--- /dev/null
+\header {
+texidoc = "Cautionary accidentals are indicated using either
+smaller accidentals (default) or parentheses."
+\score { \notes {
+ c''4
+ cis''?4
+ \property Staff.Accidental \override #'cautionary-style = #'parentheses
+ cis''?4
+ }}
#include "musical-request.hh"
#include "command-request.hh"
-#include "local-key-item.hh"
#include "item.hh"
#include "tie.hh"
#include "rhythmic-head.hh"
#include "engraver-group-engraver.hh"
-#include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh"
+#include "accidental-placement.hh"
#include "side-position-interface.hh"
#include "engraver.hh"
#include "arpeggio.hh"
+struct Accidental_entry {
+ bool done_;
+ Note_req * melodic_;
+ Grob * accidental_;
+ Translator_group *origin_;
+ Grob* head_;
+ Accidental_entry();
+ done_ = false;
+ melodic_ =0;
+ accidental_ = 0;
+ origin_ = 0;
+ head_ = 0;
struct Accidental_engraver : Engraver {
- Item *key_item_p_;
TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Accidental_engraver);
virtual void process_music ();
store all information before we can really create the accidentals.
Link_array<Grob> arpeggios_;
+ Grob * accidental_placement_;
- Link_array<Note_req> mel_l_arr_;
- Link_array<Grob> head_l_arr_;
- Link_array<Item> forced_l_arr_;
- Link_array<Grob> tie_l_arr_;
- Link_array<Translator_group> origin_l_arr_;
+ /*
+ The next
+ */
+ Array<Accidental_entry> accidental_arr_;
+ Link_array<Grob> tie_arr_;
Accidental_engraver::Accidental_engraver ()
- key_item_p_ = 0;
+ accidental_placement_ = 0;
last_keysig_ = SCM_EOL;
static int
-number_accidentals (SCM sig, Note_req * note_l, SCM curbarnum, SCM lazyness,
+number_accidentals (SCM sig, Note_req * note_l, Pitch *pitch, SCM curbarnum, SCM lazyness,
bool ignore_octave_b)
- Pitch *pitch = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"));
int n = pitch->notename_i_;
int o = pitch->octave_i_;
int a = pitch->alteration_i_;
static int
-number_accidentals (Note_req * note_l, Translator_group * origin_l,
+number_accidentals (Note_req * note_l, Pitch *pitch, Translator_group * origin_l,
SCM accidentals, SCM curbarnum)
int number = 0;
if (same_octave_b || any_octave_b)
int n = number_accidentals
- (localsig, note_l, curbarnum, lazyness, any_octave_b);
+ (localsig, note_l, pitch, curbarnum, lazyness, any_octave_b);
diff = diff || (n < 0);
number = max (number, abs (n));
Accidental_engraver::create_grobs ()
- if (!key_item_p_ && mel_l_arr_.size ())
+ if (accidental_arr_.size () && !accidental_arr_.top().done_)
//SCM localsig = get_property ("localKeySignature");
SCM accidentals = get_property ("autoAccidentals");
SCM barnum = get_property ("currentBarNumber");
bool extra_natural_b = get_property ("extraNatural") == SCM_BOOL_T;
- for (int i = 0; i < mel_l_arr_.size (); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < accidental_arr_.size (); i++)
- Grob * support_l = head_l_arr_[i];
- Note_req * note_l = mel_l_arr_[i];
- Translator_group * origin_l = origin_l_arr_[i];
- int num = number_accidentals (note_l, origin_l, accidentals, barnum);
- int num_caut = number_accidentals (note_l, origin_l, cautionaries, barnum);
+ if (accidental_arr_[i].done_ )
+ continue;
+ accidental_arr_[i].done_ = true;
+ Grob * support_l = accidental_arr_[i].head_;
+ Note_req * note_l = accidental_arr_[i].melodic_;
+ Translator_group * origin_l = accidental_arr_[i].origin_;
+ Pitch * pitch = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"));
