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* scm/stencil.scm (annotate-y-interval): move from layout-page-layout.scm
authorHan-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:40:26 +0000 (17:40 +0000)
committerHan-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:40:26 +0000 (17:40 +0000)
* scm/paper-system.scm (paper-system-annotate): new file. Handle paper-system.

* scm/layout-page-layout.scm (optimal-page-breaks): move all page
handling to page.scm

scm/page.scm [new file with mode: 0644]
scm/paper-system.scm [new file with mode: 0644]

index 5d307da64f6a2bbf8a1b03cab4e6e9c1b8a4ee4d..9d7ab8288b49884671bfce00e4e2a96cd2a873a1 100644 (file)
 ;;;;          Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
 (use-modules (oop goops describe)
-            (oop goops))
+            (oop goops)
+            (scm paper-system)
+            (scm page)
+            )
-(define-class <optimally-broken-page-node> ()
-  (prev #:init-value '() #:accessor node-prev #:init-keyword #:prev)
-  (page #:init-value 0 #:accessor node-page-number #:init-keyword #:pageno)
-  (force #:init-value 0 #:accessor node-force #:init-keyword #:force)
-  (penalty #:init-value 0 #:accessor node-penalty #:init-keyword #:penalty)
-  (configuration #:init-value '() #:accessor node-configuration #:init-keyword #:configuration)
-  (lines #:init-value 0 #:accessor node-lines #:init-keyword #:lines))
-(define-method (display (node <optimally-broken-page-node>) port)
-  (map (lambda (x) (display x port))
-       (list
-       "Page " (node-page-number node)
-       " Lines: " (node-lines node)
-       " Penalty " (node-penalty node)
-       "\n")))
-(define-method (node-system-numbers (node <optimally-broken-page-node>))
-  (map (lambda (ps) (ly:prob-property ps 'number))
-       (node-lines node)))
-(define (annotate? layout)
-  (eq? #t (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'annotatespacing)))
-(define-public (paper-system-staff-extents ps)
-  (ly:prob-property ps 'refpoint-Y-extent '(0 . 0)))
-;; annotations are arrows indicating the numerical value of
-;; spacing variables 
-(define (annotate-y-interval layout name extent is-length?)
-  ;; do something sensible for 0,0 intervals. 
-  (set! extent (interval-widen extent 0.001))
-  (let*
-      ((text-props (cons
-                   '((font-size . -3)
-                     (font-family . typewriter))
-                   (layout-extract-page-properties layout)))
-       (annotation (interpret-markup
-                   layout text-props
-                   (make-column-markup
-                    (list
-                     (make-whiteout-markup (make-simple-markup name))
-                     (make-whiteout-markup
-                      (make-simple-markup
-                       (if is-length?
-                           (format "~$" (interval-length extent))
-                           (format "(~$,~$)" (car extent)
-                                   (cdr extent)))))))))
-       (arrows
-       (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
-        (dimension-arrows (cons 0 (interval-length extent)))
-        (interval-start extent) Y)))
-    (set! annotation
-         (ly:stencil-aligned-to annotation Y CENTER))
-    (set! annotation (ly:stencil-translate annotation
-                         (cons 0 (interval-center extent))))
-    (set! annotation
-         (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge arrows X RIGHT annotation 0.5 0))
-    (set! annotation
-         (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr annotation)
-                          (ly:stencil-extent annotation X)
-                          (cons 10000 -10000)))
-    annotation))
-(define (paper-system-annotate-last system layout)
-  (let*
-      ((bottomspace (ly:prob-property system 'bottom-space))
-       (y-extent (paper-system-extent system Y))
-       (x-extent (paper-system-extent system X))
-       (stencil (ly:prob-property system 'stencil))
-       (arrow (if (number? bottomspace)
-              (annotate-y-interval layout
-                                   "bottom-space"
-                                   (cons (- (car y-extent) bottomspace)
-                                         (car y-extent))
-                                   #t)
-              #f)))
-    (if arrow
-       (set! stencil
-             (ly:stencil-add stencil arrow)))
-    (set! (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
-         stencil)
-  ))
-(define (paper-system-annotate system layout)
-  "Add arrows and texts to indicate which lengths are set."
-  (let*
-      ((annotations (ly:make-stencil '() (cons 0 2) (cons 0 0)))
-       (append-stencil
-       (lambda (a b)
-         (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge a X RIGHT b 0.5 0)))
-       (annotate-property
-       (lambda (name extent is-length?)
