and8 the8 home4. of8 the4 brave.2
-text = \lyrics {
+textxx = \lyrics {
+ Oh __ " " \repeat fold 2 { }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ say. can you | see, by the16 dawn's ear- ly light What
+ so proud- ly we hailed, At the16 twi- light's last gleam-
+ ing. Whose broad16
+ }
+ {
+ stripes and bright stars, through the16 per- il- ous fight,
+ O'er the ram- parts we watched, were so16 gal- lant- ly
+ }
+ }
+ stream- ing. And the16 rock- ets' red glare, the bombs
+ burst- ing in air, gave proof through the night that
+ our flag was still there, Oh say, does that star- span-
+ gled ban- ner yet wave, __ O'er the land __ of the free
+ and the home of the brave.
+textxxx = \lyrics {
Oh4 __
%\alternative {
and8 the8 home4. of8 the4 brave.2
+text = \lyrics {
+ Oh __ " "
+ %\alternative {
+ {
+ say. can you | see, " " by the16 dawn's ear- ly light What
+ so proud- ly we hailed, At the16 twi- light's last gleam-
+ ing. Whose broad16
+ }
+ %{
+ stripes and bright stars, through the16 per- il- ous fight,
+ O'er the ram- parts we watched, were so16 gal- lant- ly
+ }
+ %}
+ stream- ing. And the16 rock- ets' red glare, the bombs
+ burst- ing in air, gave proof through the night that
+ our flag was still there, Oh say, does that " " star- span-
+ gled ban- ner " " yet " " wave, __ " " O'er the land __ " " of the free
+ and the home of the brave.
global = \notes {
\time 3/4;
\key D;
\context GrandStaff <
+ \addlyrics
\context Staff=staffA <
\notes \transpose c'' {\voiceone \$staff1_voice_1 }
- % no slur damping
- slur_slope_damping = 10.0;
minVerticalAlign = 3.0*\staffheight;
-Tested Features: lyrics, interleaving lyrics and staffs, repeats
+Tested Features: lyrics, interleaving lyrics and staffs, repeats,
+ auto beaming, adding lyrics to notes, hyphens
\version "1.1.52";
tekst = \lyrics{
- Al-4 tijd is Kort- jak- je ziek,2
- midden4 "in de" week maar "'s zon-" dags niet.2
- "'s Zon-"4 dags gaat ze naar de kerk,2
- met4 een boek vol zil- ver werk.2
- Al-4 tijd is Kort- jak- je ziek,2
- mid-8 den in de week4 maar "'s zon-" dags niet.2
+ Al -- tijd is Kort -- jak -- je ziek, " "
+ midden "in de" week maar "'s zon" -- dags " " niet.
+ "'s Zon" -- dags gaat ze naar de kerk, " "
+ met een boek vol zil -- ver " " werk. " "
+ Al -- tijd is Kort -- jak -- je ziek, " "
+ midden "in de" week maar "'s zon" -- dags " " niet.
hegedraagjetekst = \lyrics{
- Al-4 tijd zuigt Bill Gates mijn piek,2
- "\TeX"4 is slecht- ser dan mu- ziek.2
- "'s Zon-"4 dags gaat het door een raam,2
- Weet4 dat ik me er- voor schaam.2
- Al-4 tijd zuigt Bill Gates mijn piek,2
- "\TeX"4 is slecht- ser dan mu- ziek.2
+ Al -- tijd zuigt Bill Gates mijn piek, " "
+ "\TeX" is slecht -- ser dan mu -- " " ziek.
+ "'s Zon" -- dags gaat het door een raam, " "
+ Weet dat ik me er -- voor " " schaam.
+ Al -- tijd zuigt Bill Gates mijn piek, " "
+ "\TeX" is slecht -- ser dan mu -- " " ziek.
