(args (cdr expr)))
(if (eqv? cmd simple-markup) ;; a simple markup
(format #f "~s" (car args))
- (format #f "\\~a~{ ~a~}"
+ (format #f "\\~a~{ ~a~}"
(proc->command cmd)
(map-in-order arg->string args))))))
(cond ((string? markup-expr)
;;; post events
-(define post-event? (make-music-type-predicate
+(define post-event? (make-music-type-predicate
(define-display-method GraceMusic (expr parser)
- (format #f "\\grace ~a"
+ (format #f "\\grace ~a"
(music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element) parser)))
;; \acciaccatura \appoggiatura \grace
;; we check whether ?start and ?stop look like
;; startAppoggiaturaMusic stopAppoggiaturaMusic
- (and (with-music-match (?start (music
+ (and (with-music-match (?start (music
elements ((music
span-direction START))))))
- (with-music-match (?stop (music
+ (with-music-match (?stop (music
elements ((music
;; we check whether ?start and ?stop look like
;; startAcciaccaturaMusic stopAcciaccaturaMusic
- (and (with-music-match (?start (music
+ (and (with-music-match (?start (music
elements ((music
grob-value "grace"
symbol 'Stem)))))
- (with-music-match (?stop (music
+ (with-music-match (?stop (music
elements ((music
(define-display-method SequentialMusic (seq parser)
(let ((force-line-break (and (*force-line-break*)
- ;; hm
+ ;; hm
(> (length (ly:music-property seq 'elements))
(elements (ly:music-property seq 'elements))
(format #f "\\afterGrace ~a ~a"
(music->lily-string ?before-grace parser)
(music->lily-string ?grace parser))))
;;; Chords
;; tagged_post_event: '-' \tag embedded_scm post_event
(let* ((elements (ly:music-property chord 'elements))
- (simple-elements (filter (make-music-type-predicate
+ (simple-elements (filter (make-music-type-predicate
'NoteEvent 'ClusterNoteEvent 'RestEvent
'MultiMeasureRestEvent 'SkipEvent 'LyricEvent)
;; and BreathingEvent (\breathe)
(music->lily-string (car elements) parser)
(if (and (not (null? simple-elements))
- (null? (cdr simple-elements)))
+ (null? (cdr simple-elements))
+ ;; special case: if this simple_element has a HarmonicEvent in its
+ ;; 'articulations list, it should be interpreted instead as a
+ ;; note_chord_element, since \harmonic only works inside chords,
+ ;; even for single notes, e.g., < c\harmonic >
+ (null? (filter (make-music-type-predicate 'HarmonicEvent)
+ (ly:music-property (car simple-elements) 'articulations))))
;; simple_element : note | figure | rest | mmrest | lyric_element | skip
(let* ((simple-element (car simple-elements))
(duration (ly:music-property simple-element 'duration))
(music->lily-string music parser))
(duration->lily-string (ly:music-property (car chord-elements)
- 'duration))
+ 'duration))
(map-in-order (lambda (music)
(music->lily-string music parser))
(if (or (null? pitch-alist)
(null? tonic))
"\\key \\default"
- (let ((c-pitch-alist (ly:transpose-key-alist pitch-alist
+ (let ((c-pitch-alist (ly:transpose-key-alist pitch-alist
(ly:pitch-diff (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0) tonic))))
(format #f "\\key ~a \\~a~a"
(note-name->lily-string (ly:music-property key 'tonic) parser)
(else fig))
(if (null? alteration)
- (cond
+ (cond
((= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT) "--")
((= alteration FLAT) "-")
((= alteration NATURAL) "!")
(parameterize ((*force-line-break* #f)
(*time-factor-numerator* (/ num nd-gcd))
(*time-factor-denominator* (/ den nd-gcd)))
- (format #f "\\times ~a/~a ~a"
+ (format #f "\\times ~a/~a ~a"
(music->lily-string (ly:music-property times 'element) parser)))))
;;; Contexts
(define-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr parser)
(let ((id (ly:music-property expr 'context-id))
(format #f " = ~s" id))
(if (null? operations)
- ""
- (format #f " \\with {~{~a~}~%~v_}"
+ ""
+ (format #f " \\with {~{~a~}~%~v_}"
(parameterize ((*indent* (+ (*indent*) 2)))
(map (lambda (op)
(format #f "~%~v_\\~a ~s"
(if (and (not (null? once)))
"\\once "
- (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
- ""
+ (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
+ ""
(format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
(property-value->lily-string value parser)
(define-display-method PropertyUnset (expr parser)
(format #f "\\unset ~a~a~a"
- (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
- ""
+ (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
+ ""
(format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
(ly:music-property expr 'symbol)
(not once))
"\\once ")
- (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
- ""
+ (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
+ ""
(format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
(if (null? (cdr properties))
(property-value->lily-string value parser)
(define-display-method RevertProperty (expr parser)
(let ((symbol (ly:music-property expr 'symbol))
(properties (ly:music-property expr 'grob-property-path)))
(format #f "\\revert ~a~a #'~a~a"
- (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
- ""
+ (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom)
+ ""
(format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
(if (null? (cdr properties))
symbol 'tempoText)))))
(format #f "\\tempo ~a" (scheme-expr->lily-string ?tempo-text)))))
-;;; \clef
+;;; \clef
(define clef-name-alist #f)
(define-public (memoize-clef-names clefs)
"Initialize `clef-name-alist', if not already set."
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr parser)
"If `expr' is a time signature set, return \"\\time ...\".
Otherwise, return #f."
- (with-music-match (expr (music
+ (with-music-match (expr (music
- element (music
+ element (music
context-type 'Timing
- element (music
+ element (music
- elements ((music
+ elements ((music
value ?num+den
symbol 'timeSignatureFraction)
(define (moment->duration moment)
(let ((result (assoc (- moment) moment-duration-alist =)))
- (and result
+ (and result
(cdr result))))
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr parser)