-         (set! annotations
-               (append-stencil annotations
-                               (annotate-y-interval layout
-                                                    name extent is-length?)))))
-       (bbox-extent (paper-system-extent system Y))
-       (refp-extent (ly:prob-property system 'refpoint-Y-extent))
-       (next-space (ly:prob-property system 'next-space
-                                            (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'betweensystemspace)
-                                            ))
-       (next-padding (ly:prob-property system 'next-padding
-                                              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'betweensystempadding)
-                                              ))
-       )
-    (if (number-pair? bbox-extent)
-       (begin
-         (annotate-property  "Y-extent"
-                              bbox-extent #f)
-         (annotate-property  "next-padding"
-                            (interval-translate (cons (- next-padding) 0) (car bbox-extent))
-                            #t)))
-    ;; titles don't have a refpoint-Y-extent.
-    (if (number-pair? refp-extent)
-       (begin
-         (annotate-property "refpoint-Y-extent"
-                            refp-extent #f)
-         (annotate-property "next-space"
-                            (interval-translate (cons (- next-space) 0) (car refp-extent))
-                      #t)))
-    (set! (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
-         (ly:stencil-add
-          (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
-          (ly:make-stencil
-           (ly:stencil-expr annotations)
-           (ly:stencil-extent empty-stencil X)
-           (ly:stencil-extent empty-stencil Y)
-           )))
-    ))
-(define (annotate-page layout stencil)
-  (let*
-      ((topmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin))
-       (vsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize))
-       (bottommargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin))
-       (add-stencil (lambda (y)
-                     (set! stencil
-                           (ly:stencil-add stencil y))
-                     )))
-    (add-stencil
-     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
-      (annotate-y-interval layout "vsize"
-                          (cons (- vsize) 0)
-                          #t)
-      1 X))
-    (add-stencil
-     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
-      (annotate-y-interval layout "topmargin"
-                          (cons (- topmargin) 0)
-                          #t)
-      2 X))
-    (add-stencil
-     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
-      (annotate-y-interval layout "bottommargin"
-                          (cons (- vsize) (- bottommargin vsize))
-                          #t)
-      2 X))
-    stencil))
-(define (annotate-space-left page-stencil layout bottom-edge)
-  (let*
-      ((arrow (annotate-y-interval layout
-                               "space left"
-                               (cons (- bottom-edge)  (car (ly:stencil-extent page-stencil Y)))
-                               #t)))
-    (set! arrow (ly:stencil-translate-axis arrow 8 X))
-    (ly:stencil-add page-stencil arrow)))
-(define (page-headfoot layout scopes number
-                      sym separation-symbol dir last?)
-  "Create a stencil including separating space."
-  (let* ((header-proc (ly:output-def-lookup layout sym))
-        (sep (ly:output-def-lookup layout separation-symbol))
-        (stencil (ly:make-stencil "" '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))
-        (head-stencil
-         (if (procedure? header-proc)
-             (header-proc layout scopes number last?)
-             #f))
-        )
-    (if (and (number? sep)
-            (ly:stencil? head-stencil)
-            (not (ly:stencil-empty? head-stencil)))
-       (begin
-         (set! head-stencil
-               (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge
-                stencil Y dir head-stencil
-                sep 0.0))
-         ;; add arrow markers 
-         (if (annotate? layout)
-             (set! head-stencil
-                   (ly:stencil-add
-                    (ly:stencil-translate-axis
-                     (annotate-y-interval layout 
-                                          (symbol->string separation-symbol)
-                                          (cons (min 0 (* dir sep))
-                                                (max 0 (* dir sep)))
-                                          #t)
-                     (/ (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'linewidth) 2)
-                     X)
-                    (if (= dir UP)
-                        (ly:stencil-translate-axis
-                         (annotate-y-interval layout
-                                             "pagetopspace"
-                                             (cons
-                                              (- (min 0 (* dir sep))
-                                                 (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'pagetopspace))
-                                              (min 0 (* dir sep)))
-                                             #t)
-                         (+ 7 (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent head-stencil X))) X)
-                        empty-stencil
-                        )
-                    head-stencil
-                    ))
-             )))
-    head-stencil))
-(define-public (default-page-music-height layout scopes number last?)
