- * different left/right quanting: slope, multiplicity
* Fix TODO
* Junk stem_info.
#include "item.hh"
#include "spanner.hh"
#include "warn.hh"
+#include "text-item.hh" // debug output.
+#include "font-interface.hh" // debug output.
+static Real
+shrink_extra_weight (Real x)
+ return fabs(x) * ((x < 0) ? 1.5 : 1.0);
Beam::add_stem (Grob *me, Grob *s)
total[d] += current;
count[d] ++;
} while (flip (&d) != DOWN);
SCM func = me->get_grob_property ("dir-function");
+struct Quant_score
+ Real yl;
+ Real yr;
+ Real demerits;
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, new_quanting, 1);
+Beam::new_quanting (SCM smob)
+ Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+ SCM s = me->get_grob_property ("positions");
+ Real yl = gh_scm2double (gh_car(s));
+ Real yr = gh_scm2double (gh_cdr(s));
+ Real ss = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+ Real thickness = gh_scm2double (me->get_grob_property ("thickness")) / ss;
+ Real slt = me->paper_l()->get_var ("stafflinethickness") / ss;
+ Real straddle = 0.0;
+ Real sit = (thickness - slt) / 2;
+ Real inter = 0.5;
+ Real hang = 1.0 - (thickness - slt) / 2;
+ Real quants [] = {straddle, sit, inter, hang };
+ int num_quants = int(sizeof(quants)/sizeof (Real));
+ Array<Real> quantsl;
+ Array<Real> quantsr;
+ const int REGION_SIZE = 3;
+ // -> result indexes between 70 and 575
+ for (int i = -REGION_SIZE ; i < REGION_SIZE; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < num_quants; j++)
+ {
+ quantsl.push (i + quants[j] + int (yl));
+ quantsr.push (i + quants[j] + int (yr));
+ }
+ Array<Quant_score> qscores;
+ for(int l =0; l < quantsl.size(); l++)
+ for(int r =0; r < quantsr.size(); r++)
+ {
+ Quant_score qs;
+ qs.yl = quantsl[l];
+ qs.yr = quantsr[r];
+ qs.demerits = 0.0;
+ qscores.push (qs);
+ }
+ SCM score_funcs = me->get_grob_property("quant-score-functions");
+ for (SCM s = score_funcs; gh_pair_p (s); s = gh_cdr (s))
+ {
+ SCM f = gh_car (s);
+ for (int i = qscores.size(); i--;)
+ {
+ // best scores < 30;
+ // if (qscores[i].demerits < 1000)
+ if (qscores[i].demerits < 100)
+ {
+ SCM score = gh_call3 (f,
+ me->self_scm(),
+ gh_double2scm (qscores[i].yl),
+ gh_double2scm (qscores[i].yr));
+ qscores[i].demerits += gh_scm2double (score);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Real best = 1e6;
+ int best_idx = -1;
+ for (int i = qscores.size(); i--;)
+ {
+ if (qscores[i].demerits < best)
+ {
+ best = qscores [i].demerits ;
+ best_idx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ me->set_grob_property ("positions",
+ gh_cons (gh_double2scm (qscores[best_idx].yl),
+ gh_double2scm (qscores[best_idx].yr))
+ );
+ if (0)
+ {
+ // debug quanting
+ me->set_grob_property ("quant-score",
+ gh_double2scm (qscores[best_idx].demerits));
+ me->set_grob_property ("best-idx", gh_int2scm (best_idx));
+ }
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, score_slopes_dy, 3);
+Beam::score_slopes_dy (SCM smob, SCM syl, SCM syr)
+ Grob*me = unsmob_grob(smob);
+ Real yl = gh_scm2double (syl);
+ Real yr = gh_scm2double (syr);
+ Real dy = yr - yl;
+ SCM sdy = me->get_grob_property("least-squares-dy");
+ SCM posns = me->get_grob_property ("positions");
+ Real dy_mus = gh_number_p (sdy) ? gh_scm2double (sdy) : 0.0;
+ Real dy_damp = - gh_scm2double (gh_car(posns)) + gh_scm2double (gh_cdr (posns));
+ Real dem = 0.0;
+ if (sign (dy_damp) != sign (dy))
+ {
+ dem += 800;
+ }
+ dem += 400* (0 >? (fabs(dy) - fabs(dy_mus)));
+ dem += shrink_extra_weight (fabs (dy_damp) - fabs(dy))* 10;
+ return gh_double2scm (dem);
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, score_stem_lengths, 3);
+Beam::score_stem_lengths (SCM smob, SCM syl, SCM syr)
+ Grob*me = unsmob_grob(smob);
+ Real yl = gh_scm2double (syl);
+ Real yr = gh_scm2double (syr);
+ Link_array<Item> stems=
+ Pointer_group_interface__extract_grobs (me, (Item*)0, "stems");
+ Real demerit_score = 0.0 ;
+ for (int i=0; i < stems.size (); i++)
+ {
+ Item* s = stems[i];
+ if (Stem::invisible_b (s))
+ continue;
