if (keys %{$changes} or @{$disallowed_changes}) {
- print {$transcript} "Unable to modify bugs so that they could be merged\n";
+ print {$transcript} "After four attempts, the following changes were unable to be made:\n";
for (1..$new_locks) {
+ for my $change (values %{$changes}, @{$disallowed_changes}) {
+ print {$transcript} "$change->{field} of #$change->{bug} is '$change->{text_orig_value}' not '$change->{text_value}'\n";
+ }
+ die "Unable to modify bugs so they could be merged";
next if join(' ', sort @{$data->{$field}}) eq
join(' ',sort keys %{$merge_status->{$field}});
+ elsif ($field eq 'done') {
+ # for done, we only care if the bug is done or not
+ # done, not the value it's set to.
+ if (defined $merge_status->{$field} and length $merge_status->{$field} and
+ defined $data->{$field} and length $data->{$field}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ((not defined $merge_status->{$field} or not length $merge_status->{$field}) and
+ (not defined $data->{$field} or not length $data->{$field})
+ ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
elsif ($merge_status->{$field} eq $data->{$field}) {