-  "Printable area for music and titles; matches default-page-make-stencil."
-  (let* ((h (- (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize)
-              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin)
-              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin)))
-       (head (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-header 'headsep UP last?))
-       (foot (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-footer 'footsep DOWN last?))
-       (available
-       (- h (if (ly:stencil? head)
-                (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent head Y))
-                0)
-          (if (ly:stencil? foot)
-              (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent foot Y))
-              0))))
-    ;; (display (list "\n available" available head foot))
-    available))
-(define-public (default-page-make-stencil
-                lines offsets layout scopes number last?)
-  "Construct a stencil representing the page from LINES.
- Offsets is a list of increasing numbers. They must be negated to
-create offsets.
- "
-  (let* ((topmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin))
-       ;; TODO: naming vsize/hsize not analogous to TeX.
-        (vsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize))
-        (hsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'hsize))
-        (system-xoffset (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'horizontalshift 0.0))
-        (system-separator-markup (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'systemSeparatorMarkup))
-        (system-separator-stencil (if (markup? system-separator-markup)
-                                      (interpret-markup layout
-                                                        (layout-extract-page-properties layout)
-                                                        system-separator-markup)
-                                      #f))
-        (lmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'leftmargin))
-        (leftmargin (if lmargin
-                        lmargin
-                        (/ (- hsize
-                              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'linewidth)) 2)))
-        (rightmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'rightmargin))
-        (bottom-edge (- vsize
-                        (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin)))
-        (head (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-header 'headsep UP last?))
-        (foot (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-footer 'footsep DOWN last?))
-        (head-height (if (ly:stencil? head)
-                         (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent head Y))
-                         0.0))
-        (height-proc (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'page-music-height))
-        (page-stencil (ly:make-stencil '()
-                                       (cons leftmargin hsize)
-                                       (cons (- topmargin) 0)))
-        (last-system #f)
-        (last-y 0.0)
-        (add-to-page (lambda (stencil y)
-                       (set! page-stencil
-                             (ly:stencil-add page-stencil
-                                             (ly:stencil-translate stencil
-                                                                   (cons
-                                                                    system-xoffset
-                                                                    (- 0 head-height y topmargin))
-                                                                   )))))
-        (add-system
-         (lambda (stencil-position)
-           (let* ((system (car stencil-position))
-                  (stencil (paper-system-stencil system))
-                  (y (cadr stencil-position))
-                  (is-title (paper-system-title?
-                             (car stencil-position))))
-             (add-to-page stencil y)
-             (if (and (ly:stencil? system-separator-stencil)
-                      last-system
-                      (not (paper-system-title? system))
-                      (not (paper-system-title? last-system)))
-                 (add-to-page
-                  system-separator-stencil
-                  (average (- last-y
-                              (car (paper-system-staff-extents last-system)))
-                           (- y
-                              (cdr (paper-system-staff-extents system))))))
-             (set! last-system system)
-             (set! last-y y))))
-        )
-    (if (annotate? layout)
-       (begin
-         (for-each (lambda (sys) (paper-system-annotate sys layout))
-                   lines)
-         (paper-system-annotate-last (car (last-pair lines)) layout)))
-    (if #f
-       (display (list
-                 "leftmargin " leftmargin "rightmargin " rightmargin
-                 )))
-    (set! page-stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge
-                       page-stencil Y DOWN
-                       (if (and
-                            (ly:stencil? head)
-                            (not (ly:stencil-empty? head)))
-                           head
-                           (ly:make-stencil "" (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0)))
-                           0. 0.))
-    (map add-system (zip lines offsets))
-    (if (annotate? layout)
-       (set!
-        page-stencil
-        (annotate-space-left page-stencil layout
-                             (- bottom-edge
-                                (if (ly:stencil? foot)
-                                    (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent foot Y))
-                                    0)))
-        ))
-    (if (and (ly:stencil? foot)
-            (not (ly:stencil-empty? foot)))
-       (set! page-stencil
-             (ly:stencil-add
-              page-stencil
-              (ly:stencil-translate
-               foot
-               (cons 0
-                     (+ (- bottom-edge)
-                        (- (car (ly:stencil-extent foot Y)))))))))
-    (set! page-stencil
-         (ly:stencil-translate page-stencil (cons leftmargin 0)))
-    ;; annotation.