+ Real current_y = calc_stem_y_f (me, s, Interval(yl,yr));
+ Stem_info info = Stem::calc_stem_info (s);
+ Direction d = Directional_element_interface::get (s);
+ demerit_score += 500 * ( 0 >? (info.miny_f_ - d*current_y));
+ demerit_score += 500 * ( 0 >? (d * current_y - info.maxy_f_));
+ demerit_score += 5 * shrink_extra_weight (d * current_y - info.idealy_f_);
+ }
+ demerit_score *= 2.0 /stems.size();
+ return gh_double2scm (demerit_score);
+static Real
+my_modf (Real x)
+ return x - floor(x);
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, score_forbidden_quants, 3);
+Beam::score_forbidden_quants (SCM smob, SCM syl, SCM syr)
+ Grob*me = unsmob_grob(smob);
+ Real yl = gh_scm2double (syl);
+ Real yr = gh_scm2double (syr);
+ Real dy = yr - yl;
+ Real rad = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_radius (me);
+ Real dem = 0.0;
+ if (fabs (yl) < rad && fabs( my_modf(yl) - 0.5) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 1000;
+ if (fabs (yr) < rad && fabs( my_modf(yr) - 0.5) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 1000;
+ int multiplicity = get_multiplicity (me);
+ // todo: use multiplicity of outer stems.
+ if (multiplicity >= 2)
+ {
+ Real slt = me->paper_l()->get_var("stafflinethickness");
+ Real ss = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space(me);
+ Real thickness = gh_scm2double (me->get_grob_property ("thickness"))
+ * ss;
+ Real beam_space= (2*ss + slt - 3 *thickness) / 2.0;
+ if (multiplicity >= 4)
+ {
+ beam_space = (3*ss + slt - 4 * thickness) /3.0;
+ }
+ Real straddle = 0.0;
+ Real sit = (thickness - slt) / 2;
+ Real inter = 0.5;
+ Real hang = 1.0 - (thickness - slt) / 2;
+ Direction dir = Directional_element_interface::get (me);
+ if (fabs (yl - dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad
+ && fabs (my_modf (yl) - inter) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ if (fabs (yr - dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad
+ && fabs (my_modf (yr) - inter) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ // hmm, without Interval/Drul_array, you get ~ 4x same code...
+ if (fabs (yl - dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad + inter)
+ {
+ if (dir == UP && dy <= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yl) - sit) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ if (dir == DOWN && dy >= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yl) - hang) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ }
+ if (fabs (yr - dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad + inter)
+ {
+ if (dir == UP && dy >= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yr) - sit) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ if (dir == DOWN && dy <= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yr) - hang) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ }
+ if (multiplicity >= 3)
+ {
+ if (fabs (yl - 2 * dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad + inter)
+ {
+ if (dir == UP && dy <= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yl) - straddle) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ if (dir == DOWN && dy >= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yl) - straddle) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ }
+ if (fabs (yr - 2 * dir * (beam_space + thickness)) < rad + inter)
+ {
+ if (dir == UP && dy >= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yr) - straddle) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ if (dir == DOWN && dy <= 1e-3
+ && fabs (my_modf (yr) - straddle) < 1e-3)
+ dem += 15;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gh_double2scm ( dem);
MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, least_squares, 1);
Interval ideal (Stem::calc_stem_info (first_visible_stem (me)).idealy_f_,
Stem::calc_stem_info (last_visible_stem (me)).idealy_f_);
if (!ideal.delta ())
Interval chord (Stem::chord_start_f (first_visible_stem (me)),
Stem::chord_start_f (last_visible_stem (me)));
+ /*
+ TODO : use scoring for this.
