--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header { texidoc = "@cindex Beam Damp
+Beams are less steep than the notes they encompass. " }
+ \notes\relative c''{
+% \stemUp
+% a16-[ b b c]
+% c-[ b b a]
+% \stemDown
+% c-[ b b a]
+% a-[ b b c]
+ \stemUp
+ g16-[ a b c]
+ c-[ b a g]
+ \stemDown
+ d'-[ c b a]
+ a-[ b c d]
+ }
+ \paper{
+ raggedright = ##t
+ }
+%% new-chords-done %%
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header {
+ texidoc = "Point-symmetric beams should receive the same
+ quanting. There is no up/down bias in the quanting code."
+ \notes\relative c'{
+ a8-[ b'' a,, b'']
+ b8-[ a,, b'' a,,]
+ }
+ \paper{
+ raggedright = ##t
+ }
+}%% new-chords-done %%
\version "1.7.18"
-% delete me?
-%TODO: what's this for? manual beaming? (the two pairs of 16ths)
-% showing \stemUp?
-% all of those things are covered in refman and/or other files
Seconds are tricky. We used to have problems with seconds being too
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header {
+ texidoc="@cindex Grace End
+ Grace notes after the last note do not confuse the timing code."
+\score {
+ \context Voice \notes\relative c {
+ c4 \grace { d16-[ d16] }
+ }
+ \paper {
+ raggedright = ##t
+ }
+ \midi { }
+%% new-chords-done %%
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header { texidoc= "Tests lyric extenders. "}
+ <
+ \context Staff \notes { c (c-) (c-) c }
+ \context Lyrics \lyrics { bla __ alb xxx __ yyy }
+ >
+%% new-chords-done %%
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header {texidoc="Tests lyric hyphens. "}
+ <
+ \context Staff \notes { c' (c'-) (c'-) c' }
+ \context Lyrics \context LyricsVoice \lyrics { bla -- alb xxx -- yyy }
+ >
+%% new-chords-done %%
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.7.18"
+\header { texidoc = "This combines instrument names and multimeasure rests (there was an
+interesting bug in 1.3.98). " }
+ \context Staff <
+ \property Staff.instrument = "instrument"
+ \property Staff.instr = "instr"
+ \notes{c''1 \break R1 }
+ >
+ \paper {
+ \translator { \StaffContext
+ \consists Instrument_name_engraver
+ }
+ }
+ \paper { raggedright = ##t }
+ }
+%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\header {
-% this example doesn't look very useful. Perhaps remove it in
-% the future, although it _does_ demonstrate a neat feature of
-% lilypond. Maybe regression?
-texidoc = "@cindex Beam Damp
-Beams are less steep than the notes they encompass.
-" }
-\version "1.7.18"
- \notes\relative c''{
-% \stemUp
-% a16-[ b b c]
-% c-[ b b a]
-% \stemDown
-% c-[ b b a]
-% a-[ b b c]
- \stemUp
- g16-[ a b c]
- c-[ b a g]
- \stemDown
- d'-[ c b a]
- a-[ b c d]
- }
- \paper{
- raggedright = ##t
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% I'm not certain this is useful. Candidate for
-% future remove-ing.
-\header {
- texidoc="@cindex Beam Stem Test
-Beam-stem attachment test. Helper file for ps/dvips problems.
-\score {
- \context RhythmicStaff \notes {
- \stemUp c8-[ c]
- \stemDown c8-[ c]
- \stemUp c8.-[ c16]
- }
- \paper {
- raggedright = ##t
- magnification = 64
- }
-}%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% this looks like an example of slurs, not beaming. And it
-% looks like regression.
-% possible rename to slur-something.
-\header { texidoc = "REGRESSION or DELETE " }
- \notes \relative c''{
- \slurUp c8-(-( c-)-( c4-)-)
- \slurDown a8-(-(a-)a4-)
- \break
- \slurDown a8-(-(a-)-(a4-)-)
- \slurUp c8-(-( c-)c4-)
- \break
- \slurDown e8-(-(e-)-( e4-)-)
- \slurUp f,8-(-( f-) f4-)
- \break
- \slurUp e8-(-(e-)-( e4-)-)
- \slurDown f'8-(-(f-)f4-)
- \break
- }
- \paper{
- indent = 0.0
- linewidth = 60.0\mm
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% I think this one could be removed or regression'd.
-\header{texidoc="REGRESSION or DELETE " }
-% a few 32nds shouldn't stretch spacing enormously.
-\score {
-\notes { \time 3/4
-\relative c'{
- g'8. c16 es8. d16 c8. bes32 as g8. c,16
- es4 r8 es |
- d-[ es f g as c ]
- b4 g r
-\paper { raggedright = ##t}
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% candidate for remove or regression.
