* scripts/ Use lilylib as module. Fail gracefully if
kpsexpand, kpsewhich, ps2pdf exit with error. Cleanups and fixes
* python/ (quiet_system): Junk
(system): Display error log upon failure.
(read_pipe): New function. Cleanups and fixes.
* make/substitute.make (ATVARIABLES): Add lilypond_datadir.
* (SUBDIRS): Move python before scripts.
+2002-10-30 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
+ * make/lilypond-vars.make (PYTHONPATH): Add python's outdir to
+ path.
+ * scripts/ Use lilylib as module. Fail gracefully if
+ kpsexpand, kpsewhich, ps2pdf exit with error. Cleanups and fixes
+ throughout.
+ * python/ (quiet_system): Junk
+ (system): Display error log upon failure.
+ (read_pipe): New function. Cleanups and fixes.
+ * python/*.py: Rename from *
+ * make/substitute.make (ATVARIABLES): Add lilypond_datadir.
+ * (SUBDIRS): Move python before scripts.
+2002-10-30 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
+ * python/GNUmakefile: Bugfix: handle modules.
+ * stepmake/stepmake/python-module-targets.make (default): Add
+ compiled modules.
+ * stepmake/stepmake/python-module-rules.make: Add rule for byte
+ compiling modules.
+ * stepmake/stepmake/python-module-vars.make (OUT_PY_MODULES):
+ Bugfix. (OUT_PYC_MODULES): Add.
2002-10-30 Heikki Junes <>
* make/ Repair info. Comment out menu.
# descent order into subdirectories
-SUBDIRS = buildscripts scripts flower lily \
+SUBDIRS = buildscripts python scripts \
+ flower lily \
mf ly tex ps scm \
- python po make \
+ po make \
cygwin debian $(builddir)/stepmake \
Documentation input
# PREFIX incorrect.
export LILYPONDPREFIX:=$(build_lilypond_datadir)
-export PYTHONPATH:=$(topdir)/python:$(PYTHONPATH)
+export PYTHONPATH:=$(builddir)/python/$(outdir):$(PYTHONPATH)
## arg, TEXINPUTS, TFMFONTS, MFINPUTS may still override and thus break this
export TEXMF:={$(LILYPONDPREFIX),$(shell kpsexpand \$$TEXMF)}
+ lilypond_datadir\
depth = ..
STEPMAKE_TEMPLATES=c python-module install po
include $(depth)/make/stepmake.make
$(outdir)/midi.lo: $(outdir)/config.h
--- /dev/null
+"""This module allows python programs to use GNU gettext message catalogs.
+Author: James Henstridge <>
+(This is loosely based on in the GNU gettext distribution)
+The best way to use it is like so:
+ import gettext
+ gettext.bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR)
+ gettext.textdomain(PACKAGE)
+ _ = gettext.gettext
+ print _('Hello World')
+where PACKAGE is the domain for this package, and LOCALEDIR is usually
+'$prefix/share/locale' where $prefix is the install prefix.
+If you have more than one catalog to use, you can directly create catalog
+objects. These objects are created as so:
+ import gettext
+ cat = gettext.Catalog(PACKAGE, localedir=LOCALEDIR)
+ _ = cat.gettext
+ print _('Hello World')
+The catalog object can also be accessed as a dictionary (ie cat['hello']).
+There are also some experimental features. You can add to the catalog, just
+as you would with a normal dictionary. When you are finished, you can call
+its save method, which will create a new .mo file containing all the
+ import gettext
+ cat = Catalog()
+ cat['Hello'] = 'konichiwa'
+Once you have written an internationalized program, you can create a .po file
+for it with "xgettext --keyword=_ fillename ...". Then do the translation and
+compile it into a .mo file, ready for use with this module. Note that you
+will have to use C style strings (ie. use double quotes) for proper string
+import os, string
+prefix = '/usr/local'
+localedir = prefix + '/share/locale'
+def _expandLang(str):
+ langs = [str]
+ # remove charset ...
+ if '.' in str:
+ langs.append(string.split(str, '.')[0])
+ # also add 2 character language code ...
+ if len(str) > 2:
+ langs.append(str[:2])
+ return langs
+lang = []
+for env in 'LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG':
+ if os.environ.has_key(env):
+ lang = string.split(os.environ[env], ':')
+ lang = map(_expandLang, lang)
+ lang = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, lang)
+ break
+if 'C' not in lang:
+ lang.append('C')
+# remove duplicates
+i = 0
+while i < len(lang):
+ j = i + 1
+ while j < len(lang):
+ if lang[i] == lang[j]:
+ del lang[j]
+ else:
+ j = j + 1
+ i = i + 1
+del i, j
+if os.environ.has_key('PY_XGETTEXT'):
+ xgettext = os.environ['PY_XGETTEXT']
+ xgettext = None
+del os, string
+error = 'gettext.error'
+def _lsbStrToInt(str):
+ return ord(str[0]) + \
+ (ord(str[1]) << 8) + \
+ (ord(str[2]) << 16) + \
+ (ord(str[3]) << 24)
+def _msbStrToInt(str):
+ return (ord(str[0]) << 24) + \
+ (ord(str[1]) << 16) + \
+ (ord(str[2]) << 8) + \
+ ord(str[3])
+def _intToLsbStr(int):
+ return chr(int & 0xff) + \
+ chr((int >> 8) & 0xff) + \
+ chr((int >> 16) & 0xff) + \
+ chr((int >> 24) & 0xff)
+def _getpos(levels = 0):
+ """Returns the position in the code where the function was called.
+ The function uses some knowledge about python stack frames."""
+ import sys
+ # get access to the stack frame by generating an exception.
+ try:
+ raise RuntimeError
+ except RuntimeError:
+ frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame
+ frame = frame.f_back # caller's frame
+ while levels > 0:
+ frame = frame.f_back
+ levels = levels - 1
+ return (frame.f_globals['__name__'],
+ frame.f_code.co_name,
+ frame.f_lineno)
+class Catalog:
+ def __init__(self, domain=None, localedir=localedir):
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.localedir = localedir
+ = {}
+ if not domain: return
+ for self.lang in lang:
+ if self.lang == 'C':
+ return
+ catalog = "%s//%s/LC_MESSAGES/" % (
+ localedir, self.lang, domain)
+ try:
+ f = open(catalog, "rb")
+ buffer =
+ del f
+ break
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return # assume C locale
+ strToInt = _lsbStrToInt
+ if strToInt(buffer[:4]) != 0x950412de:
+ # catalog is encoded with MSB offsets.
