lily/ use proper spelling for #always.
+2002-07-08 Han-Wen <>
+ * lily/ (try_music):
+ lily/ use proper spelling for #'always.
+ * lily/ (Unfolded_repeat_iterator):
+ copy here_mom_ too. This fixes an obscure bug with combining
+ partcombine and repeat
+ * lily/ (Chord_tremolo_iterator): copy
+ factor too.
2002-07-07 Han-Wen <>
+ * mutopia/J.S.Bach/ remove
+ * mutopia/J.S.Bach/Duette/: remove
* scm/font.scm (change-rhs-size): add support for ""
* VERSION: 1.5.66 released
Chord_tremolo_iterator::Chord_tremolo_iterator (Chord_tremolo_iterator const &src)
: Music_iterator (src)
+ factor_ = src.factor_;
child_iter_p_ = src.child_iter_p_ ? src.child_iter_p_->clone () : 0;
Duration::str () const
- String s = to_str (durlog_i_) + to_str ('.', dots_i_);
+ String s;
+ if (durlog_i_ < 0 )
+ s = "log = " + to_str (durlog_i_);
+ else
+ s = to_str (1 << durlog_i_);
+ s += to_str ('.', dots_i_);
if (factor_ != Moment (Rational (1,1)))
s += "*" + factor_.str ();
second_l () ->transpose (p);
Part_combine_music::length_mom () const
Thread_devnull_engraver::acknowledge_grob (Grob_info i)
SCM s = get_property ("devNullThread");
#if 0
/* No need, next if will never be true */
if (s == ly_symbol2scm ("never"))
- if (s == ly_symbol2scm ("allways")
+ if (s == ly_symbol2scm ("always")
|| (s == SCM_EOL
&& daddy_trans_l_->id_str_.left_str (3) == "two"
&& (to_boolean (get_property ("unison"))
current_iter_p_ = (src.current_iter_p_)? src.current_iter_p_->clone () : 0;
do_main_b_ = src.do_main_b_;
volta_b_ = src.volta_b_;
+ here_mom_ = src.here_mom_;
alternative_count_i_ = src.alternative_count_i_;
alternative_cons_ = src.alternative_cons_;
current_iter_p_ =0;
volta_b_ = false;
do_main_b_ = false;
+ here_mom_ = Moment (0);
alternative_count_i_ =0;
alternative_cons_ = SCM_EOL;
Voice_devnull_engraver::try_music (Music *m)
SCM s = get_property ("devNullVoice");
#if 0
/* No need */
if (gh_equal_p (s, ly_symbol2scm ("never")))
- if (gh_equal_p (s, ly_symbol2scm ("allways"))
+ if (gh_equal_p (s, ly_symbol2scm ("always"))
|| (s == SCM_EOL
&& daddy_trans_l_->id_str_.left_str (3) == "two"
&& (to_boolean (get_property ("unison"))
+++ /dev/null
-# mutopia/J.S.Bach/Duette/GNUmakefile
-depth = ../../..
-include $(depth)/make/stepmake.make
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.3.146"
-globalI = \notes{
- \time 12/8
- \key g \major
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.3.146"
-globalIi = \notes{
- \time 4/4
- \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C2/2
- \key a\minor
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-\include ""
-\include ""
-violaIStaff = \context Staff = viola <
- \property Staff.instrument = "viola"
- %\property Staff.instrument = "violin"
- \notes\transpose c'' \violoncelloI
- \clef alto
- \globalI
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-\include ""
-\include ""
-violaIiStaff = \context Staff = viola <
- \property Staff.instrument = "viola"
- %\property Staff.instrument = "violin"
- \clef alto
- \globalIi
- \notes\transpose c'' \violoncelloIi
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-% {
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violaIStaff
- \paper{
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- }
- \midi{
-%urg, real/duration
-% \tempo 4. = 69
- \tempo 4 . = 50
- }
-% }
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violaIiStaff
- \paper{
-% castingalgorithm=0.0
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- %\translator { \ScoreContext skipBars = 1 }
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 2 = 96
- \tempo 2 = 75
- }
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-violinoI = \notes\relative c'' {
- \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end * * * *) = #(make-moment 3 8)\property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end 1 8 * *) = #(make-moment 1 16)
- %{
- should fix autobeamer: not only check shortest type's end in beam,
- but also the newly added type's end
- Normally, we want
- [c8 c c] and [c16 c c c c c],
- ie '(end *) = 3/8
- However, we don't want
- [c16 c c c c8] c8, TODO: manually correct these
- but rather
- [c16 c c c] c8 c8,
- ie '(end X) = 1/4
- X can't be 1/16 or 1/8
- Hmm.
