2003-09-24 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
+ * VERSION: release 2.0.0
+ * GNUmakefile.in (rsync-web): version independent rsync target.
* input/test/+.ly (texidoc): idem.
* input/regression/+.ly: print version number.
chgrp -R lilypond . && \
chmod -R g+w . && \
chmod 2775 `find -type d` . && \
- rsync --delete --stats --progress -gorltvu -e ssh . x:/var/www/lilypond/doc/v1.9/
+ rsync --delete --stats --progress -gorltvu -e ssh . x:/var/www/lilypond/doc/v$(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION)/
cd out-www && rm -rf web/
--- /dev/null
+\version "1.9.8"
+Gregorian chant notation sometimes also uses commas and ticks, but in
+smaller font size (we call it 'virgula' and 'caesura'). However, the
+most common breathing signs are divisio minima/maior/maxima and
+finalis, the latter three looking similar to bar glyphs.
+" }
+\include "gregorian-init.ly"
+\score {
+ %
+ % Gregorian notation:
+ %
+ \context VaticanaStaff {
+ \notes \relative c' {
+ % we turn bars and bar numbers off for Gregorian stuff
+ \property Staff.BarLine \set #'transparent = ##t
+ \property Score.BarNumber \set #'transparent = ##t
+ % here is no \breathe
+ c g c
+ % \virgula applies rcomma, but in a smaller font
+ c \virgula g c
+ % \caesura applies rvarcomma, but in a smaller font
+ c \caesura g c
+ % \divisioMinima is a simple vertical stroke through the
+ % uppermost staffline, just like the original implementation
+ % of breathing signs.
+ c \divisioMinima g c
+ % \divisio{maior,maxima} and \finalis look like bars and are
+ % vertically centered on the staff; the direction property has
+ % no effect
+ c \divisioMaior g c
+ c \divisioMaxima g c
+ % this one looks almost like a "||" type bar
+ \finalis
+ }
+ }
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d
-install -m 644 elisp/lilypond-init.el $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d
+install -m 755 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/emacs/site-start.d
+install -m 644 elisp/lilypond-init.el $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/emacs/site-start.d
gzip -9fn $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/*
%defattr(-, root, root)