(define-key LilyPond-mode-map ">" 'LilyPond-electric-close-paren)
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map "}" 'LilyPond-electric-close-paren)
(define-key LilyPond-mode-map [S-iso-lefttab] 'LilyPond-autocompletion)
+ (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\t" 'LilyPond-info-index-search)
;;; Menu Support
(message "Remember to add all other details as well.") (sit-for 5 0 1)))
+(defun LilyPond-pre-word-search ()
+ "Fetch the alphabetic characters and \\ in front of the cursor."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pre "")
+ (prelen 0)
+ (ch (char-before (- (point) 0))))
+ (while (and ch (or (and (>= ch 65) (<= ch 90)) ; not bolp, A-Z
+ (and (>= ch 97) (<= ch 122)) ; a-z
+ (= ch 92))) ; \\
+ (setq pre (concat (char-to-string ch) pre))
+ (setq prelen (+ prelen 1))
+ (setq ch (char-before (- (point) prelen))))
+ pre))
+(defun LilyPond-post-word-search ()
+ "Fetch the alphabetic characters behind the cursor."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((post "")
+ (postlen 0)
+ (ch (char-after (+ (point) 0))))
+ (while (and ch (or (and (>= ch 65) (<= ch 90)) ; not eolp, A-Z
+ (and (>= ch 97) (<= ch 122)))) ; a-z
+ (setq post (concat post (char-to-string ch)))
+ (setq postlen (+ postlen 1))
+ (setq ch (char-after (+ (point) postlen))))
+ post))
(defun LilyPond-autocompletion ()
"Show completions in mini-buffer for the given word."
- ; search the begin of word: add [A-Za-z\\] until bolp/non-alpha
- (setq pre "")
- (setq prelen 0)
- (setq ch (char-before (- (point) prelen)))
- (while (and ch (or (and (>= ch 65) (<= ch 90)) ; bolp, A-Z
- (and (>= ch 97) (<= ch 122)) ; a-z
- (= ch 92))) ; \\
- (setq pre (concat (char-to-string ch) pre))
- (setq prelen (+ prelen 1))
- (setq ch (char-before (- (point) prelen))))
- ; search the end of word: add [A-Za-z] until eolp/non-alpha
- (setq post "")
- (setq postlen 0)
- (setq ch (char-after (+ (point) postlen)))
- (while (and ch (or (and (>= ch 65) (<= ch 90)) ; eolp, A-Z
- (and (>= ch 97) (<= ch 122)))) ; a-z
- (setq post (concat post (char-to-string ch)))
- (setq postlen (+ postlen 1))
- (setq ch (char-after (+ (point) postlen))))
+ (let ((pre (LilyPond-pre-word-search))
+ (post (LilyPond-post-word-search))
+ (compsstr ""))
; insert try-completion and show all-completions
- (if (> prelen 0)
- (progn
- (setq trycomp (try-completion pre (LilyPond-add-dictionary-word ())))
- (if (char-or-string-p trycomp)
- (if (string-equal (concat pre post) trycomp)
- (goto-char (+ (point) postlen))
- (progn
- (delete-region (point) (+ (point) postlen))
- (insert (substring trycomp prelen nil))))
- (progn
- (delete-region (point) (+ (point) postlen))
- (font-lock-fontify-buffer))) ; only inserting fontifies
+ (if (> (length pre) 0)
+ (progn
+ (setq trycomp (try-completion pre (LilyPond-add-dictionary-word ())))
+ (if (char-or-string-p trycomp)
+ (if (string-equal (concat pre post) trycomp)
+ (goto-char (+ (point) (length post)))
+ (progn
+ (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length post)))
+ (insert (substring trycomp (length pre) nil))))
+ (progn
+ (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length post)))
+ (font-lock-fontify-buffer))) ; only inserting fontifies
- (setq compsstr "")
(setq complist (all-completions pre (LilyPond-add-dictionary-word ())))
(while (> (length complist) 0)
(setq compsstr (concat compsstr "\"" (car complist) "\" "))
(setq complist (cdr complist)))
(message compsstr)
- (sit-for 0 100 1))))
+ (sit-for 0 100 1)))))
+(defun LilyPond-info ()
+ "Launch Info for lilypond."
+ (interactive)
+ (info "lilypond"))
+(defun LilyPond-music-glossary-info ()
+ "Launch Info for music-glossary."
+ (interactive)
+ (info "music-glossary"))
+(defun LilyPond-internals-info ()
+ "Launch Info for lilypond-internals."
+ (interactive)
+ (info "lilypond-internals"))
+(defun LilyPond-info-index-search ()
+ "Inside Emacs, launch `info lilypond --index-search word-under-cursor'"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((str (concat (LilyPond-pre-word-search) (LilyPond-post-word-search))))
+ (if (and (> (length str) 0)
+ (string-equal (substring str 0 1) "\\"))
+ (setq str (substring str 1 nil)))
+ (LilyPond-info)
+ (Info-index str)))
(defun LilyPond-insert-string (pre)
"Insert text to the buffer."
["Comment Region" comment-region t]
["Refontify buffer" font-lock-fontify-buffer t]
+ '(("Info"
+ ["LilyPond" LilyPond-info t]
+ ["LilyPond index-search" LilyPond-info-index-search t]
+ ["Music Glossary" LilyPond-music-glossary-info t]
+ ["LilyPond internals" LilyPond-internals-info t]
+ ))
(defconst LilyPond-imenu-generic-re "^\\([a-zA-Z]+\\) *="