+ int num = number_accidentals (note_l, pitch, origin_l, accidentals, barnum);
+ int num_caut = number_accidentals (note_l, pitch, origin_l, cautionaries, barnum);
bool cautionary = to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("cautionary"));
- if (abs (num_caut)>abs (num))
+ if (abs (num_caut) > abs (num))
num = num_caut;
cautionary = true;
Grob *tie_break_reminder = 0;
bool tie_changes = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < tie_l_arr_.size (); j++)
- if (support_l == Tie::head (tie_l_arr_[j], RIGHT))
+ for (int j = 0; j < tie_arr_.size (); j++)
+ if (support_l == Tie::head (tie_arr_[j], RIGHT))
tie_changes = different;
Maybe check property noTieBreakForceAccidental? */
if (different)
- tie_break_reminder = tie_l_arr_[j];
+ tie_break_reminder = tie_arr_[j];
if (num)
- if (!key_item_p_)
+ Grob * a = new Item (get_property ("Accidental"));
+ a->set_parent (support_l, Y_AXIS);
+ if (!accidental_placement_)
- key_item_p_ = new Item (get_property ("Accidentals"));
+ accidental_placement_ = new Item (get_property ("AccidentalPlacement"));
+ announce_grob (accidental_placement_, a->self_scm());
+ }
+ Accidental_placement::add_accidental (accidental_placement_, a);
+ announce_grob (a, SCM_EOL);
- SCM c0 = get_property ("centralCPosition");
- if (gh_number_p (c0))
- Staff_symbol_referencer::set_position (key_item_p_, gh_scm2int (c0));
+ SCM accs = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (pitch->alteration_i_), SCM_EOL);
+ if (num == 2 && extra_natural_b)
+ accs = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (0), accs);
- announce_grob (key_item_p_, SCM_EOL);
- }
+ /* TODO:
+ add cautionary option in accidental.
+ */
+ if (cautionary)
+ {
+ a->set_grob_property ("cautionary", SCM_BOOL_T);
+ }
+ if (tie_break_reminder)
+ {
+ // TODO.
+ a->set_grob_property ("tie", tie_break_reminder->self_scm());
+ }
- Local_key_item::add_pitch (key_item_p_, *unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch")),
- cautionary,
- num == 2 && extra_natural_b,
- tie_break_reminder);
- Side_position_interface::add_support (key_item_p_, support_l);
- support_l->set_grob_property ("accidental-grob", key_item_p_->self_scm ());
+ support_l->set_grob_property ("accidental-grob", a->self_scm ());
+ a->set_grob_property ("accidentals", accs);
+ accidental_arr_[i].accidental_ = a;
+ /*
+ We add the accidentals to the support of the arpeggio, so it is put left of the
+ accidentals.
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < arpeggios_.size (); i++)
+ Side_position_interface::add_support (arpeggios_[i], a);
always do the correct thing?
- Pitch *pitch = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"));
int n = pitch->notename_i_;
int o = pitch->octave_i_;
int a = pitch->alteration_i_;
- Translator_group * trans_ = origin_l_arr_[i];
- while (trans_)
+ while (origin_l)
- SCM localsig = trans_->get_property ("localKeySignature");
+ SCM localsig = origin_l->get_property ("localKeySignature");
if (tie_changes)
localsig = ly_assoc_front_x
(localsig, on_s, gh_cons (gh_int2scm (a), barnum));
- trans_->set_property ("localKeySignature", localsig);
- trans_ = trans_->daddy_trans_l_;
+ origin_l->set_property ("localKeySignature", localsig);
+ origin_l = origin_l->daddy_trans_l_;
- if (key_item_p_)
- {
- /*
- We add the accidentals to the support of the arpeggio, so it
- is put left of the accidentals.
