- local-key-engraver.cc -- implement accidental_engraver
+ accidental-engraver.cc -- implement accidental_engraver
(c) 1997--2001 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
+ Modified 2001 by Rune Zedeler <rz@daimi.au.dk>
#include "musical-request.hh"
virtual void acknowledge_grob (Grob_info);
virtual void stop_translation_timestep ();
virtual void initialize ();
+ virtual int number_accidentals (SCM sig, Note_req *);
virtual void create_grobs ();
virtual void finalize ();
last_keysig_ = get_property ("keySignature");
daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("localKeySignature", last_keysig_);
+ daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("lazyKeySignature", last_keysig_);
+/** calculates the number of accidentals on basis of the current local time sig
+ * (passed as argument).
+ * Returns number of accidentals (0, 1 or 2).
+ * Negative (-1 or -2) if accidental has changed.
+ **/
+Accidental_engraver::number_accidentals (SCM sig, Note_req * note_l)
+ int n = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->notename_i_;
+ int o = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->octave_i () ;
+ int a = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->alteration_i_;
+ SCM prev = scm_assoc (gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o), gh_int2scm (n)), sig);
+ if (prev == SCM_BOOL_F)
+ prev = scm_assoc (gh_int2scm (n), sig);
+ SCM prev_acc = (prev == SCM_BOOL_F) ? gh_int2scm (0) : ly_cdr (prev);
+ bool different = !gh_equal_p (prev_acc , gh_int2scm (a));
+ int p = gh_number_p (prev_acc) ? gh_scm2int (prev_acc) : 0;
+ int num;
+ if (a==p && !to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("force-accidental"))) num=0;
+ else if ( (abs(a)<abs(p) || p*a<0) && a!=0 ) num=2;
+ else num=1;
+ return a==p ? num : -num;
if (!key_item_p_ && mel_l_arr_.size ())
SCM localsig = get_property ("localKeySignature");
+ SCM lazysig = get_property ("lazyKeySignature");
for (int i=0; i < mel_l_arr_.size (); i++)
Grob * support_l = support_l_arr_[i];
Note_req * note_l = mel_l_arr_[i];
- int n = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->notename_i_;
- int o = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->octave_i () ;
- int a = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->alteration_i_;
+ int local_num = number_accidentals(localsig,note_l);
+ bool local_diff = local_num<0; local_num = abs(local_num);
+ int lazy_num = number_accidentals(lazysig,note_l);
+ bool lazy_diff = lazy_num<0; lazy_num = abs(lazy_num);
+ int num = local_num;;
+ bool different= local_diff;
+ bool cautionary = to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("cautionary"));
+ if (to_boolean (get_property ("noResetKey"))) {
+ num = lazy_num;
+ different = lazy_diff;
+ }
+ else if (gh_equal_p (get_property ("autoReminders"),ly_symbol2scm("cautionary"))
+ || gh_equal_p (get_property ("autoReminders"),ly_symbol2scm("accidental"))) {
+ num = max(local_num,lazy_num);
+ if (gh_equal_p (get_property ("autoReminders"),ly_symbol2scm("cautionary"))
+ && lazy_num>local_num)
+ cautionary = true;
+ }
/* see if there's a tie that "changes" the accidental */
/* works because if there's a tie, the note to the left
is of the same pitch as the actual note */
- SCM prev = scm_assoc (gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o), gh_int2scm (n)), localsig);
- if (prev == SCM_BOOL_F)
- prev = scm_assoc (gh_int2scm (n), localsig);
- SCM prev_acc = (prev == SCM_BOOL_F) ? gh_int2scm (0) : ly_cdr (prev);
- bool different = !gh_equal_p (prev_acc , gh_int2scm (a));
- int p = gh_number_p (prev_acc) ? gh_scm2int (prev_acc) : 0;
Grob *tie_break_reminder = 0;
bool tie_changes = false;
- /* When do we want accidentals:
- 1. when property force-accidental is set, and not
- tie_changes
- 2. when different and not tie-changes
- 3. maybe when at end of a tie: we must later see if
- we're after a line break */
- if (( (to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("force-accidental"))
- || different)
- && !tie_changes)
- || tie_break_reminder)
+ if (num)
if (!key_item_p_)
- bool extra_natural =
- sign (p) * (p - a) == 1
- && abs (p) == 2;
Local_key_item::add_pitch (key_item_p_, *unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch")),
- to_boolean (note_l->get_mus_property ("cautionary")),
- extra_natural,
+ cautionary,
+ num==2,
Side_position_interface::add_support (key_item_p_,support_l);
We should not record the accidental if it is the first
note and it is tied from the previous measure.
Checking whether it is tied also works mostly, but will it
always do the correct thing?
