+++ /dev/null
-The Kiibohd Controller
-This README is a bit long, just look at the sections you are interested in.
-You only need to install avr-gcc if you want to build for the Teensy 2.0/2.0++.
-Everything else needs an arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler (e.g. Infinity keyboard, Teensy 3.0/3.1, McHCK).
-Linux is the ideal build environment (preferably recent'ish).
-In the near future I'll make available an Arch Linux VM for building/manufacturing tests.
-Building on Mac should be ok for 99% of users with Macports (haven't tried Brew).
-The dfu Bootloader will not build correctly with the old version of arm-none-eabi-gcc that Macports currently has (4.7.3).
-This is due to a bug with lto (link time optimizations) which makes the resulting binary too big to fit on the chip (must be less than 4096 Bytes).
-Building on Windows should also be fine for 99% of users, but takes a bunch of work to setup (because Windows is a crappy dev environment).
-Cygwin is currently required along with some non-Cygwin compilers and utilities (because they are not available for Cygwin).
-The dfu Bootloader will not build because of a Make 3.81+ bug/feature that removed support for non-Unix (Windows) filenames as dependencies of targets.
-If you replace the version of Make in Cygwin it should work (e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/601516/cygwin-make-error-target-pattern-contains-no).
-However, make sure that the flash size is no larger than 4096 Bytes or the bootloader will not work.
-Things will likely break if there are *SPACES IN YOUR PATHS*. I install cygwin to C:\cygwin64.
-If you are brave and have programming knowledge, I will accept patches to fix any issues regarding spaces in paths.
-Please give authors credit for modules used if you use in a distributed product :D
-General Dependencies
-Below listed are the Arch Linux pacman names, AUR packages may be required.
-These depend a bit on which targets you are trying to build, but the general one:
-- cmake (2.8 and higher)
-- git
-- ctags (recommended, not required)
-- python3
-- libusb1.0 (and -devel)
-- make
-AVR Specific (Teensy 1.0/++,2.0/++) (try to use something recent, suggested versions below)
-- avr-gcc (~4.8.0)
-- avr-binutils (~2.23.2)
-- avr-libc (~1.8.0)
-ARM Specific (Teensy 3.0/3.1, Infinity Keyboard, McHCK)
-Arch Linux / Mac Ports
-- arm-none-eabi-gcc
-- arm-none-eaby-binutils
-- gcc-arm-none-eabi (win32.zip)
-Windows Setup
-Compiling on Windows does work, just it's a bunch more work.
-First make sure Cygwin is installed - http://www.cygwin.com/ - 32bit or 64bit is fine. Make sure the following are installed:
-- make
-- git (needed for some compilation info)
-- cmake
-- gcc-core
-- gcc-g++
-- libusb1.0
-- libusb1.0-devel
-- python3
-- ctags (recommended, not required)
-Please note, I use cygwin term exclusively for any command line options. Unless mentioned otherwise, use it.
-Do NOT use CMD or Powershell.
-Also install the Windows version of CMake (3+ is ideal) - http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
-Select "Do not add CMake to system PATH".
-This is in addition to the Cygwin version. This is an easier alternative to installing another C compiler.
-Add the following line to your .bashrc, making sure the CMake path is correct:
- echo "alias wincmake=\"PATH='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/CMake'/bin:'${PATH}' cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles'\"" >> ~/.bashrc
-Install the PJRC Virtual Serial Port Driver:
-Next, install the compiler(s) you want.
- ---------
-| AVR GCC |
- ---------
-You just need the Atmel AVR 8-bit Toolchain. The latest should be fine, as of writing it was 3.4.3.
-(Atmel AVR 8-bit Toolchain 3.4.3 - Windows)
-Extract the files to a directory, say C:\avr8-gnu-toolchain. Then copy all the folders in that directory to the Cygwin /usr/local directory.
-Mine is C:\cygwin64\usr\local.
-(You can also just setup the paths, but this is faster/simpler. Might screw up your Cygwin though).
- ----------
- ----------
-Download the latest GNU Tools for Embedded Processors gcc-arm-none-eabi.
-Download "gcc-arm-none-eabi*win32.zip".
-Then extract all the folders/files in the zip to the Cygwin /usr/local directory.
-Mine is C:\cygwin64\usr\local.
-Or, you can setup paths using the installer (you have to be more careful, avoid spaces in paths).
-CMake Info
-One of the big benefits of using CMake is the ability to build multiple configurations (for different microcontrollers) at the same time.
-The following sections explain in detail what each CMakeLists.txt configuration option does and what you can change it to.
-However, it is possible to configure each of these options using the -D command line flag.
