+++ /dev/null
-# musedata = musedata.stanford.edu
-# musedata = COBOL for musicians.
-# todo: rewrite this.
-import re
-import sys
-import string
-f = open (sys.argv[1])
-lines =f.readlines()
-def chomp (x):
- return re.sub ('[\r\n \t]+$','', x)
-lines = map (chomp, lines)
-default_header_dict = {
- 'tagline' :'automatically converted from Musedata',
- 'copyright' : 'all rights reserved -- free for noncommercial use'
- }
-# Jezus, wat een ranzig formaat. (2am)
-def parse_header (lines):
- d = default_header_dict
- enter = string.split (lines[3], ' ')
- d['enteredby'] = string.join (enter[1:])
- d['enteredon'] = enter[0]
- d['opus'] = lines[4]
- d['source'] = lines[5]
- d['title'] = lines[6]
- d['subtitle'] = lines[7]
- d['instrument']= lines[8]
- d['musedatamisc'] =lines[9]
- d['musedatagroups'] =lines[10]
- d['musedatagroupnumber']=lines[11]
- return d
-clef_dict = {
-04: 'treble',
-13 : 'alto',
-22: 'bass',
-def get_clef(s):
- return '\\clef "%s";\n' % clef_dict [string.atoi (s)]
-def get_mudela_notename (p, ac):
- if p > 5:
- p = p - 7
- s = chr (p + ord ('c'))
- infix = 'i'
- if ac < 0:
- infix = 'e'
- ac = -ac
- while ac:
- s = s + infix + 's'
- ac = ac - 1
- return s
-def get_key (s):
- i = string.atoi (s)
- return ''
-def get_timesig (s):
- return '\\time %s;\n' % s
-divisions = 4
-def get_divisions_per_quarter (s):
- divisions = string.atoi (s)
- return ''
-def get_directive (s):
- return '%% %s\n' % s
-def get_transposing (s):
- return ''
-def get_num_instruments (s):
- return ''
-attr_dict = {
- 'C' : get_clef,
- 'K' : get_key ,
- 'T' : get_timesig,
- 'Q' : get_divisions_per_quarter,
- 'D' : get_directive,
- 'X' : get_transposing,
- 'I': get_num_instruments,
- }
-def parse_musical_attributes (l):
- s = ''
- l = l[1:]
- atts = re.split('[ \t]+', l)
- for a in atts:
- if not a:
- continue
- m = re.search ('(.):(.*)', a)
- if m == None:
- print 'Huh, unknown attr `%s\'' % a
- continue
- s = s + attr_dict[m.group(1)](m.group (2))
- return s
-def get_mudela_pitch (n, a, o):
- c = '\''
- if o < 1:
- c = ','
- o = 1 - o
- return get_mudela_notename (n,a) + '%s' % c * o
-def dump_header (h, out):
- out.write ('\\header {\n')
- for tup in h.items ():
- out.write ('\t%s = \"%s\";\n' % tup)
- out.write ('}\n')
-header_dict = parse_header (lines[0:12])
-dump_header (header_dict, sys.stdout)
-lines = lines [12:]
-def parse_line_comment (l):
- return re.sub ('@' , '%' , l)
-def parse_note_line (l):
- pitch = ((ord (l[0]) -ord('A')) + 5) % 7
- acc = 0
- l= l[1:]
- while l[0] == 'f':
- l= l[1:]
- acc = acc - 1
- while l[0] == '#':
- l= l[1:]
- acc = acc + 1
- while l[0] in ' \t':
- l= l[1:]
- oct = 0
- if l[0] in '0123456789':
- oct = string.atoi (l[0]) - 4
- l= l[1:]
- while l[0] in ' \t':
- l= l[1:]
- print get_mudela_pitch (pitch,acc,oct), parse_duration(l[:2])
- l = l[2:]
-def parse_duration (l):
- s = ''
- while l[0] in '0123456789':
- s = s + l[0]
- l= l[1:]
- print l
- num = string.atoi (s)
- den = 4 * divisions
- current_dots = 0
- try_dots = [3, 2, 1]
- for d in try_dots:
- f = 1 << d
- multiplier = (2*f-1)
- if num % multiplier == 0 and den % f == 0:
- num = num / multiplier
- den = den / f
- current_dots = current_dots + d
- if num <> 1:
- sys.stderr.write ('huh. Durations left')
- return '%s%s' % (den, '.' * current_dots)
-comment_switch = 0
-for l in lines:
- if l[0] == '&':
- comment_switch = not comment_switch
- if comment_switch:
- l= l[1:]
- print '%{'
- else:
- print '%}'
- if comment_switch:
- print l
- continue
- if 0:
- pass
- elif l[0] == '$':
- print parse_musical_attributes (l)
- elif l[0] == '@':
- parse_line_comment (l)
- elif l[0] in 'ABCDEFG':
- parse_note_line (l)
+++ /dev/null
-# (urg! wat een pokkeformaat (pokkenformaat?))