-    (if (annotate? layout)
-       (set! page-stencil (annotate-page layout page-stencil)))
-    page-stencil))
 ;;; optimal page breaking
@@ -435,36 +28,29 @@ create offsets.
 ;; - raggedbottom? raggedlastbottom?
 (define-public (optimal-page-breaks lines paper-book)
-  "Return pages as a list starting with 1st page. Each page is a list
-of lines. "
+  "Return pages as a list starting with 1st page. Each page is a 'page prob.
   (define MAXPENALTY 1e9)
   (define paper (ly:paper-book-paper paper-book))
   (define scopes (ly:paper-book-scopes paper-book))
   (define force-equalization-factor #f)
-  (define (page-height page-number last?)
-    (let ((p (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'page-music-height)))
-      (if (procedure? p)
-         (p paper scopes page-number last?)
-         10000)))
   (define (get-path node done)
     "Follow NODE.PREV, and return as an ascending list of pages. DONE
 is what have collected so far, and has ascending page numbers."
-    (if (is-a? node <optimally-broken-page-node>)
-       (get-path (node-prev node) (cons node done))
+    (if (page? node)
+       (get-path (page-prev node) (cons node done))
   (define (combine-penalties force user best-paths)
     (let* ((prev-force (if (null? best-paths)
-                          (node-force (car best-paths))))
+                          (page-force (car best-paths))))
           (prev-penalty (if (null? best-paths)
-                            (node-penalty (car best-paths))))
+                            (page-penalty (car best-paths))))
         (inter-system-space (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'betweensystemspace))
         (relative-force (/ force inter-system-space))
         (abs-relative-force (abs relative-force)))
@@ -617,15 +203,20 @@ CURRENT-BEST is the best result sofar, or #f."
     (let* ((this-page-num (if (null? best-paths)
                               (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'firstpagenumber)
-                              (1+ (node-page-number (car best-paths)))))
+                              (1+ (page-page-number (car best-paths)))))
+          (this-page (make-page
+                      'paper-book paper-book
+                      'is-last last? 
+                      'page-number this-page-num))
           (ragged-all? (eq? #t (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'raggedbottom)))
           (ragged-last? (eq? #t (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'raggedlastbottom)))
           (ragged? (or ragged-all?
                        (and ragged-last?
-           (page-height (page-height this-page-num last?))
-          (vertical-spacing (space-systems page-height current-lines ragged?))
+           (height (page-height  this-page))
+          (vertical-spacing (space-systems height current-lines ragged?))
           (satisfied-constraints (car vertical-spacing))
            (force (if satisfied-constraints
                      (if (and last? ragged-last?)
@@ -651,17 +242,23 @@ CURRENT-BEST is the best result sofar, or #f."
            (better? (or
                      (not current-best)
-                     (< total-penalty (node-penalty current-best))))
+                     (< total-penalty (page-penalty current-best))))
            (new-best (if better?
-                        (make <optimally-broken-page-node>
-                          #:prev (if (null? best-paths)
-                                     #f
-                                     (car best-paths))
-                          #:lines current-lines
-                          #:pageno this-page-num
-                          #:force force
-                          #:configuration positions
-                          #:penalty total-penalty)
+                        (begin
+                          (map
+                           (lambda (x)
+                             (page-set-property! this-page
+                                                 (car x)
+                                                 (cdr x)))
+                           (list
+                            (cons 'prev (if (null? best-paths)
+                                            #f
+                                            (car best-paths)))
+                            (cons 'lines current-lines)
+                            (cons 'force force)
+                            (cons 'configuration positions)
+                            (cons 'penalty total-penalty)))
+                          this-page)
 ;;      (display total-penalty) (newline)
@@ -677,11 +274,11 @@ CURRENT-BEST is the best result sofar, or #f."
            "\nlines: " current-lines "\n")))
       (if #f ; debug
-         (display (list "\nnew-best is " (node-lines new-best)
+         (display (list "\nnew-best is " (page-lines new-best)
                         "\ncontinuation of "
                         (if (null? best-paths)
-                            (node-lines (car best-paths))))))
+                            (page-lines (car best-paths))))))
       (if (and (pair? done-lines)
                ;; if this page is too full, adding another line won't help
@@ -693,7 +290,7 @@ CURRENT-BEST is the best result sofar, or #f."
