$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
@EXPORT = ();
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(send_mail_message get_addresses encode_headers rfc822_date);
+ %EXPORT_TAGS = (addresses => qw(get_addresses),
+ misc => qw(rfc822_date),
+ mail => qw(send_mail_message encode_headers default_headers),
+ );
+ @EXPORT_OK = ();
+ Exporter::export_ok_tags(keys %EXPORT_TAGS);
# We set this here so it can be overridden for testing purposes
+=head2 default_headers
+ my @head = default_headers(queue_file => 'foo',
+ data => $data,
+ msgid => $header{'message-id'},
+ msgtype => 'error',
+ headers => [...],
+ );
+ create_mime_message(\@headers,
+ ...
+ );
+This function is generally called to generate the headers for
+create_mime_message (and anything else that needs a set of default
+In list context, returns an array of headers. In scalar context,
+returns headers for shoving in a mail message after encoding using
+=item queue_file -- the queue file which will generate this set of
+headers (refered to as $nn in lots of the code)
+=item data -- the data of the bug which this message involves; can be
+undefined if there is no bug involved.
+=item msgid -- the Message-ID: of the message which will generate this
+set of headers
+=item msgtype -- the type of message that this is.
+=item pr_msg -- the pr message field
+=item headers -- a set of headers which will override the default
+headers; these headers will be passed through (and may be reordered.)
+If a particular header is undef, it overrides the default, but isn't
+passed through.
+sub default_headers {
+ my %param = validate_with(params => \@_,
+ spec => {queue_file => {type => SCALAR,
+ optional => 1,
+ },
+ data => {type => HASHREF,
+ optional => 1,
+ },
+ msgid => {type => SCALAR,
+ optional => 1,
+ },
+ msgtype => {type => SCALAR,
+ default => 'misc',
+ optional => 1,
+ },
+ pr_msg => {type => SCALAR,
+ default => 'misc',
+ },
+ headers => {type => ARRAYREF,
+ default => [],
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ my @header_order = (qw(X-Loop From To subject),
+ qw(Message-ID In-Reply-To References));
+ my %header_order;
+ @header_order{map {lc $_} @header_order} = 0..$#header_order;
+ my %set_headers;
+ my @ordered_headers;
+ my @temp = @{$param{headers}};
+ my @other_headers;
+ while (my ($header,$value) = splice @temp,0,2) {
+ if (exists $header_order{lc($header)}) {
+ push @{$ordered_headers[$header_order{lc($header)}]},
+ ($header,$value);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @other_headers,($header,$value);
+ }
+ $set_headers{lc($header)} = 1;
+ }
+ # calculate our headers
+ my $bug_num = exists $param{data} ? $param{data}{bug_num} : 'x';
+ my $nn = $param{queue_file};
+ # handle the user giving the actual queue filename instead of nn
+ $nn =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z])/$1/;
+ $nn = lc($nn);
+ my @msgids;
+ if (exists $param{msgid} and defined $param{msgid}) {
+ push @msgids, $param{msgid}
+ }
+ elsif (exists $param{data} and defined $param{data}{msgid}) {
+ push @msgids, $param{data}{msgid}
+ }
+ my %default_header;
+ $default_header{'X-Loop'} = $config{maintainer_email};
+ $default_header{From} = "$config{maintainer_email} ($config{project} $config{ubug} Tracking System)";
+ $default_header{To} = "Unknown recipients";
+ $default_header{Subject} = "Unknown subject";
+ $default_header{'Message-ID'} = "<handler.${bug_num}.${nn}.$param{msgtype}\@$config{email_domain}>";
+ if (@msgids) {
+ $default_header{'In-Reply-To'} = $msgids[0];
+ $default_header{'References'} = join(' ',@msgids);
+ }
+ $default_header{Precedence} = 'bulk';
+ $default_header{"X-$config{project}-PR-Message"} = $param{pr_msg} . (exists $param{data} ? ' '.$param{data}{bug_num}:'');
+ $default_header{Date} = rfc822_date();
+ if (exists $param{data}) {
+ if (defined $param{data}{keywords}) {
+ $default_header{"X-$config{project}-PR-Keywords"} = $param{data}{keywords};
+ }
+ if (defined $param{data}{package}) {
+ $default_header{"X-$config{project}-PR-Package"} = $param{data}{package};
+ if ($param{data}{package} =~ /^src:(.+)$/) {
+ $default_header{"X-$config{project}-PR-Source"} = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $pkg_src = getpkgsrc();
+ $default_header{"X-$config{project}-PR-Source"} = $pkg_src->{$param{data}{package}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $header (sort keys %default_header) {
+ next if $set_headers{lc($header)};
+ if (exists $header_order{lc($header)}) {
+ push @{$ordered_headers[$header_order{lc($header)}]},
+ ($header,$default_header{$header});
+ }
+ else {
+ push @other_headers,($header,$header_order{lc($header)});
+ }
+ }
+ my @headers;
+ for my $hdr1 (@ordered_headers) {
+ next if not defined $hdr1;
+ my @temp = @{$hdr1};
+ while (my ($header,$value) = splice @temp,0,2) {
+ next if not defined $value;
+ push @headers,($header,$value);
+ }
+ }
+ push @headers,@other_headers;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @headers;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $headers = '';
+ while (my ($header,$value) = splice @headers,0,2) {
+ $headers .= "${header}: $value\n";
+ }
+ return $headers;
+ }
=head2 send_mail_message