+++ /dev/null
-%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically
-%% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it
-%% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ ,
-%% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py
-%% This file is in the public domain.
-\version "2.17.6"
-\header {
- lsrtags = "editorial-annotations, expressive-marks, tweaks-and-overrides"
- texidoc = "
-Creating a delayed turn, where the lower note of the turn uses the
-accidental, requires several overrides. The
-@code{outside-staff-priority} property must be set to @code{#f}, as
-otherwise this would take precedence over the @code{avoid-slur
-property}. The value of @code{halign} is used to position the turn
- doctitle = "Creating a delayed turn"
-} % begin verbatim
-\relative c'' {
- \once \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
- \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
- c2(^\markup \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 1) {
- \halign #-4
- \center-column {
- \sharp
- \musicglyph #"scripts.turn"
- }
- }
- d4.) c8
--- /dev/null
+\version "2.17.97"
+\header {
+ lsrtags = "editorial-annotations, expressive-marks, tweaks-and-overrides"
+ texidoc = "
+Creating a delayed turn, where the lower note of the turn uses the
+accidental, requires several overrides. The
+@code{outside-staff-priority} property must be set to @code{#f}, as
+otherwise this would take precedence over the @code{avoid-slur
+property}. Changing the fractions @code{2/3} and @code{1/3} adjusts the
+horizontal position.
+ doctitle = "Creating a delayed turn"
+} % begin verbatim
+\relative c'' {
+ c2*2/3 ( s2*1/3\turn d4) r
+ <<
+ { c4.( d8) }
+ { s4 s\turn }
+ >>
+ \transpose c d \relative c'' <<
+ { c4.( d8) }
+ {
+ s4
+ \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t
+ \once \override AccidentalSuggestion #'outside-staff-priority = ##f
+ \once \override AccidentalSuggestion #'avoid-slur = #'inside
+ \once \override AccidentalSuggestion #'font-size = #-3
+ \once \override AccidentalSuggestion #'script-priority = #-1
+ \single \hideNotes
+ b8-\turn \noBeam
+ s8
+ }
+ >>