+ (???? -Rune )
+ int n = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->notename_i_;
+ int o = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->octave_i () ;
+ int a = unsmob_pitch (note_l->get_mus_property ("pitch"))->alteration_i_;
+ SCM ON = gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o), gh_int2scm (n));
bool forget = to_boolean (get_property ("forgetAccidentals"));
if (tie_changes)
Remember an alteration that is different both from
that of the tied note and of the key signature.
+ (????? -Rune )
- localsig = scm_assoc_set_x (localsig, gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o),
- gh_int2scm (n)),
+ localsig = scm_assoc_set_x (localsig, ON, SCM_BOOL_T);
+ lazysig = scm_assoc_set_x (lazysig, ON, SCM_BOOL_T);
else if (!forget)
not really really correct if there are more than one
noteheads with the same notename.
- localsig = scm_assoc_set_x (localsig, gh_cons (gh_int2scm (o),
- gh_int2scm (n)),
- gh_int2scm (a));
+ localsig = scm_assoc_set_x (localsig, ON, gh_int2scm (a));
+ lazysig = scm_assoc_set_x (lazysig, ON, gh_int2scm (a));
daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("localKeySignature", localsig);
+ daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("lazyKeySignature", lazysig);
if (last_keysig_ != sig)
daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("localKeySignature", ly_deep_copy (sig));
+ daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("lazyKeySignature", ly_deep_copy (sig));
last_keysig_ = sig;
else if (!mp.to_bool () )
- if (!to_boolean (get_property ("noResetKey")))
daddy_trans_l_->set_property ("localKeySignature", ly_deep_copy (sig));
Item *me = (Item *)unsmob_grob (smob);
+ Item *left_head = get_left_head (me);
+ Item *right_head = get_right_head (me);
+ if (!left_head || !right_head)
+ {
+ warning (_ ("junking lonely porrectus"));
+ me->suicide ();
+ return SCM_EOL;
+ }
SCM scm_style = me->get_grob_property ("style");
String style;
if ((gh_symbol_p (scm_style)) && (scm_style != SCM_EOL))
if (!stem_direction)
stem_direction = DOWN;
- Item *left_head = get_left_head (me);
- Item *right_head = get_right_head (me);
- if (!left_head || !right_head)
+ bool auto_properties = to_boolean (me->get_grob_property ("auto-properties"));
+ if (auto_properties)
+ // determine add_stem and stem_direction automatically from durations
- warning (_ ("junking lonely porrectus"));
- me->suicide ();
- return SCM_EOL;
+ if (String::compare_i (style, "mensural") != 0)
+ warning (String("auto-property should be used for\r\n") +
+ String("mensural style porrectus only; trying anyway"));
+ int left_duration =
+ gh_scm2int (left_head->get_grob_property ("duration-log"));
+ int right_duration =
+ gh_scm2int (right_head->get_grob_property ("duration-log"));
+ if ((left_duration == -1) && (right_duration == -1))
+ {
+ // brevis -- brevis:
+ // cum proprietate et sine perfectione (c.s.)
+ add_stem = true;
+ stem_direction = DOWN;
+ }
+ else if ((left_duration == -2) && (right_duration == -1))
+ {
+ // longa -- brevis:
+ // sine proprietate et sine perfectione (s.s.)
+ add_stem = false;
+ }
+ else if ((left_duration == 0) && (right_duration == 0))
+ {
+ // semibrevis -- semibrevis:
+ // cum opposita proprietate (c.o.p.)
+ add_stem = true;
+ stem_direction = UP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warning (String("auto-property: failed determining porrectus\r\n") +
+ String("properties due to improper durations; ") +
+ String("using user-supplied properties"));
+ }
Real left_position_f = Staff_symbol_referencer::position_f (left_head);
bool add_stem,
Direction stem_direction)
- Real space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
- Molecule molecule = Molecule ();
if (interval >= 0.0)
warning (_ ("ascending vaticana style porrectus"));
+ Real space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+ Molecule molecule = Molecule ();
+ Real right_height = 0.6 * space;
+ // Compensate thickness that appears to be smaller in steep section
+ // of bend.
+ Real left_height = right_height + min (0.12 * abs(interval), 0.3) * space;
if (add_stem)
bool consider_interval =
stem_direction * interval > 0.0;
- Interval stem_box_x (-thickness/2, +thickness/2);
+ Interval stem_box_x (0, thickness);
Interval stem_box_y;
if (consider_interval)
- {
- Real y_length = interval / 2.0;
- if (y_length < 1.2 * space)
- y_length = 1.2 * space;
+ {
+ Real y_length = max (abs(interval)/2.0*space +
+ (right_height-left_height),
+ 1.2*space);
stem_box_y = Interval (0, y_length);
Real y_correction =
(stem_direction == UP) ?
