'paper-and-layout', 'breaks', 'spacing', 'midi', 'titles', 'template'])
def exit_with_usage (n=0):
- sys.stderr.write (USAGE)
- sys.exit (n)
+ sys.stderr.write (USAGE)
+ sys.exit (n)
if len (sys.argv) >= 2:
- in_dir = sys.argv[1]
- if len (sys.argv) >= 3:
- exit_with_usage (2)
- if not (os.path.isdir (DEST) and os.path.isdir (NEW_LYS)):
- exit_with_usage (3)
+ in_dir = sys.argv[1]
+ if len (sys.argv) >= 3:
+ exit_with_usage (2)
+ if not (os.path.isdir (DEST) and os.path.isdir (NEW_LYS)):
+ exit_with_usage (3)
- in_dir = ''
+ in_dir = ''
unsafe = []
unconverted = []
end_header_re = re.compile ('(\\header {.+?doctitle = ".+?})\n', re.M | re.S)
def mark_verbatim_section (ly_code):
- return end_header_re.sub ('\\1 % begin verbatim\n\n', ly_code, 1)
+ return end_header_re.sub ('\\1 % begin verbatim\n\n', ly_code, 1)
# '% LSR' comments are to be stripped
lsr_comment_re = re.compile (r'\s*%+\s*LSR.*')
# add tags to ly files from LSR
def add_tags (ly_code, tags):
- return begin_header_re.sub ('\\g<0>\n lsrtags = "' + tags + '"\n', ly_code, 1)
+ return begin_header_re.sub ('\\g<0>\n lsrtags = "' + tags + '"\n', ly_code, 1)
def copy_ly (srcdir, name, tags):
- global unsafe
- global unconverted
- dest = os.path.join (DEST, name)
- tags = ', '.join (tags)
- s = open (os.path.join (srcdir, name)).read ()
- texidoc_translations_path = os.path.join (TEXIDOCS,
- os.path.splitext (name)[0] + '.texidoc')
- if os.path.exists (texidoc_translations_path):
- texidoc_translations = open (texidoc_translations_path).read ()
- # Since we want to insert the translations verbatim using a
- # regexp, \\ is understood as ONE escaped backslash. So we have
- # to escape those backslashes once more...
- texidoc_translations = texidoc_translations.replace ('\\', '\\\\')
- s = begin_header_re.sub ('\\g<0>\n' + texidoc_translations, s, 1)
- if in_dir and in_dir in srcdir:
- s = LY_HEADER_LSR + add_tags (s, tags)
- else:
- s = LY_HEADER_NEW + s
- s = mark_verbatim_section (s)
- s = lsr_comment_re.sub ('', s)
- open (dest, 'w').write (s)
- e = os.system ("convert-ly -e '%s'" % dest)
- if e:
- unconverted.append (dest)
- if os.path.exists (dest + '~'):
- os.remove (dest + '~')
- # -V seems to make unsafe snippets fail nicer/sooner
- e = os.system ("lilypond -V -dno-print-pages -dsafe -o /tmp/lsrtest '%s'" % dest)
- if e:
- unsafe.append (dest)
+ global unsafe
+ global unconverted
+ dest = os.path.join (DEST, name)
+ tags = ', '.join (tags)
+ s = open (os.path.join (srcdir, name)).read ()
+ texidoc_translations_path = os.path.join (TEXIDOCS,
+ os.path.splitext (name)[0] + '.texidoc')
+ if os.path.exists (texidoc_translations_path):
+ texidoc_translations = open (texidoc_translations_path).read ()
+ # Since we want to insert the translations verbatim using a
+ # regexp, \\ is understood as ONE escaped backslash. So we have
+ # to escape those backslashes once more...