- %}
- r4 r8 g16(fis e)d b'8 a r r g16(fis e)d c'8 |
- b r r d16(b)a g(e')c d(b)a g(c)a c(b)a g(a)fis |
- g d(e fis g a )b d(c b c a )b g(a b c d )e g()fis e(d)cis |
- a'd,(e fis g a )b a(g fis g e )fis a(g fis e )d
- %%cis d e fis <g8 { \grace a, } { \grace d, } >~|
- cis d e fis <g8 a, d,>~|
- %%<\grace a,16 \grace d, g'16 > e(fis)d cis d
- <g16 a, d,> e(fis)d cis d
- g,8 <f'4 g, g,>~f16 d(e)c b c fis,!8 <e'4 fis,>~|
- <e16 fis,> c(d)b a b e, b'(c)a g a d, a'(b)g fis g c, g'(a)fis e fis |
- b,(d)e fis(g)a b(d)c b(a)g fis(g)a b(c)d e(a)g fis e d |
- g d(e)fis g a b g(fis)g c, a' b, g'(fis)g a, c fis, g(a)b <c8( d, a>~|
- <c d, a> )b r d16(b a)g e'8 d r r c16(b a)g g'8 |
- <fis a, d,> r r g16(fis)e d(b')g a(fis)e d(g)e g(fis)e d(e)cis |
- <d4. d,>~<d16 d,> fis,(g e d)e <c'!4. d,>~<c16 d,> e,(fis d cis)d |
- <b'4. g g,>~<b16 g g,> e,(dis)e fis g a8 b <c fis,>~ <c16 fis,> b(a)g fis e |
- dis e fis g <a8 fis>~<a16 fis> fis(g)e d e b e(g)e dis e b e(g)e d e |
- cis d e fis <g8 a,>~<g16 a,> e(fis)d cis d a d(fis)d cis d a d(fis)d c d |
- b c d e <f8 g,>~<f16 g,> e(dis)e a e cis' a(gis)a dis a fis'8 [b,()a] |
- g16 b(cis dis e fis )g b( a g fis e)dis cis( dis e fis g)a fis(e dis cis b |
- )e g(fis)e a fis g b(a)g a fis g b(a)g fis e [dis()e fis()c] <a'8( b, fis b,>~|
- <a b,> <)g b,> r [b,16(a g)fis] c'8 b r r [a16(g fis)e] e'8 |
- dis8 r r e16 d(cis b g' e)fis d(cis b e cis)e d(cis b cis)ais |
- <b4. d, g>~<b16 d,> ais( b d cis)e d8 [b()cis\prall] d [gis()b] |
- <d,4. e,>~<d16 e,> gis,(a c! b)d <c8 e,> [a()b\prall] c [fis()a]|
- <c,4. d,>~<c16 d,> a(b)g fis g e b'(c)a g a fis c'(d)b a b |
- g d'(e)c b c a e'(f)d c d b8 <g'4 g, g,>~<g16 g,>c,(f! e d c |
- )b c(f, a g f)e g(f e d c )g c(d e f g )a d(c)b a g |
- c16 g a b c d e g(f)e f d e c'(b)c a f g c,(b)c <f8 g, g,>~|
- <f16 g,> d(e)c b c fis8 a <c d, d,>~<c16 d, d,> c,(d)b a b e,8 <d'4 e,> ~|
- <d16 e,> b(c)a gis a e' b(c)a g a fis' c(d)b a b g' d(e)c b c |
- a' g(fis e d c)b d(c b a g)fis e'(d c b)a \breathe g(fis e)d b'8|
- a r r r16 a, b c d(e)fis g a b c d g,(fis e)d c'8 |
- b r r r4 r8 r4 r8 d16 b(a g e')c|
- d b(a g c a)b d(c f c a)b g(fis g a fis)g b(a g a fis|
- )g e(d)c f d e g(f)e f d e f(g)a d, f e a(b)c e, g|
- fis g(a)b e, g fis b(c)d fis, a g a(b)c fis, a g c(d)e g, b|
- a g(a b c)d c(b a)g <f'8 g, g,> <e g, g,> r r d16(c b)a <g'8 a, d,> |
- <fis a, d,> r r a16( fis e)d <c'8 a, d,> <b16 b, d, g,> g(a)b e,(g)c,
- fis(g)a d,(fis|
- )b, d(e)f b,(d)g, b(c)d g,(b)d, g(a)b d,(g)b, d(e)f b,(d|