+ strToInt = _msbStrToInt
+ if strToInt(buffer[:4]) != 0x950412de:
+ # magic number doesn't match
+ raise error, 'Bad magic number in %s' % (catalog,)
+ self.revision = strToInt(buffer[4:8])
+ nstrings = strToInt(buffer[8:12])
+ origTabOffset = strToInt(buffer[12:16])
+ transTabOffset = strToInt(buffer[16:20])
+ for i in range(nstrings):
+ origLength = strToInt(buffer[origTabOffset:
+ origTabOffset+4])
+ origOffset = strToInt(buffer[origTabOffset+4:
+ origTabOffset+8])
+ origTabOffset = origTabOffset + 8
+ origStr = buffer[origOffset:origOffset+origLength]
+ transLength = strToInt(buffer[transTabOffset:
+ transTabOffset+4])
+ transOffset = strToInt(buffer[transTabOffset+4:
+ transTabOffset+8])
+ transTabOffset = transTabOffset + 8
+ transStr = buffer[transOffset:transOffset+transLength]
+[origStr] = transStr
+ def gettext(self, string):
+ """Get the translation of a given string"""
+ if
+ return[string]
+ else:
+ return string
+ # allow catalog access as cat(str) and cat[str] and cat.gettext(str)
+ __getitem__ = gettext
+ __call__ = gettext
+ # this is experimental code for producing mo files from Catalog objects
+ def __setitem__(self, string, trans):
+ """Set the translation of a given string"""
+[string] = trans
+ def save(self, file):
+ """Create a .mo file from a Catalog object"""
+ try:
+ f = open(file, "wb")
+ except IOError:
+ raise error, "can't open " + file + " for writing"
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(0x950412de)) # magic number
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(0)) # revision
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(len( # nstrings
+ oIndex = []; oData = ''
+ tIndex = []; tData = ''
+ for orig, trans in
+ oIndex.append((len(orig), len(oData)))
+ oData = oData + orig + '\0'
+ tIndex.append((len(trans), len(tData)))
+ tData = tData + trans + '\0'
+ oIndexOfs = 20
+ tIndexOfs = oIndexOfs + 8 * len(oIndex)
+ oDataOfs = tIndexOfs + 8 * len(tIndex)
+ tDataOfs = oDataOfs + len(oData)
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(oIndexOfs))
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(tIndexOfs))
+ for length, offset in oIndex:
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(length))
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(offset + oDataOfs))
+ for length, offset in tIndex:
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(length))
+ f.write(_intToLsbStr(offset + tDataOfs))
+ f.write(oData)
+ f.write(tData)
+_cat = None
+_cats = {}
+if xgettext:
+ class Catalog:
+ def __init__(self, domain, localedir):
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.localedir = localedir
+ self._strings = {}
+ def gettext(self, string):
+ # there is always one level of redirection for calls
+ # to this function
+ pos = _getpos(2) # get this function's caller
+ if self._strings.has_key(string):
+ if pos not in self._strings[string]:
+ self._strings[string].append(pos)
+ else:
+ self._strings[string] = [pos]
+ return string
+ __getitem__ = gettext
+ __call__ = gettext
+ def __setitem__(self, item, data):
+ pass
+ def save(self, file):
+ pass
+ def output(self, fp):
+ import string
+ fp.write('# POT file for domain %s\n' % (self.domain,))
+ for str in self._strings.keys():
+ pos = map(lambda x: "%s(%s):%d" % x,
+ self._strings[str])
+ pos.sort()
+ length = 80
+ for p in pos:
+ if length + len(p) > 74:
+ fp.write('\n#:')
+ length = 2
+ fp.write(' ')
+ fp.write(p)
+ length = length + 1 + len(p)
+ fp.write('\n')
+ if '\n' in str:
+ fp.write('msgid ""\n')
+ lines = string.split(str, '\n')
+ lines = map(lambda x:
+ '"%s\\n"\n' % (x,),
+ lines[:-1]) + \
+ ['"%s"\n' % (lines[-1],)]
+ fp.writelines(lines)
+ else:
+ fp.write('msgid "%s"\n' % (str,))
+ fp.write('msgstr ""\n')
+ import sys
+ if hasattr(sys, 'exitfunc'):
+ _exitchain = sys.exitfunc
+ else:
+ _exitchain = None
+ def exitfunc(dir=xgettext, _exitchain=_exitchain):
+ # actually output all the .pot files.
+ import os
+ for file in _cats.keys():
+ fp = open(os.path.join(dir, file + '.pot'), 'w')
+ cat = _cats[file]
+ cat.output(fp)
+ fp.close()
+ if _exitchain: _exitchain()
+ sys.exitfunc = exitfunc
+ del sys, exitfunc, _exitchain, xgettext
+def bindtextdomain(domain, localedir=localedir):
+ global _cat
+ if not _cats.has_key(domain):
+ _cats[domain] = Catalog(domain, localedir)
+ if not _cat: _cat = _cats[domain]
+def textdomain(domain):
+ global _cat
+ if not _cats.has_key(domain):
+ _cats[domain] = Catalog(domain)
+ _cat = _cats[domain]
+def gettext(string):
+ if _cat == None: raise error, "No catalog loaded"
+ return _cat.gettext(string)
+_ = gettext
+def dgettext(domain, string):
+ if domain is None:
+ return gettext(string)
+ if not _cats.has_key(domain):
+ raise error, "Domain '" + domain + "' not loaded"
+ return _cats[domain].gettext(string)
+def test():
+ import sys
+ global localedir
+ if len(sys.argv) not in (2, 3):
+ print "Usage: %s DOMAIN [LOCALEDIR]" % (sys.argv[0],)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ domain = sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ bindtextdomain(domain, sys.argv[2])
+ textdomain(domain)
+ info = gettext('') # this is where special info is often stored
+ if info:
+ print "Info for domain %s, lang %s." % (domain, _cat.lang)
+ print info
+ else:
+ print "No info given in mo file."
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test()
+++ /dev/null
-"""This module allows python programs to use GNU gettext message catalogs.
-Author: James Henstridge <>
-(This is loosely based on in the GNU gettext distribution)
-The best way to use it is like so:
- import gettext
- gettext.bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR)
- gettext.textdomain(PACKAGE)
- _ = gettext.gettext
- print _('Hello World')
-where PACKAGE is the domain for this package, and LOCALEDIR is usually
-'$prefix/share/locale' where $prefix is the install prefix.
-If you have more than one catalog to use, you can directly create catalog
-objects. These objects are created as so:
- import gettext
- cat = gettext.Catalog(PACKAGE, localedir=LOCALEDIR)
- _ = cat.gettext
- print _('Hello World')
-The catalog object can also be accessed as a dictionary (ie cat['hello']).
-There are also some experimental features. You can add to the catalog, just
-as you would with a normal dictionary. When you are finished, you can call
-its save method, which will create a new .mo file containing all the
- import gettext
- cat = Catalog()
- cat['Hello'] = 'konichiwa'
-Once you have written an internationalized program, you can create a .po file
-for it with "xgettext --keyword=_ fillename ...". Then do the translation and
-compile it into a .mo file, ready for use with this module. Note that you
-will have to use C style strings (ie. use double quotes) for proper string
-import os, string
-prefix = '/usr/local'
-localedir = prefix + '/share/locale'
-def _expandLang(str):
- langs = [str]
- # remove charset ...
- if '.' in str:
- langs.append(string.split(str, '.')[0])
- # also add 2 character language code ...
- if len(str) > 2:
- langs.append(str[:2])
- return langs
-lang = []
-for env in 'LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG':
- if os.environ.has_key(env):
- lang = string.split(os.environ[env], ':')
- lang = map(_expandLang, lang)
- lang = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, lang)
- break
-if 'C' not in lang:
- lang.append('C')
-# remove duplicates
-i = 0
-while i < len(lang):
- j = i + 1
- while j < len(lang):
- if lang[i] == lang[j]:
- del lang[j]
- else:
- j = j + 1
- i = i + 1
-del i, j
-if os.environ.has_key('PY_XGETTEXT'):
- xgettext = os.environ['PY_XGETTEXT']
- xgettext = None
-del os, string
-error = 'gettext.error'
-def _lsbStrToInt(str):
- return ord(str[0]) + \
- (ord(str[1]) << 8) + \
- (ord(str[2]) << 16) + \
- (ord(str[3]) << 24)
-def _msbStrToInt(str):
- return (ord(str[0]) << 24) + \
- (ord(str[1]) << 16) + \
- (ord(str[2]) << 8) + \
- ord(str[3])
-def _intToLsbStr(int):
- return chr(int & 0xff) + \
- chr((int >> 8) & 0xff) + \
- chr((int >> 16) & 0xff) + \
- chr((int >> 24) & 0xff)
-def _getpos(levels = 0):
- """Returns the position in the code where the function was called.
- The function uses some knowledge about python stack frames."""
- import sys
- # get access to the stack frame by generating an exception.
- try:
- raise RuntimeError
- except RuntimeError:
- frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame
- frame = frame.f_back # caller's frame
- while levels > 0:
- frame = frame.f_back
- levels = levels - 1
- return (frame.f_globals['__name__'],
- frame.f_code.co_name,
- frame.f_lineno)
-class Catalog:
- def __init__(self, domain=None, localedir=localedir):
- self.domain = domain
- self.localedir = localedir
- = {}
- if not domain: return
- for self.lang in lang:
- if self.lang == 'C':
- return
- catalog = "%s//%s/LC_MESSAGES/" % (
- localedir, self.lang, domain)
- try:
- f = open(catalog, "rb")
- buffer =
- del f
- break
- except IOError:
- pass
- else:
- return # assume C locale
- strToInt = _lsbStrToInt
- if strToInt(buffer[:4]) != 0x950412de:
- # catalog is encoded with MSB offsets.
