+++ /dev/null
-# -*-python-*-
-# make-website.py -- implement The lilypond WWW site
-# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-# (c) 1997, 1998 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@stack.nl>
- stupid script to generate WWW site.
- The WWW site is my test-suite for LilyPond, I usually don't
- distribute versions that fail to complete this script
-You should set the following environment vars:
- """
-import sys
-import os
-lilypath =''
- lilypath = os.environ['LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR'] + '/'
-except KeyError:
- print 'Please set LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR to the toplevel source, eg LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR=/home/foobar/lilypond-1.2.3/'
- sys.exit(1)
-lilypath = lilypath + '/bin/'
-from lilypython import *
-import __main__
-import glob
-depth = ''
-makewebsite_id = "<!make_website!>";
-id_str = "make-website 0.9";
-tar = "tar";
-make = "make -f Makefile outdir=out-www";
-mailaddress = "unknown"
-fullname = "unknown"
-footstr = ""
-lilyversion= ''
-include_path=[ 'input', 'mutopia' , 'mutopia/J.S.Bach', 'mutopia/Coriolan',
- 'mutopia/J.S.Bach/out' ]
-def set_vars():
- __main__.lilyversion = version_tuple_to_str(lilydirs.version_tuple())
- os.environ["TEXINPUTS"] = os.environ["TEXINPUTS"] + ":%s/input/:" % depth;
- os.environ["CONFIGSUFFIX"] = 'www';
- os.environ["LILYINCLUDE"] = join (':', __main__.include_path) +':'+ os.environ["LILYINCLUDE"];
- os.environ["LILYTOP"] = depth;
- __main__.mailaddress= os.environ['MAILADDRESS']
- pw = pwd.getpwuid (os.getuid());
- __main__.fullname= pw[4];
-backstr = '\n<hr>Please take me <a href=%s>back to the index</a>\n\
-of LilyPond -- The GNU Project Music typesetter\n\
-<hr><font size=-1>\n\
-This page was built using <code>%s</code> from lilypond-%s by <p>\n\
-<address><br>%s <a href=mailto:%s><<!bla>%s</a>></address>\n\
-def footstr(index):
- return backstr % (index, id_str, lilyversion, fullname, mailaddress, mailaddress)
-# do something, check return status
-def my_system(cmds):
- for cmd in cmds:
- ignoreret=0;
- if cmd[0] == '-':
- ignoreret = 1
- cmd = cmd[1:]
- ret = os.system (cmd)
- if ret:
- if ignoreret:
- sys.stderr.write( "ignoring failed command `%s\' (status %d)\n" % (cmd, ret))
- else:
- sys.stderr.write( 'make-website: failed on command %s (status %d)\n' % (cmd, ret))
- sys.exit (2)
-def gen_html():
- print 'generating HTML'
- my_system (["make -f Makefile -kC .. html"]);
-texstuff = ["mudela"]
-def gen_manuals():
- print 'generating TeX doco manuals'
- list = open('tex_manuals.html', 'w')
- list.write( "<HTML><TITLE>PostScript Manuals</TITLE>\n"
- "<BODY><h1>LilyPond manuals (in PostScript)</h1>"
- "<ul>\n")
- todo=''
- for stuff in texstuff:
- todo = todo + ' out/' + stuff + '.ps.gz'
- list.write("<li><a href=%s.ps.gz>%s.ps.gz</a>" % (stuff, stuff))
