+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.1.52";
-blah = \notes {
-\transpose c'' {
- \time 4/4;
- \keysignature es;
- [cis8 d e f] [e! a b cis'] |
- es e f e a a' a a' |
- \clef "bass"; }
- [es16 c' b a] [g f es d] [c d es d] [c Bes As G] |
-\clef "violin";
- \keysignature c;
- cis4 c cis cis |
- <cis dis eis fes ges> cis dis2 ~ |
- \time 2/4 ;
- dis4 dis ~ | c cis~ | c
- \context Staff \blah
+++ /dev/null
-filename = "kortjakje.ly";
-title = "Ah vous dirais-je maman (variations)";
-description = "bare bones version. (written down from memory :-)";
-composer = "Mozart KV 265";
-enteredby = "HWN";
-copyright = "public domain";
-Tested Features: example file with comments
-\version "1.1.52";
-% the % is a comment.
-% declare melody (which will be in *one* staff ) for the lead voice
-melodie = \notes \relative c' {
- % switch Lilypond in note-mode
- \clef"violin";
- \time 2/4 ;
- %%% theme
- c4 c | % the | checks if there is a new measure here.
- g' g|
- a a|
- g2| % g2 means a "g-1" pitched half-note
- f4 f| e e| d d| c2
- g'4 g| f f| e e| d d| g g| f f| e e| d d|
- %%% var 1
- c4 r8 c % r8 means an 8th rest.
- (| % start a slur
- % NOTE: the slurstart should be directly after the note
- ) % end a slur.
- g'4 r8 g8 () a4 r8 a8 () g4 r4
- f4 r8 f8 () e4 r8 e8 (|) d4 r8 d8 () c4 r4
- % more of this.
-begeleiding = \notes \relative c {
- \clef "bass";
- \time 2/4 ;
- %%% theme
- c4 % before note means one octave lower.
- % Similarly: after means one higher.
- c' e c f c e c d b c a f g c,2 |
- e'4 g, d' g, c g b g e' g, d' g, c g b g
- %%%% var 1
- r8 e'8() c4 r8 e8() c4 r8 f8() c4 r8 e8() c4
- r8 d8() b4 r8 c8() a4 r8 a8() f4 r8 e8() c4
- \context GrandStaff <
- \melodie
- \begeleiding
- >
- \paper{}
- \midi{}
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.1.52";
-part = \notes {
- c-1 c c c
- r1*3
- c4-5 c c c
- c-6 c c c
- c-7 c c c
- c-8 c c c
-a4 = \paper{
- linewidth= 80.\mm;
- \translator {
- \StaffContext
- \consists "Bar_column_engraver";
- \consists "Bar_number_engraver";
- }
- <
- \notes{
- \part
- }
- >
- \paper{\a4}
- <
- \notes{
- \part
- }
- >
- \paper{\a4}
+++ /dev/null
-% This file does not work.
-% pedal.ly
-% Johann Sebastian Bach
-% preludium en fuga in D
-% bwv 532
-% fuga --- two bar excerpt of pedal part
-% example for pedal studies
-% ugh, front and back priority are the same...
-% one must use (ugh):
-% left front:
-% -\front-\l{toe,heel}
-% left back:
-% -\l{toe,heel}-\back
-% rigth front:
-% -\r{toe,heel}-\front
-% right back:
-% -\back-\r{toe,heel}
-% therefore:
-% \lheel \ltoe \rheel \rtoe
-% \lbheel \lbheel \lfheel \lftoe
-% \rbheel \rbtoe \rfheel \rftoe
-\version "1.1.52";
- \notes {
- \time 4/4;
- \key D;
- \clef bass;
- % silly chord testing...
-% these should be stacked...
-% < c,-\ltoe e,-\lheel > < c'-\rtoe e'-\rheel>
-% < c,-\lheel e,-\ltoe > < c'-\rheel e'-\rtoe> |
- < c,-\ltoe-\lheel e, > < c'-\rtoe-\rheel e' >
- < c,-\lheel-\ltoe e, > < c'-\rheel-\rtoe e' > |
- % 46
- [d16-\lfheel e-\rbtoe fis-\ltoe e-\rbtoe]
- [d-\lfheel e-\rbtoe fis-\lheel e] [d e fis e] [d e fis e] |
- d4 r4 r4 [b16-\rtoe a-\ltoe b-\rtoe fis-\ltoe] |
- }
- \paper{}
+++ /dev/null
-% This file prints lots of warning messages about scripts-dportato
-filename = "scales.ly";
-enteredby = "HWN";
-copyright = "public domain";
- Tested Features: scripts, beams, transposition,
-% scales with accents.