- )g,8 r r e'16(d c)b f'8 e r r g16(fis e)d c'8 |
- <c4.\prall>~c16 b(a g)e' c()d b(a g)c a()c b(a)g
- \context Staff<
- %\context Voice { a16 f | g1. }
- \context Voice { \stemUp\slurUp\tieUp a16 fis | g1. }
- \context Voice=x { \stemDown\slurDown\tieDown c,16 c | b1. }
- >
- \bar "|."
-\include ""
-violinoIStaff = \context Staff = violino <
- %urg
- % \notes\property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large s4^"Moderato"
- % \notes {s4. \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large s4^"Moderato"}
- % urg, timidity violino patches broken?
- %\property Staff.instrument = "violin"
- \property Staff.instrument = "viola"
- \violinoI
- \globalI
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-violinoIi = \notes\relative c''{
- R1*8 |
- r2 e |
- fis a,|c8(b)a2 b8()cis|d e f2 e8()dis|e(b e)fis e(b e)g|
- fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|
- g(b,g')a g(b,g')b|fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|g fis e2 d4|cis bes'(a\prall)g|
- bes, g'(f\prall)e|
- g, e'(d\prall)cis|d8 g,(f)e d4 c'|b as'(g\prall)f|as, f'(e\prall)d|
- f, d'(c\prall)b|
- c8 f,(e)d c4 bes'(|)a8 g'(f)e f d a4~|a8 g(a)b g c e4| f,8(e'd)c d b f4~|
- f8 e(f)g e g c4|
- d,8(c'b)a b gis d4|d8 c(d)e c f e d|e4 a,2()gis4|a2 a'|c e,|
- f8(e)d2 e8()fis|g a bes2 a8()gis|a(e a)b a(e a)c|b(e,b')c b(e,b')d|
- c(e,c')d c(e,c')d|
- b(e,b')c b(e,b')d| c(b)a2 gis4|a8()c b d c()b c a|e4 fis g fis8()e|fis4 gis a2~
- a4 g8 fis g4 e~|e dis8 cis dis2\prall|e4 b' e2|e dis\prall|e4. d16(e f8)e d c|
- b c d4. c8(b)a|gis a b4. a8(g)fis|gis()e gis a b()c d b|c()b a b c()d es c|
- a b c4. b8(a)g|
- fis g a4.g8(fis)e| fis()d fis g a()b c a|b()a g a b()c d b|c4 e()a, c(|
- )fis, g8 a b4 g(|
- )a c()fis, a(|)d, e8 fis g4 e(|)fis a()dis, fis(|)b, cis8 dis e2~|
- e4 d8 cis d2~|
- d4 e8 fis g2(|)g4 f8 e f2~|f4 g8 a bes2~|bes4 a8 gis a2~|
- a gis\prall|
- a e'|f a,|c8(b)a2 b8()cis|d e f2 e8()dis|e(b e)fis e(c)e g|
- fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|g(b,g')a g(b,g')b|fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|
- g\prall b,(e)fis g()a b()g|e f g4. f8(e)d|
- cis d e4. d8(c)b|cis a cis d e()f g()e|f e d cis d4 c|b as'(g\prall)f|
- as, f'(e\prall)d|
- f, d'(c\prall)b| c8(g)c d c fis,(a)c|b(dis,)b' c b f,(b')d|
- cis(a)cis dis e g,(c)e|d(f,)d' es d g,(d')f|
- e(c)e fis g bes,(es)g|f(a,)f' g f bes,(d)f|e(gis,)e' f e a,(e')g|
- f()g f e d()c b a|gis e()fis()g e gis a b|