-For example, to build the Infinity Keyboard default configuration:
-mkdir build_infinity
-cd build_infinity
-cmake -DCHIP=mk20dx128vlf5 -DScanModule=MD1 -DMacroModule=PartialMap -DOutputModule=pjrcUSB -DDebugModule=full -DBaseMap=defaultMap -DDefaultMap="md1Overlay stdFuncMap" -DPartialMaps="hhkbpro2" ..
-CMake defaults to the values specified in CMakeLists.txt if not overridden via the command line.
-NOTE: On Windows, you will have to use "wincmake" instead of "cmake".
-Selecting Microcontroller
-This is where you select the chip you want to compile for.
-The build system will automatically select the compiler needed to compile for your chip.
-Open up CMakeLists.txt in your favourite text editor.
-You are looking for:
- ###
- # Chip Selection
- #
- #| You _MUST_ set this to match the microcontroller you are trying to compile for
- #| You _MUST_ clean the build directory if you change this value
- #|
- set( CHIP
- # "at90usb162" # Teensy 1.0 (avr)
- # "atmega32u4" # Teensy 2.0 (avr)
- # "at90usb646" # Teensy++ 1.0 (avr)
- # "at90usb1286" # Teensy++ 2.0 (avr)
- # "mk20dx128" # Teensy 3.0 (arm)
- "mk20dx128vlf5" # McHCK mk20dx128vlf5
- # "mk20dx256" # Teensy 3.1 (arm)
- CACHE STRING "Microcontroller Chip" )
-Just uncomment the chip you want, and comment out the old one.
-NOTE: If you change this option, you will *need* to delete the build directory that is created in the Building sections below.
-Selecting Modules
-WARNING: Not all modules are compatible, and some modules may have dependencies on other modules.
-This is where the options start getting interesting.
-The Kiibohd Controller is designed around a set of 4 types of modules that correspond to different functionality:
-- Scan Module
-- Macro Module
-- Output Module
-- Debug Module
-The Scan Module is where the most interesting stuff happens. These modules take in "keypress data".
-A converter Scan Module will interpret a protocol into key press/releases.
-A matrix Scan Module may inherit from the matrix module to scan keypress from a matrix
-This module just has to give press/release codes, but does have some callback control to other modules depending on the lifecycle for press/release codes (this can be very complicated depending on the protocol).
-Each Scan Module has it's own default keymap/modifier map. (TODO recommend keymap changing in the Macro Module).
-Some scan modules have very specialized hardware requirements, each module directory should have at least a link to the needed parts and/or schematics (TODO!).
-The Macro Module takes care of the mapping of the key press/release code into an Output (USB) scan code.
-Any layering, macros, keypress intelligence/reaction is done here.
-The Output Module is the module dealing with output from the microcontroller. Currently USB is the only output protocol.
-Different USB output implementations are available, pjrc being the safest/least featureful one.
-Debug capabilities may depend on the module selected.
-The Debug Module enables various things like the Teensy LED on errors, debug terminal output.
-(TODO get true UART working in avr, not just arm)
-Open up CMakeLists.txt in your favourite text editor.
-Look for:
- ###
- # Project Modules
- #
- #| Note: This is the only section you probably want to modify
- #| Each module is defined by it's own folder (e.g. Scan/Matrix represents the "Matrix" module)
- #| All of the modules must be specified, as they generate the sources list of files to compile
- #| Any modifications to this file will cause a complete rebuild of the project
- #| Please look at the {Scan,Macro,Output,Debug} for information on the modules and how to create new ones
- ##| Deals with acquiring the keypress information and turning it into a key index
- set( ScanModule "MD1"
- CACHE STRING "Scan Module" )
- ##| Provides the mapping functions for DefaultMap and handles any macro processing before sending to the OutputModule
- set( MacroModule "PartialMap"
- CACHE STRING "Macro Module" )
- ##| Sends the current list of usb key codes through USB HID
- set( OutputModule "pjrcUSB"
- CACHE STRING "Output Module" )
- ##| Debugging source to use, each module has it's own set of defines that it sets
- set( DebugModule "full"
- CACHE STRING "Debug Module" )
-Look at each module individually for it's requirements. There is chip/architecture dependency checking but some permutations of modules may not be tested/compile.
-There are also CMake options for temporarily selecting modules. But it's easier to just edit the file.