- strToInt = _msbStrToInt
- if strToInt(buffer[:4]) != 0x950412de:
- # magic number doesn't match
- raise error, 'Bad magic number in %s' % (catalog,)
- self.revision = strToInt(buffer[4:8])
- nstrings = strToInt(buffer[8:12])
- origTabOffset = strToInt(buffer[12:16])
- transTabOffset = strToInt(buffer[16:20])
- for i in range(nstrings):
- origLength = strToInt(buffer[origTabOffset:
- origTabOffset+4])
- origOffset = strToInt(buffer[origTabOffset+4:
- origTabOffset+8])
- origTabOffset = origTabOffset + 8
- origStr = buffer[origOffset:origOffset+origLength]
- transLength = strToInt(buffer[transTabOffset:
- transTabOffset+4])
- transOffset = strToInt(buffer[transTabOffset+4:
- transTabOffset+8])
- transTabOffset = transTabOffset + 8
- transStr = buffer[transOffset:transOffset+transLength]
-[origStr] = transStr
- def gettext(self, string):
- """Get the translation of a given string"""
- if
- return[string]
- else:
- return string
- # allow catalog access as cat(str) and cat[str] and cat.gettext(str)
- __getitem__ = gettext
- __call__ = gettext
- # this is experimental code for producing mo files from Catalog objects
- def __setitem__(self, string, trans):
- """Set the translation of a given string"""
-[string] = trans
- def save(self, file):
- """Create a .mo file from a Catalog object"""
- try:
- f = open(file, "wb")
- except IOError:
- raise error, "can't open " + file + " for writing"
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(0x950412de)) # magic number
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(0)) # revision
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(len( # nstrings
- oIndex = []; oData = ''
- tIndex = []; tData = ''
- for orig, trans in
- oIndex.append((len(orig), len(oData)))
- oData = oData + orig + '\0'
- tIndex.append((len(trans), len(tData)))
- tData = tData + trans + '\0'
- oIndexOfs = 20
- tIndexOfs = oIndexOfs + 8 * len(oIndex)
- oDataOfs = tIndexOfs + 8 * len(tIndex)
- tDataOfs = oDataOfs + len(oData)
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(oIndexOfs))
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(tIndexOfs))
- for length, offset in oIndex:
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(length))
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(offset + oDataOfs))
- for length, offset in tIndex:
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(length))
- f.write(_intToLsbStr(offset + tDataOfs))
- f.write(oData)
- f.write(tData)
-_cat = None
-_cats = {}
-if xgettext:
- class Catalog:
- def __init__(self, domain, localedir):
- self.domain = domain
- self.localedir = localedir
- self._strings = {}
- def gettext(self, string):
- # there is always one level of redirection for calls
- # to this function
- pos = _getpos(2) # get this function's caller
- if self._strings.has_key(string):
- if pos not in self._strings[string]:
- self._strings[string].append(pos)
- else:
- self._strings[string] = [pos]
- return string
- __getitem__ = gettext
- __call__ = gettext
- def __setitem__(self, item, data):
- pass
- def save(self, file):
- pass
- def output(self, fp):
- import string
- fp.write('# POT file for domain %s\n' % (self.domain,))
- for str in self._strings.keys():
- pos = map(lambda x: "%s(%s):%d" % x,
- self._strings[str])
- pos.sort()
- length = 80
- for p in pos:
- if length + len(p) > 74:
- fp.write('\n#:')
- length = 2
- fp.write(' ')
- fp.write(p)
- length = length + 1 + len(p)
- fp.write('\n')
- if '\n' in str:
- fp.write('msgid ""\n')
- lines = string.split(str, '\n')
- lines = map(lambda x:
- '"%s\\n"\n' % (x,),
- lines[:-1]) + \
- ['"%s"\n' % (lines[-1],)]
- fp.writelines(lines)
- else:
- fp.write('msgid "%s"\n' % (str,))
- fp.write('msgstr ""\n')
- import sys
- if hasattr(sys, 'exitfunc'):
- _exitchain = sys.exitfunc
- else:
- _exitchain = None
- def exitfunc(dir=xgettext, _exitchain=_exitchain):
- # actually output all the .pot files.
- import os
- for file in _cats.keys():
- fp = open(os.path.join(dir, file + '.pot'), 'w')
- cat = _cats[file]
- cat.output(fp)
- fp.close()
- if _exitchain: _exitchain()
- sys.exitfunc = exitfunc
- del sys, exitfunc, _exitchain, xgettext
-def bindtextdomain(domain, localedir=localedir):
- global _cat
- if not _cats.has_key(domain):
- _cats[domain] = Catalog(domain, localedir)
- if not _cat: _cat = _cats[domain]
-def textdomain(domain):
- global _cat
- if not _cats.has_key(domain):
- _cats[domain] = Catalog(domain)
- _cat = _cats[domain]
-def gettext(string):
- if _cat == None: raise error, "No catalog loaded"
- return _cat.gettext(string)
-_ = gettext
-def dgettext(domain, string):
- if domain is None:
- return gettext(string)
- if not _cats.has_key(domain):
- raise error, "Domain '" + domain + "' not loaded"
- return _cats[domain].gettext(string)
-def test():
- import sys
- global localedir
- if len(sys.argv) not in (2, 3):
- print "Usage: %s DOMAIN [LOCALEDIR]" % (sys.argv[0],)
- sys.exit(1)
- domain = sys.argv[1]
- if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- bindtextdomain(domain, sys.argv[2])
- textdomain(domain)
- info = gettext('') # this is where special info is often stored
- if info:
- print "Info for domain %s, lang %s." % (domain, _cat.lang)
- print info
- else:
- print "No info given in mo file."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
--- /dev/null
+# -- options and stuff
+# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+# (c) 1998--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
+# Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
+### subst:\(^\|[^._a-z]\)\(abspath\|identify\|warranty\|progress\|warning\|error\|exit\|getopt_args\|option_help_str\|options_help_str\|help\|setup_temp\|read_pipe\|system\|cleanup_temp\|strip_extension\|cp_to_dir\|mkdir_p\|init\) *(
+### replace:\1ly.\2 (
+### subst: \(help_summary\|keep_temp_dir_p\|option_definitions\|original_dir\|program_name\|pseudo_filter_p\|temp_dir\|verbose_p\)
+import __main__
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+# Users of python modules should include this snippet
+# and customize variables below.
+# We'll suffer this path init stuff as long as we don't install our
+# python packages in <prefix>/lib/pythonx.y (and don't kludge around
+# it as we do with teTeX on Red Hat Linux: set some environment var
+# (PYTHONPATH) in profile)
+# If set, LILYPONDPREFIX must take prevalence
+# if datadir is not set, we're doing a build and LILYPONDPREFIX
+import getopt, os, sys
+datadir = '@local_lilypond_datadir@'
+if not os.path.isdir (datadir):
+ datadir = '@lilypond_datadir@'
+if os.environ.has_key ('LILYPONDPREFIX') :
+ datadir = os.environ['LILYPONDPREFIX']
+ while datadir[-1] == os.sep:
+ datadir= datadir[:-1]
+sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))
+# Customize these
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import lilylib as ly
+ global _;_=ly._
+ # lilylib globals
+ program_name = 'unset'
+ original_dir = os.getcwd ()
+ temp_dir = os.path.join (original_dir, '%s.dir' % program_name)
+ keep_temp_dir_p = 0
+ verbose_p = 0
+ help_summary = _ ("lilylib module")
+ option_definitions = [
+ ('', 'h', 'help', _ ("this help")),
+ ]
+ from lilylib import *
+# Handle bug in Python 1.6-2.1
+# there are recursion limits for some patterns in Python 1.6 til 2.1.
+# fix this by importing pre instead. Fix by Mats.
+# todo: should check Python version first.