- c2 e,|f8 e(d)cis d e fis gis|a e a2 gis4(|)a b()c b8 a|b4()cis <d2 d,>~|
- <d4 d,> c8 b c4 <a a,>~|<a a,> gis8 fis g2\prall|
- <a4 e a,> <e' a,> <a a,> <a c,>|
- %<a2 b, d4><gis\prall b,4 d>| checkme
- \context Staff<
- \context Voice {
- \stemUp\slurUp\tieUp
- <a2 b,>gis\prall|a8 g f4~f8 e(d)cis|
- d c bes4~bes8 a(gis)fis|gis4 e <e' a,><f a,>|
- %c2 b()\grace a|
- c2 b|
- a1|
- }
- \context Voice=x {
- \stemDown\slurDown\tieDown
- d,4 s<d b'>s|<a2 d> s2|
- <d g,> s2|s1|
- %e2 d ()\grace c|
- e2 d|
- c1|
- }
- >
- \bar "|."
-\include ""
-violinoIiStaff = \context Staff = violino <
- %urg
- % \notes\property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large s4^"Moderato"
- % \notes {s4. \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large s4^"Moderato"}
- % urg, timidity violino patches broken?
- %\property Staff.instrument = "violin"
- \property Staff.instrument = "viola"
- \violinoIi
- \globalIi
-\version "1.3.146"
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-% {
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violinoIStaff
- \paper{
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 4. = 69
- \tempo 4 . = 50
- }
-% }
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violinoIiStaff
- \paper{
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
-% castingalgorith=0
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 2 = 96
- \tempo 2 = 75
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#(set! point-and-click line-column-location)
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-% {
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \context GrandStaff <
- \violinoIStaff
- \violaIStaff
- >
- \paper{
- \translator {
- \OrchestralScoreContext
- }
- }
- \midi{
-%urg real/duration
-% \tempo 4. = 69
- \tempo 4 . = 50
- }
-% }
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \context GrandStaff <
- \violinoIiStaff
- \violaIiStaff
- >
- \paper{
- \translator {
- \OrchestralScoreContext
- }
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 2 = 96
- \tempo 2 = 75
- }
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-% {
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \context GrandStaff <
- \violinoIStaff
- \violoncelloIStaff
- >
- \paper{
- \translator {
- \OrchestralScoreContext
- }
- }
- \midi{
-%urg, real/duration
-% \tempo 4. = 69
- \tempo 4 . = 50
- }
-% }
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \context GrandStaff <
- \violinoIiStaff
- \violoncelloIiStaff
- >
- \paper{
- \translator {