-e.g. cmake -DScanModuleOverride=<module name>
-Linux Building
-From this directory.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-Example output:
- [master]: cmake .. [~/Source/controller/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
- -- Compiler Family:
- arm
- -- Chip Selected:
- mk20dx128vlf5
- -- Chip Family:
- mk20dx
- -- CPU Selected:
- cortex-m4
- -- Compiler Source Files:
- Lib/mk20dx.c;Lib/delay.c
- -- Bootloader Type:
- dfu
- -- Detected Scan Module Source Files:
- Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c;Scan/MD1/../MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c
- -- Detected Macro Module Source Files:
- Macro/PartialMap/macro.c
- -- Detected Output Module Source Files:
- Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c;
- Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c
- -- Detected Debug Module Source Files:
- Debug/full/../cli/cli.c;Debug/full/../led/led.c;Debug/full/../print/print.c
- -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.2.1")
- -- Found Ctags: /usr/bin/ctags (found version "5.8")
- -- Checking for latest kll version:
- Current branch master is up to date.
- -- Detected Layout Files:
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/Macro/PartialMap/capabilities.kll
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/Output/pjrcUSB/capabilities.kll
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/Scan/MD1/defaultMap.kll
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/kll/layouts/md1Overlay.kll
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/kll/layouts/stdFuncMap.kll
- /home/hyatt/Source/controller/kll/layouts/hhkbpro2.kll
- -- Configuring done
- -- Generating done
- -- Build files have been written to: /home/hyatt/Source/controller/build
- [master]: make [~/Source/controller/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
- [ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
- Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
- [ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o
- [ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/mk20dx.c.o
- [ 23%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/delay.c.o
- [ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c.o
- [ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c.o
- [ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Macro/PartialMap/macro.c.o
- [ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c.o
- [ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c.o
- [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c.o
- [ 64%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c.o
- [ 70%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c.o
- [ 76%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c.o
- [ 82%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/cli/cli.c.o
- [ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/led/led.c.o
- [ 94%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/print/print.c.o
- Linking C executable kiibohd.elf
- [ 94%] Built target kiibohd.elf
- Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
- [100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
- SRAM: 32% 5384/16384 bytes
- Flash: 18% 23384/126976 bytes
- [100%] Built target SizeAfter
-Linux Loading Firmware
-First place the keyboard into re-flash mode.
-This can be done either by pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy.
-Or by entering the Kiibohd Virtual Serial Port and using the 'reload' command.
-The 'load' script that is created during the build can load the firmware over USB.
-Either run it with sudo, or install the 98-kiibohd.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d
- and run: udevadm control --reload-rules
-To load the newly built firmware:
-Linux Building Bootloader
-*NOTE* Does not apply to Teensy based builds.
-From this directory.
-cd Bootloader
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-Example output:
- [master]: cmake .. [~/Source/controller/Bootloader/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
- -- Compiler Family:
- arm
- -- Chip Selected:
- mk20dx128vlf5
- -- Chip Family:
- mk20dx
- -- CPU Selected:
- cortex-m4
- -- Compiler Source Files:
- Lib/mk20dx.c;Lib/delay.c
- -- Bootloader Type:
- dfu
- -- Bootloader Source Files:
- main.c;dfu.c;dfu.desc.c;flash.c;kinetis.c;usb.c
- -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.2.1")
- -- Found Ctags: /usr/bin/ctags (found version "5.8")
- -- Configuring done
- -- Generating done
- -- Build files have been written to: /home/hyatt/Source/controller/Bootloader/build
- [master]: make [~/Source/controller/Bootloader/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
- Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd_bootloader.elf
- [ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/main.c.o
- [ 22%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/dfu.c.o
- [ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/dfu.desc.c.o
- [ 44%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/flash.c.o
- [ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/kinetis.c.o
- [ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/usb.c.o
- [ 77%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/home/hyatt/Source/controller/Lib/mk20dx.c.o
- [ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/home/hyatt/Source/controller/Lib/delay.c.o
- Linking C executable kiibohd_bootloader.elf
- [ 88%] Built target kiibohd_bootloader.elf
- Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
- [100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
- SRAM: 19% 3176/16384 bytes
- Flash: 2% 3736/126976 bytes
- [100%] Built target SizeAfter
-Linux Loading Bootloader
-*NOTE* Does not apply to Teensy based builds.
-It's recommended to use an SWD-type flasher like a Bus Pirate.
-There is a convenience script for loading the firmware once the system is setup.
-cd Bootloader/Scripts
-The above script requires Ruby, Ruby serial port module, git, and a /dev/buspirate udev rule.
-Additional Notes:
-https://github.com/mchck/mchck/wiki/Getting-Started (See Bus-Pirate section)
-Windows Building
-From this directory.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-wincmake ..
-Example output:
- $ wincmake ..
