Breathing signs are available in different tastes: commas (default),
ticks, vees and `railroad tracks' (caesura).
-" }
+Gregorian chant notation sometimes also uses commas and ticks, but in
+smaller font size (we call it 'virgula' and 'caesura'). However, the
+most common breathing signs are divisio minima/maior/maxima and
+finalis, the latter three looking similar to bar glyphs.
+" }
+\include ""
\score {
\notes \relative c' {
\key es \major \time 3/4
+% this bar contains no \breathe
< \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 bes es }
\context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
> |
+% by default, \breathe uses the rcomma, just as if saying:
+% \property Voice.BreathingSign \set #'text = #"scripts-rcomma"
< \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \breathe bes es }
\context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
> |
-% Change to wedge:
+% rvarcomma and lvarcomma are variations of the default rcomma and lcomma
+ % N.B.: must use Staff context here, since we start a Voice below
+ \property Staff.BreathingSign \override #'text = #"scripts-rvarcomma"
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \breathe bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% wedge
\property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'text = #"scripts-upbow"
es8 d es f g8 \breathe f |
+% caesura
\property Voice.BreathingSign \set #'text = #"scripts-caesura"
[es8 d] \breathe [es f g f] |
- es2 r4 \bar "||"
+ es2 r4 \bar "||" \break
+% Gregorian stuff:
+% we turn bars off for Gregorian stuff
+ \property Staff.BarLine \override #'transparent = ##t
+% this bar contains no \breathe
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% \virgula applies rcomma, but in a smaller font
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \virgula bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% \caesura applies rvarcomma, but in a smaller font
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \caesura bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% \divisiominima is a simple vertical stroke through the uppermost
+% staffline, just like the original implementation of breathing signs.
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \divisiominima bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% \divisio{maior,maxima} and \finalis look like bars and are vertically
+% centered on the staff; the direction property has no effect
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \divisiomaior bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+ < \context Voice = two { \stemDown es4 \divisiomaxima bes es }
+ \context Voice = one { \stemUp g4 as g }
+ > |
+% this one looks almost like a "||" type bar
+ \finalis