+ import pre
+ re = pre
+ del pre
+except ImportError:
+ import re
+# Attempt to fix problems with limited stack size set by Python!
+# Sets unlimited stack size. Note that the resource module only
+# is available on UNIX.
+ import resource
+ resource.setrlimit (resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (-1, -1))
+ pass
+ import gettext
+ gettext.bindtextdomain ('lilypond', localedir)
+ gettext.textdomain ('lilypond')
+ global _
+ _ = gettext.gettext
+ def _ (s):
+ return s
+underscore = _
+program_version = '1.6.6'
+if program_version == '@' + 'TOPLEVEL_VERSION' + '@':
+ program_version = '1.5.54'
+def identify (port):
+ port.write ('%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (__main__.program_name, program_version))
+# hmm
+def warranty ():
+ identify (sys.stdout)
+ sys.stdout.write ('\n')
+ sys.stdout.write (_ ('Copyright (c) %s by' % ' 1998--2002'))
+ sys.stdout.write ('\n')
+ sys.stdout.write (' Han-Wen Nienhuys')
+ sys.stdout.write (' Jan Nieuwenhuizen')
+ sys.stdout.write ('\n\n')
+ sys.stdout.write ('\n')
+ sys.stdout.write (_ ("Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. It comes with NO WARRANTY."))
+ sys.stdout.write ('\n')
+def progress (s):
+ sys.stderr.write (s)
+def warning (s):
+ sys.stderr.write (__main__.program_name + ":" + _ ("warning: ") + s + '\n')
+def error (s):
+ sys.stderr.write (__main__.program_name + ":" + _ ("error: ") + s + '\n')
+def exit (i):
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
+ else:
+ sys.exit (1)
+def getopt_args (opts):
+ '''Construct arguments (LONG, SHORT) for getopt from list of options.'''
+ short = ''
+ long = []
+ for o in opts:
+ if o[1]:
+ short = short + o[1]
+ if o[0]:
+ short = short + ':'
+ if o[2]:
+ l = o[2]
+ if o[0]:
+ l = l + '='
+ long.append (l)
+ return (short, long)
+def option_help_str (o):
+ '''Transform one option description (4-tuple ) into neatly formatted string'''
+ sh = ' '
+ if o[1]:
+ sh = '-%s' % o[1]
+ sep = ' '
+ if o[1] and o[2]:
+ sep = ','
+ long = ''
+ if o[2]:
+ long= '--%s' % o[2]
+ arg = ''
+ if o[0]:
+ if o[2]:
+ arg = '='
+ arg = arg + o[0]
+ return ' ' + sh + sep + long + arg
+def options_help_str (opts):
+ '''Convert a list of options into a neatly formatted string'''
+ w = 0
+ strs =[]
+ helps = []
+ for o in opts:
+ s = option_help_str (o)
+ strs.append ((s, o[3]))
+ if len (s) > w:
+ w = len (s)
+ str = ''
+ for s in strs:
+ str = str + '%s%s%s\n' % (s[0], ' ' * (w - len(s[0]) + 3), s[1])
+ return str
+def help ():
+ ls = [(_ ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE") % __main__.program_name),
+ ('\n\n'),
+ (__main__.help_summary),
+ ('\n\n'),
+ (_ ("Options:")),
+ ('\n'),
+ (options_help_str (__main__.option_definitions)),
+ ('\n\n'),
+ (_ ("Report bugs to %s") % ''),
+ ('\n')]
+ map (sys.stdout.write, ls)
+def setup_temp ():
+ ''' Create a temporary directory, and return its name. '''
+ if not __main__.keep_temp_dir_p:
+ __main__.temp_dir = tempfile.mktemp (__main__.program_name)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir (__main__.temp_dir, 0777)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return __main__.temp_dir
+def command_name (cmd):
+ return re.match ('^[ \t]*([^ \t]*)', cmd).group (1)
+def error_log (name):
+ return os.path.join (__main__.temp_dir, '%s.errorlog' % name)
+def read_pipe (cmd, mode = 'r'):
+ redirect = ''
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ progress (_ ("Opening pipe `%s\'") % cmd)
+ redirect = ' 2>%s' % error_log (command_name (cmd))
+ pipe = os.popen (cmd + redirect, mode)
+ output = ()
+ status = pipe.close ()
+ # successful pipe close returns 'None'
+ if not status:
+ status = 0
+ signal = 0x0f & status
+ exit_status = status >> 8
+ if status:
+ error (_ ("`%s\' failed (%d)") % (cmd, exit_status))
+ if not __main__.verbose_p:
+ error (_ ("The error log is as follows:"))
+ sys.stderr.write (open (error_log (command_name (cmd)).read ()))
+ exit (status)
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ progress ('\n')
+ return output
+def system (cmd, ignore_error = 0):
+ ''' Run CMD. If IGNORE_ERROR is set, do not complain when CMD
+returns non zero.
+Exit status of CMD '''
+ name = command_name (cmd)
+ redirect = ''
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ progress (_ ("Invoking `%s\'") % cmd)
+ if __main__.pseudo_filter_p:
+ redirect = ' 1> /dev/null'
+ else:
+ progress ( _("Running %s...") % name)
+ redirect = ' 1> /dev/null 2>%s' % error_log (name)
+ status = os.system (cmd + redirect)
+ signal = 0x0f & status
+ exit_status = status >> 8
+ if status:
+ msg = _ ("`%s\' failed (%d)") % (name, status / exit_status)
+ if ignore_error:
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ warning (msg + ' ' + _ ("(ignored)"))
+ else:
+ error (msg)
+ if not __main__.verbose_p:
+ error (_ ("The error log is as follows:"))
+ sys.stderr.write (open (error_log (name)).read ())
+ exit (status)
+ progress ('\n')
+ return status
+def cleanup_temp ():
+ if not __main__.keep_temp_dir_p:
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ progress (_ ("Cleaning %s...") % __main__.temp_dir)
+ shutil.rmtree (__main__.temp_dir)
+ if __main__.verbose_p:
+ progress ('\n')
+def strip_extension (f, ext):
+ (p, e) = os.path.splitext (f)
+ if e == ext:
+ e = ''
+ return p + e
+def cp_to_dir (pattern, dir):
+ "Copy files matching re PATTERN from cwd to DIR"
+ # Duh. Python style portable: cp *.EXT OUTDIR
+ # system ('cp *.%s %s' % (ext, outdir), 1)
+ files = filter (lambda x, p=pattern: re.match (p, x), os.listdir ('.'))
+ map (lambda x, d=dir: shutil.copy2 (x, os.path.join (d, x)), files)
+# Python < 1.5.2 compatibility
+# On most platforms, this is equivalent to
+#`normpath(join(os.getcwd()), PATH)'. *Added in Python version 1.5.2*
+if os.path.__dict__.has_key ('abspath'):
+ abspath = os.path.abspath
+ def abspath (path):
+ return os.path.normpath (os.path.join (os.getcwd (), path))
+if os.__dict__.has_key ('makedirs'):
+ makedirs = os.makedirs
+ def makedirs (dir, mode=0777):
+ system ('mkdir -p %s' % dir)
+def mkdir_p (dir, mode=0777):
+ if not os.path.isdir (dir):
+ makedirs (dir, mode)
+++ /dev/null
-# -- options and stuff
-# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-import os
-from __main__ import *
- import gettext
- gettext.bindtextdomain ('lilypond', localedir)
- gettext.textdomain ('lilypond')
- _ = gettext.gettext
- def _ (s):
- return s
-if program_version == '@' + 'TOPLEVEL_VERSION' + '@':
- program_version = '1.5.17'
-def identify ():
- sys.stdout.write ('%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (program_name, program_version))
-def warranty ():
- identify ()
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (_ ('Copyright (c) %s by' % ' 2001'))
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (' Han-Wen Nienhuys')
- sys.stdout.write (' Jan Nieuwenhuizen')
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (_ (r'''
-Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. It comes with
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
-def progress (s):
- errorport.write (s + '\n')
-def warning (s):
- progress (_ ("warning: ") + s)
-def error (s):
- '''Report the error S. Exit by raising an exception. Please
- do not abuse by trying to catch this error. If you do not want
- a stack trace, write to the output directly.