- -- Compiler Family:
- arm
- -- Chip Selected:
- mk20dx128vlf5
- -- Chip Family:
- mk20dx
- -- CPU Selected:
- cortex-m4
- -- Compiler Source Files:
- Lib/mk20dx.c;Lib/delay.c
- -- Bootloader Type:
- dfu
- -- Detected Scan Module Source Files:
- Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c;Scan/MD1/../MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c
- -- Detected Macro Module Source Files:
- Macro/PartialMap/macro.c
- -- Detected Output Module Source Files:
- Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c;Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c
- -- Detected Debug Module Source Files:
- Debug/full/../cli/cli.c;Debug/full/../led/led.c;Debug/full/../print/print.c
- -- Found Git: C:/cygwin64/bin/git.exe (found version "2.1.1")
- -- Found Ctags: C:/cygwin64/bin/ctags.exe (found version "5.8")
- -- Checking for latest kll version:
- Current branch master is up to date.
- -- Detected Layout Files:
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/Macro/PartialMap/capabilities.kll
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/Output/pjrcUSB/capabilities.kll
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/Scan/MD1/defaultMap.kll
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/kll/layouts/md1Overlay.kll
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/kll/layouts/stdFuncMap.kll
- C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/kll/layouts/hhkbpro2.kll
- -- Configuring done
- -- Generating done
- -- Build files have been written to: C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/build
- Jacob@DenPC ~/controller/build
- $ make
- [ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
- Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
- [ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.obj
- [ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/mk20dx.c.obj
- [ 23%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/delay.c.obj
- [ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c.obj
- [ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c.obj
- [ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Macro/PartialMap/macro.c.obj
- [ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c.obj
- [ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c.obj
- [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c.obj
- [ 64%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c.obj
- [ 70%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c.obj
- [ 76%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c.obj
- [ 82%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/cli/cli.c.obj
- [ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/led/led.c.obj
- [ 94%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/print/print.c.obj
- Linking C executable kiibohd.elf
- [ 94%] Built target kiibohd.elf
- Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
- [100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
- SRAM: 32% 5384/16384 bytes
- Flash: 18% 23296/126976 bytes
- [100%] Built target SizeAfter
-If you get the following error, you have not setup wincmake correctly:
-$ make
-[ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
-Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
-[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o
-../main.c:28:19: fatal error: macro.h: No such file or directory
- #include <macro.h>
- ^
-compilation terminated.
-CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/build.make:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o' failed
-make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o] Error 1
-CMakeFiles/Makefile2:98: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/all' failed
-make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/all] Error 2
-Makefile:75: recipe for target 'all' failed
-make: *** [all] Error 2
-If you have already added the line to your ~/.bashrc try restarting your cygwin shell.
-Windows Loading Firmware
-First place the keyboard into re-flash mode.
-This can be done either by pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy.
-Or by entering the Kiibohd Virtual Serial Interface and using the 'reload' command.
-The 'load' script that is created during the build can load the firmware over USB.
-To load the newly built firmware:
-Be patient the couple of times, Windows is slow at installing drivers...
-Mac OS X Building
-From this directory.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-Example output:
-Mac OS X Loading Firmware
-First place the keyboard into re-flash mode.
-This can be done either by pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy.
-Or by entering the Kiibohd Virtual Serial Port and using the 'reload' command.
-The 'load' script that is created during the build can load the firmware over USB.
-To load the newly built firmware:
-Virtual Serial Port - CLI
-Rather than use a special program that can interpret Raw HID, this controller exposes a USB Serial CDC endpoint.
-This allows for you to use a generic serial terminal to debug/control the keyboard firmware (e.g. Tera Term, minicom, screen)
- -------
-| Linux |
- -------
-I generally use screen.
-You will need sudo/root priviledges if you haven't installed the 98-kiibohd.rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d
-screen /dev/ttyACM0
-(Might be ACM1, ACM2, etc.)
- ---------
-| Windows |
- ---------
-Make sure the Teensy Virtual Serial Port driver is installed.
-If possible use screen (as part of Cygwin).
-Check which COM port the virtual serial port has been assigned to:
- Device Manager->Ports (COM & LPT)->Teensy USB Serial
- In brackets it will say which COM port (e.g. COM3)
-putty works well when using DTR/DSR or RTS/CTS flow control.
-Connection type: Serial
-Serial line: <Your COM port, e.g. COM3>
-Speed: (doesn't matter, it's auto-negotiated)
-Under Category->Connections->Serial
-Flow control: DTR/DSR
-If stuff is hard to read (you have a dumb colour scheme):
-Category->Window->Colours->Use system colur
-That seems to make text at least readable (I use a custom colour scheme that makes each colour easy to see -HaaTa).