-import string
-import sys
-import re
-fn = sys.argv[1]
-ls = open (fn).readlines ()
-def stripcomment (l):
- return re.sub ('[ \t]*%.*$\n', '', l)
-def stripwhite (l):
- return re.sub ('[ \n\t]+', ' ', l)
-def stripeols (l):
- return re.sub ('^ ', '', re.sub (' $', '', l))
-ls = map (stripcomment, ls)
-ls = map (stripwhite, ls)
-ls = map (stripeols, ls)
-ls = filter (lambda x: x <> '', ls)
-opening = ls[0]
-ls = ls[1:]
-opening = map (string.atoi, re.split ('[\t ]+', opening))
-(no_staffs, no_instruments, timesig_num,timesig_den, ptimesig_num,
- ptimesig_den, pickup_beats,keysig_number) = tuple (opening)
-opening = ls[0]
-ls = ls[1:]
-# ignore this.
-# opening = map (string.atoi, re.split ('[\t ]+', opening))
-# (no_pages,no_systems, musicsize, fracindent) = tuple (opening)
-instruments = []
-while len (instruments) < no_instruments:
- instruments.append (ls[0])
- ls = ls[1:]
-class Staff:
- def __init__ (self):
- self.voices = ([],[])
- self.clef = None
- self.instrument = 0
-l = ls[0]
-ls = ls[1:]
-staffs = map (lambda x: Staff (), range(0, no_staffs))
-staff_idx = 0
-for s in staffs:
- s.clef = l[0]
- l = l[1:]
-# dump path
-ls = ls[1:]
-# dump more ?
-ls = ls[2:]
-actab = {-2: 'eses', -1: 'es', 0 : '', 1: 'is', 2:'isis'}
-def pitch_to_lily_string (tup):
- (o,n,a) = tup
- nm = chr((n + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
- nm = nm + actab[a]
- if o > 0:
- nm = nm + "'" * o
- elif o < 0:
- nm = nm + "," * -o
- return nm
-class Chord:
- def __init__ (self):
- self.pitches = []
- self.dots = 0
- self.basic_duration = 0
- def dump (self):
- str = ''
- for p in self.pitches:
- if str:
- str = str + ' '
- str = str + pitch_to_lily_string (p)
- if len (self.pitches) > 1:
- str = '<%s>' % str
- elif len (self.pitches) == 0:
- str = 'r'
- sd = ''
- if self.basic_duration == 0.5:
- sd = '\\breve'
- else:
- sd = '%d' % self.basic_duration
- str = str + sd + '.' * self.dots
- return str
-input_left = string.join (ls, ' ')
-input_left = re.sub ('[ \t\n]+', ' ', input_left)
-SPACE=' \t\n'
-DIGITS ='0123456789'
-basicdur_table = {
- 9: 0.5,
- 0: 0 ,
- 2: 2 ,
- 4: 4 ,
- 8: 8 ,
- 1: 16,
- 3: 32,
- 6: 64
- }
-class Parser:
- def __init__ (self):
- self.chords = []
- self.forced_duration = None
- self.last_octave = 4
- def parse_note (self, str):
- ch = Chord ()
- name = None
- if str[0] <> 'r':
- name = (ord (str[0]) - ord('a') + 5) % 7
- str = str[1:]
- forced_duration = 0
- alteration = 0
- dots = 0
- oct = None
- durdigit = None
- multibar = 0
- while str[0] in 'dsfmnul0123456789.,':
- c = str[0]
- str = str[1:]
- if c == 'f':
- alteration = alteration -1
- elif c == 'n':
- alteration = 0
- elif c == 'm':
- multibar = 1
- elif c == 's':
- alteration = alteration +1
- elif c == 'd':
- dots = dots + 1
- elif c in DIGITS and durdigit == None:
- durdigit = string.atoi (c)
- elif c in DIGITS:
- oct = string.atoi (c) - 4
- elif c == '.':
- dots = dots+ 1
- forced_duration = 2
- elif c == ',':
- forced_duration = 2
- if durdigit:
- ch.basic_duration = basicdur_table[durdigit]
- self.last_basic_duration = ch.basic_duration
- else:
- ch.basic_duration = self.last_basic_duration
- if name:
- if oct:
- self.last_octave =oct
- else:
- oct = self.last_octave
- if name:
- ch.pitches.append ((oct, name, alteration))
- ch.dots = dots
- if forced_duration:
- self.forced_duration = ch.basic_duration / forced_duration
- self.chords.append (ch)
- while str[0] in SPACE:
- str = str [1:]
- return str
-parser = Parser()
-while input_left:
- while input_left[0] in 'abcdefgr':
- input_left = parser.parse_note (input_left)
- print input_left[0]
- sys.stderr.write ("\nHuh? Unknown directive %s" %input_left[0:1])
