#include "subsample.h"
+Tree* SubSample::getSample(Tree* T, TreeMap* tmap, map<string, string> whole, int size, map<string, string> originalNameMap) {
+ try {
+ Tree* newTree = NULL;
+ vector<string> subsampledSeqs = getSample(tmap, size);
+ map<string, string> sampledNameMap = deconvolute(whole, subsampledSeqs);
+ //remove seqs not in sample from treemap
+ for (int i = 0; i < tmap->namesOfSeqs.size(); i++) {
+ //is that name in the subsample?
+ int count = 0;
+ string name = tmap->namesOfSeqs[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < subsampledSeqs.size(); j++) {
+ if (name == subsampledSeqs[j]) { break; } //found it
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (m->control_pressed) { return newTree; }
+ //if you didnt find it, remove it
+ if (count == subsampledSeqs.size()) {
+ tmap->removeSeq(name);
+ tmap->addSeq(name, "doNotIncludeMe");
+ }
+ }
+ //create new tree
+ int numUniques = sampledNameMap.size();
+ if (sampledNameMap.size() == 0) { numUniques = subsampledSeqs.size(); }
+ newTree = new Tree(tmap);
+ newTree->getCopy(T, originalNameMap, subsampledSeqs);
+ return newTree;
+ }
+ catch(exception& e) {
+ m->errorOut(e, "SubSample", "getSample-Tree");
+ exit(1);
+ }
Tree* SubSample::getSample(Tree* T, TreeMap* tmap, map<string, string> whole, int size) {
try {
m->errorOut(e, "SubSample", "getSample-Tree");
//assumes whole maps dupName -> uniqueName
map<string, string> SubSample::deconvolute(map<string, string> whole, vector<string>& wanted) {
vector<string> sample;
vector<string> Groups = tMap->getNamesOfGroups();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Groups.size(); i++) {
+ if (m->inUsersGroups(Groups[i], m->getGroups())) {
+ if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
+ vector<string> thisGroup; thisGroup.push_back(Groups[i]);
+ vector<string> thisGroupsSeqs = tMap->getNamesSeqs(thisGroup);
+ int thisSize = thisGroupsSeqs.size();
+ if (thisSize >= size) {
+ random_shuffle(thisGroupsSeqs.begin(), thisGroupsSeqs.end());
+ for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { sample.push_back(thisGroupsSeqs[j]); }
+ }else { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: You have selected a size that is larger than "+Groups[i]+" number of sequences.\n"); m->control_pressed = true; }
+ }
+ }
+ return sample;
+ }
+ catch(exception& e) {
+ m->errorOut(e, "SubSample", "getSample-TreeMap");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+vector<string> SubSample::getSample(TreeMap* tMap, vector<string> Groups) {
+ try {
+ vector<string> sample;
+ //vector<string> Groups = tMap->getNamesOfGroups();
for (int i = 0; i < Groups.size(); i++) {
if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
vector<string> thisGroup; thisGroup.push_back(Groups[i]);
vector<string> thisGroupsSeqs = tMap->getNamesSeqs(thisGroup);
int thisSize = thisGroupsSeqs.size();
- if (thisSize >= size) {
- random_shuffle(thisGroupsSeqs.begin(), thisGroupsSeqs.end());
- for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { sample.push_back(thisGroupsSeqs[j]); }
- }else { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: You have selected a size that is larger than "+Groups[i]+" number of sequences.\n"); m->control_pressed = true; }
+ for (int j = 0; j < thisSize; j++) { sample.push_back(thisGroupsSeqs[j]); }
return sample;
vector<string> getSample(vector<SharedRAbundVector*>&, int); //returns the bin labels for the subsample, mothurOuts binlabels are preserved so you can run this multiple times. Overwrites original vector passed in, if you need to preserve it deep copy first.
Tree* getSample(Tree*, TreeMap*, map<string, string>, int); //creates new subsampled tree, destroys treemap so copy if needed.
+ Tree* getSample(Tree*, TreeMap*, map<string, string>, int, map<string, string>); //creates new subsampled tree, destroys treemap so copy if needed.
MothurOut* m;
int eliminateZeroOTUS(vector<SharedRAbundVector*>&);
- vector<string> getSample(TreeMap*, int); //returns map contains names of seqs in subsample -> group.
+ vector<string> getSample(TreeMap*, vector<string>);
+ vector<string> getSample(TreeMap*, int); //names of seqs to include in sample tree
map<string, string> deconvolute(map<string, string> wholeSet, vector<string>& subsampleWanted); //returns new nameMap containing only subsampled names, and removes redundants from subsampled wanted because it makes the new nameMap.