- */
- for (int i = 0; i < arpeggios_.size (); i++)
- Side_position_interface::add_support (arpeggios_[i], key_item_p_);
- arpeggios_.clear ();
- }
Accidental_engraver::stop_translation_timestep ()
- if (key_item_p_)
+ for (int i = 0; i < accidental_arr_.size(); i++)
- for (int i = 0; i < head_l_arr_.size (); i++)
- Side_position_interface::add_support (key_item_p_, head_l_arr_[i]);
- typeset_grob (key_item_p_);
- key_item_p_ = 0;
+ Grob *a = accidental_arr_[i].accidental_;
+ if (a)
+ {
+ typeset_grob (a);
+ }
- mel_l_arr_.clear ();
+ if (accidental_placement_)
+ typeset_grob(accidental_placement_);
+ accidental_placement_ = 00;
+ accidental_arr_.clear();
arpeggios_.clear ();
- tie_l_arr_.clear ();
- head_l_arr_.clear ();
- forced_l_arr_.clear ();
- origin_l_arr_.clear ();
+ tie_arr_.clear ();
if (note_l && Rhythmic_head::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
- mel_l_arr_.push (note_l);
- head_l_arr_.push (info.grob_l_);
- origin_l_arr_.push (info.origin_trans_l_->daddy_trans_l_);
+ Accidental_entry entry ;
+ entry.head_ = info.grob_l_;
+ entry.origin_ = info.origin_trans_l_->daddy_trans_l_;
+ entry.melodic_ = note_l;
+ accidental_arr_.push (entry);
else if (Tie::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
- tie_l_arr_.push (info.grob_l_);
+ tie_arr_.push (info.grob_l_);
else if (Arpeggio::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
arpeggios_.push (info.grob_l_);
events. Due to interaction with ties (which don't come together
with note heads), this needs to be in a context higher than Tie_engraver.",
- "Accidentals",
+ "Accidental",
"rhythmic-head-interface tie-interface arpeggio-interface",
"localKeySignature extraNatural autoAccidentals autoCautionaries",
Accidental_interface::brew_molecule (SCM smob)
Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+ bool smaller = false;
+ bool parens = false;
+ bool caut = to_boolean (me->get_grob_property ("cautionary"));
+ if (caut)
+ {
+ SCM cstyle = me->get_grob_property ("cautionary-style");
+ parens = gh_equal_p (cstyle, ly_symbol2scm ("parentheses"));
+ smaller = gh_equal_p (cstyle, ly_symbol2scm ("smaller"));
+ }
SCM scm_style = me->get_grob_property ("style");
String style;
if (gh_symbol_p (scm_style))
style = "";
+ Font_metric *fm = 0;
+ if (smaller)
+ {
+ SCM ac = Font_interface::font_alist_chain (me);
+ ac = gh_cons (gh_cons (gh_cons
+ (ly_symbol2scm ("font-relative-size"),
+ gh_int2scm (-1)), SCM_EOL),
+ ac);
+ fm = Font_interface::get_font (me, ac);
+ }
+ else
+ fm = Font_interface::get_default_font (me);
Molecule mol;
for (SCM s = me->get_grob_property ("accidentals");
gh_pair_p (s); s= gh_cdr (s))
SCM entry = gh_car (s);
- Molecule acc (Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->
- find_by_name (String ("accidentals-") +
- style +
- to_str (gh_scm2int(entry))));
+ Molecule acc (fm->find_by_name (String ("accidentals-") +
+ style +
+ to_str (gh_scm2int(entry))));
mol.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, RIGHT, acc, 0.1);
-#if 0
- // TODO.
- if (to_boolean (me->get_grob_property ("parenthesize")))
+ if (parens)
mol = parenthesize (me, mol);
return mol.smobbed_copy();
+++ /dev/null
- local-key-item.hh -- part of GNU LilyPond
- (c) 1996--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys
-#include "array.hh"
-#include "pitch.hh"
-class Local_key_item
- static Molecule parenthesize (Grob*me, Molecule) ;
- DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (after_line_breaking, (SCM));
- DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (brew_molecule, (SCM));
- static void add_pitch (Grob*me, Pitch, bool cautionary, bool natural, Grob *tie_break_cautionary);
- static bool has_interface (Grob*);
+++ /dev/null
- local-key-item.cc -- implement Local_key_item, Pitch
- source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
- (c) 1997--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
-#include "local-key-item.hh"
-#include "molecule.hh"
-#include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh"
-#include "font-interface.hh"
-#include "paper-def.hh"
-#include "musical-request.hh"
-#include "rhythmic-head.hh"
-#include "misc.hh"
-#include "spanner.hh"
-#include "tie.hh"
-#include "lookup.hh"
-Local_key_item::add_pitch (Grob*me, Pitch p, bool cautionary, bool natural,
- Grob* tie_break_reminder)
- SCM acs = me->get_grob_property ("accidentals");
- SCM pitch = p.smobbed_copy ();
- SCM opts = scm_assoc (pitch, acs);
- bool new_pitch = !gh_pair_p (opts);
- opts= new_pitch ? SCM_EOL : gh_cdr (opts);
- if (cautionary)
- opts = gh_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("cautionary"), opts);
- if (natural)
- opts = gh_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("natural"), opts);
- if (tie_break_reminder)
- {
- /* Ugh, these 'options' can't have a value, faking... */
- opts = gh_cons (tie_break_reminder->self_scm (), opts);