+ texidoc_translations = texidoc_translations.replace ('\\', '\\\\')
+ s = begin_header_re.sub ('\\g<0>\n' + texidoc_translations, s, 1)
+ if in_dir and in_dir in srcdir:
+ s = LY_HEADER_LSR + add_tags (s, tags)
+ else:
+ s = LY_HEADER_NEW + s
+ s = mark_verbatim_section (s)
+ s = lsr_comment_re.sub ('', s)
+ open (dest, 'w').write (s)
+ e = os.system ("convert-ly -e '%s'" % dest)
+ if e:
+ unconverted.append (dest)
+ if os.path.exists (dest + '~'):
+ os.remove (dest + '~')
+ # -V seems to make unsafe snippets fail nicer/sooner
+ e = os.system ("lilypond -V -dno-print-pages -dsafe -o /tmp/lsrtest '%s'" % dest)
+ if e:
+ unsafe.append (dest)
def read_source_with_dirs (src):
- s = {}
- l = {}
- for tag in TAGS:
- srcdir = os.path.join (src, tag)
- l[tag] = set (map (os.path.basename, glob.glob (os.path.join (srcdir, '*.ly'))))
- for f in l[tag]:
- if f in s:
- s[f][1].append (tag)
- else:
- s[f] = (srcdir, [tag])
- return s, l
+ s = {}
+ l = {}
+ for tag in TAGS:
+ srcdir = os.path.join (src, tag)
+ l[tag] = set (map (os.path.basename,
+ glob.glob (os.path.join (srcdir, '*.ly'))))
+ for f in l[tag]:
+ if f in s:
+ s[f][1].append (tag)
+ else:
+ s[f] = (srcdir, [tag])
+ return s, l
tags_re = re.compile ('lsrtags\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"')
def read_source (src):
- s = {}
- l = dict ([(tag, set()) for tag in TAGS])
- for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (src, '*.ly')):
- basename = os.path.basename (f)
- m = tags_re.search (open (f, 'r').read ())
- if m:
- file_tags = [tag.strip() for tag in m.group (1). split(',')]
- s[basename] = (src, file_tags)
- [l[tag].add (basename) for tag in file_tags if tag in TAGS]
- else:
- notags_files.append (f)
- return s, l
+ s = {}
+ l = dict ([(tag, set()) for tag in TAGS])
+ for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (src, '*.ly')):
+ basename = os.path.basename (f)
+ m = tags_re.search (open (f, 'r').read ())
+ if m:
+ file_tags = [tag.strip() for tag in m.group (1). split(',')]
+ s[basename] = (src, file_tags)
+ [l[tag].add (basename) for tag in file_tags if tag in TAGS]
+ else:
+ notags_files.append (f)
+ return s, l
def dump_file_list (file, file_list, update=False):
- if update:
- old_list = set (open (file, 'r').read ().splitlines ())
- old_list.update (file_list)
- new_list = list (old_list)
- else:
- new_list = file_list
- f = open (file, 'w')
- f.write ('\n'.join (sorted (new_list)) + '\n')
+ if update:
+ old_list = set (open (file, 'r').read ().splitlines ())
+ old_list.update (file_list)
+ new_list = list (old_list)
+ else:
+ new_list = file_list
+ f = open (file, 'w')
+ f.write ('\n'.join (sorted (new_list)) + '\n')
if in_dir:
- ## clean out existing lys and generated files
- map (os.remove, glob.glob (os.path.join (DEST, '*.ly')) +
- glob.glob (os.path.join (DEST, '*.snippet-list')))
- # read LSR source where tags are defined by subdirs
- snippets, tag_lists = read_source_with_dirs (in_dir)
- # read input/new where tags are directly defined
- s, l = read_source (NEW_LYS)
- snippets.update (s)
- for t in TAGS:
- tag_lists[t].update (l[t])
+ ## clean out existing lys and generated files
+ map (os.remove, glob.glob (os.path.join (DEST, '*.ly')) +
+ glob.glob (os.path.join (DEST, '*.snippet-list')))
+ # read LSR source where tags are defined by subdirs
+ snippets, tag_lists = read_source_with_dirs (in_dir)
+ # read input/new where tags are directly defined
+ s, l = read_source (NEW_LYS)
+ snippets.update (s)
+ for t in TAGS:
+ tag_lists[t].update (l[t])
- snippets, tag_lists = read_source (NEW_LYS)
+ snippets, tag_lists = read_source (NEW_LYS)
for (name, (srcdir, tags)) in snippets.items ():
- copy_ly (srcdir, name, tags)
+ copy_ly (srcdir, name, tags)
for (tag, file_set) in tag_lists.items ():
- dump_file_list (os.path.join (DEST, tag + '.snippet-list'), file_set, update=not(in_dir))
+ dump_file_list (os.path.join (DEST, tag + '.snippet-list'),
+ file_set, update=not(in_dir))
if unconverted:
- sys.stderr.write ('These files could not be converted successfully by convert-ly:\n')
- sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (unconverted) + '\n\n')
+ sys.stderr.write ('These files could not be converted successfully by convert-ly:\n')
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (unconverted) + '\n\n')
if notags_files:
- sys.stderr.write ('No tags could be found in these files:\n')
- sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (notags_files) + '\n\n')
+ sys.stderr.write ('No tags could be found in these files:\n')
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n'.join (notags_files) + '\n\n')
dump_file_list ('lsr-unsafe.txt', unsafe)
sys.stderr.write ('''