texte = \lyrics{
\property Lyrics . textStyle" = "italic"
% \property Lyrics . textStyle" = "roman"
- Ah!4 vous dir- ai- je ma- man2
- Ce4 qui cau- se mon tour- ment2
- Pa-4 pa veut que je rai- son- ne
- Comm' u- ne gran- de per- son- ne
- Moi je dis que les bon- bons2
- Va-4 lent mieux que la rai- son2
+ Ah! vous dir -- ai -- je ma -- man " "
+ Ce qui cau -- se mon tour -- " " ment
+ Pa -- pa veut que je rai -- son -- ne
+ Comm' u -- ne gran -- de per -- " " son -- ne
+ Moi je dis que les bon -- bons " "
+ Va -- lent mieux que la rai -- " " son
texti = \lyrics{
\property "Lyrics"."textStyle" = "roman"
- Twin-4 kle, twin- kle, lit- tle star,2
- How4 I won- der what you are.2
- Up4 a- bove the world so high,2
- Like4 a dia- mond in the sky.2
- Twin-4 kle, twin- kle, lit- tle star,2
- How4 I won- der what you are!2
+ Twin -- kle, twin -- kle, lit -- tle star, " "
+ How I won -- der what you " " are.
+ Up a -- bove the world so high, " "
+ Like a dia -- mond in the " " sky. " "
+ Twin -- kle, twin -- kle, lit -- tle star, " "
+ How I won -- der what you " " are!
textii = \lyrics{
- When4 the bla- zing sun is gone,2
- When4 he no- thing shines up- on,2
- Then4 you show your lit- tle light,2
- Twin-4 kle, twin- kle, all the night.2
- Twin-4 kle, twin- kle, lit- tle star,2
- How4 I won- der what you are!2
+ When the bla -- zing sun is gone, " "
+ When he no -- thing shines up -- " " on,
+ Then you show your lit -- tle light, " "
+ Twin -- kle, twin -- kle, all the " " night. " "
+ Twin -- kle, twin -- kle, lit -- tle star, " "
+ How I won -- der what you " " are!
textiii = \lyrics{
- Then4 the tra- veler in the dark2
- Thanks4 you for your ti- ny spark;2
- He4 could not see which way8 to8 go,2
- If4 you did not twin- kle so.2
- Twin-4 kle, twin- kle, lit- tle star,2
- How4 I won- der what you are!2
+ Then the tra -- veler in the dark " "
+ Thanks you for your ti -- ny " " spark;
+ He could not see which way to go,
+ If you did not twin -- kle " " so. " "
+ Twin -- kle, twin -- kle, lit -- tle star, " "
+ How I won -- der what you " " are!
- <
- \context Staff=i \repeat semi 2 < \global\melody >
- \context Lyrics=top \context LyricVoice \repeat fold 2 {} \alternative { \tekst \texte }
+ \notes <
+ \context Staff=i s1
+ \context Lyrics=top s1
\context GrandStaff <
\context Staff=ii \repeat semi 2 < \global\melody >
\context Staff=iii \repeat semi 2 < \global\accompany >
- \context Lyrics =bottom \context LyricVoice \repeat fold 3 {}
- \alternative { \texti \textii \textiii }
+ \context Lyrics=bottom s1
+ % ugh, \repeat in \addlyrics dumps core
+ \addlyrics
+ % \context Staff = i \repeat semi 2 <\global\melody>
+ \context Staff = i <\global\melody>
+ <
+ %\repeat fold 2 {}
+ %\alternative {
+ \context Lyrics = top \tekst
+ \context Lyrics = top \texte
+ %}
+ %\repeat fold 3 {}
+ %\alternative {
+ \context Lyrics = bottom \texti
+ \context Lyrics = bottom \textii
+ \context Lyrics = bottom \textiii
+ %}
+ >
gourlay_maxmeasures = 14.0;
snap_max_dy_f = paper_l ()->get_var ("slur_interstaff_snap_max_slope_change");
- Real ratio_f;
if (!fix_broken_b)
dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] += interstaff_f;
Real dy_f = dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] - dy_f_drul_[LEFT];
+ if (!fix_broken_b)
+ dy_f -= interstaff_f;
Real dx_f = do_width ().length () + dx_f_drul_[RIGHT] - dx_f_drul_[LEFT];
Avoid too steep slurs.
