@end lilypond
-@cindex Transposing guitar chords for capo
-If the @code{capoPitch} property is set, then the chords will additionally be printed
-transposed for a guitar with the capo set appropriately. By default the chords are
-printed on one line, but if the @code{capoVertical} property is set, the chords will be
-printed one above the other.
-In make-pitch, leave the first argument at 0, the second argument is the
-interval (-2 is a third), and the third argument adjusts it up or down a
- \new ChordNames \chordmode {
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- \break
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- \break
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- }
- \chordmode {
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- \break
- \set ChordNames.capoPitch = #(ly:make-pitch 0 -2 -1/2)
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- \break
- \set ChordNames.capoVertical = ##t
- c1
- r1
- g1
- c1
- }
-@end lilypond
@c Keep index entries with following snippet
+++ /dev/null
-\version "2.14.0"
- texidoc="Properties capoPitch, capoVertical: display chordnames, suitably
-transposed for a guitar capo, either in a line or one above the other.
- \new ChordNames \chordmode {
- c1
- g1
- c1
- g1
- c1
- g1
- }
- \chordmode {
- c1
- g1
- \set ChordNames.capoPitch = #(ly:make-pitch 0 -2 -1/2)
- c1
- g1
- \set ChordNames.capoVertical = ##t
- c1
- g1
- }
pitches = scm_sort_list (pitches, Pitch::less_p_proc);
- SCM capo_proc = ly_lily_module_constant ("capo-handler");
- markup = scm_call_4 (capo_proc, pitches, bass, inversion,
+ SCM name_proc = get_property ("chordNameFunction");
+ markup = scm_call_4 (name_proc, pitches, bass, inversion,
context ()->self_scm ());
(alist (map chord-to-exception-entry elts)))
(filter (lambda (x) (cdr x)) alist)))
-(define-public (capo-handler pitches bass inversion context)
- (let ((chord-function
- (ly:context-property context 'chordNameFunction 'jazz-chord-names))
- (capo-pitch (ly:context-property context 'capoPitch #f)))
- (if (not capo-pitch)
- (chord-function pitches bass inversion context) ;; call the chordNameFunction as of old
- (let* ((new-pitches ;; else transpose the pitches and do the chord twice
- (map (lambda (p)
- (ly:pitch-transpose p capo-pitch))
- pitches))
- (new-bass
- (if (ly:pitch? bass)
- (ly:pitch-transpose bass capo-pitch)
- '()))
- (new-inversion
- (if (ly:pitch? inversion)
- (ly:pitch-transpose inversion capo-pitch)
- '()))
- (capo-markup
- (make-parenthesize-markup
- (chord-function new-pitches new-bass new-inversion context)))
- (name-markup (chord-function pitches bass inversion context))
- (capo-vertical (ly:context-property context 'capoVertical #f)))
- (if capo-vertical
- (make-column-markup (list name-markup capo-markup))
- (make-line-markup (list name-markup
- (make-hspace-markup 1)
- capo-markup)))))))
(beatStructure ,list? "List of @code{baseMoment}s that are combined
to make beats.")
- (capoPitch ,ly:pitch? "The pitch to transpose chords down by when using the capo.")
- (capoVertical ,boolean? "Whether to display actual and transposed pitches above each other or not.")
(chordChanges ,boolean? "Only show changes in chords scheme?")
(chordNameExceptions ,list? "An alist of chord exceptions.
Contains @code{(@var{chord} . @var{markup})} entries.")