-Unfortunately, screen for Cygwin seems to be broken for serial ports, but you can try it...
-screen /dev/ttyS2
-(Might be a different file, ttyS0, ttyACM0, ttyUSB0, etc.)
-Gnu screen doesn't seem to echo all the characters (it works though).
-I believe it's a problem with stty, but I don't know how to fix it...
- ----------
-| Mac OS X |
- ----------
-I recommend screen (can be installed via Macports).
-screen /dev/tty.<usb something>
--- /dev/null
+The Kiibohd Controller
+This README is a bit long, just look at the sections you are interested in.
+You only need to install avr-gcc if you want to build for the Teensy 2.0/2.0++.
+Everything else needs an arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler (e.g. Infinity keyboard,
+Teensy 3.0/3.1, McHCK).
+Linux is the ideal build environment (preferably recent'ish). In the near
+future I'll make available an Arch Linux VM for building/manufacturing tests.
+Building on Mac should be ok for 99% of users with Macports (haven't tried
+Brew). The dfu Bootloader will not build correctly with the old version of
+arm-none-eabi-gcc that Macports currently has (4.7.3). This is due to a bug
+with lto (link time optimizations) which makes the resulting binary too big to
+fit on the chip (must be less than 4096 Bytes).
+Building on Windows should also be fine for 99% of users, but takes a bunch of
+work to setup (because Windows is a crappy dev environment). Cygwin is
+currently required along with some non-Cygwin compilers and utilities (because
+they are not available for Cygwin). The dfu Bootloader will not build because
+of a Make 3.81+ bug/feature that removed support for non-Unix (Windows)
+filenames as dependencies of targets. If you [replace the version of Make in
+it should work. However, make sure that the flash size is no larger than 4096
+Bytes or the bootloader will not work. Things will likely break if there are
+**SPACES IN YOUR PATHS**. I install cygwin to `C:\cygwin64`. If you are brave
+and have programming knowledge, I will accept patches to fix any issues
+regarding spaces in paths.
+Please give authors credit for modules used if you use in a distributed
+product :D
+General Dependencies
+Below listed are the Arch Linux pacman names, AUR packages may be required.
+These depend a bit on which targets you are trying to build, but the general
+- cmake (2.8 and higher)
+- git
+- ctags (recommended, not required)
+- python3
+- libusb1.0 (and -devel)
+- make
+AVR Specific (Teensy 1.0/++,2.0/++) (try to use something recent, suggested
+versions below)
+- avr-gcc (~4.8.0)
+- avr-binutils (~2.23.2)
+- avr-libc (~1.8.0)
+ARM Specific (Teensy 3.0/3.1, Infinity Keyboard, McHCK)
+- Arch Linux / Mac Ports
+ - arm-none-eabi-gcc
+ - arm-none-eaby-binutils
+- Windows (https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+download)
+ - gcc-arm-none-eabi (win32.zip)
+Windows Setup
+Compiling on Windows does work, just it's a bunch more work.
+First make sure Cygwin is installed - http://www.cygwin.com/ - 32bit or 64bit
+is fine. Make sure the following are installed:
+- make
+- git (needed for some compilation info)
+- cmake
+- gcc-core
+- gcc-g++
+- libusb1.0
+- libusb1.0-devel
+- python3
+- ctags (recommended, not required)
+Please note, I use cygwin term exclusively for any command line options.
+Unless mentioned otherwise, use it. Do NOT use CMD or Powershell.
+Also install the [Windows version of CMake](http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html)
+(3+ is ideal) - Select "Do not add CMake to system PATH". This is in addition
+to the Cygwin version. This is an easier alternative to installing another C
+compiler. Add the following line to your .bashrc, making sure the CMake path
+is correct:
+ echo "alias wincmake=\"PATH='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/CMake'/bin:'${PATH}' cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles'\"" >> ~/.bashrc
+Install the [PJRC Virtual Serial Port Driver](http://pjrc.com/teensy/serial_install.exe).
+Next, install the compiler(s) you want.
+### AVR GCC
+You just need the
+[Atmel AVR 8-bit Toolchain](http://www.atmel.com/tools/atmelavrtoolchainforwindows.aspx).
+The latest should be fine, as of writing it was 3.4.3.
+Extract the files to a directory, say `C:\avr8-gnu-toolchain`. Then copy all
+the folders in that directory to the Cygwin `/usr/local` directory. Mine is
+`C:\cygwin64\usr\local`. (You can also just setup the paths, but this is
+faster/simpler. Might screw up your Cygwin though).
+Download the latest
+[GNU Tools for Embedded Processors
+Download `gcc-arm-none-eabi*win32.zip`.