- ratio_f = abs (dy_f / dx_f);
- if (ratio_f > slope_damp_f)
+ Real slope_ratio_f = abs (dy_f / dx_f);
+ if (slope_ratio_f > slope_damp_f)
Direction d = (Direction)(- dir_ * (sign (dy_f)));
if (!d)
d = LEFT;
- Real damp_f = (ratio_f - slope_damp_f) * dx_f;
+ Real damp_f = (slope_ratio_f - slope_damp_f) * dx_f;
must never change sign of dy
Real width_f = curve_xy_drul[X].length ();
dy_f = dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] - dy_f_drul_[LEFT];
+ if (!fix_broken_b)
+ dy_f -= interstaff_f;
- ratio_f = abs (height_f / width_f);
- if (ratio_f > height_damp_f)
+ Real height_ratio_f = abs (height_f / width_f);
+ if (height_ratio_f > height_damp_f)
Direction d = (Direction)(- dir_ * (sign (dy_f)));
if (!d)
d = LEFT;
/* take third step */
- Real damp_f = (ratio_f - height_damp_f) * width_f / 3;
+ Real damp_f = (height_ratio_f - height_damp_f) * width_f / 3;
if y positions at about the same height, correct both ends
snapy_f_drul[LEFT] = snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] = 0;
Drul_array<Real> snapx_f_drul;
snapx_f_drul[LEFT] = snapx_f_drul[RIGHT] = 0;
+ Drul_array<bool> snapped_b_drul;
+ snapped_b_drul[LEFT] = snapped_b_drul[RIGHT] = false;
if ((note_column_drul[d] == spanned_drul_[d])
snapy_f_drul[d] = stem_l->extent (Y_AXIS)[dir_];
snapy_f_drul[d] += info_drul[d].interstaff_f_;
snapy_f_drul[d] += dir_ * 2 * y_gap_f;
+ snapped_b_drul[d] = true;
while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
only use snapped positions if sign (dy) will not change
and dy doesn't change too much
- if (snapy_f_drul[LEFT] && snapy_f_drul[RIGHT]
+ if (!fix_broken_b)
+ dy_f += interstaff_f;
+ if (snapped_b_drul[LEFT] && snapped_b_drul[RIGHT]
&& ((sign (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT]) == sign (dy_f)))
- && (!dy_f || (abs (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT] - dy_f)
+ && (!dy_f || (abs (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT] - dy_f)
< abs (dy_f * snap_max_dy_f))))
while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
- else if (snapy_f_drul[LEFT]
+ else if (snapped_b_drul[LEFT]
&& ((sign (dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT]) == sign (dy_f)))
- && (!dy_f || (abs (dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT] - dy_f)
+ && (!dy_f || (abs (dy_f_drul_[RIGHT] - snapy_f_drul[LEFT] - dy_f)
< abs (dy_f * snap_max_dy_f))))
Direction d = LEFT;
dy_f_drul_[d] = snapy_f_drul[d];
dx_f_drul_[d] = snapx_f_drul[d];
- else if (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT]
+ else if (snapped_b_drul[RIGHT]
&& ((sign (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - dy_f_drul_[LEFT]) == sign (dy_f)))
- && (!dy_f || (abs (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - dy_f_drul_[LEFT] - dy_f)
+ && (!dy_f || (abs (snapy_f_drul[RIGHT] - dy_f_drul_[LEFT] - dy_f)
< abs (dy_f * snap_max_dy_f))))
Direction d = RIGHT;
time3_2beamAutoEnd_16 = "1/4";
time3_2beamAutoEnd_32 = "1/8";
-time3_4beamAutoBegin = "1/4";
+time3_4beamAutoBegin_8 = "1/4";
time3_4beamAutoEnd_8 = "3/4";
-time3_4beamAutoBegin_32 = "1/8";
+time3_4beamAutoBegin_16 = "1/16";
+time3_4beamAutoEnd_16 = "1/4";
+%time3_4beamAutoBegin_32 = "1/8";
time3_4beamAutoEnd_32 = "1/8";
time3_8beamAutoBegin = "1/8";
slur_slope_damping = 0.3;
slur_interstaff_slope_damping = 0.6;
% height damping: keep h/dx < slur_height_damping
-slur_height_damping = 0.5;
+slur_height_damping = 0.4;
slur_interstaff_height_damping = 0.5;
% snap to stem if slur ends closer to stem than
slur_snap_to_stem = 1.75 * \interline;
- Tested Features@ multivoice accents lyrics chords piano music
+ Tested Features: multivoice accents lyrics chords piano music
multiple \paper{}s in one \score
Note: Original key F.
