-import midi
+# midi2ly.py -- LilyPond midi import script
+# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+# convert MIDI to LilyPond source
+ * test on weird and unquantised midi input (lily-devel)
+ * drop c++ midi2ly
+ * update doc and manpage
+ * simply insert clef changes whenever too many ledger lines
+ [to avoid tex capacity exceeded]
+ * do not ever quant skips
+ * better lyrics handling
+ * [see if it is feasible to] move ly-classes to library for use in
+ other converters, while leaving midi specific stuff here
+import getopt
+import __main__
import sys
import string
-scale_steps = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
+sys.path.append ('@datadir@/python')
+sys.path.append ('@datadir@/buildscripts/out')
+sys.path.append ('@datadir@/modules/out')
-whole_clocks = 1536
-quart_clocks = 0
+import midi
-def split_track (track):
- chs = {}
- for i in range(16):
- chs[i] = []
+ import gettext
+ gettext.bindtextdomain ('lilypond', '@localedir@')
+ gettext.textdomain ('lilypond')
+ _ = gettext.gettext
+ def _ (s):
+ return s
+# Attempt to fix problems with limited stack size set by Python!
+# Sets unlimited stack size. Note that the resource module only
+# is available on UNIX.
+ import resource
+ resource.setrlimit (resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (-1, -1))
+ pass
+program_name = 'midi2ly [experimental]'
+package_name = 'lilypond'
+help_summary = _ ("Convert MIDI to LilyPond source")
+option_definitions = [
+ ('', 'a', 'absolute-pitches', _ ("print absolute pitches")),
+ (_ ("DUR"), 'd', 'duration-quant', _ ("quantise note durations on DUR")),
+ ('', 'e', 'explicit-durations', _ ("print explicit durations")),
+ ('', 'h', 'help', _ ("this help")),
+ (_ ("ALT[:MINOR]"), 'k', 'key', _ ("set key: ALT=+sharps|-flats; MINOR=1")),
+ (_ ("FILE"), 'o', 'output', _ ("write ouput to FILE")),
+ (_ ("DUR"), 's', 'start-quant', _ ("quantise note starts on DUR")),
+ (_ ("DUR*NUM/DEN"), 't', 'allow-tuplet', _ ("allow tuplet durations DUR*NUM/DEN")),
+ ('', 'V', 'verbose', _ ("verbose")),
+ ('', 'v', 'version', _ ("print version number")),
+ ('', 'w', 'warranty', _ ("show warranty and copyright")),
+ ('', 'x', 'text-lyrics', _ ("treat every text as a lyric")),
+ ]
+from lilylib import *
+class Duration:
+ allowed_durs = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
+ def __init__ (self, clocks):
+ self.clocks = clocks
+ if clocks <= 0:
+ self.clocks = duration_quant_clocks
+ (self.dur, self.num, self.den) = self.dur_num_den (clocks)
- for e in track:
- data = list (e[1])
- if data[0] > 0x7f and data[0] < 0xf0:
- c = data[0] & 0x0f
- e = (e[0], tuple ([data[0] & 0xf0] + data[1:]))
- chs[c].append (e)
+ def dur_num_den (self, clocks):
+ for i in range (len (allowed_tuplet_clocks)):
+ if clocks == allowed_tuplet_clocks[i]:
+ return allowed_tuplets[i]
+ dur = 0; num = 1; den = 1;
+ g = gcd (clocks, clocks_per_1)
+ if g:
+ (dur, num) = (clocks_per_1 / g, clocks / g)
+ if not dur in self.allowed_durs:
+ dur = 4; num = clocks; den = clocks_per_4
+ return (dur, num, den)
+ def dump (self):
+ if self.den == 1:
+ if self.num == 1:
