacing Bbrowser with BGB
2009-12-14 martinahansenadded kiss_intersect
2009-12-08 martinahansenadded read_ace
2009-12-08 martinahansenadded login to browser
2009-12-04 martinahansenadded file_md5 routine to Filesys.pm
2009-12-03 martinahansenadded space between liniea track elements
2009-12-03 martinahansenfixed inline PNG in Bbrowser
2009-12-02 martinahansenimplemented search function in bbrowser
2009-12-01 martinahansenadded DB.pm
2009-12-01 martinahansenadded DB.pm
2009-12-01 martinahansenset bbrowser and GFF to 0-base
2009-12-01 martinahansenrenamed KISS browser to Biopiece browser
2009-11-27 martinahansenadded dna export to browser
2009-11-26 martinahansencleaned BBrowser::Tracks.pm
2009-11-26 martinahansenCleaned BBrowser::Draw
2009-11-26 martinahansencleaned KISS.pm
2009-11-26 martinahansenremoved KISS directory
2009-11-25 martinahansenmore KISS
2009-11-25 martinahansenfixed color palette in KISS
2009-11-25 martinahansenfixed KISS browser genome selection
2009-11-24 martinahansenfixed comma bug
2009-11-24 martinahansenkiss_sort()
2009-11-24 martinahansenfixed KISS
2009-11-24 martinahansenmajor work on KISS browser completed