e2 r4 |
-lyricVerse1 = \lyrics{
-% 5
- \times 2/3 { Lei-4 se8 } fleh-4. en8 |
- \times 2/3 { mei-4 ne8 } Lie-4 der8 " "8 |
- Durch4. die8 \times 2/3 { Nacht4 zu8 } |
- dir;2 " "4 |
- " "2.*2
-%{ " "4 " " " " |
- " " " " " " |%}
-% 11
- \times 2/3 { In4 den8 } stil-4. len8 |
- \times 2/3 { Hain4 her-8 } nie-4. der8 |
- Lieb-4. chen,8 \times 2/3 { komm4 zu8 } |
- mir!2 " "4 |
- " "2.*2
-%{ " "4 " " " " |
- " " " " " " |%}
-% 17
- Fl\"us-8. ternd16 schlan-4. ke8 |
- Wip-8. fel16 rau-4. schen8 |
- \times 2/3 { In4 des8 } Mon-4. des8 |
- Licht;2. |
- \times 2/3 { In4 des8 } Mon-4. des8 |
- Licht;2. |
-% 23
- Des8. Ver-16 r\"a-4. thers8 |
- feind-8. lich16 Lau-4. schen8 |
- \times 2/3 { F\"urch-4 te8 } Hol-4. de8 |
- nicht2. |
- \times 2/3 { f\"urch-4 te8 } Hol-4. de8 |
- nicht.2. |
+lyricVerseOne = \lyrics{
+ Lei- " " se fleh- en mei- " " ne Lie- der
+ Durch die Nacht " " zu dir;
+ In " " den stil- len Hain " " her- nie- der
+ Lieb- chen, komm " " zu mir!
+ Fl\"us- ternd schlan- ke Wip- fel rau- schen
+ In " " des Mon- des Licht,
+ In " " des Mon- des Licht;
+ Des Ver- r\"a- ters feind- lich Lau- schen
+ F\"urch- " " te, Hol- de, nicht,
+ F\"urch- " " te, Hol- de, nicht.
-lyricVerse2 = \lyrics{
-% 5
- \times 2/3 { H\"orst4 die8 } Nach-4. ti-8
- \times 2/3 { gal-4 len8 } schla-4 gen?8 " "8
- ach!4. sie8 \times 2/3 { fleh-4 en8 }
- dich,2 " "4
- " "2.*2
-%{ " "4 " " " "
- " "4" " " "
-% 11
- \times 2/3 { Mit4 der8 } T\"o-4. ne8
- \times 2/3 { s\"u-4 "\ss en"8 } Kla-4. gen8
- Fleh-4. en8 \times 2/3 { sie4 f\"ur8 }
- mich2 " "4
- " "2.*2
-%{ " "4" " " "
- " "4" " " "
-% 17
- Sie-8. ver-16 stehn4. des8
- Bus-8. ens16 Seh-4. nen8
- \times 2/3 { Ken-4 nen8 } Lieb-4. es-8
- schmerz,2.
- \times 2/3 { Ken-4 nen8 } Lieb-4. es-8
- schmerz.2.
-% 23
- R\"uh-8. ren16 mit4. den8
- Sil-8. ber-16 t\"o-4. nen8
- \times 2/3 { jed-4 es8 } wei-4. che8
- Herz,2.
- \times 2/3 { jed-4 es8 } wei-4. che8
- Herz.2.
+lyricVerseTwo = \lyrics{
+ H\"orst " " die Nach- ti- gal- " " len schla- gen?
+ Ach! sie fleh- " " en dich,
+ Mit " " der T\"o- ne s\"u- " " "\ss en" Kla- gen
+ Fleh- en sie " " f\"ur mich.
+ Sie- ver- "steh'n" des Bus- ens Seh- nen
+ Ken- " " nen Lieb- es- schmerz,
+ Ken- " " nen Lieb- es- schmerz.
+ R\"uh- ren mit den Sil- ber- t\"o- nen
+ Jed- " " es wei- che Herz,
+ Jed- " " es wei- che Herz.
lyricThrough = \lyrics{
-% 37
- La\ss8. auch16 dir8. die16 Brust8. be-16 |
- we-4 gen " " |
- Lieb-4. chen,8 h\"o-8. re16 |
- mich!2 " "4 |
- Be-4. bend8 \times 2/3 { harr'4 ich8} |
- dir8. ent-16 ge-4 gen!8 " "8 |
- " "2. |
- " "2. |
- \times 2/3 { Komm4 be-8 } gl\"u4. cke8 |
- mich!2. |
- \times 2/3 { Komm4 be-8 } gl\"u4. cke8 |
- mich,2. __ |
- " "2 be-4 |
- gl\"u-2. |
- cke2. |
- mich!2 " "4 |
+ La\ss auch dir die Brust be- we- gen
+ Lieb- chen, h\"o- re mich!