+ complicated, because we take stem-info.ideal for determining
+ beam slopes.
+ */
/* Make simple beam on middle line have small tilt */
if (!ideal[LEFT] && chord.delta () && count == 2)
pos[-d] = - pos[d];
- pos = ideal;
+ {
+ pos = ideal;
+ pos[LEFT] *= dir ;
+ pos[RIGHT] *= dir ;
+ }
Real dx = last_visible_stem (me)->relative_coordinate (0, X_AXIS) - x0;
Real dy = dydx * dx;
+ me->set_grob_property ("least-squares-dy", gh_double2scm (dy * dir));
pos = Interval (y*dir, (y+dy) * dir);
else if ((c = f - iv[MIN]) < 0)
concave += c;
- concave *= Directional_element_interface::get (me);
+ Direction dir = Directional_element_interface::get (me);
+ concave *= dir;
Real concaveness = concave / (stems.size () - 2);
/* ugh: this is the a kludge to get input/regression/beam-concave.ly
Interval pos = ly_scm2interval (me->get_grob_property ("positions"));
Real r = pos.linear_combination (0);
me->set_grob_property ("positions", ly_interval2scm (Interval (r, r)));
+ me->set_grob_property ("least-squares-dy", gh_double2scm (0));
/* Prevent interference from stafflines. */
Beam::quantise_interval (Grob *me, Interval pos, Direction quant_dir)
Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
Real thick = me->paper_l ()->get_var ("stafflinethickness");
- /* TODO:
- - left and right should be different, depending on direction and
- multiplicity
- -use different left-position-quant-function,
- right-position-quant-function for handier slope quanting? */
- SCM proc = me->get_grob_property ("vertical-position-quant-function");
- SCM quants = scm_apply (proc,
- me->self_scm (),
- scm_list_n (gh_int2scm (multiplicity),
- gh_double2scm (1), /* junkme */
- gh_double2scm (thick / staff_space),
- /* HUH? */
- Array<Real> a;
- for (SCM i = quants; gh_pair_p (i); i = ly_cdr (i))
- a.push (gh_scm2double (ly_car (i)));
- if (a.size () <= 1)
- return pos;
Direction dir = Directional_element_interface::get (me);
- Interval left = quantise_iv (a, pos[LEFT]*dir/staff_space) * staff_space;
- Interval right = quantise_iv (a, pos[RIGHT]*dir/staff_space) * staff_space;
Real dy = pos.delta ();
+ Drul_array<Interval> bounds;
+ Direction d = LEFT;
+ do
+ {
+ SCM proc = d == LEFT
+ ? me->get_grob_property ("left-position-quant-function")
+ : me->get_grob_property ("right-position-quant-function");
+ SCM quants = scm_apply (proc,
+ me->self_scm (),
+ scm_list_n (gh_int2scm (multiplicity),
+ gh_double2scm (dir),
+ gh_double2scm (dy),
+ gh_double2scm (thick / staff_space),
+ /* HUH? */
+ Array<Real> a;
+ for (SCM i = quants; gh_pair_p (i); i = ly_cdr (i))
+ a.push (gh_scm2double (ly_car (i)));
+ if (a.size () <= 1)
+ return pos;
+ bounds[d] = quantise_iv (a, pos[d]*dir/staff_space) * staff_space;
+ }
+ while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
Real ady = abs (dy);
// quant direction hints disabled for now
(save that value?)
Slope should never be reduced to zero.