- None
- '''
- progress (_ ("error: ") + s)
- raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
-def getopt_args (opts):
- '''Construct arguments (LONG, SHORT) for getopt from list of options.'''
- short = ''
- long = []
- for o in opts:
- if o[1]:
- short = short + o[1]
- if o[0]:
- short = short + ':'
- if o[2]:
- l = o[2]
- if o[0]:
- l = l + '='
- long.append (l)
- return (short, long)
-def option_help_str (o):
- '''Transform one option description (4-tuple ) into neatly formatted string'''
- sh = ' '
- if o[1]:
- sh = '-%s' % o[1]
- sep = ' '
- if o[1] and o[2]:
- sep = ','
- long = ''
- if o[2]:
- long= '--%s' % o[2]
- arg = ''
- if o[0]:
- if o[2]:
- arg = '='
- arg = arg + o[0]
- return ' ' + sh + sep + long + arg
-def options_help_str (opts):
- '''Convert a list of options into a neatly formatted string'''
- w = 0
- strs =[]
- helps = []
- for o in opts:
- s = option_help_str (o)
- strs.append ((s, o[3]))
- if len (s) > w:
- w = len (s)
- str = ''
- for s in strs:
- str = str + '%s%s%s\n' % (s[0], ' ' * (w - len(s[0]) + 3), s[1])
- return str
-def help ():
- ls = [(_ ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE") % program_name),
- ('\n\n'),
- (help_summary),
- ('\n\n'),
- (_ ("Options:")),
- ('\n'),
- (options_help_str (option_definitions)),
- ('\n\n'),
- (_ ("Report bugs to %s") % ''),
- ('\n')]
- map (sys.stdout.write, ls)
-def setup_temp ():
- """
- Create a temporary directory, and return its name.
- """
- global temp_dir
- if not keep_temp_dir_p:
- temp_dir = tempfile.mktemp (program_name)
- try:
- os.mkdir (temp_dir, 0777)
- except OSError:
- pass
- return temp_dir
-def system (cmd, ignore_error = 0):
- """Run CMD. If IGNORE_ERROR is set, don't complain when CMD returns non zero.
- Exit status of CMD
- """
- if verbose_p:
- progress (_ ("Invoking `%s\'") % cmd)
- st = os.system (cmd)
- if st:
- name = re.match ('[ \t]*([^ \t]*)', cmd).group (1)
- msg = name + ': ' + _ ("command exited with value %d") % st
- if ignore_error:
- warning (msg + ' ' + _ ("(ignored)") + ' ')
- else:
- error (msg)
- return st
-def cleanup_temp ():
- if not keep_temp_dir_p:
- if verbose_p:
- progress (_ ("Cleaning %s...") % temp_dir)
- shutil.rmtree (temp_dir)
-def strip_extension (f, ext):
- (p, e) = os.path.splitext (f)
- if e == ext:
- e = ''
- return p + e
-# END Library
-# -- convertor for lilypond versions
+# -- Update old LilyPond input files (fix name?)
# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-# (c) 1998--2001
+# (c) 1998--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
+# Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
# use -f and -t for -s output
-# Run lilypond, latex, dvips.
+# -- Run LilyPond, add titles to bare score, generate printable
+# document
+# Invokes: lilypond, latex (or pdflatex), dvips, ps2pdf, gs
+# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+# (c) 1998--2002 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
+# Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
# This is the third incarnation of ly2dvi.
# Earlier incarnations of ly2dvi were written by
# Jan Arne Fagertun <> (Bourne shell script)
# Note: gettext work best if we use ' for docstrings and "
# for gettextable strings.
-# --> DO NOT USE """ for docstrings.
+# --> DO NOT USE ''' for docstrings.
-import os
-import stat
-import string
-import re
-import getopt
-import sys
-import shutil
import __main__
import operator
-import tempfile
+import re
+import stat
+import string
import traceback
-# -- options and stuff
-# source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-# Handle bug in Python 1.6-2.1
-# there are recursion limits for some patterns in Python 1.6 til 2.1.
-# fix this by importing pre instead. Fix by Mats.
-# todo: should check Python version first.
- import pre
- re = pre
- del pre
-except ImportError:
- import re
-# Attempt to fix problems with limited stack size set by Python!
-# Sets unlimited stack size. Note that the resource module only
-# is available on UNIX.
- import resource
- resource.setrlimit (resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (-1, -1))
- pass
- import gettext
- gettext.bindtextdomain ('lilypond', localedir)
- gettext.textdomain ('lilypond')
- _ = gettext.gettext
- def _ (s):
- return s
-program_version = '@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@'
-if program_version == '@' + 'TOPLEVEL_VERSION' + '@':
- program_version = '1.5.54'
-def identify ():
- sys.stdout.write ('%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (program_name, program_version))
-def warranty ():
- identify ()
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (_ ('Copyright (c) %s by' % ' 2001--2002'))
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (' Han-Wen Nienhuys')
- sys.stdout.write (' Jan Nieuwenhuizen')
- sys.stdout.write ('\n\n')
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
- sys.stdout.write (_ ("Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. It comes with NO WARRANTY."))
- sys.stdout.write ('\n')
-def progress (s):
- errorport.write (s + '\n')
-def warning (s):
- progress (_ ("warning: ") + s)
-def user_error (s, e=1):
- errorport.write (program_name + ":" + _ ("error: ") + s + '\n')
- if (e):
- sys.exit (e)
-def error (s):
- '''Report the error S.
- If verbose is set, exit by raising an exception. Otherwise,
- simply sys.exit().
- Please do not abuse by trying to catch this error. If you do
- not want a stack trace, write to the output directly.
- None
- '''
- progress (_ ("error: ") + s)
- if verbose_p:
- raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
- else:
- sys.exit (2)
-def getopt_args (opts):
- '''Construct arguments (LONG, SHORT) for getopt from list of options.'''
- short = ''
- long = []
- for o in opts:
- if o[1]:
- short = short + o[1]
- if o[0]:
- short = short + ':'
- if o[2]:
- l = o[2]
- if o[0]:
- l = l + '='
- long.append (l)
- return (short, long)
-def option_help_str (o):
- '''Transform one option description (4-tuple ) into neatly formatted string'''
- sh = ' '
- if o[1]:
- sh = '-%s' % o[1]
- sep = ' '
- if o[1] and o[2]:
- sep = ','
- long = ''
- if o[2]:
- long= '--%s' % o[2]
- arg = ''
- if o[0]:
- if o[2]:
- arg = '='
- arg = arg + o[0]
- return ' ' + sh + sep + long + arg
-def options_help_str (opts):
- '''Convert a list of options into a neatly formatted string'''
- w = 0
- strs =[]
- helps = []
- for o in opts:
- s = option_help_str (o)
- strs.append ((s, o[3]))
- if len (s) > w:
- w = len (s)
- str = ''
- for s in strs:
- str = str + '%s%s%s\n' % (s[0], ' ' * (w - len(s[0]) + 3), s[1])
- return str
-def help ():
- ls = [(_ ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE") % program_name),
- ('\n\n'),
- (help_summary),
- ('\n\n'),
- (_ ("Options:")),
- ('\n'),
- (options_help_str (option_definitions)),
- ('\n\n'),
- (_ ("Report bugs to %s") % ''),
- ('\n')]
- map (sys.stdout.write, ls)
-def setup_temp ():
- """
- Create a temporary directory, and return its name.
- """
- global temp_dir
- if not keep_temp_dir_p:
- temp_dir = tempfile.mktemp (program_name)
- try:
- os.mkdir (temp_dir, 0777)
- except OSError:
- pass
- return temp_dir
-def system (cmd, ignore_error = 0, quiet =0):
- """Run CMD. If IGNORE_ERROR is set, don't complain when CMD returns non zero.