- \OrchestralScoreContext
- }
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 2 = 96
- \tempo 2 = 75
- }
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-violoncelloI = \notes\relative c{
- \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end * * * *) = #(make-moment 3 8)
- % too many [c8 c c] stuff here some manual beaming
- %\property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end 1 8 * *) = #(make-moment 1 16)
- g8()a d, g b()g d()fis a d a()fis |
- g()d b' g b()c b()e fis g d()d, |
- g r r [d'16(b a )g] e'8 d r r [c16(b a )b] g'8 |
- fis r r g16 fis( e d b' g )a fis( e d g)e g fis( e d e)cis |
- d8 d'()a b16 c(d)b g b c,8 c'()g a16 b(c)a fis a |
- b,8()b' fis g a()e fis g()d e fis()d |
- g r r [g,16(fis e)d] b'8 a r r [g16(fis e )d] c'8 |
- b r r d16 b(a)g e' c d b(a)g c a c b(a)g a fis |
- g d( e fis g a )b d(c b c )a b g(a b c b )e g( fis e d cis |
- )a'16 d,( e fis g a)b a(g fis g e)fis a(g fis e d)cis d(e)fis g8~ |
- g16 e(fis)d cis d b'4.~b16 d,(e)c b c a'4.~|
- a16 fis(g)e dis e c'4.~c16 b(a)g fis e dis8(e)c |
- b b'16(a g)fis e8 e,()fis g()b a g e()e' |
- a,16 b(cis)d e cis d8 d,()e fis a()g fis d()d' |
- g,16(a b)c! d b c8 c'()fis, a dis,()fis b,16 cis(dis e)fis d |
- e8 e, r [e'16( dis cis)b] g'8 fis r r [e16(dis cis)b] a'8 |
- g r r b16 g(fis)e c'! a b g(fis)e a fis a g(fis)e fis dis |
- e b(cis dis)e fis g b(a)g a fis g e(fis)g a b cis e(dis)c b ais |
- fis b,(cis)dis e fis g fis(e)d e cis d8()d, g' e fis()fis,|
- b16 fis'(gis)ais b cis d cis(d)b ais b fis b(d)b ais b f b(d)b a b |
- e, b'(e)d c b a b(c)a gis a e a(c)a gis a es a(c)a g a|
- d, a'(d)c b a g8()g, b c a()c d()b d |
- e c()e f g, f'~f16 e(f b, a)b e8()a f |
- g g, r [c16(b a)g] e'8 d r r [c16(b a)g] f'8|
- e r r g16 e(d)c a' f g e(d)c f d f e(d)c d b |
- c8 c'()g a16 b(c)a g fis b8 b,()fis' gis16 a(b)g fis e |
- a,8()a' b c b()c d()b d e [c()a]|
- fis()d r [g16(fis e)d] b'8 a r r b16 d(c)b a g |
- e e'(d)c b a [g(fis e)d] c'8 b r r r16 b, c d e fis |
- g a(b c d)e d b(a g e')c d b(a g c)a b d(c b c)a|
- b g(fis e a fis)g b(a g a fis)g b(a g c a)b g(fis e fis dis|
- )e g(f)e a fis g e(d)c d c c8()c' b c a()c |
- d,()d' cis d b()d e,()e' dis e c()e |
- fis,()e d g [c,16(b a)g] c g'(a c b)d e8 [d,16(cis b)a]|
- d a'(b cis d)e fis8 [g,16( fis e)d] g8()e c a d()d,|
- g r r r16 d''(e)f b,(d)g, b(c)d g,(b)d, f(g)a d,(f|
- )b, d(e)f b,(d)g,8 a()b c16 d(e f g a)b d(c b a)g|
- % FIXME?
- fis [a(g)fis e d] g8()e c g'8 b, e c d d, |
- g1.|
- \bar "|."