+ s = '%d' % self.dur
+ elif self.num == 3 and self.dur != 1:
+ s = '%d.' % (self.dur / 2)
+ else:
+ s = '%d*%d' % (self.dur, self.num)
- chs[0].append (e)
+ s = '%d*%d/%d' % (self.dur, self.num, self.den)
+ global reference_note
+ reference_note.duration = self
- for i in range (16):
- if chs[i] == []:
- del chs[i]
+ return s
- whatarewes = []
- for v in chs.values ():
- ns = notes_on_channel (v)
- dinges = unthread_notes (ns)
- if len (dinges):
- whatarewes.append (dinges)
- return whatarewes
+ def compare (self, other):
+ return self.clocks - other.clocks
+def sign (x):
+ if x >= 0:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
class Note:
+ names = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6)
+ alterations = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
+ alteration_names = ('eses', 'es', '', 'is' , 'isis')
def __init__ (self, clocks, pitch, velocity):
- self.velocity = velocity
self.pitch = pitch
+ self.velocity = velocity
+ # hmm
self.clocks = clocks
- def clocks_compare (a, b):
- if a.clocks < b.clocks:
- return -1
- elif a.clocks > b.clocks:
- return 1
+ self.duration = Duration (clocks)
+ (self.octave, self.notename, self.alteration) = self.o_n_a ()
+ def o_n_a (self):
+ # major scale: do-do
+ # minor scale: la-la (= + 5) '''
+ n = self.names[(self.pitch) % 12]
+ a = self.alterations[(self.pitch) % 12]
+ if a and key.flats:
+ a = - self.alterations[(self.pitch) % 12]
+ n = (n - a) % 7
+ # By tradition, all scales now consist of a sequence
+ # of 7 notes each with a distinct name, from amongst
+ # a b c d e f g. But, minor scales have a wide
+ # second interval at the top - the 'leading note' is
+ # sharped. (Why? it just works that way! Anything
+ # else doesn't sound as good and isn't as flexible at
+ # saying things. In medieval times, scales only had 6
+ # notes to avoid this problem - the hexachords.)
+ # So, the d minor scale is d e f g a b-flat c-sharp d
+ # - using d-flat for the leading note would skip the
+ # name c and duplicate the name d. Why isn't c-sharp
+ # put in the key signature? Tradition. (It's also
+ # supposedly based on the Pythagorean theory of the
+ # cycle of fifths, but that really only applies to
+ # major scales...) Anyway, g minor is g a b-flat c d
+ # e-flat f-sharp g, and all the other flat minor keys
+ # end up with a natural leading note. And there you
+ # have it.
+ # John Sankey <bf250@freenet.carleton.ca>
+ #
+ # Let's also do a-minor: a b c d e f gis a
+ #
+ # --jcn
+ o = self.pitch / 12 - 4
+ if key.minor:
+ # as -> gis
+ if key.sharps == 0 and key.flats == 0 \
+ and n == 5 and a == -1:
+ n = 4; a = 1
+ # des -> cis
+ elif key.flats == 1 and n == 1 and a == -1:
+ n = 0; a = 1
+ # ges -> fis
+ elif key.flats == 2 and n == 4 and a == -1:
+ n = 3; a = 1
+ # g -> fisis
+ elif key.sharps == 5 and n == 4 and a == 0:
+ n = 3; a = 2
+ # d -> cisis
+ elif key.sharps == 6 and n == 1 and a == 0:
+ n = 0; a = 2
+ # a -> gisis
+ elif key.sharps == 7 and n == 5 and a == 0:
+ n = 4; a = 2
+ # b -> ces
+ if key.flats >= 6 and n == 6 and a == 0:
+ n = 0; a = -1; o = o + 1
+ # e -> fes
+ if key.flats >= 7 and n == 2 and a == 0:
