+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.9.4"
-Different text styles are used for various purposes.
-\score { \notes
- \relative c'' \context Staff {
- \emptyText
- \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/4 c4^"cuivr\\'e"_\fermata }
- \alternative {
- {
- d-4_\markup { \italic "cantabile" } }
- { e } } \acciaccatura { c16 }
- f4\ff^""^\markup { \large "Largo" } \mark "B" g
- }
- \paper { raggedright = ##t
- % \translator {\BarNumberingStaffContext} }
- }
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.9.4"
+Different text styles are used for various purposes.
+\score { \notes
+ \relative c'' \context Staff {
+ \emptyText
+ \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/4 c4^"cuivr\\'e"_\fermata }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ d-4_\markup { \italic "cantabile" } }
+ { e } } \acciaccatura { c16 }
+ f4\ff^""^\markup { \large "Largo" } \mark "B" g
+ }
+ \paper { raggedright = ##t
+ % \translator {\BarNumberingStaffContext} }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.9.7"
+A square bracket on the left indicates that the player should not
+arpeggiate the chord.
+ \notes\relative c''{
+ \property Staff.Arpeggio \override #'molecule-callback = \arpeggioBracket
+ <fis, d a >\arpeggio
+ }
+ \paper { raggedright= ##t }
-#(ly:set-option 'old-relative)
\version "1.9.4"
\header {
-texidoc = "Arpeggio stays clear of accidentals and flipped note heads.
-Since Arpeggio engraver is Voice, it does nothing for voice collisions."
+texidoc = "Arpeggio stays clear of accidentals and flipped note heads."
-hairyChord = \context Staff \notes\relative c' <<
- \new Voice {
- \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1
- \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'horizontal-shift = #0
- e4\arpeggio
- }
- \new Voice {
- \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1
- \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'horizontal-shift = #1
- cis\arpeggio
- }
- \new Voice {
- \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1
- \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'horizontal-shift = #2
- ais\arpeggio
- }
- \new Voice {
- \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #-1
- \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'horizontal-shift = #-1
- fis\arpeggio
- }
\notes \transpose c c' {
- < fis'' g d a >\arpeggio
- < fis, g d a >\arpeggio
- < fis'' g d a >\arpeggio
- \hairyChord
+ <fis'' g d a>\arpeggio
+ <fis, g d a>\arpeggio
+ <fis'' g d a>\arpeggio
\paper {
raggedright = ##t
- \context PianoStaff <<
- \new Staff \notes\relative c''{
- \context Voice < fis, d a >\arpeggio
+ \context PianoStaff\notes <<
+ \new Staff \relative c''{
+ <fis, d a>\arpeggio
\property Staff.Arpeggio \override #'arpeggio-direction = #1
- \context Voice < fis, d a >\arpeggio
+ <fis d a >\arpeggio
%%\property PianoStaff.SpanArpeggio \override #'connect = ##t
\property PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
- <fis, a c>\arpeggio
+ <fis d a>\arpeggio
- \new Staff \notes\relative c{
+ \new Staff\relative c{
\clef bass
- \context Voice < g b d >\arpeggio
- \property Staff.Arpeggio \override #'arpeggio-direction = #-1
- \context Voice < g b d >\arpeggio
+ <g b d>\arpeggio
+ \property Staff.Arpeggio \override #'arpeggio-direction = #-1
+ <g b d>\arpeggio
<g b d>\arpeggio
\include "paper11.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"
\include "paper13.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"
\include "paper16.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"
\include "paper20.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"
\include "paper23.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"
\include "paper26.ly"
-\include "allfontstyle.ly"
+\include "allfontstyle.lyinc"