-\include ""
-violoncelloIStaff = \context Staff = violoncello <
- \property Staff.instrument = "cello"
- \violoncelloI
- \clef bass
- \globalI
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-violoncelloIi = \notes\relative c{
- r2 a'2|c e,| f8(e)d2 e8()fis| g a bes2 a8()gis|
- a(e)a b a(e)a c|b(e,b')c b(e,b')d|c(e,c')d c(e,c')e|b(e,b')c b(e,b')d|
- c(b)a2 gis4|
- a8()c b d c()b c a|e4 fis g fis8()e|fis4 gis a2~|a4 g8(fis)g4 e~|
- e dis8 cis dis2\prall|
- e4 b' e2~|e dis\prall|e4 e,8()fis g a bes g|e f g4. f8(e)d|cis d e4.d8(cis)b|
- cis()a cis d e()f g e|f()e d e f()g as f|d e f4. e8(d)c|b c d4. c8(b)a|
- b()g b c d()e f d|
- e()d c d e()f g e|f4 a()d, f(|)b, c8 d e4 c(|)d f()b, d(|)a a8 b c4 a(|
- )b d()gis, b(|)e, fis8()gis a4 b|c2 e,|f8 e d4~d8 e(fis)gis|a e a2 gis4|
- a b c b8()a|b4 c d2~|d4 c8 b c4 a~|a gis8 gis gis2\prall|a4 e' a2~|
- a gis\prall|a e|f a,|c8(b)a2 b8 cis|d()e f2 e8()dis|
- e(b e)fis e(b e)g|fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|g(b,g')a g(b,g')b|
- fis(b,fis')g fis(b,fis')a|g(fis)e2 fis4|
- gis f'!(e\prall)d |f, d'(c\prall)b|d, b'(a\prall)gis|a8 d,(c)b a4 g'|
- fis es'(d\prall)c|
- es, c'(b\prall)a|c, a'(g\prall)fis|g8 c,(b)a g4 f'(|)e8 e'(c)b c()a e4~|
- e8 d e fis d()g b4|
- c,8(b'a)g a()fis c4~|c8 b c d b()d g4|a,8(g'fis)e fis()dis a4~|
- a8 g a b g d' e g|fis(ais,fis')g fis(b,fis')g|
- gis(e gis)ais b(e,g)b|a(cis,a')bes a(d,a')c|b(g c)cis d f,(bes)d|
- c e,(c')d c f,(a)c|b d,(b')c b e,(b')d|
- c a(c)e c a()b gis(|)a c(b)d c b(c)a|e4 fis g fis8()e|fis4 gis a2~|
- a4 g8 fis g4 e~|
- e dis8 cis dis2\prall|e4 b' e2~|e dis\prall|e r4 d|cis bes(a\prall)g|
- %FIXME: did Bach really use phrasing marks?
- bes, g'\(()f\prall\)e|g, e'\(()d\prall\)cis|d8()a d e f g as f|d e f4.(e8 d)c|
- b c d4.(c8 b)a|
- b()g b c d()e b d|e4 e, a2~|a4 g8 fis g2~|g4 a8 b c2~|c4 bes8 a bes2~|
- bes4 c8 d es2~|es4 d8 cis d2~|d cis\prall|d4 e f d|e d' c b|
- a8()e a2 gis4\prall| a2 b|c e,|c8(e)d2 e8()fis|g a bes2 a8()gis|
- a(e a)b a(e a)c| b(e,b')c b(e,b')d|c(e,c')d c(e,c')e|
- b(e,b')c b(e,b')d| c(a b)cis d()e f g|
- f e d cis d4 d,~|d c8 b c4 d|e d e e,|<e'1 a,>
- \bar "|."
-\include ""
-violoncelloIiStaff = \context Staff = violoncello <
- \property Staff.instrument = "cello"
- \violoncelloIi
- \clef bass
- \globalIi
+++ /dev/null
-filename = ""
-title = "Vier Duette"
-description = "Four duets for Violino and Violoncello (Viola)"
-opus = "BWV"
-composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-copyright = "Public Domain"
-\version "1.3.146"
-% {
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violoncelloIStaff
- \paper{
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- }
- \midi{
-%urg, real/duration
-% \tempo 4. = 69
- \tempo 4 . = 69
- }
-% }
-\include ""
-\include ""
- \violoncelloIiStaff
- \paper{
- %castingalgorithm=0.
- %\translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
- }
- \midi{
-% \tempo 2 = 96
- \tempo 2 = 75
- }
depth = ../..