+void Tree::getCopy(Tree* copy, map<string, string> nameMap, vector<string> namesToInclude) {
+ try {
+ //for each node in the tree copy its info
+ for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
+ //copy name
+ tree[i].setName(copy->tree[i].getName());
+ //copy group
+ vector<string> temp;
+ tree[i].setGroup(temp);
+ //copy branch length
+ tree[i].setBranchLength(copy->tree[i].getBranchLength());
+ //copy parent
+ tree[i].setParent(copy->tree[i].getParent());
+ //copy children
+ tree[i].setChildren(copy->tree[i].getLChild(), copy->tree[i].getRChild());
+ //copy index in node and tmap
+ tree[i].setIndex(copy->tree[i].getIndex());
+ setIndex(copy->tree[i].getName(), getIndex(copy->tree[i].getName()));
+ //copy pGroups
+ tree[i].pGroups.clear();
+ //copy pcount
+ tree[i].pcount.clear();
+ }
+ groupNodeInfo.clear();
+ //now lets change prune the seqs not in namesToInclude by setting their group to "doNotIncludeMe"
+ for (int i = 0; i < numLeaves; i++) {
+ if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
+ string name = tree[i].getName();
+ map<string, string>::iterator itNames = nameMap.find(name);
+ if (itNames == nameMap.end()) { m->mothurOut(name + " is not in your name file, please correct."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); exit(1); }
+ else {
+ vector<string> dupNames;
+ m->splitAtComma(nameMap[name], dupNames);
+ map<string, int>::iterator itCounts;
+ int maxPars = 1;
+ set<string> groupsAddedForThisNode;
+ for (int j = 0; j < dupNames.size(); j++) {
+ string group = tmap->getGroup(dupNames[j]);
+ bool includeMe = m->inUsersGroups(dupNames[j], namesToInclude);
+ if (!includeMe && (group != "doNotIncludeMe")) { m->mothurOut("[ERROR] : creating subtree in copy.\n"); m->control_pressed = true; }
+ else if (!includeMe) {
+ if (groupsAddedForThisNode.count(group) == 0) { groupNodeInfo[group].push_back(i); groupsAddedForThisNode.insert(group); } //if you have not already added this node for this group, then add it
+ //update pcounts
+ itCounts = tree[i].pcount.find(group);
+ if (itCounts == tree[i].pcount.end()) { //new group, add it
+ tree[i].pcount[group] = 1;
+ }else {
+ tree[i].pcount[group]++;
+ }
+ //update pgroups
+ itCounts = tree[i].pGroups.find(group);
+ if (itCounts == tree[i].pGroups.end()) { //new group, add it
+ tree[i].pGroups[group] = 1;
+ }else{
+ tree[i].pGroups[group]++;
+ }
+ //keep highest group
+ if(tree[i].pGroups[group] > maxPars){
+ maxPars = tree[i].pGroups[group];
+ }
+ }
+ }//end for
+ if (maxPars > 1) { //then we have some more dominant groups
+ //erase all the groups that are less than maxPars because you found a more dominant group.
+ for(it=tree[i].pGroups.begin();it!=tree[i].pGroups.end();){
+ if(it->second < maxPars){
+ tree[i].pGroups.erase(it++);
+ }else { it++; }
+ }
+ //set one remaining groups to 1
+ for(it=tree[i].pGroups.begin();it!=tree[i].pGroups.end();it++){
+ tree[i].pGroups[it->first] = 1;
+ }
+ }//end if
+ //update groups to reflect all the groups this node represents
+ vector<string> nodeGroups;
+ map<string, int>::iterator itGroups;
+ for (itGroups = tree[i].pcount.begin(); itGroups != tree[i].pcount.end(); itGroups++) {
+ nodeGroups.push_back(itGroups->first);
+ }
+ tree[i].setGroup(nodeGroups);
+ }//end else
+ }//end for
+ //build the pGroups in non leaf nodes to be used in the parsimony calcs.
+ for (int i = numLeaves; i < numNodes; i++) {
+ if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
+ tree[i].pGroups = (mergeGroups(i));
+ tree[i].pcount = (mergeGcounts(i));
+ }
+ }
+ catch(exception& e) {
+ m->errorOut(e, "Tree", "getCopy");
+ exit(1);
+ }
void Tree::getCopy(Tree* copy) {
try {
TreeMap* getTreeMap() { return tmap; }
void getCopy(Tree*); //makes tree a copy of the one passed in.
+ void getCopy(Tree* copy, map<string, string>, vector<string>); //makes a copy of the tree passed in, but everyone who is not in the vector<string> has group set to doNotIncludeMe. Assumes the tmap already has these seqs group set to doNotIncludeMe.
void getSubTree(Tree*, vector<string>); //makes tree a that contains only the names passed in.
int getSubTree(Tree* originalToCopy, vector<string> seqToInclude, map<string, string> nameMap); //used with (int, TreeMap) constructor. SeqsToInclude contains subsample wanted - assumes these are unique seqs and size of vector=numLeaves passed into constructor. nameMap is unique -> redundantList can be empty if no namesfile was provided.
T = reader->getTrees();
tmap = T[0]->getTreeMap();
map<string, string> nameMap = reader->getNames();
+ map<string, string> unique2Dup = reader->getNameMap();
delete reader;
sumFile = outputDir + m->getSimpleName(treefile) + ".uwsummary";
int thisSize = thisGroupsSeqs.size();
if (thisSize >= subsampleSize) { Groups.push_back(newGroups[i]); }
- else { m->mothurOut("You have selected a size that is larger than "+newGroups[i]+" number of sequences, removing "+newGroups[i]+".\n"); }
+ else { m->mothurOut("You have selected a size that is larger than "+newGroups[i]+" number of sequences, removing "+newGroups[i]+".\n"); }
for (int i = 0; i < T.size(); i++) {
if (m->control_pressed) { delete tmap; for (int i = 0; i < T.size(); i++) { delete T[i]; }outSum.close(); for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.size(); i++) { m->mothurRemove(outputNames[i]); } return 0; }
- counter = 0;
+ counter = 0;
if (random) {
output = new ColumnFile(outputDir + m->getSimpleName(treefile) + toString(i+1) + ".unweighted", itersString);
SubSample sample;
Tree* subSampleTree = sample.getSample(T[i], newTmap, nameMap, subsampleSize);
+ //uses method of setting groups to doNotIncludeMe
+ //SubSample sample;
+ //Tree* newTree2 = sample.getSample(T[i], newTmap, nameMap, subsampleSize, unique2Dup);
+ // newTree2->print(cout);
//call new weighted function
vector<double> iterData; iterData.resize(numComp,0);
Unweighted thisUnweighted(includeRoot);