   (define (walk-lines done best-paths todo)
     "Return the best page breaking as a single
-<optimal-page-break-node> for optimally breaking TODO ++
+page node for optimally breaking TODO ++
 DONE.reversed. BEST-PATHS is a list of break nodes corresponding to
@@ -709,42 +306,27 @@ DONE."
                      (cdr todo)))))
   (define (line-number node)
-    (ly:prob-property (car (node-lines node)) 'number))
+    (ly:prob-property (car (page-lines node)) 'number))
   (ly:message (_ "Calculating page breaks..."))
   (set! force-equalization-factor
        (ly:output-def-lookup paper 'verticalequalizationfactor 0.3))
   (let* ((best-break-node (walk-lines '() '() lines))
         (break-nodes (get-path best-break-node '()))
-        (last-node (car (last-pair break-nodes))))
-    (define (node->page-stencil node)
-      (if (not (eq? node last-node))
-         (ly:progress "["))
-      (let ((stencil
-            ((ly:output-def-lookup paper 'page-make-stencil)
-             (node-lines node)
-             (node-configuration node)
-             paper
-             scopes
-             (node-page-number node)
-             (eq? node best-break-node))))
-       (if (not (eq? node last-node))
-           (begin
-             (ly:progress (number->string
-                           (car (last-pair (node-system-numbers node)))))
-             (ly:progress "]")))
-       stencil))
+        )
+    (set! (page-property (car (last-pair break-nodes)) 'is-last) #t)
     (if #f; (ly:get-option 'verbose)
          (display (list
                    "\nbreaks: " (map line-number break-nodes))
-                  "\nsystems " (map node-lines break-nodes)
-                  "\npenalties " (map node-penalty break-nodes)
-                  "\nconfigs " (map node-configuration break-nodes))))
+                  "\nsystems " (map page-lines break-nodes)
+                  "\npenalties " (map page-penalty break-nodes)
+                  "\nconfigs " (map page-configuration break-nodes))))
-    (let ((stencils (map node->page-stencil break-nodes)))
+    (let ((stencils (map page-stencil break-nodes)))
       (ly:progress "\n")
index 8a5b28d227386b621d26655dc07a9c25d4e86138..5b42e4f4208ec9a11915d0eff0d4f75e0cff497f 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 ;;;; lily-library.scm -- utilities
 ;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
-(define-public (paper-system-title? system)
-  (equal? #t (ly:prob-property system 'is-title)
-         ))
-(define-public (paper-system-stencil system)
-  (ly:prob-property system 'stencil))
-(define-public (paper-system-extent system axis)
-  (ly:stencil-extent (paper-system-stencil system) axis))
 ;; alist
 (define-public assoc-get ly:assoc-get)
diff --git a/scm/page.scm b/scm/page.scm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aff8dfa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+;; page.scm -- implement Page stuff.
+;; source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+;; (c) 2006 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
+(define-module (scm page)
+  #:export (make-page
+           page-property
+           page-set-property!
+           page-prev
+           page-height
+           page-lines
+           page-force 
+           page-penalty
+           page-configuration
+           page-lines
+           page-page-number
+           page-system-numbers
+           page-stencil
+           page? 
+           ))
+(use-modules (lily)
+            (scm paper-system)
+            (srfi srfi-1))
+(define (annotate? layout)
+  (eq? #t (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'annotatespacing)))
+(define page-module (current-module))
+(define (make-page . args)
+  (apply ly:make-prob (append
+                      (list 'page '())
+                      args)))
+(define page-property ly:prob-property)
+(define (page-property? page sym)
+  (eq? #t (page-property page sym)))
+(define (page? x)  (ly:prob-type? x 'page))
+(define page-set-property! ly:prob-set-property!)
+;; define accessors. 
+ (lambda (j)
+   (module-define!