-\version "1.1.52";
-blah = \notes {
- \time 6/8;
-\transpose c {
- \clef "bass";
- c4. d
- c d
- \clef "violin" ;
-\transpose c'' {
- \transpose d { e f } }
-\transpose c''' {
- c4. d
- %ugr
- |\times 6/9 { [ a8 \< a a a a a a \! a a \ff \> ] } | }
- \transpose c'' {
- \times 6/9 { [ a a a a a a a a \! a ] } | }
- \transpose c''' {
- \times 6/9 { [ c,->-.-\fermata \< g,->-.-\fermata
- d->-.-\fermata a->-.-\fermata
- e'->-.-\fermata b'-. f''-. c'''->-.-\fermata
- \! g'''->-.-\fermata \> ] }
- \times 6/9 { [ g'''->-.-\fermata c'''->-.-\fermata
- f''->-.-\fermata b'->-.-\fermata e'->-.-\fermata
- a->-.-\fermata d->-.-\fermata g,->-.-\fermata \!
- c,->-.-\fermata ] }
- \times 6/9 { [ c,->-.-\fermata \< g,->-.-\fermata d->-.-\fermata
- a->-.-\fermata
- e'->-.-\fermata b'-. f''-.
- c'''->-.-\fermata \! g'''->-.-\fermata \> ] }
- \times 6/9 { [ g'''->-.-\fermata c'''->-.-\fermata
- f''->-.-\fermata b'->-.-\fermata e'->-.-\fermata
- a->-.-\fermata d->-.-\fermata
- g,->-.-\fermata \! c,->-.-\fermata ] }
- }
- \transpose c'' {
- \times 2/3 { [ c g d' ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ d' g c ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ f c' g' ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ g' c' f ] }
- }
- \transpose c' {
- \times 2/3 { [ c g d' ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ d' g c ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ f c' g' ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ g' c' f ] }
- \times 2/3 { [ g' c' f ] }
- \time 4/4;
- r8-"text" r8^. r8_. r8 r8 r8 r8 r8
- [c-> d-> e-> f->][g-> a-> b-> c'->] % 1
-\transpose c'' { [c'-^ b-^ a-^ g-^][f-^ e-^ d-^ c-^]}
- [c'-^ b-^ a-^ g-^][f-^ e-^ d-^ c-^]
- [c-. d-. e-. f-.][g-. a-. b-. c'-.]
- [c'-- b-- a-- g][f-- e-- d c--] % 5
- [c-\portato d-\portato e-\portato f-\portato]
- [g-\portato a-\portato b-\portato c'-\portato]
- [c'-\upbow b-\upbow a-\downbow g-\downbow]
- [f-\downbow e-\downbow d-\upbow c-\upbow]
- [c-| d-| e-| f-|][g-| a-| b-| c'-|]
- [c' b a g][f e d c]
- [c d e f][g a b c'] % 10
- |[c' b a g][f e d c]
- }
- \notes {\blah}
- \paper{
- castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.1.52";
-blah = \notes{ \transpose c'' {
- c,4 ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- c ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- c' ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- c'' ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- d, ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- d ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- d' ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- d'' ->-.-\fermata-"text"
- c, ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- c ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- c' ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- c'' ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- d, ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- d ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- d' ^>^.^\fermata^"text"
- d'' ^>^.^\fermata ^"text"
- c, _>_._\fermata _"text"
- c _>_._\fermata _"text"
- c' _>_._\fermata _"text"
- c'' _>_._\fermata _"text"
- d, _>_._\fermata _"text"
- d _>_._\fermata _"text"
- d' _>_._\fermata _"text"
- d'' _>_._\fermata _"text"
- \stemup
- b,-. c-. d-. e-. f-. g-. a-. b-. c'-.
- \stemdown
- a-. b-. c'-. d'-. e'-. f'-. g'-. a'-. b'-.
- \stemup
- b,-> c-> d-> e-> f-> g-> a-> b-> c'->
- \stemup
- b,---. c---. d---. e---. f---. g---. a---. b---. c'---.
- \stemboth
- \time 4/4;
- [c8 \< d e \! f][d' \> e' f' \! g']
- [c-> \< d-> e-> \! f->][d'-> \> e'-> f'-> \! g'->]
- [c-^ \< d-^ e-^ \! f-^][d'-^ \> e'-^ f'-^ \! g'-^]
- [c-. \< d-. e-. \! f-.][d'-. \> e'-. f'-. \! g'-.]
- [c-- \< d-- e-- \! f--][d'-- \> e'-- f'-- \! g'--]
- [c-\tenuto \< d-\tenuto e-\tenuto \! f-\tenuto]
- [d'-\tenuto \> e'-\tenuto f'-\tenuto \! g'-\tenuto]
- [c-\upbow \< d-\upbow e-\upbow \! f-\upbow]
- [d'-\upbow \> e'-\upbow f'-\upbow \! g'-\upbow]
- [c-| \< d-| e-| \! f-|][d'-| \> e'-| f'-| \! g'-|]
- [c-\fermata \< d-\fermata e-\fermata \! f-\fermata]
- [d'-\fermata \> e'-\fermata f'-\fermata \! g'-\fermata]
- [c-\lheel \< d-\lheel e-\lheel \! f-\lheel]
- [d'-\lheel \> e'-\lheel f'-\lheel \! g'-\lheel]
- \blah
+++ /dev/null
- <
- \context Staff \notes{
- \skip 4*27;
- \skip 4*27;
- \skip 4*27;
- \skip 4*27;
- }
- \context Lyrics \lyrics{
- }
- >
- \paper {
- castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;
- linewidth = 40.\mm;
- }
-\version "1.1.52";
+++ /dev/null
- \notes \relative c''{
- \time 2/4;
- c8
- \repeat 2 { % \bar "|:" iknoort-i ook...