+Then extract all the folders/files in the zip to the Cygwin `/usr/local`
+directory. Mine is `C:\cygwin64\usr\local`. Or, you can setup paths using
+the installer (you have to be more careful, avoid spaces in paths).
+CMake Info
+One of the big benefits of using CMake is the ability to build multiple
+configurations (for different microcontrollers) at the same time. The
+following sections explain in detail what each CMakeLists.txt configuration
+option does and what you can change it to. However, it is possible to
+configure each of these options using the `-D` command line flag.
+For example, to build the Infinity Keyboard default configuration:
+$ mkdir build_infinity
+$ cd build_infinity
+$ cmake -DCHIP=mk20dx128vlf5 -DScanModule=MD1 -DMacroModule=PartialMap \
+ -DOutputModule=pjrcUSB -DDebugModule=full -DBaseMap=defaultMap \
+ -DDefaultMap="md1Overlay stdFuncMap" -DPartialMaps="hhkbpro2" \
+ ..
+$ make
+CMake defaults to the values specified in CMakeLists.txt if not overridden via
+the command line.
+> NOTE: On Windows, you will have to use "wincmake" instead of "cmake".
+Selecting Microcontroller
+This is where you select the chip you want to compile for. The build system
+will automatically select the compiler needed to compile for your chip.
+Open up CMakeLists.txt in your favourite text editor. You are looking for:
+# Chip Selection
+#| You _MUST_ set this to match the microcontroller you are trying to compile for
+#| You _MUST_ clean the build directory if you change this value
+set( CHIP
+# "at90usb162" # Teensy 1.0 (avr)
+# "atmega32u4" # Teensy 2.0 (avr)
+# "at90usb646" # Teensy++ 1.0 (avr)
+# "at90usb1286" # Teensy++ 2.0 (avr)
+# "mk20dx128" # Teensy 3.0 (arm)
+ "mk20dx128vlf5" # McHCK mk20dx128vlf5
+# "mk20dx256" # Teensy 3.1 (arm)
+ CACHE STRING "Microcontroller Chip" )
+Just uncomment the chip you want, and comment out the old one.
+> NOTE: If you change this option, you will *need* to delete the build
+> directory that is created in the Building sections below.
+Selecting Modules
+> WARNING: Not all modules are compatible, and some modules may have
+> dependencies on other modules.
+This is where the options start getting interesting. The Kiibohd Controller
+is designed around a set of 4 types of modules that correspond to different
+- Scan Module
+- Macro Module
+- Output Module
+- Debug Module
+The Scan Module is where the most interesting stuff happens. These modules
+take in "keypress data". A converter Scan Module will interpret a protocol
+into key press/releases. A matrix Scan Module may inherit from the matrix
+module to scan keypress from a matrix This module just has to give
+press/release codes, but does have some callback control to other modules
+depending on the lifecycle for press/release codes (this can be very
+complicated depending on the protocol). Each Scan Module has it's own default
+keymap/modifier map. (TODO recommend keymap changing in the Macro Module).
+Some scan modules have very specialized hardware requirements, each module
+directory should have at least a link to the needed parts and/or schematics
+The Macro Module takes care of the mapping of the key press/release code into
+an Output (USB) scan code. Any layering, macros, keypress
+intelligence/reaction is done here.
+The Output Module is the module dealing with output from the microcontroller.
+Currently USB is the only output protocol. Different USB output
+implementations are available, pjrc being the safest/least featureful one.
+Debug capabilities may depend on the module selected.
+The Debug Module enables various things like the Teensy LED on errors, debug
+terminal output. (TODO get true UART working in avr, not just arm)
+Open up CMakeLists.txt in your favourite text editor. Look for:
+# Project Modules
+#| Note: This is the only section you probably want to modify
+#| Each module is defined by it's own folder (e.g. Scan/Matrix represents the "Matrix" module)
+#| All of the modules must be specified, as they generate the sources list of files to compile
+#| Any modifications to this file will cause a complete rebuild of the project
+#| Please look at the {Scan,Macro,Output,Debug} for information on the modules and how to create new ones
+##| Deals with acquiring the keypress information and turning it into a key index
+set( ScanModule "MD1"
+ CACHE STRING "Scan Module" )
+##| Provides the mapping functions for DefaultMap and handles any macro processing before sending to the OutputModule
+set( MacroModule "PartialMap"
+ CACHE STRING "Macro Module" )
+##| Sends the current list of usb key codes through USB HID
+set( OutputModule "pjrcUSB"
+ CACHE STRING "Output Module" )
+##| Debugging source to use, each module has it's own set of defines that it sets
+set( DebugModule "full"
+ CACHE STRING "Debug Module" )
+Look at each module individually for it's requirements. There is
+chip/architecture dependency checking but some permutations of modules may not
+be tested/compile.