+ n = 3; a = -1
+ # f -> eis
+ if key.sharps >= 3 and n == 3 and a == 0:
+ n = 2; a = 1
+ # c -> bis
+ if key.sharps >= 4 and n == 0 and a == 0:
+ n = 6; a = 1; o = o - 1
+ return (o, n, a)
+ def dump (self):
+ s = chr ((self.notename + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
+ s = s + self.alteration_names[self.alteration + 2]
+ if absolute_p:
+ commas = self.octave
- return 0
+ delta = self.pitch - reference_note.pitch
+ commas = sign (delta) * (abs (delta) / 12)
+ if ((sign (delta) \
+ * (self.notename - reference_note.notename) + 7) \
+ % 7 >= 4) \
+ or ((self.notename == reference_note.notename) \
+ and (abs (delta) > 4) and (abs (delta) < 12)):
+ commas = commas + sign (delta)
+ if commas > 0:
+ s = s + "'" * commas
+ elif commas < 0:
+ s = s + "," * -commas
+ if explicit_durations_p \
+ or Duration.compare (self.duration, reference_note.duration):
+ s = s + self.duration.dump ()
+ global reference_note
+ reference_note = self
+ # TODO: move space
+ return s + ' '
- def dump (self):
- return dump_note (self)
class Time:
- def __init__ (self, t, num, den):
- self.skip = t
+ def __init__ (self, num, den):
+ self.clocks = 0
self.num = num
self.den = den
+ def bar_clocks (self):
+ return clocks_per_1 * self.num / self.den
+ def dump (self):
+ global time
+ time = self
+ return '\n ' + '\\time %d/%d ' % (self.num, self.den) + '\n '
+class Tempo:
+ def __init__ (self, seconds_per_1):
self.clocks = 0
+ self.seconds_per_1 = seconds_per_1
+ def dump (self):
+ return '\n ' + '\\tempo 4 = %d ' % (4 * 60 / self.seconds_per_1) + '\n '
+class Clef:
+ clefs = ('"bass_8"', 'bass', 'violin', '"violin^8"')
+ def __init__ (self, type):
+ self.type = type
def dump (self):
- s = ''
- if self.skip:
- s = dump_skip (self.skip)
- s = s + '\n '
- return s + '\\time %d/%d ' % (self.num, self.den) + '\n '
+ return '\n \\clef %s\n ' % self.clefs[self.type]
class Key:
key_sharps = ('c', 'g', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'fis')
key_flats = ('BUG', 'f', 'bes', 'es', 'as', 'des', 'ges')
- def __init__ (self, t, sharps, flats, minor):
- self.skip = t
+ def __init__ (self, sharps, flats, minor):
+ self.clocks = 0
self.flats = flats
self.sharps = sharps
self.minor = minor
- self.clocks = 0
def dump (self):
+ global key
+ key = self
s = ''
- if self.skip:
- s = dump_skip (self.skip)
- s = s + '\n '
if self.sharps and self.flats:
s = '\\keysignature %s ' % 'TODO'
- elif self.sharps:
- s = '\\notes\\key %s \major' % self.key_sharps[self.sharps]
- elif self.flats:
- s = '\\notes\\key %s \major' % self.key_flats[self.flats]
- return s + '\n '
+ else:
+ if self.flats:
+ k = (ord ('cfbeadg'[self.flats % 7]) - ord ('a') - 2 -2 * self.minor + 7) % 7
+ else:
+ k = (ord ('cgdaebf'[self.sharps % 7]) - ord ('a') - 2 -2 * self.minor + 7) % 7
+ if not self.minor:
+ name = chr ((k + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
+ else:
+ name = chr ((k + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
+ # fis cis gis dis ais eis bis
+ sharps = (2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7)
+ # bes es as des ges ces fes