- c8 c8
- }
- c8
- }
+++ /dev/null
- % broken.
- [:32 c16 e]
- [:32 c16 e]
- [:16 c8 e]
- [:16 e4 g]
- [:16 e2 g]
- [:16 e1 g]
+++ /dev/null
-\score {
-\notes \relative c {
-\include "noteheadstyle.fly"
-}\header { title = "notehead style"; }
-\score {
-\notes \relative c {
-\include "number-staff-lines.fly"
-}\header { title = "number of staff lines"; }
-\include "bar-scripts.ly"
-\include "font20.ly"
+++ /dev/null
-filename = "denneboom.ly";
-enteredby = "jcn";
-copyright = "public domain";
-TestedFeatures = "This file tests silly line shapes";
-\include "paper20.ly"
-\version "1.1.52";
-oden = \lyrics{
- O8 |
- den-8. ne-16 boom,4. o8 |
- den-8. ne-16 boom.4. Wat8 |
- zijn uw tak-4 ken |
- won-8. der-16 schoon4 _8
-ikheb = \lyrics{
- Ik8 |
- heb u laatst4. in_'t8 |
- bos8. zien16 staan4 _8 toen8 |
- zat- en er4. geen8 |
- kaars-8. jes16 aan.4 _8
-ugloeit = \lyrics{
- U8 |
- gloeit in bar-4. re8 |
- win-8. ter-16 tijd,4 r8 als8 |
- sneeuw op aar-4. de8 |
- licht8. ge-16 spreid.4 _8
-oboom = \notes\transpose c''{
- g,8 |
- c8. c16 c4. d8 |
- e8. e16 e4. e8 |
- d e f4 b, |
- d8. c16 c4 r8
-bos = \notes\transpose c''{
- g8 |
- g e a4. g8 |
- g8. f16 f4 r8 f8 |
- f d g4. f8 |
- f8. e16 e4 r8
-global = \notes{
- \time 3/4;
- \partial 8;
- \skip 4*48;
- \bar "|.";
-melody = \notes{
- \oboom
- \oboom
- \bos
- \oboom
-$melody_staff = \context Staff = melody <
- \global
- \melody
-$verse_one = \notes{
- \oden
- \oden
- \ikheb
- \oden
-$verse_one_staff = \context Lyrics = one <
- \global
- \$verse_one
-$verse_two = \notes{
- \oden
- \oden
- \ugloeit
- \oden
-$verse_two_staff = \context Lyrics = two <
- \global
- \$verse_two
-$denneboom_shape = \paper{
- \paper_twenty
- indent = 20. \mm;
- \shape = 70. \mm 20. \mm
- 65. \mm 30. \mm
- 57.5 \mm 45. \mm
- 50. \mm 60. \mm
- 42.5 \mm 75. \mm
- 35. \mm 90. \mm
- 27.5 \mm 105. \mm
- 20. \mm 120. \mm
- 10. \mm 140. \mm
- 65. \mm 30. \mm
- ;
- gourlay_maxmeasures = 30.;
-% uhuh, loop if you comment these in
-% arithmetic_basicspace = 3.8;
-% arithmetic_multiplier = 8.\pt;
- <
- \$melody_staff
- \$verse_one_staff
- >
- \paper{
-% huh?
-% \$denneboom_shape
- \paper_twenty
- indent = 20. \mm;
- \shape = 70. \mm 50. \mm
- 65. \mm 30. \mm
- 57.5 \mm 45. \mm
- 50. \mm 60. \mm
- 42.5 \mm 75. \mm
- 35. \mm 90. \mm
- 27.5 \mm 105. \mm
- 20. \mm 120. \mm
- 10. \mm 140. \mm
-% 65. \mm 30. \mm
- 65. \mm 40. \mm
- ;
- gourlay_maxmeasures = 30.;
-% uhuh, loop if you comment these in
- arithmetic_basicspace = 3.8;
-% arithmetic_multiplier = 8.\pt;
- arithmetic_multiplier = 7.5\pt;
- }
- \midi{ \tempo 4 = 90; }
- <
- \$melody_staff
- \$verse_two_staff
- >
- \paper{ \$denneboom_shape }
- \midi{ \tempo 4 = 90; }
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.0.21";
- \notes \relative c {
- c d c f c g c b, c g, c f, c c'' c
-% run with find-quarts should suggest:
-% c d c f c g' c, b c g c f, c' c'' c,,
- }
+++ /dev/null
-text = \lyrics { Feel the rhy- thm }
-melody = \notes {
- e4. d8 e4. c8
- <
- \context Voice \notes\relative c'' \melody
- \context Lyrics \rhythm \melody \text
- >
+++ /dev/null
-%\rhythm { 4. 8 8. 16 } { c'' d e f }
-\rhythm { c4. c8 c8. c16 } { c'' d e f }
+++ /dev/null
- \context Voice \notes\relative c''{
- % still thinking 'bout this
- %c4. 8 4. 8
- c4. c8 c4. c8
- }
+++ /dev/null
- \context RhythmicStaff {
- \notes\relative c''{
- \time 4/4;
- r4 r g2 | r4 g r2 | g1:32 | r1 |
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.1.52";
-% urg, the direction of the slur gets swapped!
