# we want to see botched results as well.
$(outdir)/%.dvi: %.mf
- -MFINPUTS=$(src-dir) $(METAFONT) "\scrollmode; input $<;"
+ -$(DO_MF_DEP) MFINPUTS=$(src-dir) $(METAFONT) "\scrollmode; input $<;"
gftodvi $(basename $<)
mv $(basename $<).dvi $(outdir)
rm $(basename $<).*gf
$(outdir)/%.tfm $(outdir)/%.log: %.mf
- MFINPUTS=$(src-dir) $(METAFONT) "\mode:=$(MFMODE); nonstopmode; input $<;" $(METAFONT_QUIET)
+ $(DO_MF_DEP) MFINPUTS=$(src-dir) $(METAFONT) "\mode:=$(MFMODE); nonstopmode; input $<;" $(METAFONT_QUIET)
# Let's keep this log output, it saves another mf run.
mv $(basename $(@F)).log $(basename $(@F)).tfm $(outdir)
rm -f $(basename $(@F)).*gf $(basename $(@F)).*pk
# the soft link for mf2pt1.mp is for recent mpost versions
# which no longer dump a .mem file
$(outdir)/%.pfb: %.mf $(outdir)/mf2pt1.mem $(outdir)/%.log
- TMP=`mktemp -d $(outdir)/pfbtemp.$*.XXXXXXXXX` \
+ $(DO_MF_DEP) TMP=`mktemp -d $(outdir)/pfbtemp.$*.XXXXXXXXX` \
&& ( cd $$TMP \
&& ln -s ../mf2pt1.mem . \
&& ln -s ../../mf2pt1.mp . \
+# Find the metafont file $(1) within the source dirs and return its path.
+# If not found, return $(outdir)/$(1) assuming that it is a generated file.
+find-mf = \
+$(firstword \
+ $(wildcard $(src-dir)/$(1)) \
+ $(wildcard $(top-src-dir)/mf/$(1)) \
+ $(outdir)/$(1) \
+# Recursively scan the metafont .mf file $(1) for "input X;"
+# and return all dependencies.
+scan-mf = \
+$(foreach f, $(shell test -f $(1) && sed -ne "/^[[:space:]]*input[[:space:]]/s/^[[:space:]]*input\([^.;]*\)\(.mf;\|;\)/\1.mf/p" $(1)), \
+ $(call find-mf,$(f)) \
+ $(call scan-mf,$(call find-mf,$(f))) \
+# Find dependencies for the target $@, based on the metafont source file $<,
+# and write the dependencies to a .dep file.
+DO_MF_DEP = ( echo ./$@: $(call scan-mf,$<) > $(basename $@).dep ) &&