+    page-module
+    (string->symbol (format "page-~a" j))
+    (lambda (pg)
+      (page-property pg j))))
+ '(page-number prev lines force penalty configuration lines))
+(define (page-system-numbers node)
+  (map (lambda (ps) (ly:prob-property ps 'number))
+       (page-lines node)))
+(define (annotate-page stencil layout)
+  (let*
+      ((topmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin))
+       (vsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize))
+       (bottommargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin))
+       (add-stencil (lambda (y)
+                     (set! stencil
+                           (ly:stencil-add stencil y))
+                     )))
+    (add-stencil
+     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
+      (annotate-y-interval layout "vsize"
+                          (cons (- vsize) 0)
+                          #t)
+      1 X))
+    (add-stencil
+     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
+      (annotate-y-interval layout "topmargin"
+                          (cons (- topmargin) 0)
+                          #t)
+      2 X))
+    (add-stencil
+     (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
+      (annotate-y-interval layout "bottommargin"
+                          (cons (- vsize) (- bottommargin vsize))
+                          #t)
+      2 X))
+    stencil))
+(define (annotate-space-left page-stencil layout bottom-edge)
+  (let*
+      ((arrow (annotate-y-interval layout
+                               "space left"
+                               (cons (- bottom-edge)  (car (ly:stencil-extent page-stencil Y)))
+                               #t)))
+    (set! arrow (ly:stencil-translate-axis arrow 8 X))
+    (ly:stencil-add page-stencil arrow)))
+(define (page-headfoot layout scopes number
+                      sym separation-symbol dir last?)
+  "Create a stencil including separating space."
+  (let* ((header-proc (ly:output-def-lookup layout sym))
+        (sep (ly:output-def-lookup layout separation-symbol))
+        (stencil (ly:make-stencil "" '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))
+        (head-stencil
+         (if (procedure? header-proc)
+             (header-proc layout scopes number last?)
+             #f))
+        )
+    (if (and (number? sep)
+            (ly:stencil? head-stencil)
+            (not (ly:stencil-empty? head-stencil)))
+       (begin
+         (set! head-stencil
+               (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge
+                stencil Y dir head-stencil
+                sep 0.0))
+         ;; add arrow markers 
+         (if (annotate? layout)
+             (set! head-stencil
+                   (ly:stencil-add
+                    (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+                     (annotate-y-interval layout 
+                                          (symbol->string separation-symbol)
+                                          (cons (min 0 (* dir sep))
+                                                (max 0 (* dir sep)))
+                                          #t)
+                     (/ (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'linewidth) 2)
+                     X)
+                    (if (= dir UP)
+                        (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+                         (annotate-y-interval layout
+                                             "pagetopspace"
+                                             (cons
+                                              (- (min 0 (* dir sep))
+                                                 (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'pagetopspace))
+                                              (min 0 (* dir sep)))
+                                             #t)
+                         (+ 7 (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent head-stencil X))) X)
+                        empty-stencil
+                        )
+                    head-stencil
+                    ))
+             )))
+    head-stencil))
+(define (page-header-or-footer page dir)
+    (let*
+      ((p-book (page-property page 'paper-book))
+       (layout (ly:paper-book-paper p-book))
+       (scopes (ly:paper-book-scopes p-book))
+       (lines (page-lines page))
+       (offsets (page-configuration page))
+       (number (page-page-number page))
+       (last? (page-property page 'is-last))
+       )
+      (page-headfoot layout scopes number
+               (if (= dir UP)
+                   'make-header
+                   'make-footer)
+               (if (= dir UP)
+                   'headsep
+                   'footsep)
+               dir last?)))
+(define (page-footer page)
+  (page-header-or-footer page UP))
+(define (page-header page)
+  (page-header-or-footer page DOWN))
+(define (make-page-stencil page)
+  "Construct a stencil representing the page from LINES.
+ Offsets is a list of increasing numbers. They must be negated to
+create offsets.
+ "
+  (let*
+      ((p-book (page-property page 'paper-book))
+       (layout (ly:paper-book-paper p-book))
+       (scopes (ly:paper-book-scopes p-book))
+       (lines (page-lines page))
+       (offsets (page-configuration page))
+       (number (page-page-number page))
+       (last? (page-property page 'is-last))
+       (topmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin))
+       ;; TODO: naming vsize/hsize not analogous to TeX.