- \notes\relative c{
- \slurup
- \stemup
- [e'8( c' a b]
- \stemdown
- [e c a )e] \break
- \stemup
- [e8( c' a b]
- \stemdown
- [e c a )e] e1
- }
- \paper{
- indent = 0.\mm
- linewidth=80.\mm
- }
+++ /dev/null
- \context Staff \notes\relative c'' {
- % doesn't quite work yet
- % \property Staff.unfoldRepeats = 1
- \repeat 3 { a b c d }
- \alternative { { d c b a } { a b c d } } d d d d
- }
-\version "1.0.16";
+++ /dev/null
- break.cc -- implement Break_algorithm
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1996, 1997--1999 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
-#include "score-column.hh"
-#include "break.hh"
-#include "paper-def.hh"
-#include "spring-spacer.hh"
-#include "debug.hh"
-#include "line-of-score.hh"
-#include "paper-score.hh"
-#include "paper-column.hh"
-#include "cpu-timer.hh"
-#include "command-request.hh"
-Col_stats::str () const
- String s;
- if (!count_i_)
- s = _ ("0 lines");
- else if (count_i_ == 1)
- s = _f ("1 line (of %.0f columns)", (Real)cols_i_/count_i_);
- else
- s = _f ("%d lines (with an average of %.1f columns)",
- count_i_, (Real)cols_i_/count_i_);
- return s;
-Col_stats::add (Line_of_cols const& line)
- count_i_++;
- cols_i_ += line.size ();
-Col_stats::Col_stats ()
- count_i_ =0;
- cols_i_ =0;
-/* **************************************************************** */
-Break_algorithm::find_break_indices () const
- Line_of_cols all (pscore_l_->col_l_arr_);
- Array<int> retval;
- for (int i=0; i < all.size (); i++)
- if (all[i]->breakable_b ())
- retval.push (i);
- if (linelength <=0)
- while (retval.size () >2)
- retval.del (1);
- return retval;
-Break_algorithm::find_breaks () const
- Line_of_cols all (pscore_l_->col_l_arr_);
- Line_of_cols retval;
- for (int i=0; i < all.size (); i++)
- if (all[i]->breakable_b ())
- retval.push (all[i]);
- if (linelength <=0)
- while (retval.size () >2)
- retval.del (1);
- return retval;
-Break_algorithm::generate_spacing_problem (Line_of_cols curline, Interval line) const
- // ugh
- Spring_spacer * sp= dynamic_cast<Spring_spacer*> ((*get_line_spacer) ());
- sp->paper_l_ = pscore_l_->paper_l_;
- sp->add_column (curline[0], true, line[LEFT]);
- for (int i=1; i< curline.size ()-1; i++)
- sp->add_column (curline[i]);
- if (line.length () > 0)
- {
- sp->add_column (curline.top (), true, line[RIGHT]);
- sp->energy_normalisation_f_ = sqr (line.length ());
- }
- else
- sp->add_column (curline.top ());
- sp->prepare ();
- return sp;
-Break_algorithm::Break_algorithm ()
- pscore_l_ = 0;
- get_line_spacer =0;
- linelength = 0;
-Break_algorithm::set_pscore (Paper_score*s)
- pscore_l_ = s;
- linelength = s->paper_l_->linewidth_f ();
- do_set_pscore ();
-Break_algorithm::feasible (Line_of_cols curline) const
- if (linelength <= 0)
- return true;
- for (int i=0; i < curline.size (); i++)
- {
- if (i && i < curline.size () -1
- && ((dynamic_cast<Score_column*>(curline[i]))->break_penalty_i () >= Break_req::FORCE))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-Break_algorithm::problem_OK () const
- if (pscore_l_->col_l_arr_.empty ())
- error (_("score does not have any columns"));
- OK ();
-Break_algorithm::OK () const
-Break_algorithm::solve () const
- Cpu_timer timer;
- Array<Column_x_positions> h= do_solve ();
- if (approx_stats_.count_i_)
- *mlog << '\n' << _f ("approximated %s", approx_stats_.str ()) << endl;
- if (exact_stats_.count_i_)
- *mlog << _f ("calculated %s exactly", exact_stats_.str ()) << endl;
- *mlog << _f ("elapsed time %.2f seconds", timer.read ()) << endl;
- return h;
-Break_algorithm::do_set_pscore ()
+++ /dev/null
- music-list-iterator.hh -- declare Music_list_iterator
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1998--1999 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-#include "music-iterator.hh"
-class Music_list_iterator : public Music_iterator
- Music_list_iterator ();
- virtual ~Music_list_iterator ();
- virtual void construct_children ();