-SUBDIRS = Petites-Preludes Cembalo-Partitas Duette
+SUBDIRS = Petites-Preludes Cembalo-Partitas
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.3.146"
-\header {
- filename = ""
- title = "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"
- opus = "BWV"
- composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 "
- enteredby = "JCN"
- copyright = "public domain"
-commands = \notes {
- \time 4/4
- \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
- \key es \major
- \partial 8
-right = \notes \relative c' {
- \commands
-%if urtekst
- \clef "alto"
-% \clef "violin"
-%if stable
-% \property Voice."beamAutoEnd_8" = "1/4"
- \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end 1 8 * *) = #(make-moment 1 4)
- bes8 |
- es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as |
- \repeat "volta" 2 {
- g'16 es f8 as, g d' es r bes |
- es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as|
- g'16 es f8 as, g d' es r bes' |
- bes4 as16 g f es f es d c bes8 c16 d |
- es f g f as g f es g8 f r bes, |
- g' a4 bes8 \grace f8()es16 d es8 r c |
- a'8 bes4 c8 \grace f,()es16 d es8 r \grace{\slurDown [c'16( d ]}\stemBoth)es8 |
- d16 c bes8 bes16\prall a bes8 ~bes16 a g f es d c bes|
- c d es8 \grace f()es16 d es8~es16 a bes c bes a g f |
- bes8 f d\trill c16 bes bes es d c d8 bes|
- \grace a()g8. a16 a8.\prallprall g32 a bes4 r8 bes|
- es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as|
- g'16es f8 as, g d' es r bes|
- es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as|
- g'16 es f8 as , g d' es r f |
- g a4 bes8 \grace f()es16 d es8 r es|
- a bes4 c8 \grace g()f16 es f8 r4 |
- r r8 bes bes4 as16 g f es|
- f es d c bes8 c16 d es f g f as g f es
- }
- \alternative {
- { g8 f r4 r r8 bes,| es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as }
- { g8 f r4 r r8 bes | } }
- bes'4 as16 g f es f es d c bes8 c16 d |
- es f g f as g f es g8 f r bes, |
- g' a4 bes8 \grace {f(}) es16 d es8 r c |
- a' bes4 c8 \grace {f,(})es16 d es8 r es' |
- d16 c bes8 bes16\prall a bes8~bes16 a g f es d c bes|
- c d es8 es16\prall d es8~es16 a bes c bes a g f|
- bes8 f d\trill c16 bes bes es d c d8 bes|
- g8. a16 a8.\prallprall g32 a bes4 r8 d|
- es f4 g8 bes,16\prall as bes8 r bes'|
- bes4 as16 g f es f es d c bes8 c16 d|
- es f g f as g f es g8 f r4|
- r r8 g c16 d es8 es d |
- f es g, f es'16 c d8 f, es|
- b' c r g g4 f16 es d c |
- d c b a g8 a16 b c d es d f es d c|
- es8 d r g, es'fis4 g8|
- \grace d()c16 bes c8 r a fis' g4 a8|
- \grace d,() c16 bes c8 r c' bes16 a g8~g16\trill fis g8~|
- g16 f es d c bes a g a bes c8~c16\trill bes c8~|
- c16 fis g a g fis e d g8 d bes\trill a16 g |
- g4 r r r8 bes|
- es16 f g8 g f as g bes, as|
- g'16 es f8 as, g d' es r4|
- r r8 bes' bes4 as16 g f es|
- f es d c bes8 c16 d es f g f as g f es |
- g8 f r es c' d4 es8|
- as,16\prall g as8 r c d es4 f8|
- \grace bes,() as16 g as8 r f g16 f es8~es16\trill d es8~|
- es16 des' c bes as g f es f g as8~as16\trill g as8~|
- as16 d, es f es d c bes bes'8 es, g16 f es d |
- es as g f g8 es \grace d()c8. d16 d8. es16|
- es1|
- \bar "|."
