(let* ((elements (append (ly:music-property chord 'elements)
(ly:music-property chord 'articulations)))
- (chord-elements (filter (lambda (m)
- (music-is-of-type? m 'rhythmic-event))
- elements))
- (post-events (filter post-event? elements))
(chord-repeat (ly:music-property chord 'duration)))
- (cond ((ly:duration? chord-repeat)
- (let ((duration (duration->lily-string chord-repeat #:remember #t)))
- (format #f "q~a~{~a~^ ~}"
- duration
- (map-in-order (lambda (music)
- (music->lily-string music parser))
- post-events))))
- ((pair? chord-elements)
- ;; note_chord_element : '<' (notepitch | drumpitch)* '>" duration post_events
- (let ((duration (duration->lily-string (ly:music-property
- (car chord-elements)
- 'duration) #:remember #t)))
- ;; Format duration first so that it does not appear on chord elements
- (format #f "< ~{~a ~}>~a~{~a~^ ~}"
- (map-in-order (lambda (music)
- (music->lily-string music parser))
- chord-elements)
- duration
- (map-in-order (lambda (music)
- (music->lily-string music parser))
- post-events))))
- (else
- ;; command_element
- (format #f "~{~a~^ ~}" (map-in-order (lambda (music)
- (music->lily-string music parser))
- elements))))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (partition (lambda (m) (music-is-of-type? m 'rhythmic-event))
+ elements))
+ (lambda (chord-elements other-elements)
+ (cond ((pair? chord-elements)
+ ;; note_chord_element :
+ ;; '<' (notepitch | drumpitch)* '>" duration post_events
+ (let ((duration (duration->lily-string (ly:music-property
+ (car chord-elements)
+ 'duration)
+ #:remember #t)))
+ ;; Format duration first so that it does not appear on
+ ;; chord elements
+ (format #f "< ~{~a ~}>~a~:{~:[-~;~]~a~^ ~}"
+ (map-in-order (lambda (music)
+ (music->lily-string music parser))
+ chord-elements)
+ duration
+ (map-in-order (lambda (music)
+ (list
+ (post-event? music)
+ (music->lily-string music parser)))
+ other-elements))))
+ ((ly:duration? chord-repeat)
+ (let ((duration (duration->lily-string chord-repeat
+ #:remember #t)))
+ (format #f "q~a~:{~:[-~;~]~a~^ ~}"
+ duration
+ (map-in-order (lambda (music)
+ (list
+ (post-event? music)
+ (music->lily-string music parser)))
+ other-elements))))
+ ((and (= 1 (length other-elements))
+ (not (post-event? (car other-elements))))
+ (format #f (music->lily-string (car other-elements) parser)))
+ (else
+ (format #f "< >~:{~:[-~;~]~a~^ ~}"
+ (map-in-order (lambda (music)
+ (list
+ (post-event? music)
+ (music->lily-string music parser)))
+ other-elements))))))))
(define-display-method MultiMeasureRestMusic (mmrest parser)
(format #f "R~a~{~a~^ ~}"