+ flats = (6, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1)
+ a = 0
+ if self.flats:
+ if flats[k] <= self.flats:
+ a = -1
+ else:
+ if sharps[k] <= self.sharps:
+ a = 1
+ if a:
+ name = name + Note.alteration_names[a + 2]
+ s = '\\key ' + name
+ if self.minor:
+ s = s + ' \\minor'
+ else:
+ s = s + ' \\major'
+ return '\n\n ' + s + '\n '
class Text:
- def __init__ (self, t, text):
- self.skip = t
- self.text = text
+ text_types = (
+ 'LYRIC',
+ def __init__ (self, type, text):
self.clocks = 0
+ self.type = type
+ self.text = text
def dump (self):
- s = ''
- if self.skip:
- s = dump_skip (self.skip)
- return s + dump_text (self)
+ # urg, we should be sure that we're in a lyrics staff
+ if self.type == midi.LYRIC:
+ s = '"%s"' % self.text
+ d = Duration (self.clocks)
+ if explicit_durations_p \
+ or Duration.compare (d,
+ reference_note.duration):
+ s = s + Duration (self.clocks).dump ()
+ s = s + ' '
+ else:
+ s = '\n % [' + self.text_types[self.type] + '] ' + self.text + '\n '
+ return s
-def notes_on_channel (channel):
+output_name = ''
+scale_steps = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
+clocks_per_1 = 1536
+clocks_per_4 = 0
+key = 0
+time = 0
+reference_note = 0
+start_quant = 0
+start_quant_clocks = 0
+duration_quant = 0
+duration_quant_clocks = 0
+allowed_tuplets = []
+allowed_tuplet_clocks = []
+absolute_p = 0
+explicit_durations_p = 0
+text_lyrics_p = 0
+def split_track (track):
+ chs = {}
+ for i in range(16):
+ chs[i] = []
+ for e in track:
+ data = list (e[1])
+ if data[0] > 0x7f and data[0] < 0xf0:
+ c = data[0] & 0x0f
+ e = (e[0], tuple ([data[0] & 0xf0] + data[1:]))
+ chs[c].append (e)
+ else:
+ chs[0].append (e)
+ for i in range (16):
+ if chs[i] == []:
+ del chs[i]
+ threads = []
+ for v in chs.values ():
+ events = events_on_channel (v)
+ thread = unthread_notes (events)
+ if len (thread):
+ threads.append (thread)
+ return threads
+def quantise_clocks (clocks, quant):
+ q = int (clocks / quant) * quant
+ if q != clocks:
+ for tquant in allowed_tuplet_clocks:
+ if int (clocks / tquant) * tquant == clocks:
+ return clocks
+ if 2 * (clocks - q) > quant:
+ q = q + quant
+ return q
+def end_note (pitches, notes, t, e):
+ try:
+ (lt, vel) = pitches[e]
+ del pitches[e]
+ i = len (notes) - 1
+ while i > 0:
+ if notes[i][0] > lt:
+ i = i -1
+ else:
+ break
+ d = t - lt
+ if duration_quant_clocks:
+ d = quantise_clocks (d, duration_quant_clocks)
+ if not d:
+ d = duration_quant_clocks
+ notes.insert (i + 1,
+ (lt, Note (d, e, vel)))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+def events_on_channel (channel):
pitches = {}
- nch = []
+ notes = []
+ events = []
+ last_lyric = 0
+ last_time = 0
for e in channel:
t = e[0]
- if e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_ON:
+ if start_quant_clocks:
+ t = quantise_clocks (t, start_quant_clocks)
+ if e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_OFF \
+ or (e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_ON and e[1][2] == 0):
+ end_note (pitches, notes, t, e[1][1])
+ elif e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_ON:
if not pitches.has_key (e[1][1]):
pitches[e[1][1]] = (t, e[1][2])