+       (vsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize))
+       (hsize (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'hsize))
+       (system-xoffset (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'horizontalshift 0.0))
+       (system-separator-markup (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'systemSeparatorMarkup))
+       (system-separator-stencil (if (markup? system-separator-markup)
+                                    (interpret-markup layout
+                                                      (layout-extract-page-properties layout)
+                                                      system-separator-markup)
+                                    #f))
+       (lmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'leftmargin))
+       (leftmargin (if lmargin
+                      lmargin
+                      (/ (- hsize
+                            (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'linewidth)) 2)))
+       (rightmargin (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'rightmargin))
+       (bottom-edge (- vsize
+                      (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin)))
+       (head (page-header page))
+       (foot (page-footer page))
+       (head-height (if (ly:stencil? head)
+                       (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent head Y))
+                       0.0))
+       (height-proc (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'page-music-height))
+       (page-stencil (ly:make-stencil '()
+                                     (cons leftmargin hsize)
+                                     (cons (- topmargin) 0)))
+       (last-system #f)
+       (last-y 0.0)
+       (add-to-page (lambda (stencil y)
+                     (set! page-stencil
+                           (ly:stencil-add page-stencil
+                                           (ly:stencil-translate stencil
+                                                                 (cons
+                                                                  system-xoffset
+                                                                  (- 0 head-height y topmargin))
+                                                                 )))))
+       (add-system
+       (lambda (stencil-position)
+         (let* ((system (car stencil-position))
+                (stencil (paper-system-stencil system))
+                (y (cadr stencil-position))
+                (is-title (paper-system-title?
+                           (car stencil-position))))
+           (add-to-page stencil y)
+           (if (and (ly:stencil? system-separator-stencil)
+                    last-system
+                    (not (paper-system-title? system))
+                    (not (paper-system-title? last-system)))
+               (add-to-page
+                system-separator-stencil
+                (average (- last-y
+                            (car (paper-system-staff-extents last-system)))
+                         (- y
+                            (cdr (paper-system-staff-extents system))))))
+           (set! last-system system)
+           (set! last-y y))))
+       )
+    (if (annotate? layout)
+       (begin
+         (for-each (lambda (sys) (paper-system-annotate sys layout))
+                   lines)
+         (paper-system-annotate-last (car (last-pair lines)) layout)))
+    (if #f
+       (display (list
+                 "leftmargin " leftmargin "rightmargin " rightmargin
+                 )))
+    (set! page-stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge
+                       page-stencil Y DOWN
+                       (if (and
+                            (ly:stencil? head)
+                            (not (ly:stencil-empty? head)))
+                           head
+                           (ly:make-stencil "" (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0)))
+                           0. 0.))
+    (map add-system (zip lines offsets))
+    (if (annotate? layout)
+       (set!
+        page-stencil
+        (annotate-space-left page-stencil layout
+                             (- bottom-edge
+                                (if (ly:stencil? foot)
+                                    (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent foot Y))
+                                    0)))
+        ))
+    (if (and (ly:stencil? foot)
+            (not (ly:stencil-empty? foot)))
+       (set! page-stencil
+             (ly:stencil-add
+              page-stencil
+              (ly:stencil-translate
+               foot
+               (cons 0
+                     (+ (- bottom-edge)
+                        (- (car (ly:stencil-extent foot Y)))))))))
+    (set! page-stencil
+         (ly:stencil-translate page-stencil (cons leftmargin 0)))
+    ;; annotation.
+    (if (annotate? layout)
+       (set! page-stencil (annotate-page layout page-stencil)))
+    page-stencil))
+(define (page-stencil page)
+  (if (not (ly:stencil? (page-property page 'stencil)))
+      ;; todo: make tweakable.
+      ;; via property + callbacks.
+      (page-set-property! page 'stencil (make-page-stencil page)))
+  (page-property page 'stencil))
+(define (page-height page)
+  "Printable area for music and titles; matches default-page-make-stencil."
+  (let*
+      ((p-book (page-property page 'paper-book))
+       (layout (ly:paper-book-paper p-book))
+       (scopes (ly:paper-book-scopes p-book))
+       (number (page-page-number page))
+       (last? (page-property page 'is-last))
+       (h (- (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'vsize)
+              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'topmargin)
+              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'bottommargin)))
+       (head (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-header 'headsep UP last?))
+       (foot (page-headfoot layout scopes number 'make-footer 'footsep DOWN last?))
+       (available
+       (- h (if (ly:stencil? head)
+                (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent head Y))
+                0)
+          (if (ly:stencil? foot)
+              (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent foot Y))
+              0))))
+    ;; (display (list "\n available" available head foot))
+    available))
diff --git a/scm/paper-system.scm b/scm/paper-system.scm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e727955
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+;; paper-system.scm -- implement paper-system objects.