+ Be- bend harr' " " ich dir ent- ge- gen!
+ Komm, " " be- gl\"uk- ke mich!
+ Komm, " " be- gl\"uk- ke mich, __ " "
+ Be- gl\"uk- ke mich!
trebleIntro = \notes\relative c{
- r8^"\bf m\\\"a\\\ss ig"\pp <g'-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <g-. c-.> |
+ r8^"\bf M\\\"a\\ss ig"\pp <g'-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <g-. c-.> |
r8 <as-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <as-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <as-. c-.> |
r8 <as-. c-.> <c-. d-.> <as-. c-.> <c-. d-.> <as-. c-.> |
r8 <g-. b-.> <b-. d-.> <g-. b-.> <b-. d-.> <g-. b-.> |
-trebleVerse1 = \notes\relative c{
+trebleVerseOne = \notes\relative c{
r8 <g' c> <c es> <g c> <c es> <g c> |
r8 <f c'> <c' d> <f, c'> <c' d> <f, c'> |
<g2 g'> r4 |
-bassVerse1 = \notes\relative c{
+bassVerseOne = \notes\relative c{
% \clef bass;
\property Voice.dynamicDir=1
\bar "|.";
-lyricFour = \lyrics{
- " "2.*4
-%{ " "4 " " " "
- " " " " " "
- " " " " " "
- " " " " " "%}
-allLyrics = {
- \time 3/4;
-% \skip 4 * 12;
- \lyricFour
- \lyricVerse1
-% \skip 4 * 24;
- \lyricFour
- \lyricFour
- \lyricVerse2
+allLyrics = \lyrics {
+ \lyricVerseOne
+ \lyricVerseTwo
\clef treble;
% certainly no auto-beaming for vocals
\property Voice.beamAuto=0
\property Voice.dynamicDir = \up
\skip 4 * 12;
vocalStaff = \context Staff = vocal<
- \property Staff.instrument = "alto sax"
- \global
- \vocals
+ \property Staff.instrument = "alto sax"
+ \global
+ \vocals
treble = {
\clef treble;
\property Voice.beamAutoBegin=0
- \trebleVerse1
+ \trebleVerseOne
- \trebleVerse1
+ \trebleVerseOne
bass = {
\clef bass;
- \bassVerse1
+ \bassVerseOne
- \bassVerse1
+ \bassVerseOne
- % Transpose as you like for your voice
- % Range untransposed is c' to f'' (for tenors and sopranos)
- % To get original, \transpose d'
- % \transpose a gives a' to d'' (for basses, who sing an octave down)
-% kjoet, but i like the original better -- jcn
-% { \notes \transpose a { \vocalStaff } }
-% \lyricStaff
-% { \notes \transpose a { \grandStaff } }
- { \notes { \vocalStaff } }
- \lyricStaff
- { \notes { \grandStaff } }
+ Transpose as you like for your voice
+ Range untransposed is c' to f'' (for tenors and sopranos)
+ \transpose a gives a' to d'' (for basses, who sing an octave down)
+ \addlyrics
+ \notes \transpose a \vocalStaff
+ \lyricStaff
+ \notes \transpose a \grandStaff
+ \addlyrics
+ %\context Staff=vocal \vocalStaff
+ %\context Lyrics=lyric \lyricStaff
+ \vocalStaff
+ \lyricStaff
+ \grandStaff
\paper {
-% \translator { \OrchestralScoreContext }
-% \translator { \OrchestralPartStaffContext }
\translator { \HaraKiriStaffContext }
-%broken 1.1.51
-% \midi{
-% \tempo 4 = 54;
-% }
+ \midi{
+ \tempo 4 = 54;
+ }
a'8~ |
a g-3~ g16 e fis8~ fis16 d8.~ d8. cis!16 |
\translator Staff=lower \stemup
- <
- { \stemup d8-2 a~ a4 }
+ \context Staff <
+ \context Voice=i { \stemup d8-2 a~ a4 }
\context Voice=ii { \stemdown a8-1 g fis16-2 e-1 fis-2 d-1 }
d1 ~ |
- d ~ |
- d, ~
+ d |
+ d, ~ |
d2 d2
dotted slurs
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\partial 16;
s1*11 |
- s2 s4 s8
- \partial 16*15;
- s16
+ s2 s4 s8.