- virtual Moment next_moment () const;
- virtual Music* next_music_l ();
- virtual bool ok () const;
- virtual void do_print () const;
- virtual void do_process_and_next (Moment);
+++ /dev/null
- re-rhythmed-music.hh -- declare Re_rhythmed_music
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1999 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
- */
-#include "music-wrapper.hh"
-class Re_rhythmed_music : public Music_wrapper
- void do_print () const;
- Re_rhythmed_music (Music*, Music*);
- virtual Music_iterator* to_rhythm (Music_iterator*);
-#endif /* RE_RHYTHMED_MUSIC_HH */
+++ /dev/null
- Music_list-iterator.cc -- implement Music_list_iterator
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1998--1999 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-#include "music-list-iterator.hh"
-#include "music-list.hh"
-Music_list_iterator::Music_list_iterator ()
-Music_list_iterator::~Music_list_iterator ()
-Music_list_iterator::construct_children ()
-Music_list_iterator::do_print() const
-Music_list_iterator::do_process_and_next (Moment)
-Music_list_iterator::next_moment () const
- return 0;
-Music_list_iterator::next_music_l ()
- return 0;
-Music_list_iterator::ok () const
- return false;
+++ /dev/null
- re-rhythmed-music.cc -- implement Re_rhythmed_music
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1999 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
- */
-#include "re-rhythmed-music.hh"
-#include "music-iterator.hh"
-#include "global-translator.hh"
-// urg
-class Foo_translator : public Global_translator
-Re_rhythmed_music::to_rhythm (Music_iterator* r)
- return r;
-Re_rhythmed_music::Re_rhythmed_music (Music* m, Music* r)
- : Music_wrapper (m)
- Music_iterator* i = Music_iterator::static_get_iterator_p (r);
- Global_translator*t = new Foo_translator ();
- i->init_translator (r, t);
- i->construct_children ();
- element_l ()->to_rhythm (i);
-Re_rhythmed_music::do_print () const
- Music_wrapper::do_print ();
+++ /dev/null
- new-repeated-music-iterator.cc -- implement Folded_repeat_iterator
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1999 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
- */
-#include "folded-repeat-iterator.hh"
-#include "new-repeated-music.hh"
-#include "music-list.hh"
-#include "simultaneous-music-iterator.hh"
-#include "translator-group.hh"
-Folded_repeat_iterator::Folded_repeat_iterator ()
- main_iter_p_ = 0;
- alternative_iter_p_ = 0;
-Folded_repeat_iterator::ok () const
- return main_iter_p_ || alternative_iter_p_;
-Folded_repeat_iterator::~Folded_repeat_iterator ()
- delete main_iter_p_;
- delete alternative_iter_p_;
-Folded_repeat_iterator::next_moment () const
- if (main_iter_p_)
- {
- return main_iter_p_->next_moment ();
- }
- else
- return main_length_mom_ + alternative_iter_p_->next_moment ();
-Folded_repeat_iterator::construct_children ()
- Repeated_music const * mus = dynamic_cast<Repeated_music const*> (music_l_);
- main_iter_p_ = get_iterator_p (mus->repeat_body_p_);
- if (!main_iter_p_->ok())
- {
- leave_body ();
- enter_alternative ();
- }
-Folded_repeat_iterator::do_process_and_next (Moment m)
- if (!m)
- {
- bool success = report_to_l ()->try_music (music_l_);
- if (!success)
- music_l_->warning ( _("No one to print a volta bracket"));
- }
- Repeated_music const * mus = dynamic_cast<Repeated_music const*> (music_l_);
- if (main_iter_p_)
- {
- main_iter_p_->process_and_next (m);
- if (!main_iter_p_->ok ())
- leave_body ();
- }
- if (!main_iter_p_ && !alternative_iter_p_)
- {
- enter_alternative ();
- }
- if (alternative_iter_p_)
- {
- alternative_iter_p_->process_and_next (m - main_length_mom_);
- if (!alternative_iter_p_->ok ())
- {
- delete alternative_iter_p_;
- alternative_iter_p_ =0;
- }
- }
-Folded_repeat_iterator::leave_body ()
- Repeated_music const * mus = dynamic_cast<Repeated_music const*> (music_l_);
- delete main_iter_p_;
- main_iter_p_ = 0;