- elif e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_OFF:
- try:
- (lt, vel) = pitches[e[1][1]]
- del pitches[e[1][1]]
- nch.append ((lt, Note (t-lt, e[1][1], vel)))
+ # all include ALL_NOTES_OFF
+ elif e[1][0] >= midi.ALL_SOUND_OFF \
+ and e[1][0] <= midi.POLY_MODE_ON:
+ for i in pitches.keys ():
+ end_note (pitches, notes, t, i)
- except KeyError:
- pass
elif e[1][0] == midi.META_EVENT:
- if e[1][1] == midi.TIME_SIGNATURE:
- (num, den, clocks4, count32) = map (ord, e[1][2])
- nch.append ((t, Time (t, num, den)))
+ if e[1][1] == midi.END_OF_TRACK:
+ for i in pitches.keys ():
+ end_note (pitches, notes, t, i)
+ break
+ elif e[1][1] == midi.SET_TEMPO:
+ (u0, u1, u2) = map (ord, e[1][2])
+ us_per_4 = u2 + 256 * (u1 + 256 * u0)
+ seconds_per_1 = us_per_4 * 4 / 1e6
+ events.append ((t, Tempo (seconds_per_1)))
+ elif e[1][1] == midi.TIME_SIGNATURE:
+ (num, dur, clocks4, count32) = map (ord, e[1][2])
+ den = 2 ** dur
+ events.append ((t, Time (num, den)))
elif e[1][1] == midi.KEY_SIGNATURE:
- (accidentals, minor) = map (ord, e[1][2])
+ (alterations, minor) = map (ord, e[1][2])
sharps = 0
flats = 0
- if accidentals < 127:
- sharps = accidentals
+ if alterations < 127:
+ sharps = alterations
- flats = 256 - accidentals
- nch.append ((t, Key (t, sharps, flats, minor)))
- elif e[1][1] == midi.TEXT_EVENT:
- nch.append ((t, Text (t, e[1][2])))
+ flats = 256 - alterations
+ k = Key (sharps, flats, minor)
+ events.append ((t, k))
+ # ugh, must set key while parsing
+ # because Note init uses key
+ # Better do Note.calc () at dump time?
+ global key
+ key = k
+ elif e[1][1] == midi.LYRIC \
+ or (text_lyrics_p and e[1][1] == midi.TEXT_EVENT):
+ if last_lyric:
+ last_lyric.clocks = t - last_time
+ events.append ((last_time, last_lyric))
+ last_time = t
+ last_lyric = Text (midi.LYRIC, e[1][2])
+ elif e[1][1] >= midi.SEQUENCE_NUMBER \
+ and e[1][1] <= midi.CUE_POINT:
+ events.append ((t, Text (e[1][1], e[1][2])))
- sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
+ if verbose_p:
+ sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
- sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
+ if verbose_p:
+ sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
- return nch
+ if last_lyric:
+ # last_lyric.clocks = t - last_time
+ # hmm
+ last_lyric.clocks = clocks_per_4
+ events.append ((last_time, last_lyric))
+ last_lyric = 0
+ i = 0
+ while len (notes):
+ if i < len (events) and notes[0][0] >= events[i][0]:
+ i = i + 1
+ else:
+ events.insert (i, notes[0])
+ del notes[0]
+ return events
def unthread_notes (channel):
threads = []
todo = []
for e in channel:
t = e[0]
- if e[1].__class__ == Note and ((t == start_busy_t and e[1].clocks + t == end_busy_t) \
+ if e[1].__class__ == Note \
+ and ((t == start_busy_t \
+ and e[1].clocks + t == end_busy_t) \
or t >= end_busy_t):
thread.append (e)
start_busy_t = t
end_busy_t = t + e[1].clocks
- elif e[1].__class__ == Time or e[1].__class__ == Key or e[1].__class__ == Text:
+ elif e[1].__class__ == Time \
+ or e[1].__class__ == Key \
+ or e[1].__class__ == Text \
+ or e[1].__class__ == Tempo:
thread.append (e)
todo.append (e)