} \repeat "semi" 2 {
- % urg
- s32 \partial 16; s32
+ s16
- \partial 16*15;
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 4/4;
\key f;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\partial 16;
s1*11 |
- s2 s4 s8
- \partial 16*15;
+ s2 s4 s8.
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
- } \repeat 2 {
- % urg
- s32 \partial 16; s32
- \partial 16*15;
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef bass;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\partial 16;
- % hmm
- s2 s8
- \partial 16*11;
+ s2 s8.
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
- } \repeat 2 {
- % urg
- s32 \partial 16; s32
- \partial 16*11;
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\partial 16;
- % hmm
- s2 s8
- \partial 16*11;
+ s2 s8.
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
- } \repeat 2 {
- % urg
- s32 \partial 16; s32
- \partial 16*11;
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/8;
\key f;
\clef bass;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\partial 8;
- \partial 4;
- } \repeat 2 {
+ %\partial 4;
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
% urg
- s16 \partial 8; s16
+ %s16 \partial 8; s16
+ s8
- \partial 4;
+ %\partial 4;
But merging melodic and scripts doen't work too well yet (see viola_scripts).
-n = { \slurnormal }
-d = { \slurdotted }
% this must be redone a bit:
f4-\trill a8 | b,()g' cis, | d f16( c bes )a | g8()es' a, |
bes d16( a g )f | e!8()cis' bes' a g16( f e)d |
- %\stemup e(f g e f)d \stemboth e8()a,\comma c''! |
- \stemup e(f g e f)d \stemboth e8()a,^"\\sethuge{\\ \\ '}" c'! |
+ \stemup e(f g e f)d \stemboth e8()a, c'! |
\stemup c16(d es c d)a bes8 r bes |
bes16(c d bes c)g a8 r a |
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/8;
\key f;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\partial 8;
\partial 4;
- } \repeat 2 {
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
% urg
s16 \partial 8; s16
dotted slurs
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef bass;
- \repeat "semi" 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*8;
\repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*1;
\skip 2.*14;
+ \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = 1
\skip 2.*1;
\skip 2.*14;
+ \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = 1
s2._"Menuetto I da Capo"
<a f> <d f, bes,> <e g, g,> |
<cis2. e, a,> |
- <a2\f e'> d8( e16 )f |
- \slurdotted
- e8( d cis )e a,()g |
- a4 () d cis |
- g'8( f e )f d() c |
+ <a2\f e'> d8 e16 f |
+ e8 d cis e a, g |
+ a4 d cis |
+ g'8 f e f d c |
bes2 c4 |
a8 g a f <d'4 e, bes> |
<c f, a,> bes8 a g a |
- f8( e )f a g bes |
+ f8 e f a g bes |
<a2^\trill fis> bes4 |
c8 bes c a fis4^\trill |
% dispute
% <bes,4 g' d'> <c, g' c> < d,8 bes'(> )a |
- <d'4 g, bes,> <c g c,> bes8()a |
- c8( bes a )bes g()bes |
- d4 () cis d |
+ <d'4 g, bes,> <c g c,> bes8 a |
+ c8 bes a bes g bes |
+ d4 cis d |
g,8 f g e f4 |
g,8 g' <{e4.^\trill d8 } a4.> ~ |
<d2. a d,> |
menuetto_i_b = \context Staff \notes \relative c {
\context Voice = ii
- \slurdotted
\skip 2.*1; |
<e8 c> \skip 8*5; |
\skip 2.*1; |
menuetto_ii = \context Staff\notes \relative c {
\context Voice=i
- \slurdotted
- fis4^\trill d8( e fis )g |
+ fis4^\trill d8 e fis g |
a4 fis, a' |
- g,8()b e4 g |
- \slurnormal
+ g,8 b e4 g |
d8( cis )b cis a g |
% ugh, forcing knee
% Lily's not yet smart enough to decide for herself.