- opts = gh_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("tie-break-reminder"), opts);
- }
- if (new_pitch)
- {
- pitch = gh_cons (pitch, opts);
- acs = scm_merge_x (acs, gh_cons (pitch, SCM_EOL), pitch_less_proc);
- }
- else
- scm_assoc_set_x (acs, pitch, opts);
- me->set_grob_property ("accidentals", acs);
-Local_key_item::parenthesize (Grob*me, Molecule m)
- Molecule open = Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->find_by_name (String ("accidentals-leftparen"));
- Molecule close = Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->find_by_name (String ("accidentals-rightparen"));
- m.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, LEFT, Molecule (open), 0);
- m.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, RIGHT, Molecule (close), 0);
- return m;
- HW says: maybe move to tie.cc
- Note, tie should not kill all accidentals when broken, only the ones
- that are indicated by a property tie-break-reminder, I guess
- Find if any of the accidentals were created because they're at the rhs of a
- tie. If that's the reason they exist, and the tie was NOT broken,
- put the accidental up for deletion. Clear molecule cache. */
-MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Local_key_item, after_line_breaking, 1);
-Local_key_item::after_line_breaking (SCM smob)
- Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
- SCM accs = me->get_grob_property ("accidentals");
- for (SCM s = accs;
- gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s))
- {
- SCM opts = ly_cdar (s);
- SCM t = scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm ("tie-break-reminder"), opts);
- if (t != SCM_BOOL_F)
- {
- Grob *tie = unsmob_grob (ly_cadr (t));
- Spanner *sp = dynamic_cast<Spanner*> (tie);
- if (!sp->original_l_)
- {
- /* there should be a better way to delete part of me */
- scm_set_car_x (s, scm_list_n (ly_caar (s),
- ly_symbol2scm ("deleted"),
- SCM_EOL));
- me->set_grob_property ("molecule", SCM_EOL);
- }
- }
- }
- UGH. clean me, revise placement routine (See Ross & Wanske;
- accidental placement is more complicated than this.
- */
-MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Local_key_item,brew_molecule,1);
-Local_key_item::brew_molecule (SCM smob)
- Grob* me = unsmob_grob (smob);
- Molecule mol;
- Real note_distance = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me)/2;
- Molecule octave_mol;
- bool oct_b = false;
- int lastoct = -100;
- SCM scm_style = me->get_grob_property ("style");
- String style;
- if (gh_symbol_p (scm_style))
- {
- style = ly_scm2string (scm_symbol_to_string (scm_style));
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- preferably no name for the default style.
- */
- style = "";
- }
- SCM accs = me->get_grob_property ("accidentals");
- for (SCM s = accs;
- gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s))
- {
- Pitch p (*unsmob_pitch (ly_caar (s)));
- SCM opts = ly_cdar (s);
- if (scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm ("deleted"), opts) != SCM_BOOL_F)
- continue;
- // do one octave
- if (p.octave_i () != lastoct)
- {
- if (oct_b)
- {
- Real dy =lastoct*7* note_distance;
- octave_mol.translate_axis (dy, Y_AXIS);
- mol.add_molecule (octave_mol);
- octave_mol = Molecule ();
- }
- oct_b = true;
- }
- lastoct = p.octave_i () ;
- bool cautionary = (scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm ("cautionary"), opts) != SCM_BOOL_F);
- SCM font_rel_siz = me->get_grob_property("font-relative-size");
- SCM caut_siz = me->get_grob_property("cautionary-size");
- int frs = (gh_exact_p(font_rel_siz) ? gh_scm2int(font_rel_siz) : 0);
- int cs = (gh_exact_p(caut_siz) ? gh_scm2int(caut_siz) : 0);
- // Ugh. This will only work if only called once on each grob. --rz
- if (cautionary && caut_siz!=0)
- me->set_grob_property ("font-relative-size",gh_int2scm(frs+cs));
- SCM c0 = me->get_grob_property ("c0-position");
- Real dy = (gh_number_p (c0) ? gh_scm2int (c0) : 0 + p.notename_i_)
- * note_distance;
- Molecule acc (Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->
- find_by_name (String ("accidentals-") +
- style +
- to_str (p.alteration_i_)));
- if (scm_memq (ly_symbol2scm ("natural"), opts) != SCM_BOOL_F)
- {
- Molecule prefix = Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->
- find_by_name (String ("accidentals-") + style + String ("0"));
- acc.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, LEFT, Molecule (prefix), 0);
- }
- if (cautionary && to_boolean(me->get_grob_property("paren-cautionaries")))
- acc = parenthesize (me, acc);
- acc.translate_axis (dy, Y_AXIS);
- octave_mol.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, RIGHT, acc, 0);
- }
- if (oct_b)
- {
- Real dy =lastoct*7*note_distance;
- octave_mol.translate_axis (dy, Y_AXIS);
- mol.add_molecule (octave_mol);
- octave_mol = Molecule ();
- }
- if (gh_pair_p (accs))
- {
- Drul_array<SCM> pads;
- /*
- Use a cons?