- 0.3 * space :
- - 0.3 * space - stem_box_y.length();
+ +0.5*left_height :
+ -0.5*left_height - stem_box_y.length();
Box stem_box (stem_box_x, stem_box_y);
Molecule stem = Lookup::filledbox (stem_box);
- Box vertical_edge (Interval (-thickness/2, +thickness/2),
- Interval (-4*thickness/2, +4*thickness/2));
- Molecule left_edge = Lookup::filledbox (vertical_edge);
- Molecule right_edge = Lookup::filledbox (vertical_edge);
- right_edge.translate_axis (width, X_AXIS);
- right_edge.translate_axis (interval / 2.0, Y_AXIS);
- molecule.add_molecule(left_edge);
- molecule.add_molecule(right_edge);
- Bezier bezier;
- bezier.control_[0] = Offset (0.00 * width, 0.0);
- bezier.control_[1] = Offset (0.33 * width, interval / 2.0);
- bezier.control_[2] = Offset (0.66 * width, interval / 2.0);
- bezier.control_[3] = Offset (1.00 * width, interval / 2.0);
- Molecule slice;
- slice = Lookup::slur (bezier, 0.0, thickness);
- slice.translate_axis (-3 * thickness/2, Y_AXIS);
- molecule.add_molecule (slice);
+ // Compensate optical illusion regarding vertical position of left
+ // and right endings due to curved shape.
+ Real ypos_correction = -0.1*space * sign(interval);
+ Real interval_correction = 0.2*space * sign(interval);
+ Real corrected_interval = interval*space + interval_correction;
+ // middle curve of vaticana style porrectus
+ Bezier curve;
+ curve.control_[0] = Offset (0.00 * width, 0.0);
+ curve.control_[1] = Offset (0.33 * width, corrected_interval / 2.0);
+ curve.control_[2] = Offset (0.66 * width, corrected_interval / 2.0);
+ curve.control_[3] = Offset (1.00 * width, corrected_interval / 2.0);
+ Bezier top_curve = curve, bottom_curve = curve;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ Real thickness = 0.33 * ((3 - i)*left_height + i*right_height);
+ top_curve.control_[i] += Offset (0, +0.5*thickness);
+ bottom_curve.control_[i] += Offset (0, -0.5*thickness);
+ }
if (solid)
- for (int i = -2; i < +2; i++)
- {
- slice = Lookup::slur (bezier, 0.0, thickness);
- slice.translate_axis (i * thickness/2, Y_AXIS);
- molecule.add_molecule (slice);
- }
- slice = Lookup::slur (bezier, 0.0, thickness);
- slice.translate_axis (+3 * thickness/2, Y_AXIS);
- molecule.add_molecule (slice);
+ {
+ Molecule solid_head =
+ brew_bezier_sandwich (top_curve, bottom_curve);
+ molecule.add_molecule (solid_head);
+ }
+ else // outline
+ {
+ Bezier inner_top_curve = top_curve;
+ inner_top_curve.translate (Offset (0.0, -thickness));
+ Molecule top_edge =
+ brew_bezier_sandwich (top_curve, inner_top_curve);
+ molecule.add_molecule(top_edge);
+ Bezier inner_bottom_curve = bottom_curve;
+ inner_bottom_curve.translate (Offset (0.0, +thickness));
+ Molecule bottom_edge =
+ brew_bezier_sandwich (bottom_curve, inner_bottom_curve);
+ molecule.add_molecule(bottom_edge);
+ // TODO: Use horizontal slope with proper slope value rather
+ // than filled box for left edge, since the filled box stands
+ // out from the porrectus shape if the interval is big and the
+ // line thickness small. The difficulty here is to compute a
+ // proper slope value, as it should roughly be equal with the
+ // slope of the left end of the bezier curve.
+ Box left_edge_box (Interval (0, thickness),
+ Interval (-0.5*left_height, +0.5*left_height));
+ Molecule left_edge = Lookup::filledbox (left_edge_box);
+ molecule.add_molecule(left_edge);
+ Box right_edge_box (Interval (-thickness, 0),
+ Interval (-0.5*right_height, +0.5*right_height));
+ Molecule right_edge = Lookup::filledbox (right_edge_box);
+ right_edge.translate_axis (width, X_AXIS);
+ right_edge.translate_axis (corrected_interval / 2.0, Y_AXIS);
+ molecule.add_molecule(right_edge);
+ }
+ molecule.translate_axis (ypos_correction, Y_AXIS);
return molecule;
Direction stem_direction)
Real space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+ Real height = 0.6 * space;
Molecule molecule = Molecule ();
if (add_stem)
- // Uugh. This is currently the same as in
- // brew_vaticana_molecule, but may eventually be changed.
bool consider_interval =
stem_direction * interval > 0.0;
if (consider_interval)
- Real y_length = interval / 2.0;
- if (y_length < 1.2 * space)
- y_length = 1.2 * space;
+ Real y_length = max (interval/2.0*space, 1.2*space);
stem_box_y = Interval (0, y_length);
Real y_correction =
(stem_direction == UP) ?