- Exit status of CMD
- """
- if verbose_p:
- progress (_ ("Invoking `%s\'") % cmd)
- st = os.system (cmd)
- if st:
- name = re.match ('[ \t]*([^ \t]*)', cmd).group (1)
- msg = name + ': ' + _ ("command exited with value %d") % st
- if ignore_error:
- if not quiet:
- warning (msg + ' ' + _ ("(ignored)") + ' ')
- else:
- error (msg)
- return st
+# Users of python modules should include this snippet
+# and customize variables below.
+# We'll suffer this path init stuff as long as we don't install our
+# python packages in <prefix>/lib/pythonx.y (and don't kludge around
+# it as we do with teTeX on Red Hat Linux: set some environment var
+# (PYTHONPATH) in profile)
-def cleanup_temp ():
- if not keep_temp_dir_p:
- if verbose_p:
- progress (_ ("Cleaning %s...") % temp_dir)
- shutil.rmtree (temp_dir)
-def strip_extension (f, ext):
- (p, e) = os.path.splitext (f)
- if e == ext:
- e = ''
- return p + e
-def cp_to_dir (pattern, dir):
- "Copy files matching re PATTERN from cwd to DIR"
- # Duh. Python style portable: cp *.EXT OUTDIR
- # system ('cp *.%s %s' % (ext, outdir), 1)
- files = filter (lambda x, p=pattern: re.match (p, x), os.listdir ('.'))
- map (lambda x, d=dir: shutil.copy2 (x, os.path.join (d, x)), files)
-# Python < 1.5.2 compatibility
-# On most platforms, this is equivalent to
-#`normpath(join(os.getcwd()), PATH)'. *Added in Python version 1.5.2*
-if os.path.__dict__.has_key ('abspath'):
- abspath = os.path.abspath
- def abspath (path):
- return os.path.normpath (os.path.join (os.getcwd (), path))
-if os.__dict__.has_key ('makedirs'):
- makedirs = os.makedirs
- def makedirs (dir, mode=0777):
- system ('mkdir -p %s' % dir)
-def mkdir_p (dir, mode=0777):
- if not os.path.isdir (dir):
- makedirs (dir, mode)
-# if set, LILYPONDPREFIX must take prevalence
-# if datadir is not set, we're doing a build and LILYPONDPREFIX
+# If set, LILYPONDPREFIX must take prevalence
+# if datadir is not set, we're doing a build and LILYPONDPREFIX
+import getopt, os, sys
datadir = '@local_lilypond_datadir@'
+if not os.path.isdir (datadir):
+ datadir = '@lilypond_datadir@'
if os.environ.has_key ('LILYPONDPREFIX') :
datadir = os.environ['LILYPONDPREFIX']
- datadir = '@local_lilypond_datadir@'
-while datadir[-1] == os.sep:
- datadir= datadir[:-1]
+ while datadir[-1] == os.sep:
+ datadir= datadir[:-1]
sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))
-# END Library
+# Customize these
+#if __name__ == '__main__':
+import lilylib as ly
+global _;_=ly._
+# lilylib globals
program_name = 'ly2dvi'
+verbose_p = 0
original_dir = os.getcwd ()
temp_dir = os.path.join (original_dir, '%s.dir' % program_name)
-errorport = sys.stderr
keep_temp_dir_p = 0
-verbose_p = 0
-preview_p = 0
-lilypond_error_p = 0
-preview_resolution = 90
-pseudo_filter_p = 0
-latex_cmd = 'latex'
-tex_extension = '.tex'
-pdftex_p = 0
-binary = 'lilypond'
-#binary = 'valgrind --suppressions=%(home)s/usr/src/guile-1.6.supp --num-callers=10 %(home)s/usr/src/lilypond/lily/out/lilypond '% { 'home' : '/home/hanwen' }
-help_summary = _ ("Run LilyPond using LaTeX for titling")
+## ly2dvi: silly name?
+## do -P or -p by default?
+##help_summary = _ ("Run LilyPond using LaTeX for titling")
+help_summary = _ ("Run LilyPond, add titles, generate printable document")
option_definitions = [
('', 'd', 'dependencies',
('', 'w', 'warranty', _ ("show warranty and copyright")),
+# other globals
+preview_p = 0
+lilypond_error_p = 0
+preview_resolution = 90
+pseudo_filter_p = 0
+# Pdftex support
+pdftex_p = 0
+latex_cmd = 'latex'
+tex_extension = '.tex'
layout_fields = ['dedication', 'title', 'subtitle', 'subsubtitle',
'footer', 'head', 'composer', 'arranger', 'instrument',
'opus', 'piece', 'metre', 'meter', 'poet', 'texttranslator']
track_dependencies_p = 0
dependency_files = []
-kpse = os.popen ('kpsexpand \$TEXMF').read()
-kpse = re.sub('[ \t\n]+$','', kpse)
-type1_paths = os.popen ('kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS').read ()
-environment = {
- # TODO: * prevent multiple addition.
- # as these take prevalence over $TEXMF
- # and thus may break tex run?
- 'TEXMF' : "{%s,%s}" % (datadir, kpse) ,
- 'GS_FONTPATH' : type1_paths,
- 'GS_LIB' : datadir + '/ps',
+environment = {}
# tex needs lots of memory, more than it gets by default on Debian
non_path_environment = {
def setup_environment ():
+ global environment
+ kpse = ly.read_pipe ('kpsexpand \$TEXMF')
+ texmf = re.sub ('[ \t\n]+$','', kpse)
+ type1_paths = ly.read_pipe ('kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS')
+ environment = {
+ # TODO: * prevent multiple addition.
+ # as these take prevalence over $TEXMF
+ # and thus may break tex run?
+ 'TEXMF' : "{%s,%s}" % (datadir, texmf) ,
+ 'GS_FONTPATH' : type1_paths,
+ 'GS_LIB' : datadir + '/ps',
+ }
# $TEXMF is special, previous value is already taken care of
if os.environ.has_key ('TEXMF'):
del os.environ['TEXMF']
val = string.atoi (val)
except ValueError:
- #warning (_ ("invalid value: %s") % `val`)
+ #ly.warning (_ ("invalid value: %s") % `val`)
if type(val) == type ('hoi'):
val = string.atof (val)
except ValueError:
- #warning (_ ("invalid value: %s") % `val`)
+ #ly.warning (_ ("invalid value: %s") % `val`)
dict[key].append (val)
except KeyError:
- warning (_ ("no such setting: `%s'") % `key`)
+ ly.warning (_ ("no such setting: `%s'") % `key`)
dict[key] = [val]
for (k,v) in os.environ.items ():
sys.stderr.write ("%s=\"%s\"\n" % (k,v))
-def quiet_system (cmd, name, ignore_error = 0):
- if not verbose_p:
- progress ( _("Running %s...") % name)
- cmd = cmd + ' 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null'
- elif pseudo_filter_p:
- cmd = cmd + ' 1> /dev/null'
- return system (cmd, ignore_error, quiet = 1)
def run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix):
opts = ''
fs = string.join (files)
- if not verbose_p:
- # cmd = cmd + ' 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null'
- progress ( _("Running %s...") % 'LilyPond')
- else:
+ global verbose_p
+ if verbose_p:
opts = opts + ' --verbose'
- # for better debugging!
print_environment ()
- cmd = '%s %s %s ' % (binary, opts, fs)
- if verbose_p:
- progress ("Invoking `%s'"% cmd)
- status = os.system (cmd)
+ cmd = 'lilypond %s %s ' % (opts, fs)
+ # We unset verbose, because we always want to see lily's
+ # progess on stderr
+ save_verbose = verbose_p
+ status = ly.system (cmd, ignore_error = 1)
+ verbose_p = save_verbose
signal = 0x0f & status
exit_status = status >> 8
# 2 == user interrupt.
- if signal and signal != 2:
- error ("\n\n" + _ ("LilyPond crashed (signal %d).") % signal \
- + _ ("Please submit a bug report to") + "\n")
+ if signal and signal != 2:
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n\n')
+ ly.error (_ ("LilyPond crashed (signal %d).") % signal)
+ ly.error (_ ("Please submit a bug report to"))
+ ly.exit (status)
if status:
- sys.stderr.write ( "\n" \
- + _ ("LilyPond failed on an input file (exit status %d).") % exit_status + "\n")
- sys.stderr.write (_("Trying to salvage the rest.") +'\n\n')
- global lilypond_error_p
- lilypond_error_p = 1
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n')
+ if len (files) == 1:
+ ly.error (_ ("LilyPond failed on input file %s (exit status %d)") % (files[0], exit_status))
+ ly.exit (status)
+ else:
+ ly.error (_ ("LilyPond failed on an input file (exit status %d)") % exit_status)
+ ly.error (_ ("Continuing..."))
