color returned defaults to black.
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #(x11-color 'SlateBlue2)
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
\with-color #(x11-color 'navy) "Clarinet"
gis8 a
\override Beam #'color = #(x11-color "medium turquoise")
gis a
% this is deliberate nonsense; note that the stems remain black
\override Stem #'color = #(x11-color 'Boggle)
b2 cis
@end lilypond
You can get exact RGB colors by specifying the rgb-color number.
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #(x11-color 'SlateBlue2)
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
\with-color #(x11-color 'navy) "Clarinet"
% dark blue
\override Stem #'color = #(rgb-color 0 0 0.5)
gis4 a
@end lilypond
\time 2/4
\balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 4) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
- a'8
- <c' g'-\balloonText #'(-2 . -2) \markup { "I'm a note head" }
+ a8
+ <c, g'-\balloonText #'(-2 . -2) \markup { "I'm a note head" }
@end lilypond
There are two music functions, @code{balloonGrobText} and