\version "1.3.148"
\header {
texidoc="The Automatic beamer does not put @strong{unfinished} beams
on the last notes of a score."
+\header {
+ texidoc = "Tie code is not prepared for staff changes."
\version "1.4.8"
\header {
texidoc = " Spacing for one staff in polymetric music should
-be not hampered by a staff in another time signature."
+be not hampered by a staff in another time signature.
+FIXME example was broken at some point.
+% Autoknee-ing triggers hara-kiri too early.
\score { \notes \transpose c'''
\context PianoStaff <
+% ??
\version "1.3.148"
[) a'8. gis16 fis8. cis16] |
- linewidth = 3.0\cm
+ linewidth = 3.5\cm
indent = .0
\version "1.3.148"
texidoc="separate staff-size is clumsy with \override.
Also, it doesn't seem to work anymore."
\version "1.3.148"
-texidoc="what about this. -> regression?"
+ texidoc= "The 8th notes should have regular spacing. (TODO: check
+ with printed ed.) "
\score {
\notes \relative c' <
\context Staff = SA { c4. c8 \times 2/3 { [c8 c c] } }
-\context Staff = SB { c8 c c c c c }
+\context Staff = SB { [c8 c c c c c] }
\paper { linewidth = -1. }
(let* (
(fn (ly-get-default-font grob))
- (pclose (ly-find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-)"))
- (popen (ly-find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-("))
+ (pclose (ly-find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-rightparen"))
+ (popen (ly-find-glyph-by-name fn "accidentals-leftparen"))
(subject (callback grob))
; remember old size
.. simple_serif(z1r, z1l, 90) .. z2l{down} -- cycle;
-fet_beginchar("Right Parenthesis", ")", "rightparen")
+fet_beginchar("Right Parenthesis", "rightparen", "rightparen")
-fet_beginchar("Left Parenthesis", "(", "leftparen")
+fet_beginchar("Left Parenthesis", "leftparen", "leftparen")
currentpicture := currentpicture xscaled -1;
set_char_box(charwd, charbp, chardp, charht);
$(outdir)/%.pfa: %.mf
- pktrace --simplify --keep-trying $(basename $(@F))
+ pktrace -I $(outdir)/ --pfa --simplify --keep-trying $(basename $(@F))
mv $(basename $(@F)).pfa $(outdir)
$(outdir)/%.pfb: %.mf
- pktrace --simplify --keep-trying $(basename $(@F))
+ pktrace -I $(outdir)/ --pfb --simplify --keep-trying $(basename $(@F))
mv $(basename $(@F)).pfb $(outdir)