(c) 2004 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.hh"
#include "paper-book.hh"
#include "paper-score.hh"
Paper_def *paper_;
SCM lines_;
+ Stencil *header_;
+ Stencil *footer_;
+ /* actual height filled with text. */
+ Real height_;
+ //HMMM all this size stuff to paper/paper-outputter?
Real hsize_;
Real vsize_;
+ Real foot_sep_;
+ Real head_sep_;
+ /* available area for text. */
+ Real text_height ();
Page (Paper_def*);
void output (Paper_outputter*, bool);
Page::Page (Paper_def *paper)
paper_ = paper;
+ height_ = 0;
+ header_ = 0;
+ footer_ = 0;
+ lines_ = SCM_EOL;
hsize_ = paper->get_realvar (ly_symbol2scm ("hsize"));
vsize_ = paper->get_realvar (ly_symbol2scm ("vsize"));
+ head_sep_ = 0; //paper->get_realvar (ly_symbol2scm ("head-sep"));
+ foot_sep_ = 0; //paper->get_realvar (ly_symbol2scm ("foot-sep"));
Page::output (Paper_outputter *out, bool is_last)
int line_count = SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH ((SCM) lines_);
for (int i = 0; i < line_count; i++)
out->output_line (scm_vector_ref (lines_, scm_int2num (i)),
is_last && i == line_count - 1);
+ // TODO: header/footer etc
+ out->output_scheme (scm_list_1 (ly_symbol2scm ("start-page")));
+ for (SCM s = lines_; gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s))
+ out->output_line (ly_car (s), is_last && gh_pair_p (ly_cdr (s)));
+ out->output_scheme (scm_list_2 (ly_symbol2scm ("stop-page"),
+ gh_bool2scm (is_last)));
+Page::text_height ()
+ Real h = vsize_;
+ if (header_)
+ h -= header_->extent (Y_AXIS).length () + head_sep_;
+ if (footer_)
+ h -= footer_->extent (Y_AXIS).length () + foot_sep_;
+ return h;
WIP -- this simply adds one Page per \score
+ FIXME: titling is broken.
- * get dimensions
- * title: bookTitle vs scoreTitle
- * start-page / stop-page in output-* interface
- * some page breaking algorithm
+ * ->SCM?
+ * decent page breaking algorithm
* header / footer (generate per Page, with page#)
* override: # pages, or pageBreakLines= #'(3 3 4), ?
* what about between-system-breaking, can we junk that?
Link_array<Page> *pages = new Link_array<Page>;
Paper_def *paper = paper_scores_[0]->paper_;
int score_count = paper_scores_.size ();
+ /* Calculate the full book height. Hmm, can't we cache system
+ heights while making stencils? */
+ Real book_height = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < score_count; i++)
- Page *page = new Page (paper);
- page->lines_ = paper_scores_[i]->lines_;
- pages->push (page);
+ Paper_score *pscore = paper_scores_[i];
+ Stencil *title = (i == 0 ? pscore->book_title_ : pscore->score_title_);
+ if (title)
+ book_height += title->extent (Y_AXIS).length ();
+ int line_count = SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH ((SCM) pscore->lines_);
+ for (int j = 0; j < line_count; j++)
+ {
+ SCM line = scm_vector_ref (pscore->lines_, scm_int2num (j));
+ book_height += ly_scm2offset (ly_car (line))[Y_AXIS];
+ }
- //if (paper_scores_[0]->book_title_)
- // title = paper_scores_[0]->book_title_->extent (Y_AXIS).length ();
+ Page *page = new Page (paper);
+ fprintf (stderr, "book_height: %f\n", book_height);
+ fprintf (stderr, "vsize: %f\n", page->vsize_);
+ for (int i = 0; i < score_count; i++)
+ {
+ page->lines_ = paper_scores_[i]->lines_;
+ pages->push (page);
+ }
+ /* Simplistic page breaking. */
+ Real text_height = page->text_height ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < score_count; i++)
+ {
+ Paper_score *pscore = paper_scores_[i];
+ Stencil *title = (i == 0 ? pscore->book_title_ : pscore->score_title_);
+ Real h = 0;
+ if (title)
+ h = title->extent (Y_AXIS).length ();
+ int line_count = SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH ((SCM) pscore->lines_);
+ for (int j = 0; j < line_count; j++)
+ {
+ SCM line = scm_vector_ref (pscore->lines_, scm_int2num (j));
+ h += ly_scm2offset (ly_car (line))[Y_AXIS];
+ if (page->height_ + h > text_height)
+ {
+ pages->push (page);
+ page = new Page (paper);
+ }
+ if (page->height_ + h <= text_height || page->height_ == 0)
+ {
+ if (j == 0 && title)
+ page->lines_
+ = ly_snoc (scm_cons (ly_offset2scm (Offset (0, 0)),
+ scm_list_1
+ (scm_cons
+ (ly_offset2scm (Offset (0, 0)),
+ title->smobbed_copy ()))),
+ page->lines_);
+ page->lines_ = ly_snoc (line, page->lines_);
+ page->height_ += h;
+ h = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pages->push (page);
return pages;