- main_length_mom_ += mus->repeat_body_p_->length_mom ();
-Folded_repeat_iterator::enter_alternative ()
- Repeated_music const * mus = dynamic_cast<Repeated_music const*> (music_l_);
- if (mus->alternatives_p_)
- {
- Simultaneous_music_iterator * s = new Simultaneous_music_iterator;
- s->separate_contexts_b_ = true;
- s->init_translator (mus->alternatives_p_, report_to_l ());
- alternative_iter_p_ = s;
- alternative_iter_p_->construct_children ();
- }
-Folded_repeat_iterator::do_print () const
-#ifndef NPRINT
+++ /dev/null
-%% under construction
-define(preludepattern, `[' $1 $2 $3 $2 `]')
-define(preludehalfmeasure, preludepattern($1, $2, $3)
- preludepattern($4, $2, $3))
- preludehalfmeasure($1, $2, $3, $4)
- preludehalfmeasure($1, $2, $3, $4)|
-define(handymeasure, `intromeasure(translit($*,` ', `,'))')
-trebleIntro=\notes \transpose c'' {
-handymeasure(c' es d c)
-handymeasure(as f e c)
-handymeasure(b f es d)
-handymeasure(c g f es)
-handymeasure(es' as g es)
-handymeasure(d' fis e d)
-handymeasure(d' g fis d)
-handymeasure(c' e d c)
-handymeasure(c' f e c)
-handymeasure(bes f es d)
-handymeasure(bes g f es)
-handymeasure(as g f es)
-handymeasure(as d c Bes)
-handymeasure(g Bes As es)
-handymeasure(f c Bes A)
-handymeasure(f d c B)
-handymeasure(es c B G)
-handymeasure(F es d f)
-handymeasure(Fis c b es)
-handymeasure(es c B G)
-handymeasure(fis c B A)
-handymeasure(g c B d)
-handymeasure(as c B d)
-bassIntro = \notes {
-handymeasure(c g f es)
-handymeasure(c as g f)
-handymeasure(c as g f)
-handymeasure(c es d g)
-handymeasure(c c' bes as)
-handymeasure(c a g fis)
-handymeasure(Bes bes a g)
-handymeasure(Bes g f e)
-handymeasure(As as g f)
-handymeasure(As d c f)
-handymeasure(G es d g)
-handymeasure(c es d As)
-handymeasure(d f es as)
-handymeasure(es g f as)
-handymeasure(es a g f)
-handymeasure(d f es as)
-handymeasure(c f e as)
-preludehalfmeasure(c, es, d, f)
-preludehalfmeasure(bes, es, d, f)|
-handymeasure(As c b d)
-handymeasure(A es d c)
-handymeasure(G es d f)
-handymeasure(G es d c)
-handymeasure(G es d f)
-handymeasure(G es d f)
-middlepiece = \notes
- \stemdown
- [G B d]
- \stemup f [as f ef] [b f d' b'] [as f e f] |
- \stemdown [G c es]]
- \stemup g [c' g fis g ] [es' c' g' es'] [c' as g as]|
- \stemdown [G A fis]
- \translator Staff=treble
- \stemsboth \transpose c'' { c [es c B c] [fis c a fis] [es c B c] }
+++ /dev/null
-filename = "los-toros-oboe.ly";
-title = "La Feria";
-subtitle = "Los Toros";
-opus = "";
-composer = "Paul Lac\\^ome dEstalenx (1838-1920)";
-enteredby = "jcn";
-copyright = "public domain";
-latexheaders= "headers";
-\version "1.1.52";
-\include "paper16.ly"
-hoboonestart = \notes
- \relative c'{
-% ugh: cant copy: allegro/primo tempo
- \property Voice . textStyle = "large"
- [es''16-.^"Allegro" es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
-hobooneintro = \notes \relative c'{
-% \property Voice . textStyle = "roman"
-% [es''16-.-"Allegro" es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.] |
-% \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- [f''8.-> es16(] [)d8 c-.] |
- [bes16( c d es] [)d8 c-.] |
- [bes-. as->~] [as16( g f g] |
- [as bes c d] [)es8 c-.] |
- [d8-. c16( bes] )as4 ~ |
- [as16 g( f g] [as c bes as] |
-% [)g8 as16 g(] [)f8 g16( f] |
- [)g8 as16 g(] [)f8 g16( f] |
- [)es8 f16-. g-.] [as-. bes-. c-. d-.] |
- [es-. es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.] |
- [f8.-> es16(] [)d8 c-.] |
- [bes16( c d es] [)d8 c-.] |
- [bes8 a->~] [a16 g( fis g] |
- [a bes c d] [)es8 d16()c] |
- [bes-. g-. bes-. d-.] g4-> ~ |
- [g16 f( es d] [c es d c] |
- [)bes8 c16( bes] [)a8 bes16( a] |
- [)g8 r d'] r |
-hoboonemid = \notes \relative c'{
- [g'16-. g-. g-. g-.] [g8-. f-.] |
- as2-> |
- [as16-. as-. as-. as-.] [as8-. g-.] |
- bes2-> |
- [bes16-. bes-. bes-. bes-.] [bes8-. c] |
- r-"cresc." [d8-. r c-.] |
- r\f [d-. es-. f-.] |
- [g8.-> es16] [bes8 g] |
- % four measures copied from 8 measures back...