+ global lilypond_error_p
+ lilypond_error_p = 1
def analyse_lilypond_output (filename, extra):
'''Grep FILENAME for interesting stuff, and
put relevant info into EXTRA.'''
filename = filename+tex_extension
- progress (_ ("Analyzing %s...") % filename)
+ ly.progress (_ ("Analyzing %s...") % filename)
s = open (filename).read ()
# search only the first 10k
m = (r'\\def\\lilypondpaper%s{([^}]*)}'%x, s)
if m:
set_setting (extra, x, (1))
+ ly.progress ('\n')
def find_tex_files_for_base (base, extra):
- """
+ '''
Find the \header fields dumped from BASE.
- """
+ '''
headerfiles = {}
for f in layout_fields:
def find_tex_files (files, extra):
- """
+ '''
Find all .tex files whose prefixes start with some name in FILES.
- """
+ '''
tfiles = []
x = 0
while 1:
fname = os.path.basename (f)
- fname = strip_extension (fname, '.ly')
+ fname = ly.strip_extension (fname, '.ly')
if x:
fname = fname + '-%d' % x
x = x + 1
if not x:
fstr = string.join (files, ', ')
- warning (_ ("no LilyPond output found for `%s'") % fstr)
+ ly.warning (_ ("no LilyPond output found for `%s'") % fstr)
return tfiles
def one_latex_definition (defn, first):
options = ly_paper_to_latexpaper[extra['papersize'][0]]
except KeyError:
- warning (_ ("invalid value: `%s'") % `extra['papersize'][0]`)
+ ly.warning (_ ("invalid value: `%s'") % `extra['papersize'][0]`)
if extra['latexoptions']:
def run_latex (files, outbase, extra):
- """Construct latex file, for FILES and EXTRA, dump it into
+ '''Construct latex file, for FILES and EXTRA, dump it into
OUTBASE.latex. Run LaTeX on it.
- """
+ '''
latex_fn = outbase + '.latex'
f.close ()
cmd = latex_cmd + ' \\\\nonstopmode \\\\input %s' % latex_fn
- status = quiet_system (cmd, 'LaTeX', ignore_error = 1)
+ status = ly.system (cmd, ignore_error = 1)
signal = 0xf & status
- exit_stat = status >> 8
+ exit_status = status >> 8
- if exit_stat:
- logstr = open (outbase + '.log').read()
- m = ("\n!", logstr)
- start = m.start (0)
- logstr = logstr[start:start+200]
- user_error (_ ("LaTeX failed on the output file."), 0)
- sys.stderr.write ("\n")
- user_error (_ ("The error log is as follows:"), 0)
- sys.stderr.write ("\n")
- sys.stderr.write (logstr)
- sys.stderr.write ("\n")
- raise 'LaTeX error'
+ if exit_status:
+ logstr = ''
+ try:
+ logstr = open (outbase + '.log').read ()
+ m = ("\n!", logstr)
+ start = m.start (0)
+ logstr = logstr[start:start+200]
+ except:
+ pass
+ ly.error (_ ("LaTeX failed on the output file."))
+ ly.error (_ ("The error log is as follows:"))
+ sys.stderr.write (logstr + '\n')
+ ly.exit (1)
if preview_p:
# make a preview by rendering only the 1st line.
cmd = '%s \\\\nonstopmode \\\\input %s' % (latex_cmd, preview_fn)
- quiet_system (cmd, '%s for preview' % latex_cmd)
+ ly.system (cmd)
def run_dvips (outbase, extra):
- """Run dvips using the correct options taken from EXTRA,
+ '''Run dvips using the correct options taken from EXTRA,
leaving a PS file in
opts = ''
if extra['papersize']:
opts = opts + ' -t%s' % extra['papersize'][0]
opts = opts + ' -Ppdf -G0 -u'
cmd = 'dvips %s -o%s %s' % (opts, outbase + '.ps', outbase + '.dvi')
- quiet_system (cmd, 'dvips')
+ ly.system (cmd)
if preview_p:
cmd = 'dvips -E -o%s %s' % ( outbase + '', outbase + '.preview.dvi')
- quiet_system (cmd, 'dvips for preview')
+ ly.system (cmd)
if 'PDF' in targets:
cmd = 'ps2pdf %s.pdf' % (outbase , outbase)
- quiet_system (cmd, 'ps2pdf')
+ ly.system (cmd)
def get_bbox (filename):
# cut & paste
- system ('gs -sDEVICE=bbox -q -sOutputFile=- -dNOPAUSE %s -c quit > %s.bbox 2>&1 ' % (filename, filename))
+ ####ly.system ('gs -sDEVICE=bbox -q -sOutputFile=- -dNOPAUSE %s -c quit > %s.bbox 2>&1 ' % (filename, filename))
+ #### FIXME: 2>&1 ? --jcn
+ ly.system ('gs -sDEVICE=bbox -q -sOutputFile=- -dNOPAUSE %s -c quit > %s.bbox' % (filename, filename))
box = open (filename + '.bbox').read()
m = re.match ('^%%BoundingBox: ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)', box)
cmd = r'''gs -g%dx%d -sDEVICE=pgm -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -q -sOutputFile=- -r%d -dNOPAUSE %s %s -c quit | pnmtopng > %s'''
- cmd = cmd % (x, y, preview_resolution, name + '.trans.eps', name + '',name + '.png')
- quiet_system (cmd, 'gs')
+ cmd = cmd % (x, y, preview_resolution, name + '.trans.eps',
+ name + '',name + '.png')
+ ly.system (cmd)
- status = system (cmd)
+ status = ly.system (cmd)
os.unlink (name + '.png')
- error ("Removing output file")
+ ly.error (_ ("Removing output file"))
+ ly.exit (1)
def generate_dependency_file (depfile, outname):
df = open (depfile, 'w')
s = open (name).read ()
if s[:len (PS)] != PS:
# no ps header?
- user_error (_ ("not a PostScript file: `%s\'" % name))
+ ly.error (_ ("not a PostScript file: `%s\'" % name))
+ ly.exit (1)
here = 0
m = re.match ('.*?/(feta[-a-z0-9]+) +findfont', s[here:], re.DOTALL)
pfa = []
return pfa
-(sh, long) = getopt_args (option_definitions)
+(sh, long) = ly.getopt_args (option_definitions)
- (options, files) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], sh, long)
+ (options, files) = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], sh, long)
except getopt.error, s:
- errorport.write ('\n')
- user_error (_ ("getopt says: `%s\'" % s), 0)
- errorport.write ('\n')
- help ()
- sys.exit (2)
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n')
+ ly.error (_ ("getopt says: `%s\'" % s))
+ sys.stderr.write ('\n')
+ ()
+ ly.exit (2)
-for opt in options:
+for opt in options:
o = opt[0]
a = opt[1]
if 0:
elif o == '--help' or o == '-h':
- help ()
+ ()
sys.exit (0)
elif o == '--find-pfa' or o == '-f':
fonts = map (lambda x: x + '.pfa', find_pfa_fonts (a))
elif o == '--verbose' or o == '-V':
verbose_p = 1
elif o == '--version' or o == '-v':
- identify ()
+ ly.identify (sys.stdout)
sys.exit (0)
elif o == '--pdftex':
latex_cmd = 'pdflatex'
pdftex_p = 1
tex_extension = '.pdftex'
elif o == '--warranty' or o == '-w':
- status = system ('lilypond -w', ignore_error = 1)
+ status = os.system ('lilypond -w')
if status:
- warranty ()
+ ly.warranty ()
sys.exit (0)
if files and files[0] != '-' and os.path.dirname (files[0]) != '.':
include_path.append (os.path.dirname (files[0]))
-include_path = map (abspath, include_path)
+include_path = map (ly.abspath, include_path)
if files and (files[0] == '-' or output_name == '-'):
if len (files) == 1:
pseudo_filter_p = 1
output_name = 'lelie'
if verbose_p:
- progress (_ ("pseudo filter"))
+ ly.progress (_ ("pseudo filter") + '\n')
- help ()
- user_error (_ ("pseudo filter only for single input file"), 2)
+ ()
+ ly.error (_ ("pseudo filter only for single input file"))
+ ly.exit (2)
-original_output = output_name
-if files:
+if not files:
+ ()
+ ly.error (_ ("no files specified on command line"))
+ ly.exit (2)
+if 1:
+ ly.identify (sys.stderr)
+ original_output = output_name
# Ugh, maybe make a setup () function
- files = map (lambda x: strip_extension (x, '.ly'), files)
+ files = map (lambda x: ly.strip_extension (x, '.ly'), files)
