-\version "2.17.15"
+\version "2.19.0"
texidoc= "Test optional music function arguments.
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
-% Get following pitch into Scheme
-pitch = #(define-scheme-function (parser location p) (ly:pitch?) p)
-% The same with a duration
-dur = #(define-scheme-function (parser location p) (ly:duration?) p)
% Just like \relative, but defaulting to f as reference, making the
% first note of the music the same as if written as absolute pitch
ablative =
#(define-music-function (parser location ref music)
- ((ly:pitch? #{ \pitch f #}) ly:music?)
+ ((ly:pitch? #{ f #}) ly:music?)
#{ \relative $ref $music #})
% Let's take a duration and four pitches, defaulting to 2 c' d' e'
zap =
#(define-music-function (parser location dur a b c d)
- ((ly:duration? #{ \dur 2 #}) (ly:pitch? #{ \pitch c' #})
- (ly:pitch? #{ \pitch d' #}) (ly:pitch? #{ \pitch e' #})
+ ((ly:duration? #{ 2 #}) (ly:pitch? #{ c' #})
+ (ly:pitch? #{ d' #}) (ly:pitch? #{ e' #})
ly:music?) #{ $a $dur $b $c ^\markup{!} $d #})
\new Voice { \relative c' e' \relative c' { e' } \ablative c' e' \ablative { e' }