- [g16-.\p g-. g-. g-.] [g8-. f-.] |
- as2-> |
- [as16-. as-. as-. as-.] [as8-. g-.] |
- bes2-> |
- [b16-. b-. b-. b-.] [b8-. c-.] |
- % same measure
- [b16-. b-. b-. b-.] [b8-. c-.] |
- [b8-.-"cresc." c-. b-. c-.] |
- [d-. es-. d-. es-.] |
- [f\f-. g-. f-. g-.] |
- [as-.\< g-. as-. bes-.] |
- [\!g16\ff-. g-. g-. g-.] [g8-. g-.] |
- [g8.-> g16] [g8 g] |
- [g8.-> g16] [g8 g] |
- [f8.-> f16] [f8 f] |
- [f8.-> f16] [f8 f] |
- [bes8-. as16( g] )f4 ~ |
- [f16 es( d es] [f as g )f] |
- [es( g f es] [d f es d] |
- [c es d c] [b d c b] |
- [a c bes a] [g bes a g] |
- [fis a g fis] [e g fis )e] |
- % `a deux
- [d8 d'] [es8.-> c16] |
- [a8 bes g es] |
- [c' d es8. bes16] |
- [g8 es bes' c,] |
- [d16-. d-. d-. d-.] [d8.-. es16->] |
- [d'16-.-"cresc." d-. d-. d-.] [d8.-. es16->] |
- [d16-. d-. d-. d-.] [d8.-. es16->] |
- [d16 d d d] [d8 es16-.] r16-\fermata^"court"^"tr\\`es" |
- % Un peu plus lent.
- \property Voice . textStyle = "bold"
-% ugh
-% d4(\<^"Un peu plus lent" \property Voice . textStyle = "italic _"tr\\`es \\'el\\'egant"
-% d4(\^"Un peu plus lent et \\'el\\'egant"<
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- d4(\<
- [e8 \!fis8] |
-% [)b-. a-.] [g16( fis e )d] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "bold"
- [)b-.^"Un peu plus lent et \\'el\\'egant" a-.] [g,,16( fis' e )d] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- [d( c b\< c] [)\!fis'8-. e-.] |
- d,,4-> ~ [d16 e( fis g] |
- [a b\< d fis] [)\!a8-. g-.] |
- [fis16( e a, )c] e4 ~ |
- [e16 d( e, c'] [)b8-. a-.] |
- g2 ~ |
- [g8 \times 2/3 { d16( e fis ] } [)g8 d'-.] |
- b2-> ~ |
- [b8 \times 2/3 { d,16( e fis ] } [)g8-"cresc. poco" e'-.] |
- e2-> ~ |
- [e8 \times 2/3 { d,,16( e fis ] } [)g8\f d'-.] |
- [d8.-> b'16-.] [g16-. d-. b-. c-.] |
- [d-. e-. fis-. a-.] [g8-. e-.] |
- fis2-> ~ |
- [fis16 g-.\< a-. b-.] [\!c8-. c,-.] |
- [es8.->(-"espress.") d16] d4 ~ |
- [d16 e( fis a] [)g8 b,-.] |
- [b8.->( )c16] c4 ~ |
- [c16\< cis( d \!dis] [)e8-.-"dim." fis,-.] |
- [fis8.->( g16] )g4 ~ |
- % (only notes! of) five measures copied from 14 measures above
- [g8 \times 2/3 { d16( e fis ] } [)g8 d'-.] |
- b2->-"cresc." ~ |
- [b8 \times 2/3 { d,16( e fis ] } [)g8 e'-.] |
- e2-> ~ |
- [e8 \times 2/3 { d,,16(_"h\\^atez" e fis ] } [)g8\f d'-.] |
- [d8.-> b16-.] [g16-.-"cresc." d'-. b-. c-.] |
- [d16\f\< e-. fis-. g-.] [a-. b,-. c-. \!d-.]
-hoboonesecondstart = \notes \relative c'{
-% ugh: cant copy: allegro/primo tempo
- \property Voice . textStyle = "large"
- [es''16-.\ff^"Tempo 1$^o$" es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
-hoboonelast = \notes \relative c'{
- % could transpose/copy from measure 19...
- [d''16-.\p d-. d-. d-.] [d8-. c-.] |
- es2-> |
- [es16-. es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.] |
- f2-> |
- [f16-. f-. f-. f-.] [f8-. g-.] |
- r8 [a-.-"cresc." r g-.] |
- r [a-.\f bes-.\< \!c-.] |
- [d8.->\> \!bes16] [f8 d] |
- % four measures copied from 8 measures back...