cis4^\prall e8( d cis )b |
cis4 g, cis' |
fis,8()a d4 fis |
- b,8()a g()fis \slurdotted g()b |
- \slurnormal
+ b,8()a g()fis g b |
e, d'( cis )b cis()ais |
- % check slur! d, b' a! g fis )e |
d,( b' a! g fis )e |
g( fis e d cis )d |
b( cis d e fis )g |
b8()a c( b a )g |
fis() g a()fis g()e |
- \slurdotted
- cis4^\trill a8( b cis )d |
- \slurnormal
+ cis4^\trill a8 b cis d |
e( fis g )b a4 |
g8()fis e()d e()cis |
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*8;
\clef violin;
\skip 2.*1;
- } \repeat 2 {
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*3;
\clef alto;
\skip 2.*11;
+ \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = 1
\time 3/4;
\key D;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*8;
- } \repeat 2 {
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
\skip 2.*1;
\skip 2.*14;
+ \property Voice.textEmptyDimension = 1
s2._"Menuetto I da Capo"
dotted slurs
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
a'2. a a a <a d,>
-properties, urg!
fig1 = \notes{ s16( s s )s }
fig2 = \notes{ s16( s ) s s }
fig3 = \notes{ s16 s( s )s }
fig4 = \notes{ s16( s s s s s s )s }
fig5 = \notes{ s8.()s16 }
-fig1 = \notes{ \slurnormal s16( s s )s }
-fig2 = \notes{ \slurnormal s16( s ) s s }
-fig3 = \notes{ s16 \slurnormal s( s )s }
-fig4 = \notes{ \slurnormal s16( s s s s s s )s }
-fig5 = \notes{ \slurnormal s8.()s16 }
% of course, i just type fig1, and add the \ and the silly $ later
prelude_slurs = \notes{
s4 \$fig3 s4 |
-fig1 = \notes{ \slurdotted s16( s s )s }
-fig2 = \notes{ \slurdotted s16( s ) s s }
-fig3 = \notes{ s16 \slurdotted s( s )s }
-fig4 = \notes{ \slurdotted s16( s s s s s s )s }
-fig5 = \notes{ \slurdotted s8.()s16 }
-fig6 = \notes{ \slurdotted s16()s \slurdotted s()s }
-prelude_suggested_slurs = \notes{
- \context Voice=i
- \slurdotted
- s2. |
- s2. |
- s4 \$fig5 s4 |
- s2. |
- %5
- s4 \$fig5 \$fig1 |
- \$fig1 \$fig1 \$fig2 |
- s4 \$fig5 s4 |
- \$fig1 \$fig1 s4 |
- \$fig2 \$fig5 s4 |
- %10
- s2. |
- s2 \$fig2 |
- s4 \$fig3 \$fig2 |
- s2. |
- s2. |
- %15
- \$fig2 s4 \$fig3 |
- s2 \$fig3 |
- \$fig1 \$fig1 \$fig1 |
- s4 \$fig5 s4 |
- \$fig1 \$fig5 s4 |
- %20
- s4 \$fig5 s4 |
- \$fig3 s2 |
- s2. |
- \$fig3 \$fig3 s4 |
- \$fig1 \$fig1 \$fig1 |
- %25
- s4 \$fig5 s4 |
- s2. |
- s2. |
- s2 \$fig3 |
- s2. |
- %30
- s2. |
- s2. |
- \$fig3 \$fig3 \$fig2 |
- \$fig2 s2 |
- s2. |
- %35
- s4 \$fig3 \$fig3 |
- s2 \$fig3 |
- s2. |
- \$fig2 s2 |
- \$fig2 s2 |
- %40
- s2. |
- s2. |
- s2. |
- s2. |
- % check !
- \$fig3 \$fig2 s4 |
- %45
- \$fig3 \$fig2 s4 |
- % check!
- \$fig3 s2 |
- s2. |
- s2. |
- s2 \$fig2 |
- %50
- \$fig1 \$fig5 s4 |
- s4 \$fig6 \$fig6 |
- \$fig3 \$fig1 \$fig1 |
- \$fig3 s2 |
prelude_a = \notes<
- \$prelude_slurs
- \$prelude_suggested_slurs
+ % Han-Wen: help: adding slurs breaks auto-beaming??
+ %\$prelude_slurs
prelude = \context Staff \notes<
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
dotted slurs
-\version "1.1.52";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef bass;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
- } \repeat 2 {
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {
dotted slurs
-\version "1.0.16";
+\version "1.1.55";
\include "";
\time 3/4;
\key f;
\clef alto;
- \repeat 2 {
+ \repeat "semi" 2 {
- } \repeat 2 {
+ } \repeat "semi" 2 {