- */
- pads[RIGHT] = me->get_grob_property ("right-padding");
- pads[LEFT] = me->get_grob_property ("left-padding");
- // unused ?
- Direction d = LEFT;
- do {
- if (!gh_number_p (pads[d]))
- continue;
- Box b (Interval (0, gh_scm2double (pads[d]) * note_distance),
- Interval (0,0));
- Molecule m (Lookup::blank (b));
- mol.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, d, m, 0);
- } while (flip (&d)!= LEFT);
- }
- return mol.smobbed_copy ();
-ADD_INTERFACE (Local_key_item, "accidentals-interface",
- "Accidentals",
- "accidentals left-padding right-padding paren-cautionaries cautionary-size");
+++ /dev/null
- accidental-engraver.cc -- implement accidental_engraver
- (c) 1997--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
- Modified 2001-2002 by Rune Zedeler <rz@daimi.au.dk>
-#include "musical-request.hh"
-#include "command-request.hh"
-#include "local-key-item.hh"
-#include "item.hh"
-#include "tie.hh"
-#include "rhythmic-head.hh"
-#include "engraver-group-engraver.hh"
-#include "accidental-placement.hh"
-#include "side-position-interface.hh"
-#include "engraver.hh"
-#include "arpeggio.hh"
-#include "warn.hh"
-#include "translator-group.hh"
-FIXME: should not compute vertical positioning of accidentals, but
-get them from the noteheads
-The algorithm for accidentals should be documented, and made
-struct Accidental_entry {
- bool done_;
- Note_req * melodic_;
- Grob * accidental_;
- Translator_group *origin_;
- Grob* head_;
- Accidental_entry();
- done_ = false;
- melodic_ =0;
- accidental_ = 0;
- origin_ = 0;
- head_ = 0;
-struct New_accidental_engraver : Engraver {
- TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (New_accidental_engraver);
- virtual void process_music ();
- virtual void acknowledge_grob (Grob_info);
- virtual void stop_translation_timestep ();
- virtual void initialize ();
- virtual void create_grobs ();
- virtual void finalize ();
- /*
- TODO -> property.
- This is not a property, and it is not protected. This poses a
- very small risk of the value being GC'd from under us.
- Oh well.
- */
- SCM last_keysig_;
- /*
- Urgh. Since the accidentals depend on lots of variables, we have to
- store all information before we can really create the accidentals.
- */
- Link_array<Grob> arpeggios_;
- Grob * accidental_placement_;
- /*
- The next
- */
- Array<Accidental_entry> accidental_arr_;
- Link_array<Grob> tie_arr_;
-New_accidental_engraver::New_accidental_engraver ()
- accidental_placement_ = 0;
- last_keysig_ = SCM_EOL;
-New_accidental_engraver::initialize ()
- last_keysig_ = get_property ("keySignature");
- Translator_group * trans_ = daddy_trans_l_;
- while (trans_)
- {
- trans_ -> set_property ("localKeySignature", ly_deep_copy (last_keysig_));
- trans_ = trans_->daddy_trans_l_;
- }
- daddy_trans_l_->set_children_property ("localKeySignature", last_keysig_);
-calculates the number of accidentals on basis of the current local key sig
- (passed as argument)
- Returns number of accidentals (0, 1 or 2).
- Negative (-1 or -2) if accidental has changed.