+There are also CMake options for temporarily selecting modules. But it's
+easier to just edit the file. e.g. `cmake -DScanModuleOverride=<module name>`.
+Linux Building
+From this directory.
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ cmake ..
+$ make
+Example output:
+$ cmake ..
+-- Compiler Family:
+-- Chip Selected:
+-- Chip Family:
+-- CPU Selected:
+-- Compiler Source Files:
+-- Bootloader Type:
+-- Detected Scan Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Macro Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Output Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Debug Module Source Files:
+-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.2.1")
+-- Found Ctags: /usr/bin/ctags (found version "5.8")
+-- Checking for latest kll version:
+Current branch master is up to date.
+-- Detected Layout Files:
+-- Configuring done
+-- Generating done
+-- Build files have been written to: /home/hyatt/Source/controller/build
+[master]: make [~/Source/controller/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
+[ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
+Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
+[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o
+[ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/mk20dx.c.o
+[ 23%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/delay.c.o
+[ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c.o
+[ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c.o
+[ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Macro/PartialMap/macro.c.o
+[ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c.o
+[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c.o
+[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c.o
+[ 64%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c.o
+[ 70%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c.o
+[ 76%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c.o
+[ 82%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/cli/cli.c.o
+[ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/led/led.c.o
+[ 94%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/print/print.c.o
+Linking C executable kiibohd.elf
+[ 94%] Built target kiibohd.elf
+Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
+[100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
+ SRAM: 32% 5384/16384 bytes
+ Flash: 18% 23384/126976 bytes
+[100%] Built target SizeAfter
+Linux Loading Firmware
+First place the keyboard into re-flash mode. This can be done either by
+pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy. Or by entering the Kiibohd
+Virtual Serial Port and using the 'reload' command.
+The `load` script that is created during the build can load the firmware over
+USB. Either run it with sudo, or install the `98-kiibohd.rules` to
+`/etc/udev/rules.d` and run: `udevadm control --reload-rules`.
+To load the newly built firmware: `./load`.
+Linux Building Bootloader
+> NOTE: Does not apply to Teensy based builds.
+From this directory.
+$ cd Bootloader
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ cmake ..
+$ make
+Example output:
+$ cmake ..
+-- Compiler Family:
+-- Chip Selected:
+-- Chip Family:
+-- CPU Selected:
+-- Compiler Source Files:
+-- Bootloader Type:
+-- Bootloader Source Files:
+-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.2.1")
+-- Found Ctags: /usr/bin/ctags (found version "5.8")
+-- Configuring done
+-- Generating done
+-- Build files have been written to: /home/hyatt/Source/controller/Bootloader/build
+[master]: make [~/Source/controller/Bootloader/build](hyatt@x230mas:pts/6)
+Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd_bootloader.elf
+[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/main.c.o
+[ 22%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/dfu.c.o
+[ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/dfu.desc.c.o
+[ 44%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/flash.c.o
+[ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/kinetis.c.o
+[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/usb.c.o
+[ 77%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/home/hyatt/Source/controller/Lib/mk20dx.c.o
+[ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd_bootloader.elf.dir/home/hyatt/Source/controller/Lib/delay.c.o
+Linking C executable kiibohd_bootloader.elf
+[ 88%] Built target kiibohd_bootloader.elf
+Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
+[100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
+ SRAM: 19% 3176/16384 bytes
+ Flash: 2% 3736/126976 bytes
+[100%] Built target SizeAfter
+Linux Loading Bootloader
+> NOTE: Does not apply to Teensy based builds.
+It's recommended to use an SWD-type flasher like a Bus Pirate. There is a
+convenience script for loading the firmware once the system is setup.
+$ cd Bootloader/Scripts
+$ ./swdLoad.bash
+The above script requires Ruby, Ruby serial port module, git, and a
+`/dev/buspirate` udev rule.
+Additional Notes:
+* https://github.com/mchck/mchck/wiki/Getting-Started (See Bus-Pirate section)
+* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bus_pirate
+Windows Building
+From this directory.
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ wincmake ..
+$ make
+Example output:
+$ wincmake ..
+-- Compiler Family:
+-- Chip Selected:
+-- Chip Family:
+-- CPU Selected:
+-- Compiler Source Files:
+-- Bootloader Type:
+-- Detected Scan Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Macro Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Output Module Source Files:
+-- Detected Debug Module Source Files:
+-- Found Git: C:/cygwin64/bin/git.exe (found version "2.1.1")
+-- Found Ctags: C:/cygwin64/bin/ctags.exe (found version "5.8")
+-- Checking for latest kll version:
+Current branch master is up to date.