+;; source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+;; (c) 2006 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
+(define-module (scm paper-system))
+(use-modules (lily))
+(define-public (paper-system-title? system)
+  (equal? #t (ly:prob-property system 'is-title)
+         ))
+(define-public (paper-system-stencil system)
+  (ly:prob-property system 'stencil))
+(define-public (paper-system-extent system axis)
+  (ly:stencil-extent (paper-system-stencil system) axis))
+(define-public (paper-system-staff-extents ps)
+  (ly:prob-property ps 'refpoint-Y-extent '(0 . 0)))
+(define-public (paper-system-annotate-last system layout)
+  (let*
+      ((bottomspace (ly:prob-property system 'bottom-space))
+       (y-extent (paper-system-extent system Y))
+       (x-extent (paper-system-extent system X))
+       (stencil (ly:prob-property system 'stencil))
+       (arrow (if (number? bottomspace)
+              (annotate-y-interval layout
+                                   "bottom-space"
+                                   (cons (- (car y-extent) bottomspace)
+                                         (car y-extent))
+                                   #t)
+              #f)))
+    (if arrow
+       (set! stencil
+             (ly:stencil-add stencil arrow)))
+    (set! (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
+         stencil)
+  ))
+(define-public (paper-system-annotate system layout)
+  "Add arrows and texts to indicate which lengths are set."
+  (let*
+      ((annotations (ly:make-stencil '() (cons 0 2) (cons 0 0)))
+       (append-stencil
+       (lambda (a b)
+         (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge a X RIGHT b 0.5 0)))
+       (annotate-property
+       (lambda (name extent is-length?)
+         (set! annotations
+               (append-stencil annotations
+                               (annotate-y-interval layout
+                                                    name extent is-length?)))))
+       (bbox-extent (paper-system-extent system Y))
+       (refp-extent (ly:prob-property system 'refpoint-Y-extent))
+       (next-space (ly:prob-property system 'next-space
+                                            (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'betweensystemspace)
+                                            ))
+       (next-padding (ly:prob-property system 'next-padding
+                                              (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'betweensystempadding)
+                                              ))
+       )
+    (if (number-pair? bbox-extent)
+       (begin
+         (annotate-property  "Y-extent"
+                              bbox-extent #f)
+         (annotate-property  "next-padding"
+                            (interval-translate (cons (- next-padding) 0) (car bbox-extent))
+                            #t)))
+    ;; titles don't have a refpoint-Y-extent.
+    (if (number-pair? refp-extent)
+       (begin
+         (annotate-property "refpoint-Y-extent"
+                            refp-extent #f)
+         (annotate-property "next-space"
+                            (interval-translate (cons (- next-space) 0) (car refp-extent))
+                      #t)))
+    (set! (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
+         (ly:stencil-add
+          (ly:prob-property system 'stencil)
+          (ly:make-stencil
+           (ly:stencil-expr annotations)
+           (ly:stencil-extent empty-stencil X)
+           (ly:stencil-extent empty-stencil Y)
+           )))
+    ))
index 1aff0c12ff09ef8cd8b65fb0c650f2597eadd7c4..d0e220d26b03b16629db45cb01a63be65e75e4e8 100644 (file)
@@ -169,3 +169,49 @@ encloses the contents.
+;; annotations are arrows indicating the numerical value of
+;; spacing variables 
+(define-public (annotate-y-interval layout name extent is-length?)
+  ;; do something sensible for 0,0 intervals. 
+  (set! extent (interval-widen extent 0.001))
+  (let*
+      ((text-props (cons
+                   '((font-size . -3)
+                     (font-family . typewriter))
+                   (layout-extract-page-properties layout)))
+       (annotation (interpret-markup
+                   layout text-props
+                   (make-column-markup
+                    (list
+                     (make-whiteout-markup (make-simple-markup name))
+                     (make-whiteout-markup
+                      (make-simple-markup
+                       (if is-length?
+                           (format "~$" (interval-length extent))
+                           (format "(~$,~$)" (car extent)
+                                   (cdr extent)))))))))
+       (arrows
+       (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
+        (dimension-arrows (cons 0 (interval-length extent)))
+        (interval-start extent) Y)))
+    (set! annotation
+         (ly:stencil-aligned-to annotation Y CENTER))
+    (set! annotation (ly:stencil-translate annotation
+                         (cons 0 (interval-center extent))))
+    (set! annotation
+         (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge arrows X RIGHT annotation 0.5 0))
+    (set! annotation
+         (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr annotation)
+                          (ly:stencil-extent annotation X)
+                          (cons 10000 -10000)))
+    annotation))