-static int
-number_accidentals (SCM sig, Note_req * note_l, Pitch *pitch, SCM curbarnum, SCM lazyness,
- bool ignore_octave_b)
- int n = pitch->notename_i_;
- int o = pitch->octave_i_;
- int a = pitch->alteration_i_;
- int curbarnum_i = gh_scm2int (curbarnum);
- int accbarnum_i = 0;
- SCM prev;
- if (ignore_octave_b)
- prev = ly_assoc_cdr (gh_int2scm (n), sig);
- else
- prev = gh_assoc (gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o), gh_int2scm (n)), sig);
- /* should really be true unless prev == SCM_BOOL_F */
- if (gh_pair_p (prev) && gh_pair_p (ly_cdr (prev)))
- {
- accbarnum_i = gh_scm2int (ly_cddr (prev));
- prev = gh_cons (ly_car (prev), ly_cadr (prev));
- }
- /* If an accidental was not found or the accidental was too old */
- if (prev == SCM_BOOL_F ||
- (gh_number_p (lazyness) && curbarnum_i > accbarnum_i + gh_scm2int (lazyness)))
- prev = gh_assoc (gh_int2scm (n), sig);
- SCM prev_acc = (prev == SCM_BOOL_F) ? gh_int2scm (0) : ly_cdr (prev);
- int p = gh_number_p (prev_acc) ? gh_scm2int (prev_acc) : 0;
- int num;
- if (a == p
- && !to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("force-accidental"))
- && gh_number_p (prev_acc))
- num = 0;
- else if ( (abs (a)<abs (p) || p*a<0) && a != 0 )
- num = 2;
- else
- num = 1;
- return a == p ? num : -num;
-static int
-number_accidentals (Note_req * note_l, Pitch *pitch, Translator_group * origin_l,
- SCM accidentals, SCM curbarnum)
- int number = 0;
- bool diff = false;
- if (gh_pair_p (accidentals) && !gh_symbol_p (ly_car (accidentals)))
- warning (_f ("Accidental typesetting list must begin with context-name: %s",
- ly_scm2string (ly_car (accidentals)).ch_C ()));
- while (gh_pair_p (accidentals) && origin_l)
- {
- // If pair then it is a new accidentals typesetting rule to be checked
- if (gh_pair_p (ly_car (accidentals)))
- {
- SCM type = gh_caar (accidentals);
- SCM lazyness = gh_cdar (accidentals);
- SCM localsig = origin_l->get_property ("localKeySignature");
- bool same_octave_b =
- gh_eq_p (ly_symbol2scm ("same-octave"), type);
- bool any_octave_b =
- gh_eq_p (ly_symbol2scm ("any-octave"), type);
- if (same_octave_b || any_octave_b)
- {
- int n = number_accidentals
- (localsig, note_l, pitch, curbarnum, lazyness, any_octave_b);
- diff = diff || (n < 0);
- number = max (number, abs (n));
- }
- else
- warning (_f ("unknown accidental typesetting: %s. Ignored",
- ly_symbol2string (type).ch_C ()));
- }
- /*
- if symbol then it is a context name. Scan parent contexts to find it.
- */
- else if (gh_symbol_p (ly_car (accidentals)))
- {
- String context = ly_symbol2string (ly_car (accidentals));
- while (origin_l && !origin_l->is_alias_b (context))
- origin_l = origin_l->daddy_trans_l_;
- if (!origin_l)
- warning (_f ("Symbol is not a parent context: %s. Ignored",
- context.ch_C ()));
- }
- else warning (_f ("Accidental typesetting must be pair or context-name: %s",
- ly_scm2string (ly_car (accidentals)).ch_C ()));
- accidentals = ly_cdr (accidentals);
- }
- return diff ? -number : number;
-New_accidental_engraver::create_grobs ()
- if (accidental_arr_.size () && !accidental_arr_.top().done_)
- {
- //SCM localsig = get_property ("localKeySignature");
- SCM accidentals = get_property ("autoAccidentals");
- SCM cautionaries = get_property ("autoCautionaries");
- SCM barnum = get_property ("currentBarNumber");
- bool extra_natural_b = get_property ("extraNatural") == SCM_BOOL_T;
- for (int i = 0; i < accidental_arr_.size (); i++)
- {
- if (accidental_arr_[i].done_ )
- continue;
- accidental_arr_[i].done_ = true;
- Grob * support_l = accidental_arr_[i].head_;
- Note_req * note_l = accidental_arr_[i].melodic_;
- Translator_group * origin_l = accidental_arr_[i].origin_;
- Pitch * pitch = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"));
- int num = number_accidentals (note_l, pitch, origin_l, accidentals, barnum);
- int num_caut = number_accidentals (note_l, pitch, origin_l, cautionaries, barnum);
- bool cautionary = to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("cautionary"));
- if (abs (num_caut) > abs (num))
- {
- num = num_caut;
- cautionary = true;
- }
- bool different = num < 0;
- num = abs (num);
- /* see if there's a tie that "changes" the accidental */
- /* works because if there's a tie, the note to the left
- is of the same pitch as the actual note */
- Grob *tie_break_reminder = 0;
- bool tie_changes = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < tie_arr_.size (); j++)
- if (support_l == Tie::head (tie_arr_[j], RIGHT))
- {
- tie_changes = different;
- /* Enable accidentals for broken tie
- We only want an accidental on a broken tie,
- if the tie changes the accidental.