-clefs = \notes{
- \clef "alto"
- \partial 8
- \skip 8
-% \clef "violin"
- \skip 1
-% \clef "alto"
- \repeat "volta" 2 { \skip 1*19 }
- \alternative {
- { \skip 1*2 }
- { \skip 1*1 } }
- \skip 1*11
- s4 \clef "violin"
- s4 s2
- s1
- s4 s8 \clef "alto" s8 s2
- \skip 1*12
- s4 r8 \clef "violin" s8 s2 \clef "alto"
-left = \notes \relative c {
- \commands
-%if urtekst
- \clef "tenor"
-% \clef "bass"
-%if stable
-% \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = 1
-% \property Voice."beamAutoEnd_8" = "1/4"
- \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end 1 8 * *) = #(make-moment 1 4)
-% \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = ##t
- \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff
- r8
- R1
- \repeat "volta" 2 {
- R1*11
- r2 es4 g |
- bes bes bes bes|
- c2 bes |
- r r4 bes|
- es bes es8 f g4|
- f4. es8 d4 c8.\prallprall bes32 c|
- bes2 r|
- r4 bes \grace bes8() es4 bes|
- }
- \alternative {
- { c g8. as32 bes as8 g f4\trill| es2 r | }
- { c4 g8. as32 bes as8 g f4\trill |} }
- es,2 r |
- R1*6 |
- r2 r4 bes'4|
- bes as g f\trill |
- es2 r|
- r4 bes' bes as|
- g f\trill es2|
- R1|
- f4 g as2\trill|
- g r|
- R1*5|
- r4 bes c d|
- es2 r|
- r r4 es8 f|
- g4 f\trill es2|
- R1|
- r4 bes es bes|
- c g as8 g f4\trill|
- es1|
- R1*4
- \bar "|."
-pedal = \notes \relative c, {
- \commands
-%if stable
-% \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = 1
-% \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = ##t
- \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff
- \clef "bass"
- r8 |
- es4 es es g
- \repeat "volta" 2 {
- as bes es, r|
- es es es g |
- as bes es, r |
- g c bes as |
- g es bes' d |
- es d c es|
- f g a f|
- bes a g f |
- es d c es|
- d8 bes f' f, g a bes d,|
- es c f4 bes8 c bes as|
- g f es d c4 c'|
- g bes es, g |
- as as' d, es |
- c d es d|
- c g c8 d es4~|
- es8 d g, a bes d, es f|
- bes a bes c d bes es4|
- bes as! g es |}
- \alternative {
- { as8 bes c4 f, bes8 as| g4 es' d es |}
- { as8 bes c4 f, bes8 as}}
- g4 c bes as |
- g es bes' d|
- es d c es|
- f g a f|
- bes a g f|
- es d c es|
- d8 bes f' f, g a bes d,|
- es c f4 bes8 c bes as!|
- g f es d es g as bes|
- c d es4 bes as |
- g es bes'8 c d bes |
- es d c b c g' c bes!|
- as4 es f g|
- as8 g f e f es d c|
- b g g' f es4 c|
- g' b c bes|
- a c, d es|
- fis, d g f|
- es' d c bes|
- a c bes8 g d' d,|
- g es f g as g as bes|
- c bes c d es4 c|
- as bes c8 bes c d |
- es d es f g f g as|
- d, bes bes'as g4 es|
- bes'8 as g4 as g|
- f es f bes, |
- c as bes g|
- as8 g f es d4 f|
- bes8 c bes as g c as bes|
- c d es g as f bes bes,|
- es1
- \bar "|."
-% these should be two separate scores...
- \context Score <
- \context StaffGroup<
- \context PianoStaff <
- \context Staff = treble {
- \property Score.midiInstrument = "church organ"
- <
-%if urtekst
- \context Voice=i \clefs
- \context Voice=ii \right
- >
- }
- \context Staff = bass \left
- >
- \context Staff = pedal \pedal
- >
- >
-\paper {
- %textheight = 280.0 \mm
- % landscape:
-% textheight = 160.0 \mm
- orientation = "landscape"
- linewidth = 280.0 \mm
- \translator {
- \StaffGroupContext
- VerticalExtent = #'(4 . 4)
- }
- \translator {
- \PianoStaffContext
- VerticalExtent = #'(2.5 . 2.5)
- }
- }
- \midi {
- \tempo 4 = 69
- }