+-- Detected Layout Files:
+-- Configuring done
+-- Generating done
+-- Build files have been written to: C:/cygwin64/home/Jacob/controller/build
+$ make
+[ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
+Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
+[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.obj
+[ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/mk20dx.c.obj
+[ 23%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Lib/delay.c.obj
+[ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c.obj
+[ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Scan/MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c.obj
+[ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Macro/PartialMap/macro.c.obj
+[ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c.obj
+[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_desc.c.obj
+[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_dev.c.obj
+[ 64%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_keyboard.c.obj
+[ 70%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_mem.c.obj
+[ 76%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Output/pjrcUSB/arm/usb_serial.c.obj
+[ 82%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/cli/cli.c.obj
+[ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/led/led.c.obj
+[ 94%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/Debug/print/print.c.obj
+Linking C executable kiibohd.elf
+[ 94%] Built target kiibohd.elf
+Scanning dependencies of target SizeAfter
+[100%] Chip usage for mk20dx128vlf5
+ SRAM: 32% 5384/16384 bytes
+ Flash: 18% 23296/126976 bytes
+[100%] Built target SizeAfter
+### NOTES:
+If you get the following error, you have not setup wincmake correctly:
+$ make
+[ 5%] Generating KLL Layout
+Scanning dependencies of target kiibohd.elf
+[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o
+../main.c:28:19: fatal error: macro.h: No such file or directory
+ #include <macro.h>
+ ^
+compilation terminated.
+CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/build.make:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o' failed
+make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/main.c.o] Error 1
+CMakeFiles/Makefile2:98: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/all' failed
+make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/kiibohd.elf.dir/all] Error 2
+Makefile:75: recipe for target 'all' failed
+make: *** [all] Error 2
+If you have already added the line to your `~/.bashrc` try restarting your
+cygwin shell.
+Windows Loading Firmware
+First place the keyboard into re-flash mode. This can be done either by
+pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy. Or by entering the Kiibohd
+Virtual Serial Interface and using the `reload` command.
+The `load` script that is created during the build can load the firmware over
+To load the newly built firmware: `./load`
+Be patient the couple of times, Windows is slow at installing drivers...
+Mac OS X Building
+From this directory.
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ cmake ..
+$ make
+Example output:
+Mac OS X Loading Firmware
+First place the keyboard into re-flash mode. This can be done either by
+pressing the re-flash button on the PCB/Teensy. Or by entering the Kiibohd
+Virtual Serial Port and using the `reload` command.
+The `load` script that is created during the build can load the firmware over
+To load the newly built firmware: `./load`.
+Virtual Serial Port - CLI
+Rather than use a special program that can interpret Raw HID, this controller exposes a USB Serial CDC endpoint.
+This allows for you to use a generic serial terminal to debug/control the keyboard firmware (e.g. Tera Term, minicom, screen)
+### Linux
+I generally use screen. You will need sudo/root priviledges if you haven't
+installed the `98-kiibohd.rules` file to `/etc/udev/rules.d`.
+$ screen /dev/ttyACM0
+# (Might be ACM1, ACM2, etc.)
+### Windows
+Make sure the Teensy Virtual Serial Port driver is installed. If possible use
+screen (as part of Cygwin). Check which COM port the virtual serial port has
+been assigned to: `Device Manager->Ports (COM & LPT)->Teensy USB Serial`. In
+brackets it will say which COM port (e.g. COM3)
+putty works well when using DTR/DSR or RTS/CTS flow control.
+| Setting | Value |
+| --------------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| Connection type | Serial |
+| Serial line | Your COM port, e.g. COM3 |
+| Speed | doesn't matter, it's auto-negotiated |
+Under `Category->Connections->Serial`: `Flow control: DTR/DSR`.
+If stuff is hard to read (you have a dumb colour scheme):
+`Category->Window->Colours->Use system color`. That seems to make text at
+least readable
+> I use a custom colour scheme that makes each colour easy to see.
+> -HaaTa.
+Unfortunately, screen for Cygwin seems to be broken for serial ports, but you
+can try it...
+$ screen /dev/ttyS2
+# Might be a different file, ttyS0, ttyACM0, ttyUSB0, etc.
+Gnu screen doesn't seem to echo all the characters (it works though).
+I believe it's a problem with stty, but I don't know how to fix it...
+### Mac OS X
+I recommend screen (can be installed via Macports).
+$ screen /dev/tty.<usb something>