- Maybe check property noTieBreakForceAccidental? */
- if (different)
- tie_break_reminder = tie_arr_[j];
- break;
- }
- if (num)
- {
- Grob * a = new Item (get_property ("Accidental"));
- a->set_parent (support_l, Y_AXIS);
- if (!accidental_placement_)
- {
- accidental_placement_ = new Item (get_property ("AccidentalPlacement"));
- announce_grob (accidental_placement_, a->self_scm());
- }
- Accidental_placement::add_accidental (accidental_placement_, a);
- announce_grob (a, SCM_EOL);
- SCM accs = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (pitch->alteration_i_), SCM_EOL);
- if (num == 2 && extra_natural_b)
- accs = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (0), accs);
- /* TODO:
- add cautionary option in accidental.
- */
- if (tie_break_reminder)
- {
- // TODO.
- a->set_grob_property ("tie", tie_break_reminder->self_scm());
- }
- support_l->set_grob_property ("accidental-grob", a->self_scm ());
- a->set_grob_property ("accidentals", accs);
- accidental_arr_[i].accidental_ = a;
- /*
- We add the accidentals to the support of the arpeggio, so it is put left of the
- accidentals.
- */
- for (int i = 0; i < arpeggios_.size (); i++)
- Side_position_interface::add_support (arpeggios_[i], a);
- }
- /*
- We should not record the accidental if it is the first
- note and it is tied from the previous measure.
- Checking whether it is tied also works mostly, but will it
- always do the correct thing?
- */
- int n = pitch->notename_i_;
- int o = pitch->octave_i_;
- int a = pitch->alteration_i_;
- SCM on_s = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o), gh_int2scm (n));
- /*
- TODO: Speed this up!
- Perhaps only check translators mentioned in the auto-accidentals?
- -rz
- TODO: profile this.
- I'd be surprised if the impact of this would be
- measurable. Anyway, it seems localsig doesn't change
- every time-step, but a set_property() is done every
- time. We could save on that, probably.
- --hwn.
- */
- while (origin_l)
- {
- SCM localsig = origin_l->get_property ("localKeySignature");
- if (tie_changes)
- {
- /*
- Remember an alteration that is different both from
- that of the tied note and of the key signature.
- */
- localsig = ly_assoc_front_x
- (localsig, on_s, gh_cons (SCM_BOOL_T, barnum));
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- not really really correct if there are more than one
- noteheads with the same notename.
- */
- localsig = ly_assoc_front_x
- (localsig, on_s, gh_cons (gh_int2scm (a), barnum));
- }
- origin_l->set_property ("localKeySignature", localsig);
- origin_l = origin_l->daddy_trans_l_;
- }
- }
- }
-New_accidental_engraver::finalize ()
-New_accidental_engraver::stop_translation_timestep ()
- for (int i = 0; i < accidental_arr_.size(); i++)
- {
- Grob *a = accidental_arr_[i].accidental_;
- if (a)
- {
- typeset_grob (a);
- }
- }
- if (accidental_placement_)
- typeset_grob(accidental_placement_);
- accidental_placement_ = 00;
- accidental_arr_.clear();
- arpeggios_.clear ();
- tie_arr_.clear ();
-New_accidental_engraver::acknowledge_grob (Grob_info info)
- Note_req * note_l = dynamic_cast <Note_req *> (info.music_cause ());
- if (note_l && Rhythmic_head::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
- {
- Accidental_entry entry ;
- entry.head_ = info.grob_l_;
- entry.origin_ = info.origin_trans_l_->daddy_trans_l_;
- entry.melodic_ = note_l;
- accidental_arr_.push (entry);
- }
- else if (Tie::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
- {
- tie_arr_.push (info.grob_l_);
- }
- else if (Arpeggio::has_interface (info.grob_l_))
- {
- arpeggios_.push (info.grob_l_);
- }
-New_accidental_engraver::process_music ()
- SCM sig = get_property ("keySignature");
- /* Detect key sig changes.