-\header {
- texidoc = "Check whether all @code{duration} properties can
-be printed. This once helped track down an obscure memory corruption
-bug. MOVE TO REGRESSION? (probably not DELETE) "
-#(define (duration-check music)
- "Check all rest durations in MUSIC"
- (let* ((name (ly:music-name music))
- (elts (ly:get-mus-property music 'elements))
- (e (ly:get-mus-property music 'element))
- (duration (ly:get-mus-property music 'duration)))
- (if (not (equal? '() duration))
- (begin
- (write "duration: " (current-error-port))
- (write duration (current-error-port))
- (newline (current-error-port)))
- (if (equal? name "Rest_req")
- (begin
- (write "URG" (current-error-port))
- (write name (current-error-port))
- (write music (current-error-port))
- (newline (current-error-port))
- ;;(scm-error 'system-error #f "urg" #f #f)))
- (error "boo")
- )))
- (if (pair? elts)
- (map duration-check elts))
- (if (ly:music? e)
- (duration-check e)))
- music)
-\score {
- \apply #duration-check
- <
- \notes\relative c'' {
- a b8 c16 <<d e>>4.
- }
- \notes\relative c'' {
- a b8 c16 d a2 r
- }
- >
-\paper{raggedright = ##t}
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-\header {
- texidoc="@cindex Grace End
- Grace notes after the last note do not confuse the timing code."
-\score {
- \context Voice \notes\relative c {
- c4 \grace { d16-[ d16] }
- }
- \paper {
- raggedright = ##t
- }
- \midi { }
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% candidate for regression. -gp
-\header { texidoc = "REGRESSION or DELETE " }
-this combines instrument names and multimeasure rests (there was an
-interesting bug in 1.3.98)
- \context Staff <
- \property Staff.instrument = "instrument"
- \property Staff.instr = "instr"
- \notes{c''1 \break R1 }
- >
- \paper {
- \translator { \StaffContext
- \consists Instrument_name_engraver
- }
- }
- \paper { raggedright = ##t }
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-\header {
- texidoc = "Point-symmetric beams should receive the same
- quanting. There is no up/down bias in the quanting code."
- \notes\relative c'{
- a8-[ b'' a,, b'']
- b8-[ a,, b'' a,,]
- }
- \paper{
- raggedright = ##t
- }
-}%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% candidate for regression? -gp
-\header { texidoc = "REGRESSION or DELETE "}
- \notes\relative c'{
- \property Voice.Beam \override #'auto-knee-gap = ##f
- c16-[ \stemDown c'' \stemBoth c,, d]
- \stemDown d''-[ a \stemBoth c,, g,]
- \stemUp g-[ c' \stemBoth a'' d']
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%
\version "1.7.18"
-% candidate for regression. -gp
+% MERGE with title.ly -gp
Test ly2dvi features.
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% regression -gp
-\header { texidoc= "DELETE or REGRESSION. "}
- <
- \context Staff \notes { c (c-) (c-) c }
- \context Lyrics \lyrics { bla __ alb xxx __ yyy }
- >
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% regression -gp
-\header {texidoc="DELETE or REGRESSION. "}
- <
- \context Staff \notes { c' (c'-) (c'-) c' }
- \context Lyrics \context LyricsVoice \lyrics { bla -- alb xxx -- yyy }
- >
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.18"
-% looks like another lyric test. regression. -gp
-\header { texidoc="DELETE or REGRESSION. "}
-somewhatLong = \lyrics{
- \property Lyrics . LyricText \set #'font-style = #'roman
- AaaaaaA2
- BbbbbbB2
- CcccccC2
- DdddddD2
- EeeeeeE2
- FfffffF2
-ratherLong = \lyrics{
- \property Lyrics . LyricText \set #'font-style = #'roman
- LLLLoooonggggg2
- Syyllllaaabbble2
- LLLLoooonggggg2
- Syyllllllaaabbble2
- LLLLoooonggggg2
- Syyyylllaaabbble2
-quiteLong = \lyrics{
- \property Lyrics . LyricText \set #'font-style = #'roman
- LLLLLLLLLooooongggggggg2
- Syyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllaaaaaabbble2
- LLLLLLLLLooooongggggggg2
- Syyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllaaaaaabbble2
- LLLLLLLLLooooongggggggg2
- Syyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllaaaaaabbble2
-somewhatLongLyricsStaff = \context Lyrics = somewhat <
- \somewhatLong
-ratherLongLyricsStaff = \context Lyrics = rather <
- \ratherLong
-quiteLongLyricsStaff = \context Lyrics = quite <
- \quiteLong
-melody = \notes
-\transpose c c{
- c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4
- c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4 c4 e4 g4 e4
-melodicStaff = \context Staff = mel <
- \melody
- <
- \melodicStaff
- \somewhatLongLyricsStaff
-% \ratherLongLyricsStaff
- \quiteLongLyricsStaff
- >
- \paper{
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%