2003-05-18 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
+ * scm/lily.scm (scm): remove output-pysk.scm, music-types.scm
* ly/engraver-init.ly: remove GraceContext. Update examples.
2003-05-18 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
+++ /dev/null
-;;; pysk.scm -- implement Python output routines (for Sketch)
-;;; source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-;;; (c) 1998--2003 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-;;; Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
-(define-module (scm output-pysk)
- )
-(use-modules (scm output-ps)
- (ice-9 regex)
- (ice-9 string-fun)
- (guile)
- )
-(define this-module (current-module))
-(define-public (pysk-output-expression expr port)
- (display (pythonify expr) port )
- )
-(define (ly:warn s) (display s))
-(define (pythonify q)
- (cond
- ((string? q) (py-str q))
- ((symbol? q) (py-str (symbol->string q)))
- ((and (pair? q)
- (not (pair? (cdr q)))
- (not (eq? '() (cdr q)))
- ) (py-tuple q))
- ((pair? q) (py-listify q))
- ((number? q) (number->string q))
- ((eq? q '()) '())
- (else (begin
- (ly:warn "Unknown object to pythonify:")
- (write q)
- (newline)
- )
- )))
-(define (py-str s)
- (string-append "'" s "'")
- )
-(define (py-tuple q)
- (string-append "(" (pythonify (car q)) "," (pythonify (cdr q)) ")")
- )
-(define (my-map f l)
- (if (null? l)
- '()
- (if (pair? (cdr l))
- (cons (f (car l)) (my-map f (cdr l)))
- (cons (f (car l)) (f (cdr l)))
- )
- ))
-(define (tuplify-list lst)
- (if (null? lst)
- '()
- (if (pair? (cdr lst))
- (cons (car lst) (tuplify-list (cdr lst)))
- (if (eq? '() (cdr lst))
- lst
- (list (string-append "(" (car lst) ", " (cdr lst) ")" ))
- ))
- ))
-(define (py-listify q)
- (string-append
- "["
- (string-join
- (tuplify-list (my-map pythonify q)) ",")
- "]\n"
- ))