- Update all parents and children
- */
- if (last_keysig_ != sig)
- {
- Translator_group * trans_ = daddy_trans_l_;
- while (trans_)
- {
- trans_ -> set_property ("localKeySignature", ly_deep_copy (sig));
- trans_ = trans_->daddy_trans_l_;
- }
- daddy_trans_l_->set_children_property ("localKeySignature", sig);
- last_keysig_ = sig;
- }
-ENTER_DESCRIPTION (New_accidental_engraver,
-"Make accidentals. Catches note heads, ties and notices key-change
-events. Due to interaction with ties (which don't come together
-with note heads), this needs to be in a context higher than Tie_engraver.",
- "Accidental",
- "rhythmic-head-interface tie-interface arpeggio-interface",
- "localKeySignature extraNatural autoAccidentals autoCautionaries",
- "localKeySignature");
\consists "Staff_symbol_engraver"
\consists "Collision_engraver"
\consists "Rest_collision_engraver"
- \consists "New_accidental_engraver"
+ \consists "Accidental_engraver"
\consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
\consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
\consists "Grob_pq_engraver"
. (
(molecule-callback . ,Accidental_interface::brew_molecule)
(font-family . music)
+ (cautionary-style . smaller)
(after-line-breaking-callback . ,Accidental_interface::after_line_breaking) (meta . ((interfaces . (accidental-interface font-interface))))
(grob-property-description 'break-glyph-function procedure? "function taking glyph and break-direction, returning the glyph at a line break.")
(grob-property-description 'breakable boolean? "boolean indicating if this is a breakable item (clef, barline, key sig, etc.).")
(grob-property-description 'c0-position integer? "integer indicating the position of central C.")
-(grob-property-description 'cautionary-size integer? "size of cautionary accidentals (relative to size of accidentals)")
+(grob-property-description 'cautionary-style symbol? "style of cautionary accidentals. Choices are 'smaller (one size smaller) or 'parentheses.")
(grob-property-description 'center-element ly-grob? "grob which will
be at the center of the group after aligning (when using
Align_interface::center_on_element). .")
(grob-property-description 'number-threshold number? "only put numbers bigger than this threshold over multi measuer rest.")
(grob-property-description 'old-accidentals list? "list of (pitch, accidental) pairs.")
(grob-property-description 'padding number? "add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.")
-(grob-property-description 'paren-cautionaries boolean? "Whether to add parenthesis around cautionary accidentals.")
(grob-property-description 'pedal-type symbol? "Style of piano pedal: text, bracket or mixed.")
(grob-property-description 'penalty number? "Penalty for breaking at
this column. 10000 or more means forbid linebreak, -10000 or less
(_ ("FILE"), 'f', 'find-pfa', _ ("find pfa fonts used in FILE")),
# why capital P?
('', '', 'preview', _("Make a picture of the first system.")),
- ('', '', 'preview-resolution', _("Set the resolution of the preview.")),
+ (_ ('RES'), '', 'preview-resolution', _("Set the resolution of the preview to RES.")),
('', 'P', 'postscript', _ ("generate PostScript output")),
(_ ("KEY=VAL"), 's', 'set', _ ("change global setting KEY to VAL")),
('', 'V', 'verbose', _ ("verbose")),
cmd = r'''gs -g%dx%d -sDEVICE=pgm -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -q -sOutputFile=- -r%d -dNOPAUSE %s %s -c quit | pnmtopng > %s'''
- cmd = cmd % (x, y, res, name + '.trans.eps', name + '.preview.ps',name + '.png')
+ cmd = cmd % (x, y, preview_resolution, name + '.trans.eps', name + '.preview.ps',name + '.png')
quiet_system (cmd, 'gs')