- 0.3 * space :
- - 0.3 * space - stem_box_y.length();
+ +0.5*height :
+ -0.5*height - stem_box_y.length();
Box stem_box (stem_box_x, stem_box_y);
Molecule stem = Lookup::filledbox (stem_box);
- Real slope = (interval / 2.0) / width;
+ Real slope = (interval / 2.0 * space) / width;
// Compensate optical illusion regarding vertical position of left
// and right endings due to slope.
if (solid)
Molecule solid_head =
- brew_horizontal_slope (width, corrected_slope, 0.6*space);
+ brew_horizontal_slope (width, corrected_slope, height);
molecule.add_molecule (solid_head);
- else
+ else // outline
Molecule left_edge =
- brew_horizontal_slope (thickness, corrected_slope, 0.6*space);
+ brew_horizontal_slope (thickness, corrected_slope, height);
Molecule right_edge =
- brew_horizontal_slope (thickness, corrected_slope, 0.6*space);
+ brew_horizontal_slope (thickness, corrected_slope, height);
right_edge.translate_axis (width-thickness, X_AXIS);
right_edge.translate_axis (corrected_slope * (width-thickness), Y_AXIS);
Molecule bottom_edge =
brew_horizontal_slope (width, corrected_slope, thickness);
- bottom_edge.translate_axis (-0.3*space, Y_AXIS);
+ bottom_edge.translate_axis (-0.5*height, Y_AXIS);
molecule.add_molecule (bottom_edge);
Molecule top_edge =
brew_horizontal_slope (width, corrected_slope, thickness);
- top_edge.translate_axis (+0.3*space, Y_AXIS);
+ top_edge.translate_axis (+0.5*height, Y_AXIS);
molecule.add_molecule (top_edge);
molecule.translate_axis (ypos_correction, Y_AXIS);
return molecule;
+ * Bezier Sandwich:
+ *
+ * .|
+ * . |
+ * top . |
+ * . curve |
+ * . |
+ * . |
+ * . |
+ * | |
+ * | .|
+ * | .
+ * | bottom .
+ * | . curve
+ * | .
+ * | .
+ * | .
+ * | .
+ * |.
+ * |
+ *
+ */
+// TODO: Move this to class Lookup?
+Porrectus::brew_bezier_sandwich (Bezier top_curve, Bezier bottom_curve)
+ /*
+ Need the weird order b.o. the way PS want its arguments
+ */
+ SCM list = SCM_EOL;
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (bottom_curve.control_[3]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (bottom_curve.control_[0]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (bottom_curve.control_[1]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (bottom_curve.control_[2]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (top_curve.control_[0]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (top_curve.control_[3]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (top_curve.control_[2]), list);
+ list = gh_cons (ly_offset2scm (top_curve.control_[1]), list);
+ SCM horizontal_bend = scm_list_n (ly_symbol2scm ("bezier-sandwich"),
+ ly_quote_scm (list),
+ gh_double2scm (0.0),
+ Interval x_extent = top_curve.extent (X_AXIS);
+ x_extent.unite (bottom_curve.extent (X_AXIS));
+ Interval y_extent = top_curve.extent (Y_AXIS);
+ y_extent.unite (bottom_curve.extent (Y_AXIS));
+ Box b (x_extent, y_extent);
+ return Molecule (b, horizontal_bend);
* Horizontal Slope:
* /| ^
* / | |
- * / | | thickness
+ * / | | height
* / | |
* / | v
* | /
* <----->
* width
+// TODO: Move this to class Lookup?
-Porrectus::brew_horizontal_slope(Real width, Real slope, Real thickness)
+Porrectus::brew_horizontal_slope (Real width, Real slope, Real height)
SCM width_scm = gh_double2scm (width);
SCM slope_scm = gh_double2scm (slope);
- SCM thickness_scm = gh_double2scm (thickness);
+ SCM height_scm = gh_double2scm (height);
SCM horizontal_slope = scm_list_n (ly_symbol2scm ("beam"),
- width_scm, slope_scm,
- thickness_scm, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ width_scm, slope_scm,
+ height_scm, SCM_UNDEFINED);
Box b (Interval (0, width),
- Interval (-thickness/2, thickness/2 + width*slope));
+ Interval (-height/2, height/2 + width*slope));
return Molecule (b, horizontal_slope);