b = c
return a
-def dump_skip (clocks):
- return 's' + dump_duration (clocks) + ' '
-def dump_duration (clocks):
- g = gcd (clocks, whole_clocks)
- (d, n) = (whole_clocks/ g, clocks / g)
- if n == 1:
- s = '%d' % d
- elif n == 3 and d != 1:
- s = '%d.' % (d / 2)
- else:
- s = '%d*%d' % (d, n)
- return s
-def dump_note (note):
- p = note.pitch
- oct = p / 12
- step = p % 12
- i = 0
- while i < len (scale_steps):
- if scale_steps[i] > step:
- break
- i = i+1
- i = i-1
- str = chr ((i + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
- if scale_steps[i] <> step:
- str = str + 'is'
- return str + dump_duration (note.clocks) + ' '
+def dump_skip (skip, clocks):
+ return skip + Duration (clocks).dump () + ' '
def dump (self):
return self.dump ()
-def dump_text (text):
- return '\n % ' + text.text + '\n '
def dump_chord (ch):
s = ''
- if len(ch) == 1:
- s = dump (ch[0])
- else:
- s = '<' + string.join (map (dump, ch)) + '>'
+ notes = []
+ for i in ch:
+ if i.__class__ == Note:
+ notes.append (i)
+ else:
+ s = s + i.dump ()
+ if len (notes) == 1:
+ s = s + dump (notes[0])
+ elif len (notes) > 1:
+ global reference_note
+ s = s + '<'
+ s = s + notes[0].dump ()
+ r = reference_note
+ for i in notes[1:]:
+ s = s + i.dump ()
+ s = s + '>'
+ reference_note = r
return s
-# thread?
-def dump_channel (thread):
+def dump_bar_line (last_bar_t, t, bar_count):
+ s = ''
+ bar_t = time.bar_clocks ()
+ if t - last_bar_t >= bar_t:
+ bar_count = bar_count + (t - last_bar_t) / bar_t
+ if t - last_bar_t == bar_t:
+ s = '|\n %% %d\n ' % bar_count
+ last_bar_t = t
+ else:
+ # urg, this will barf at meter changes
+ last_bar_t = last_bar_t + (t - last_bar_t) / bar_t * bar_t
+ return (s, last_bar_t, bar_count)
+def dump_channel (thread, skip):
+ global key, reference_note, time
+ key = Key (0, 0, 0)
+ time = Time (4, 4)
+ # urg LilyPond doesn't start at c4, but
+ # remembers from previous tracks!
+ # reference_note = Note (clocks_per_4, 4*12, 0)
+ reference_note = Note (0, 4*12, 0)
last_e = None
chs = []
ch = []
chs.append ((last_e[0], ch))
t = 0
last_t = 0
+ last_bar_t = 0
+ bar_count = 1
lines = ['']
- for ch in chs:
- if len (lines[-1]) > LINE_BELL:
- lines.append ('')
+ for ch in chs:
t = ch[0]
- if t - last_t:
- lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_skip (t-last_t)
+ i = string.rfind (lines[-1], '\n') + 1
+ if len (lines[-1][i:]) > LINE_BELL:
+ lines.append ('')
+ if t - last_t > 0:
+ lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_skip (skip, t-last_t)
+ elif t - last_t < 0:
+ errorport.write ('BUG: time skew')
+ (s, last_bar_t, bar_count) = dump_bar_line (last_bar_t,
+ t, bar_count)
+ lines[-1] = lines[-1] + s
lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_chord (ch[1])
- last_t = t + ch[1][0].clocks
+ clocks = 0
+ for i in ch[1]:
+ if i.clocks > clocks:
+ clocks = i.clocks
+ last_t = t + clocks
+ (s, last_bar_t, bar_count) = dump_bar_line (last_bar_t,
+ last_t, bar_count)
+ lines[-1] = lines[-1] + s
return string.join (lines, '\n ') + '\n'
-def dump_notes (channel):
- on_hold = []
- s = ''
- for e in channel:
- if e[0] <> last_t:
- s = s + dump_chord (on_hold)