- list.write('</ul></BODY></HTML>')
- list.close ()
- my_system (['make -C .. ' + todo])
-def copy_files():
- print "copying files\n"
-# my_system ("ln -s depth/out ./docxx" )
- my_system([ "cp %s/TODO ./TODO.txt" % depth,
- "cp %s/ANNOUNCE-0.1 ./ANNOUNCE-0.1.txt" % depth,
- "cp %s/NEWS ./NEWS.txt" % depth,
- "cp %s/DEDICATION ./DEDICATION.txt" % depth]);
- my_system([ "make -C .. gifs"]);
-def docxx_update():
- print 'docxx.. \n'
- banner= open('/tmp/lilybanner.html', 'w');
- banner.write (footstr('../index.html'))
- banner.close ()
- my_system(['BANNEROPT=\"-B /tmp/lilybanner.html\" %s/bin/out/make-docxx' % depth]);
-# os.unlink( "/tmp/lilybanner.html");
-def get_glob(exts):
- result = []
- for a in exts:
- result = result + glob.glob1('./', '*.' + a)
- return result
-def join(inter, list):
- return reduce (lambda x,y, i=inter: x + i + y, list)
-def do_tar():
- print "tarring.\n";
- list = get_glob( ['html', 'gif', 'ps.gz' , 'txt', 'midi'])
- files = join (' ', list)
- print files
- my_system( ['-tar zvhcf website.tar.gz ' + files + ' docxx/*'])
-def identify():
- print 'This is %s\n' % id_str
-def clean_tmp():
- my_system(['-rm -f /tmp/gs*'])
-def get_top_of_NEWS():
- i = open('NEWS.txt')
- lines = i.readlines()
- i.close ()
- s = ''
- for l in lines:
- if regex.search('^\*\*\*\*\*\*', l) <> -1:
- return s;
- s = s + l
- return s
-def edit_index():
- s = gulp_file('index.html')
- s = regsub.sub ('top_of_NEWS', '<XMP>\n' + get_top_of_NEWS () + '\n</XMP>', s)
- dump_file ('index.html', s)
-def edit_html():
- files = get_glob(['html'])
- for f in files:
- s = gulp_file(f)
- if regex.search(makewebsite_id, s) <> -1:
- continue;
- s = regsub.sub ('</BODY>', footstr('index.html') + makewebsite_id + '</BODY>', s)
- s = regsub.sub('<TITLE>\(.*\)</TITLE>$',
- '<TITLE>LilyPond WWW: \\1</TITLE>', s)
- dump_file (f,s)
-def do_examples (examples, filename):
- located_files = gen_examples (examples)
- gen_list (examples, filename)
-def main():
- identify();
- os.chdir (lilydirs.topdir + 'Documentation')
-# my_system (['-rm ../WWW/*.pod ../WWW/*.xpm ../WWW/*.doc',
-# 'ln ../Documentation/*.pod ../Documentation/*.doc ../Documentation/*.xpm .']);
- os.chdir (lilydirs.topdir + 'Documentation/out/')
- __main__.depth = "../../";
- __main__.include_path = map(lambda p: __main__.depth + '/' +
- p, __main__.include_path)
- set_vars();
- gen_html();
- copy_files();
- do_examples (examples, 'examples_output.html');
- do_examples (mutopia_examples, 'mutopiaexamples_output.html');
- gen_manuals();
- #set_images();
- edit_html();
- edit_index();
- docxx_update()
- do_tar()
- clean_tmp();
+++ /dev/null
-filename = "standje.ly";
-title = "St\\\"andchen (Serenade) ``Leise flehen meine Lieder''";
-opus = "D. 957 No. 4";
-composer = "Franz Schubert (1797-1828)"
- "Text by Ludwig Rellstab (1799-1860)";
-enteredby = "JCN";
-copyright = "public domain";