- input_left = input_left[1:]
-for c in parser.chords:
- print c.dump ()
+++ /dev/null
-% Tests a number of features:
-% * Lyric_phrasing_engraver
-% * Stanza_number_engraver
-% * Automatic melismata on beamed notes
-\version "1.3.59";
-\include "english.ly"
- title = "Crowned with Honour";
- composer = "Oliver Holden (1765-1844)";
- poet = "Thomas Kelly (1769-1855)";
-allup = \notes{
- \property Voice.verticalDirection = \up
- \property Voice.slurVerticalDirection = \up
- \property Voice.tieVerticalDirection = \up
- \property Voice.dynamicDirection = \up
- \autoBeamOff
-alldown = \notes{
- \property Voice.verticalDirection = \down
- \property Voice.slurVerticalDirection = \down
- \property Voice.tieVerticalDirection = \down
- \property Voice.dynamicDirection = \down
- \autoBeamOff
-Global = \notes{
- \key g \major;
- \time 4/4;
- \partial 4;
-Soprano = \notes \relative c' {
- \allup
- d4 | g g b b a g a b a g b a g( a )g % modified to test melisma align right
- [a8 b] | b4 % modified to test melisma align left
- a g b [d16 d c8] [b a] b4 % modified to test beam melisma
-% a4 | b a g b [d8 \melisma c] \melismaEnd [b \melisma a] \melismaEnd b4
- d d2 d e d4( cs8 ~ )cs d2.
- b4 | d b g b [a8 g] [a b] a4
-% b4 | d b g b [a8 \melisma g] \melismaEnd [a \melisma b] \melismaEnd a4
- g d'2 c b4.( c8 )a4 a g2.
-Alto = \notes \relative c'{
- \alldown
- d4 | d d g g fs g fs g fs e g fs d2.
- d4 | g d b g' [b8 a] [g fs] g4 fs g2 a g fs4( e8 )g fs2.
- d4 | g g d g [fs8 e] [fs g] fs4 g f2 e d4.( d8 )d4 fs4 d2.
-Tenor = \notes \relative c{
- \allup
- d4 | b' b d d c b c d c b d c b2.
- a4 | b a g b [d8 c] [b a] b4 a b2 c b a a2.
- g4 | b d b d [c8 b] [c d] c4 b g2 g g4.( a8 [fs )a] c4 b2.
-Bass = \notes \relative c{
- \alldown
- d4 | g g g g d d d g d e d d g,2.
- d'4 | g d b g' [b8 a] [g fs] g4 d g2 fs e a d,2.
- g4 | g g g g d d d e b2 c d2. d4 g,2.
-TheLyrics = \lyrics <
- {
- \context LyricVoice = "Soprano-1"
- \property LyricVoice .stanza = "1:"
- \property LyricVoice .stz = "(1)"
- The4 head that once was crowned with thorns
- Is crowned with glo -- ry now;
- A roy -- al di -- a -- dem a -- dorns
- The might -- y Vic -- tor's brow.
- A roy -- al di -- a -- dem a -- dorns
- The might -- y Vic -- tor's brow.
- }
- {
- \context LyricVoice = "Soprano-2"
- \property LyricVoice .stanza = "2:"
- \property LyricVoice .stz = "(2)"
- The4 high -- est place that heav'n af -- fords
- Is His by sov -- 'reign right;
- The King of kings, the Lord of lords,
- He reigns in glo -- ry bright,
- The King of kings, the Lord of lords,
- He reigns in glo -- ry bright.
- }
- {
- \context LyricVoice = "Soprano-3"
- \property LyricVoice .stanza = "3:"
- \property LyricVoice .stz = "(3)"
- The joy of all who dwell a -- bove,
- The joy of saints be -- low,
- To4 whom He man -- i -- fests His love,
- And grants His name to know,
- To4 whom He man -- i -- fests His love,
- And grants His name to4 know.
- }
- \context ChoirStaff
- \notes
- <
- \property Score.barNumberScriptPadding = #10.0
- \context Staff = "treblestaff"{
- <
- \context Voice = "Soprano" { }
- \context Voice = "Alto" { }
- >
- }
- \context Lyrics = mainlyrics { }
- \context Staff = "treblestaff"{
- <
- \Global
- \addlyrics { \context Voice = "Soprano" \Soprano }
- { \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \TheLyrics }
- \context Voice = "Alto" \Alto
- >
- \bar "|.";
- }
- \context Staff = "bassstaff"{
- \clef "bass";
- <
- \context Voice = "Tenor" { \Tenor }
- \context Voice = "Bass" { \Bass }
- >
- \bar "|.";
- }
- >
- \paper {
- \translator{
- \VoiceContext
- automaticMelismata = ##t;
- noAutoBeaming = ##t;
- \remove "Auto_beam_engraver";
- }
- }