- on_hold = []
- last_t = e[0]
- on_hold.append (e)
- return s
def track_name (i):
return 'track%c' % (i + ord ('A'))
def dump_track (channels, n):
s = '\n'
track = track_name (n)
+ clef = guess_clef (channels)
for i in range (len (channels)):
channel = channel_name (i)
- s = s + '%s = \\notes {\n' % (track + channel)
- s = s + ' ' + dump_channel (channels[i][0])
+ item = thread_first_item (channels[i])
+ if item and item.__class__ == Note:
+ skip = 's'
+ s = s + '%s = \\notes' % (track + channel)
+ if not absolute_p:
+ s = s + '\\relative c '
+ elif item and item.__class__ == Text:
+ skip = '" "'
+ s = s + '%s = \\lyrics ' % (track + channel)
+ else:
+ skip = '\\skip '
+ # must be in \notes mode for parsing \skip
+ s = s + '%s = \\notes ' % (track + channel)
+ s = s + '{\n'
+ s = s + ' ' + dump_channel (channels[i][0], skip)
s = s + '}\n\n'
s = s + '%s = <\n' % track
+ if clef.type != 2:
+ s = s + clef.dump () + '\n'
for i in range (len (channels)):
channel = channel_name (i)
- s = s + ' \\context Voice = %s \\%s\n' % (channel, track + channel)
+ item = thread_first_item (channels[i])
+ if item and item.__class__ == Text:
+ s = s + ' \\context Lyrics = %s \\%s\n' % (channel,
+ track + channel)
+ else:
+ s = s + ' \\context Voice = %s \\%s\n' % (channel,
+ track + channel)
s = s + '>\n\n'
return s
+def thread_first_item (thread):
+ for chord in thread:
+ for event in chord:
+ if event[1].__class__ == Note \
+ or (event[1].__class__ == Text \
+ and event[1].type == midi.LYRIC):
+ return event[1]
+ return 0
+def track_first_item (track):
+ for thread in track:
+ return thread_first_item (thread)
+def guess_clef (track):
+ i = 0
+ p = 0
+ for thread in track:
+ for chord in thread:
+ for event in chord:
+ if event[1].__class__ == Note:
+ i = i + 1
+ p = p + event[1].pitch
+ if i and p / i <= 3*12:
+ return Clef (0)
+ elif i and p / i <= 5*12:
+ return Clef (1)
+ elif i and p / i >= 7*12:
+ return Clef (3)
+ else:
+ return Clef (2)
-def convert_midi (f):
- global whole_clocks, quart_clocks
+def convert_midi (f, o):
+ global clocks_per_1, clocks_per_4, key
str = open (f).read ()
midi_dump = midi.parse (str)
- whole_clocks = midi_dump[0][1]
- quart_clocks = whole_clocks / 4
+ clocks_per_1 = midi_dump[0][1]
+ clocks_per_4 = clocks_per_1 / 4
+ global start_quant, start_quant_clocks
+ if start_quant:
+ start_quant_clocks = clocks_per_1 / start_quant
+ global duration_quant, duration_quant_clocks
+ if duration_quant:
+ duration_quant_clocks = clocks_per_1 / duration_quant
+ global allowed_tuplet_clocks
+ allowed_tuplet_clocks = []
+ for (dur, num, den) in allowed_tuplets:
+ allowed_tuplet_clocks.append (clocks_per_1 * num / (dur * den))
tracks = []
for t in midi_dump[1]:
+ key = Key (0, 0, 0)
tracks.append (split_track (t))
+ tag = '%% Lily was here -- automatically converted by %s from %s' % ( program_name, f)
s = ''
+ s = tag + '\n\n'
for i in range (len (tracks)):
s = s + dump_track (tracks[i], i)
s = s + '\n\\score {\n <\n'
for i in range (len (tracks)):
track = track_name (i)
- s = s + ' \\context Staff=%s \\%s\n' % (track, track)
+ item = track_first_item (tracks[i])