- Tested Features@ multivoice, accents, lyrics, chords, piano music,
-multiple \paper{}s in one \score
-\version "0.1.10";
-$vocal_verse1 = \melodic{
- \octave c';
- % ugh: treble/bass
-% \clef treble;
-% \clef violin;
- [/3 g8( )as] g \] c'4. g8 |
- [/3 f8( )g] f \] c'4 f8 r |
- g4.-> f8 [/3 f( )es] d \] |
- es2 r4 |
- % ugh: a whole should be a measure
- %r1 |
- r2. |
- r2. |
- [/3 g8( )as] g \] es'4. g8 |
- [/3 f8( )g] f \] d'4. c'8 |
- bes4. as8 [/3 as( )g] f \] |
- g2 r4 |
- r2. |
- r2. |
- g8. b16 es'4. d'8 |
- c'8. g16 es4. c8 |
- % [/3 as\grace( bes ] )
- [/3 as8( )g] as \] c'4. as8 |
- g2. |
- %[/3 f\grace( g] )
- [/3 f8( )e] f \] as4. f8 |
- es!2. |
- g8. b16 es'4. d'8 |
- c'8. g16 e4. c8 |
- % [/3 a\grace( b] )
- [/3 a!8( ) gis] a \] c'4. a8 |
- g!2. |
- % [/3 a\grace( b] )
- [/3 d'8\f cis'] d' \] f'4. b8 |
- c'!2. |
-$vocal_through = \melodic{
- \octave c';
- g8. g16 b8. b16 d'8. d16 |
- c'4 b r |
- g4. b8 d'8. c'16 |
- b2 r4 |
- e'4. d'8 [/3 d'( )c'] b \] |
- a8. b16 c'4-> a8 r |
- r2. |
- r2. |
- % 4 bars copied from end verse 1
- % [/3 a\grace( b] )
- [/3 a!8( ) gis] a \] c'4. a8 |
- g!2. |
- % [/3 a\grace( b] )
- [/3 d'8\f cis'] d' \] f'4. b8 |
- c'!2. ~ |
- c'4 r c' |
- as2. |
- g |
- es2 r4 |
-$lyric_verse1 = \lyric{
-% 5
- \[/3 Lei-4 se8 \] fleh-4. en8 |
- \[/3 mei-4 ne8 \] Lie-4 der8 _8 |
- Durch4. die8 \[/3 Nacht4 zu8 \] |
- dir;2 _4 |
- _4 _ _ |
- _ _ _ |
-% 11
- \[/3 In4 den8 \] stil-4. len8 |
- \[/3 Hainr4 her-8 \] nie-4. der,8 |
- Lieb4. chen,8 \[/3 komm4 zu8 \] |
- mir!2 _4 |
- _4 _ _ |
- _ _ _ |
-% 17
- Fl\"us-8. ternd16 schlan-4. ke8 |
- Wip-8. fel16 rau-4. schen8 |
- \[/3 In4 des8 \] Mon-4. des8 |
- Licht;2. |
- _4 _ _ |
- _4 _ _ |
-% 23
- Des8. Ver-16 r\"a-4. ters8 |
- feind-8. lich16 Lau-4. schen8 |
- \[/3 F\"urch-4 te,8 \] Hol-4. de,8 |
- nicht,2. |
- \[/3 f\"urch-4 te,8 \] Hol-4. de,8 |
- nicht.2. |
-$lyric_verse2 = \lyric{
-% 5
- \[/3 H\"orst4 die8 \] Nach-4. ti-8
- \[/3 gal-4 len8 \] schla-4 gen?8 _8
- Ach!4. sie8 \[/3 fleh-4 en8 \]
- dich,2 _4
- _4 _ _
- _4_ _
-% 11
- \[/3 Mit4 der8 \] T\"o-4. ne8
- \[/3 s\"u\ss-4 en8 \] Kla-4. gen8
- Fleh-4. en8 \[/3 sie4 f\"ur8 \]
- mich.2 _4
- _4_ _
- _4_ _
-% 17
- Sie-8. ver-16 stehn4. des8
- Bus-8. ens16 Seh-4. nen,8
- \[/3 Ken-4 nen8 \] Lieb-4. es-8
- schmerz,2.
- \[/3 Ken-4 nen8 \] Lieb-4. es-8
- schmerz,2.
-% 23
- R\"uh-8. ren16 mit4. den8
- Sil-8. ber-16 t\"o-4. nen8
- \[/3 Jed-4 es8 \] wei-4. che8
- Herz.2.
- \[/3 Jed-4 es8 \] wei-4. che8
- Herz.2.
-$lyric_through = \lyric{
-% 37
- La\ss8. auch16 dir8. die16 Brust8. be-16 |
- we-4 gen, _ |
- Lieb-4. chen,8 h\"o-8. re16 |
- mich!2 _4 |
- Be-8. bend16 harr'4 ich8 _8 |
- dir8. ent-16 ge-4 gen!8 _8 |
- \[/3 Komm,4 be-8 \] gl\"u4. cke8 |
- mich!2. |
- \[/3 Komm,4 be-8 \] gl\"u4. cke8 |
- mich!2. |
- _2 be-4 |
- gl\"u-2. |
- cke2. |
- mich!2 _4 |
-$treble_intro = \melodic{
- \octave c';
- \clef violin;
- % ugh: i'd like to type this!