# hmmm. Wish I'd 've written comments when I wrote this.
# now it looks complicated.
(outdir, outbase) = ('','')
if not output_name:
outbase = os.path.basename (files[0])
- outdir = abspath ('.')
+ outdir = ly.abspath ('.')
elif output_name[-1] == os.sep:
- outdir = abspath (output_name)
+ outdir = ly.abspath (output_name)
outbase = os.path.basename (files[0])
- (outdir, outbase) = os.path.split (abspath (output_name))
+ (outdir, outbase) = os.path.split (ly.abspath (output_name))
for i in ('.dvi', '.latex', '.ly', '.ps', '.tex', '.pdftex'):
- output_name = strip_extension (output_name, i)
- outbase = strip_extension (outbase, i)
+ output_name = ly.strip_extension (output_name, i)
+ outbase = ly.strip_extension (outbase, i)
for i in files[:] + [output_name]:
if string.find (i, ' ') >= 0:
- user_error (_ ("filename should not contain spaces: `%s'") % i)
+ ly.error (_ ("filename should not contain spaces: `%s'") %
+ i)
+ ly.exit (1)
if os.path.dirname (output_name) != '.':
dep_prefix = os.path.dirname (output_name)
reldir = os.path.dirname (output_name)
if outdir != '.' and (track_dependencies_p or targets):
- mkdir_p (outdir, 0777)
+ ly.mkdir_p (outdir, 0777)
setup_environment ()
- tmpdir = setup_temp ()
+ tmpdir = ly.setup_temp ()
# to be sure, add tmpdir *in front* of inclusion path.
#os.environ['TEXINPUTS'] = tmpdir + ':' + os.environ['TEXINPUTS']
os.chdir (tmpdir)
+ # We catch all exceptions, because we need to do stuff at exit:
+ # * copy any successfully generated stuff from tempdir and
+ # notify user of that
+ # * cleanout tempdir
if lily_p:
run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
# - parse error in .ly
# - unexpected: assert/core dump
targets = []
- traceback.print_exc ()
+ if verbose_p:
+ traceback.print_exc ()
# Our LilyPond pseudo filter always outputs to 'lelie'
# have subsequent stages and use 'lelie' output.
targets.remove ('DVI')
if 'PS' in targets:
targets.remove ('PS')
- traceback.print_exc ()
+ if verbose_p:
+ traceback.print_exc ()
if 'PS' in targets:
if 'PS' in targets:
targets.remove ('PS')
- traceback.print_exc ()
+ if verbose_p:
+ traceback.print_exc ()
if 'PNG' in targets:
make_preview (outbase, extra_init)
targets.remove ('PDF')
if 'PS' in targets:
targets.remove ('PS')
- traceback.print_exc ()
- sys.exit(1)
+ if verbose_p:
+ traceback.print_exc ()
# add DEP to targets?
if track_dependencies_p:
depfile = os.path.join (outdir, outbase + '.dep')
generate_dependency_file (depfile, depfile)
if os.path.isfile (depfile):
- progress (_ ("dependencies output to `%s'...") %
+ ly.progress (_ ("dependencies output to `%s'...") %
+ ly.progress ('\n')
if pseudo_filter_p:
main_target = 0
main_target = i
+ ly.progress (_ ("%s output to <stdout>...") % i)
outname = outbase + '.' + string.lower (main_target)
if os.path.isfile (outname):
sys.stdout.write (open (outname).read ())
elif verbose_p:
- warning (_ ("can't find file: `%s'") % outname)
+ ly.warning (_ ("can't find file: `%s'") % outname)
targets = []
+ ly.progress ('\n')
# Hmm, if this were a function, we could call it the except: clauses
for i in targets:
ext = string.lower (i)
- cp_to_dir ('.*\.%s$' % ext, outdir)
+ ly.cp_to_dir ('.*\.%s$' % ext, outdir)
outname = outbase + '.' + string.lower (i)
abs = os.path.join (outdir, outname)
if reldir != '.':
outname = os.path.join (reldir, outname)
if os.path.isfile (abs):
- progress (_ ("%s output to `%s'...") % (i, outname))
+ ly.progress (_ ("%s output to `%s'...") % (i, outname))
+ ly.progress ('\n')
elif verbose_p:
- warning (_ ("can't find file: `%s'") % outname)
+ ly.warning (_ ("can't find file: `%s'") % outname)
os.chdir (original_dir)
- cleanup_temp ()
+ ly.cleanup_temp ()
sys.exit (lilypond_error_p)
- help ()
- user_error (_ ("no files specified on command line"), 2)
other converters, while leaving midi specific stuff here
-import os
-import sys
import getopt
-import sys
+import os
import string
+import sys
-# do fuddling: we must load the midi module from the right directory.
+# Users of python modules should include this snippet.
+# If set, LILYPONDPREFIX must take prevalence
+# if datadir is not set, we're doing a build and LILYPONDPREFIX
datadir = '@local_lilypond_datadir@'
-if os.environ.has_key ('LILYPONDPREFIX'):
+if not os.path.isdir (datadir):
+ datadir = '@lilypond_datadir@'
+if os.environ.has_key ('LILYPONDPREFIX') :
datadir = os.environ['LILYPONDPREFIX']
- datadir = '@local_lilypond_datadir@'
+ while datadir[-1] == os.sep:
+ datadir= datadir[:-1]
-sys.path.append (os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))
-sys.path.append (os.path.join (datadir, 'python/out'))
+sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))
import midi
################ CONSTANTS
po: localpo
-ALL_PO_SOURCES = $(ALL_C_SOURCES) $(ALL_CC_SOURCES) $(PYTHON_SCRIPTS_IN) $(wildcard $(outdir)/*.hh) $(wildcard $(outdir)/*.cc)
+ALL_PO_SOURCES = $(ALL_C_SOURCES) $(ALL_CC_SOURCES) $(PYTHON_SCRIPTS_IN) $(PY_MODULES_IN) $(wildcard $(outdir)/*.hh) $(wildcard $(outdir)/*.cc)
ifneq ($(strip $(ALL_PO_SOURCES)),)
- xgettext --c++ --default-domain=$(package) --join \
+ xgettext --default-domain=$(package) --join \
--output-dir=$(po-dir)/$(outdir) --add-comments \
--keyword=_ --keyword=_f --keyword=_i $(ALL_PO_SOURCES)
$(outdir)/%$(SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX): $(outdir)/%.lo
+$(outdir)/%.pyc: $(outdir)/
+ $(PYTHON) -c 'import py_compile; py_compile.compile ("$<")'
+ cat $< | sed $(sed-atvariables) > $@
+ chmod 755 $@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
-PY_MODULES = $(wildcard *.py)
-PY_IN_FILES = $(wildcard *
-OUT_PY_MODULES = $($(addprefix $(outdir)/, $(
+PY_MODULES_IN = $(wildcard *.py)
+OUT_PY_MODULES = $(PY_MODULES_IN:%=$(outdir)/%)
ifneq ($(CYGWIN_BUILD),)