use Mail::Address;
use Cwd qw(cwd);
+use Params::Validate qw(validate_with :types);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
our $DEBUG_FH = \*STDERR if not defined $DEBUG_FH;
=head2 english_join
- print english_join(', ',' and ',@list);
+ print english_join(list => \@list);
+ print english_join(\@list);
Joins list properly to make an english phrase.
+=item normal -- how to separate most values; defaults to ', '
+=item last -- how to separate the last two values; defaults to ', and '
+=item only_two -- how to separate only two values; defaults to ' and '
+=item list -- ARRAYREF values to join; if the first argument is an
+ARRAYREF, it's assumed to be the list of values to join
+In cases where C<list> is empty, returns ''; when there is only one
+element, returns that element.
sub english_join {
- my ($normal,$last,@list) = @_;
- if (@list <= 1) {
- return @list?$list[0]:'';
- }
- my $ret = $last . pop(@list);
- $ret = join($normal,@list) . $ret;
- return $ret;
+ if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ english_join(list=>$_[0]);
+ }
+ my %param = validate_with(param => \@_,
+ spec => {normal => {type => SCALAR,
+ default => ', ',
+ },
+ last => {type => SCALAR,
+ default => ', and ',
+ },
+ only_two => {type => SCALAR,
+ default => ' and ',
+ },
+ list => {type => ARRAYREF,
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ my @list = @{$param{list}};
+ if (@list <= 1) {
+ return @list?$list[0]:'';
+ }
+ elsif (@list == 2) {
+ return join($param{only_two},@list);
+ }
+ my $ret = $param{last} . pop(@list);
+ return join($param{normal},@list) . $ret;