- Interval qpos (0, 20.0 *sign (dy));
+ SCM s = me->get_grob_property ("least-squares-dy");
+ Real lsdy = gh_number_p (s) ? gh_scm2double (s) : 0;
+ // Interval qpos (0, 1000 * sign (dy));
+ Interval qpos;
+ Real epsilon = staff_space / 10;
Direction ldir = LEFT;
Direction rdir = LEFT;
- Interval i (left[ldir]*dir, right[rdir]*dir);
- if ((abs (abs (i.delta ()) - ady) <= abs (abs (qpos.delta ()) - ady)
- && sign (i.delta ()) == sign (pos.delta ())
- && (!q
- || (i[LEFT]*q >= pos[LEFT]*q && i[RIGHT]*q >= pos[RIGHT]*q))))
+ Interval i (bounds[LEFT][ldir]*dir, bounds[RIGHT][rdir]*dir);
+ if ((!lsdy
+ || (abs (i.delta ()) <= abs (lsdy) + epsilon
+ && sign (i.delta ()) == sign (lsdy)))
+ && (abs (abs (i.delta ()) - ady)
+ <= abs (abs (qpos.delta ()) - ady))
+ && sign (i.delta ()) == sign (pos.delta ())
+ && (!q
+ || (i[LEFT]*q >= pos[LEFT]*q && i[RIGHT]*q
+ >= pos[RIGHT]*q)))
qpos = i;
while (flip (&rdir) != LEFT);
Interval pos = ly_scm2interval (me->get_grob_property ("positions"));
Real y_shift = check_stem_length_f (me, pos);
pos += y_shift;
- pos = quantise_interval (me, pos, CENTER);
+ Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+ Direction dir = Directional_element_interface::get (me);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ Interval qpos = quantise_interval (me, pos, CENTER);
+ // how to check for uninitised interval, (inf, -inf)?
+ if (qpos[LEFT] < 1000)
+ {
+ y_shift = check_stem_length_f (me, qpos);
+ if (y_shift * dir < staff_space / 2)
+ {
+ pos = qpos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pos += ((i + 1) * ((i % 2) * -2 + 1)) * dir * staff_space / 4;
+ }
me->set_grob_property ("positions", ly_interval2scm (pos));
set_stem_lengths (me);
+#if 0
pos = ly_scm2interval (me->get_grob_property ("positions"));
y_shift = check_stem_length_f (me, pos);
me->set_grob_property ("positions", ly_interval2scm (pos));
+ Calculate the Y position of the stem-end, given the Y-left, Y-right
+ in POS, and for stem S.
+ */
Beam::calc_stem_y_f (Grob *me, Item* s, Interval pos)
if (info.idealy_f_ - stem_y > 0)
+#if 0
ideal_lengthen += info.idealy_f_ - stem_y;
+ ideal_lengthen = ideal_lengthen >? info.idealy_f_ - stem_y;
+ ideal_lengthen_count = 1;
else if (info.idealy_f_ - stem_y < 0)
+#if 0
ideal_shorten += info.idealy_f_ - stem_y;
+ ideal_shorten = ideal_shorten <? info.idealy_f_ - stem_y;
+ ideal_shorten_count = 1;
return leftbeams;
MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Beam, brew_molecule, 1);
Beam::brew_molecule (SCM smob)
->get_bound (LEFT)->relative_coordinate (0, X_AXIS),
+ if (0)
+ {
+ /*
+ This code prints the demerits for each beam. Perhaps this
+ should be switchable for those who want to twiddle with the
+ parameters.
+ */
+ String str;
+ if (1)
+ {
+ str += to_str (gh_scm2int (me->get_grob_property ("best-idx")));
+ str += ":";
+ }
+ str += to_str (gh_scm2double (me->get_grob_property ("quant-score")),
+ "%.2f");
+ SCM properties = Font_interface::font_alist_chain (me);
+ Molecule tm = Text_item::text2molecule (me, gh_str02scm (str.ch_C()), properties);
+ mol.add_at_edge (Y_AXIS, UP, tm, 5.0);
+ }
return mol.smobbed_copy ();