&usage if (@ARGV < 1);
my $command = shift(@ARGV);
my %func = (subsam=>\&subsam, listsam=>\&listsam, fillac=>\&fillac, qstats=>\&qstats, varFilter=>\&varFilter,
- hapmap2vcf=>\&hapmap2vcf);
+ hapmap2vcf=>\&hapmap2vcf, ucscsnp2vcf=>\&ucscsnp2vcf);
die("Unknown command \"$command\".\n") if (!defined($func{$command}));
+sub ucscsnp2vcf {
+ die("Usage: vcfutils.pl <in.ucsc.snp>\n") if (@ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN);
+ print "##fileformat=VCFv4.0\n";
+ print join("\t", "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO"), "\n";
+ while (<>) {
+ my @t = split("\t");
+ my $indel = ($t[9] =~ /^[ACGT](\/[ACGT])+$/)? 0 : 1;
+ my $pos = $t[2] + 1;
+ my @alt;
+ push(@alt, $t[7]);
+ if ($t[6] eq '-') {
+ $t[9] = reverse($t[9]);
+ $t[9] =~ tr/ACGTRYMKWSNacgtrymkwsn/TGCAYRKMWSNtgcayrkmwsn/;
+ }
+ my @a = split("/", $t[9]);
+ for (@a) {
+ push(@alt, $_) if ($_ ne $alt[0]);
+ }
+ if ($indel) {
+ --$pos;
+ for (0 .. $#alt) {
+ $alt[$_] =~ tr/-//d;
+ $alt[$_] = "N$alt[$_]";
+ }
+ }
+ my $ref = shift(@alt);
+ my $af = $t[13] > 0? ";AF=$t[13]" : '';
+ my $valid = ($t[12] eq 'unknown')? '' : ";valid=$t[12]";
+ my $info = "molType=$t[10];class=$t[11]$valid$af";
+ print join("\t", $t[1], $pos, $t[4], $ref, join(",", @alt), 0, '.', $info), "\n";
+ }
sub hapmap2vcf {
die("Usage: vcfutils.pl <in.ucsc.snp> <in.hapmap>\n") if (@ARGV == 0);
my $fn = shift(@ARGV);
qstats SNP stats stratified by QUAL
varFilter filtering short variants
hapmap2vcf convert the hapmap format to VCF
+ ucscsnp2vcf convert UCSC SNP SQL dump to VCF