- %r8\pp [<'g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'g-. c-.>] |
- r8\pp <['g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'g-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'g-. c-.]> |
- r8 <['as-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'as-. c-.> <c-. es-.> <'as-. c-.]> |
- r8 <['as-. c-.> <c-. d-.> <'as-. c-.> <c-. d-.> <'as-. c-.]> |
- r8 <['g-. 'b-.> <'b-. d-.> <'g-. 'b-.> <'b-. d-.> <'g-. 'b-.]> |
- \break;
-$treble_verse1 = \melodic{
- \octave c';
-% \clef violin;
- r8 <['g c> <c es> <'g c> <c es> <'g c]> |
- r8 <['f c> <c d> <'f c> <c d> <'f c]> |
- r8 <['f 'g 'b> <'g 'b d> <'f 'g 'b> <'g 'b d> <'f 'g 'b]> |
- r8 <['es 'g c> <'g c es> <'es 'g c> <'g c es> <'es 'g c]> |
- <g'4.( b> <)f'8 d'> <[/3 f' d'> <es' c'> <d' b]1/1> |
- <c'2. es'> |
- r8 <['g c> <c es> <'g c> <c es> <'g c]> |
- r8 <['f c> <c d> <'f c> <c d> <'f c]> |
- r8 <['f 'as 'bes> <'as 'bes d> <'f 'g 'bes> <'g 'bes d> <'f 'g 'bes]> |
- r8 <['es 'g 'bes> <'g 'bes es> <'es 'g 'bes> <'g 'bes es]>
- <{ es'( | )bes4. as8}{ c'( | )d4.( )f8 } >
- < [/3 f as> <es g> <d f]1/1> |
- <es2. g> |
- r8 <['f 'g> <'g 'b> <'f 'g> <'g 'b> <'f 'g]> |
- r8 <['es 'g> <'g c> <'es 'g> <'g c> <'es 'g]> |
- r8\pp <['es 'as c> <'as c es> <'es 'as c> <'as c es> <'es 'as c]> |
- r8 <['es 'g 'bes> <'g 'bes 'es> <'es 'g 'bes> <'g 'bes 'es> <'es 'g 'bes]> |
- % [/3 as\grace( bes )
- [/3 as8(( g )as]1/1 c'4.-> ) as8 |
- g2. |
- r8 <['f 'g> <'g 'b> <'f 'g> <'g 'b> <'f 'g]> |
- r8 <['e 'g> <'g c> <'e 'g> <'g c> <'e 'g]> |
- r8 <['f 'a c> <'a c f> <'f 'a c> <'a c f> <'f 'a c]> |
- r8 <['e 'g c> <'g c e> <'e 'g c> <'g c e> <'e 'g c]> |
- <{[/3 f'8\f( e' f']1/1 a'4. )f'8 } {\[/3 f e f \] a4. f8 } > |
- <e2 e'> r4 |
-$treble_eentje = \melodic{
- \octave c';
- <f2\mf as!(> <[as8.->( c'> <)f16 )as]> |
- <e4. g> <[e8-. g-.(> <e-. g-.> <e-. )g-.]> |
- <f4. g> <['b8-. g-.(> <d-. g-.> <f-. )g-.]> |
- <e2 g\pp> <e4 g> |
- <f2\mf a(> <[a8.( c'> <)f16 )a]> |
- <e4. g> <[e8-. g-.(> <e-. g-.> <e-. )g-.]> |
- <f4. g> <['b8-. g-.(> <d-. g-.> <f-. )g-.]> |
- <e2. g> |
-$treble_through = \melodic{
- \octave c';
- r2. |
- % lily: 221: warning: Junking request: Span_dynamic_req: the \>
- <['g8.\< g> <'g16 g> <'b8. b> <\!'b16\> b16> <d8. d'> <d16 d']> |
- % lily: 222: warning: Can't find cresc to end.