+ if item and item.__class__ == Note:
+ s = s + ' \\context Staff=%s \\%s\n' % (track, track)
+ elif item and item.__class__ == Text:
+ s = s + ' \\context Lyrics=%s \\%s\n' % (track, track)
s = s + ' >\n}\n'
+ progress (_ ("%s output to `%s'...") % ('LY', o))
+ if o == '-':
+ h = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ h = open (o, 'w')
+ h.write (s)
+ h.close ()
+(sh, long) = getopt_args (__main__.option_definitions)
+ (options, files) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], sh, long)
+except getopt.error, s:
+ errorport.write ('\n')
+ errorport.write (_ ("error: ") + _ ("getopt says: `%s\'" % s))
+ errorport.write ('\n')
+ errorport.write ('\n')
+ help ()
+ sys.exit (2)
- sys.stdout.write (s)
+for opt in options:
+ o = opt[0]
+ a = opt[1]
+ if 0:
+ pass
+ elif o == '--help' or o == '-h':
+ help ()
+ errorport.write ('\n')
+ errorport.write (_ ("Example:"))
+ errorport.write (r'''
+ midi2ly --key=-2:1 --duration-quant=32 \
+ --allow-tuplet=4*2/3 --allow-tuplet=2*4/3 foo.midi
+ sys.exit (0)
+ elif o == '--output' or o == '-o':
+ output_name = a
+ elif o == '--verbose' or o == '-V':
+ verbose_p = 1
+ elif o == '--version' or o == '-v':
+ identify ()
+ sys.exit (0)
+ elif o == '--warranty' or o == '-w':
+ status = system ('lilypond -w', ignore_error = 1)
+ if status:
+ warranty ()
+ sys.exit (0)
+ elif o == '--absolute-pitches' or o == '-a':
+ global absolute_p
+ absolute_p = 1
+ elif o == '--duration-quant' or o == '-d':
+ global duration_quant
+ duration_quant = string.atoi (a)
+ elif o == '--explicit-durations' or o == '-e':
+ global explicit_durations_p
+ explicit_durations_p = 1
+ elif o == '--key' or o == '-k':
+ (alterations, minor) = map (string.atoi, string.split (a + ':0', ':'))[0:2]
+ sharps = 0
+ flats = 0
+ if alterations >= 0:
+ sharps = alterations
+ else:
+ flats = - alterations
+ global key
+ key = Key (sharps, flats, minor)
+ elif o == '--start-quant' or o == '-s':
+ global start_quant, start_quant_clocks
+ start_quant = string.atoi (a)
+ elif o == '--allow-tuplet' or o == '-t':
+ global allowed_tuplets
+ a = string.replace (a, '/', '*')
+ tuplet = map (string.atoi, string.split (a, '*'))
+ allowed_tuplets.append (tuplet)
+ # lots of midi files use plain text for lyric events
+ elif o == '--text-lyrics' or o == '-x':
+ text_lyrics_p = 1
+if not files or files[0] == '-':
+ # FIXME: read from stdin when files[0] = '-'
+ help ()
+ errorport.write (program_name + ":" + _ ("error: ") + _ ("no files specified on command line.") + '\n')
+ sys.exit (2)
+for f in files:
+ g = f
+ g = strip_extension (g, '.midi')
+ g = strip_extension (g, '.mid')
+ g = strip_extension (g, '.MID')
+ (outdir, outbase) = ('','')
+ if not output_name:
+ outdir = '.'
+ outbase = os.path.basename (g)
+ o = os.path.join (outdir, outbase + '-midi.ly')
+ elif output_name[-1] == os.sep:
+ outdir = output_name
+ outbase = os.path.basename (g)
+ os.path.join (outdir, outbase + '-gen.ly')
+ else:
+ o = output_name
+ (outdir, outbase) = os.path.split (o)
+ if outdir != '.':
+ mkdir_p (outdir, 0777)
+ convert_midi (f, o)
-for f in sys.argv[1:]:
- convert_midi (f)