- [d16-.\p d-. d-. d-.] [d8-. c-.] |
- es2-> |
- [es16-. es-. es-. es-.] [es8-. d-.-"cresc."] |
- f2-> |
- [fis16-.\p fis-. fis-. fis-.] [fis8-. g-.] |
- % same measure
- [fis16-.\p fis-. fis-. fis-.] [fis8-. g-.] |
- [fis8-. g-. fis-. g-.] |
- [a-. bes-. a-. bes-. ] |
- [a-.\f bes-. a-. bes-. ] |
- [c-.-"cresc." f,-. g-. a-.] |
- [bes-. bes-. ces8.-> as16] |
- [f8-. ges-. es-. ces-.] |
- % `a deux
- [as-. bes-. ces8.-> ges16] |
- [es8-. ces'-. ges-. as-.] |
- bes\p r r4 |
- [bes16-.-"cresc." bes-. bes-. bes-.] [bes8-. ces->] |
- % same measure
- [bes16-. bes-. bes-. bes-.] [bes8-. ces->] |
- [bes'16-.\ff bes-. bes-. bes-.] [bes8-. ces16->] r16^"court"-\fermata |
- % ugh: eight measures rest (ugh: r1 -> four beats...)
- % eiht measures rest..
- \property Voice . textStyle = "bold"
-% r2^"Un peu plus lent et \\'el\\'egant"
- R2*8
-% r4 r8\p bes |
- r4^"Un peu plus lent et \\'el\\'egant"
- r8\p bes,, |
-% g2->^"Un peu plus lent et \\'el\\'egant" ~ |
- g2-> ~ |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- g8 r r c |
- c2-> ~ |
- c8 r r bes'\f |
- [bes8.->\f g16-.] [es16-. bes-. g-. as-.] |
- [bes-.-"dim." c-. d-. f-.] [es8-. c-.] |
- d2-> ~ |
- [d16-"dim."( es f g] [)as,8 as-.] |
- [ces8.->\p( )bes16-.] bes4 ~ |
- [bes16( c! d f] [)es8 g,-.] |
- [g8.->( )as16] as4 ~ |
- [as16( a bes b] [)c8-. d,-.] |
- % a deux
- [d8.->( ) es16] es4 ~ |
- es4 r8 bes'-. |
- g2-> ~ |
- g8 r r c |
- c2 ~ |
- c8 r r bes' |
- [bes8.-> g16-.] [es16-. bes-. g-. as-.] |
- [bes-. c-. d-. es-.] [f-. g-. as-. bes-.] |
- d8-. r c4-> ~ |
- [c16 f,-. g-. a-.] [bes-. c,-. d-. es-.] |
- g8-. r f4-> ~ |
- [f16 bes,-. c-. d-.] [es-. f-. g-. as-.] |
- c8 r bes4 ~ |
- [bes8 as-. g8.-. e16-.] |
- g8-. r f4-> ~ |
- [f8 es-. ces8.-. as16-.] |
- % `a deux
- \property Voice . textStyle = "large"
- [ces8.->^"Plus vite" bes16-.(] [a bes es d] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- [)c!8.-> bes16] [a( bes es )d] |
- [c->( bes es )d] [c->( bes es )d] |
- % same measure
- [c->( bes es )d] [c->( bes es )d] |
- [c( bes a bes] [c d es e] |
- [g )f d( es] [f g as a] |
- [c )bes bes,( c] [d es f g] |
- [as g f g] [as bes c d] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "large"
- [)es-.^"Tempo 1$^o$" g,-. g-. g-.] [g8-. g-.] |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- bes4.-> g8-. |
- gis2->( |
- )as! |
- [g16-. g-. g-. g-.] [g8-. g-.] |
- bes4.-> g8-. |
- gis2->( |
-% )as! |
- )as |
- [bes16-. bes-. bes-. bes-.] [bes8-. bes-.] |
- bes4.-> g8-. |
- [g16-._"h\\^atez" g-. g-. g-.] [g8-. g-.] |
- g4.-> g8-. |
- es4.-> es8-. |
- bes4.-> bes8-. |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "large"
- g'4.->^"Presto" g8-. |
- \property Voice . textStyle = "italic"
- es4.-> es8-. |
- [bes-. bes-. es-. g-.] |
- [bes-. bes,-. es-. g-.] |
- bes-. r r4 |
- g8-. r r4 |
- g8-. r r4 |
-hoboone = \notes {
- \hoboonestart
- \hobooneintro
- \hoboonemid
- \hoboonesecondstart
- \hobooneintro
- \hoboonelast
-global = \notes{
- \key es;
- \time 2/4;
- \skip 4*110;
- \key g; |
- \bar "||";
- \skip 4*58;
- \key es; |
- \bar "||";
- \skip 4*220;
- \bar "|.";
-$staff_hoboone = \context Staff = hoboonestaff <
- \global
- \property Staff.instrument = "oboe"
- % don't expand multi-bar rest
- \property Score.skipBars = 1
- \hoboone
-a4 = \paper{
- \translator{ \BarNumberingStaffContext }
-a4sixteen = \paper{
- \paper_sixteen
- linewidth= 193.\mm;
- \translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- \$staff_hoboone
- \paper{ \a4 }
- \midi{
- \tempo 4 = 80;
- }
-% \paper{ \a4sixteen }