- < { c4( )'b } { c'4( )b } > \!r |
-% ugh
-% <'g4. g> <'b8 b> <[d8.-> d'->> c'16] |
- <'g4. g> <'b8 b> [d'8.-> c'16] |
-% ugh, ugh: connecting chords
- < { d2.\f( )a2} { e2. ~ e2 } { b2. c2 }> r4 |
- <
- {
- \voiceone
- [a8. b16] c'4->( )a8 r |
- [a8. b16] c'4->( )a8 r |
- }
- {
- \voicetwo
- <d4\f f> <d2 f> |
- <c!4\f es> <c2 es> |
- }
- >
- % 4 bars copied from end verse1
- r8 <['f\p 'a c> <'a c f> <'f 'a c> <'a c f> <'f 'a c]> |
- r8 <['e 'g c> <'g c e> <'e 'g c> <'g c e> <'e 'g c]> |
- <{[/3 f'8\f( e' f']1/1 a'4. )f'8 } {\[/3 f e f \] a4. f8 } > |
- <e2 e'> r4 |
- <es2 es'> r4 |
- <d2 d'> r4 |
- <'b2 b> r4 |
- <c2 c'> <e4\pp g> |
- % four copied from begin eentje
- <f2\mf as!(> <[as8.->( c'> <)f16 )as]> |
- <e4. g> <[e8-. g-.(> <e-. g-.> <e-. )g-.]> |
- <f4. g> <['b8-. g-.(> <d-. g-.> <f-. )g-.]> |
- \textstyle "italic";
- <e2._"dim." g> |
- <'g2. e g> |
- <'g2.-\fermata e g> |
-$bass_intro = \melodic{
- \octave c;
- \clef bass;
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''as2 'as> r4 |
- <''f2 'f> r4 |
- <''g2 'g> r4 |
-$bass_verse1 = \melodic{
- \octave c;
-% \clef bass;
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''as2 'as> r4 |
- <''g2 'g> r4 |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''g8 'g> <[g d'> <d' f'> <g d'> <d' f'> <g d']> |
- <'c8 c> <[g c'> <c' es'> <g c'> <c' es'> <g c']> |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''as2 'as> r4 |
- <''bes2 'bes> r4 |
- <''es2 'es> r4 |
- ''bes8 <['bes f> <f bes> <'bes f> <f bes> <'bes f]> |
- ''es8 <['bes es> <es g> <'bes es> <es g> <'bes es]> |
- <''g2 'g> r4 |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''as2 'as> r4 |
- <''es2 'es> r4 |
- <''bes8 'bes> <[f bes> <bes d'> <f bes> <bes d'> <f bes]> |
- <''es8 'es> <[es g bes> <g bes es'> <es g bes> <g bes es'> <es g bes]> |
- <''g2 'g> r4 |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''f2 'f> r4 |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''g8 'g> <[d g> <g b> <d g> <g b> <d g]> |
- 'c8 <[c e g> <e g c'> <c e g> <e g c'> <c e g]> |
-$bass_eentje = \melodic{
- \octave c;
- <'c8 c> <[c f as!> <f as c'> <c f as> <f as c'> <c f as]> |
- 'c8 <[c e g> <e g c'> <c e g> <e g c'> <c e g]> |
- <''g8 'g> <[d g> <g b> <d g> <g b> <d g]> |
- 'c8 <[e g> <g c'> <e g> <g c'> <e g]> |
- <'c8 c> <[c f a> <f a c'> <c f a> <f a c'> <c f a]> |
- 'c8 <[c e g> <e g c'> <c e g> <e g c'> <c e g]> |
- <''g8 'g> <[d g> <g b> <d g> <g b> <d g]> |
- 'c8 <[e g> <g c'> <e g> <g c'> <e g]> |
-$bass_through = \melodic{
- \octave c;
- <''g8 'g> <['g 'b d> <'b d f> <'g 'b d> <'as!-> b-> d->> <'b d f]> |
- <''g8 'g> <['g d> <d f> <'g d> <'as-> b-> d->> <'b d f]> |
- % copied
- <''g8 'g> <['g d> <d f> <'g d> <'as-> b-> d->> <'b d f]> |
- <''g8 'g> <['g d e> <d f> <'g d> <'gis-> 'b-> d->> <'b d f]> |
- <''gis8 'gis> <[d e> <e b> <d e> <e b> <d e]> |
- <''a8 'a> <[c e> <e a> <c e> <e a> <c e]> |
- <''a8 'a> <['a d f> <d f a> <'a d f> <d f a> <'a d f]> |
- <''a8 'a> <['a c e> <c e a> <'a c e> <c e a> <'a c e]> |
- % 4 bars copied from end verse1
- <''f2 'f> r4 |
- <'c2 c> r4 |
- <''g8 'g> <[d g> <g b> <d g> <g b> <d g]> |
- 'c8 <[c e g> <e g c'> <c e g> <e g c'> <c e g]> |
- <'c8 c> <[c es! g> <es g c'> <c es! g> <es g c'> <c es! g]> |
- <''f8 'f> <[d f> <f as!> <d f> <f as!> <d f]> |
- <''g8 'g> <[d f> <f g> <d f> <f g> <d f]> |
- 'c8 <[c e> <e g> <c e> <e g> <c e]> |
- 'c8 <[c f> <f as> <c f> <f as> <c f]> |
- 'c8 <[c e> <e g> <c e> <e g> <c e]> |
- ''g8 <['g d> <d f> <'g d> <d f> <'g d]> |
- % copied from two bars back
- 'c8 <[c e> <e g> <c e> <e g> <c e]> |
- 'c8 <[c e> <e g> <c e> <e g> <c e]> |
- <'c2._\fermata 'g c> |
-global = \melodic{
- \meter 3/4;
- \key bes es as;
- \skip 4 * 12;
- \break;
- \skip 4 * 234;
- \bar "|.";
-$lyric_four = \lyric{
- _4 _ _
- _ _ _
- _ _ _
- _ _ _
-lyrics = \melodic{
- \meter 3/4;
-% \skip 4 * 12;
- \$lyric_four
- \$lyric_verse1
-% \skip 4 * 24;
- \$lyric_four
- \$lyric_four
- \$lyric_verse2
- \$lyric_through
-$lyric_staff = \type Lyrics = lyric<
- \$lyrics
-vocals = \melodic{
- \skip 4 * 12;
- \$vocal_verse1
- \skip 4 * 24;
- \$vocal_verse1
- \$vocal_through
-$vocal_staff = \type Staff = vocal<
- \property Staff.instrument = "alto sax"
- \global
- \$vocals
-% treble = \melodic{
-treble = {
- \$treble_intro
- \$treble_verse1
- \$treble_eentje
- \$treble_verse1
- \$treble_through
-$treble_staff = \type Staff = treble<
- \global
- \treble
-bass = \melodic{
- \$bass_intro
- \$bass_verse1
- \$bass_eentje
- \$bass_verse1
- \$bass_through
-$bass_staff = \type Staff = bass<
- \global
- \bass
-$grand_staff = \type Grand_staff<
- \$treble_staff
- \$bass_staff
-a4 = \paper{
- gourlay_maxmeasures = 7.;
-% linewidth= 193.\mm;
- linewidth= 175.\mm;
- Staff = \translator {
- \type "Engraver_group_engraver";
- defaultclef = violin;
- \consists "Bar_engraver";
- \consists "Clef_engraver";
- \consists "Key_engraver";
- \consists "Meter_engraver";
- \consists "Local_key_engraver";
- \consists "Staff_sym_engraver";
- \consists "Collision_engraver";
- \consists "Rest_collision_engraver";
- \consists "Bar_column_engraver";
- \consists "Bar_number_engraver";
- \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver";
- \consists "Line_group_engraver";
- \accepts "Voice";
- }
- <
- \$vocal_staff
- \$lyric_staff
- \$grand_staff
- >
- \paper{ \a4 }
- \midi{
- \tempo 4 = 54;
- }