+pl 31.jcn2
+ - first version of (non-ugh) c-klef
pl 31
- bf: replaced Score_column assert by a warning (thanks Scott)
- bf: mi2mu version output (thanks Scott)
# use the above to send patches, always empty for released version:
# please don't move these comments up; the patch should fail if
--- /dev/null
+% generated automatically by mf-to-table.py version 0.4
+% on Tue Nov 18 23:42:04 1997
+% Do not edit
+% input from out/feta16.log
+% name=\symboltables {
+ "rests" = \table {
+ "0" "\\wholerest" -0.00\pt 6.00\pt -2.50\pt 0.00\pt
+ "1" "\\halfrest" -0.00\pt 6.00\pt -0.00\pt 2.50\pt
+ "0o" "\\outsidewholerest" -2.50\pt 8.50\pt -2.50\pt 0.40\pt
+ "1o" "\\outsidehalfrest" -2.50\pt 8.50\pt -0.40\pt 2.50\pt
+ "2" "\\quartrest" -0.00\pt 4.32\pt 3.00\pt 14.40\pt
+ "3" "\\eighthrest" -0.00\pt 5.33\pt 4.00\pt 11.47\pt
+ "4" "\\sixteenthrest" -0.00\pt 6.23\pt -0.00\pt 11.47\pt
+ "5" "\\thirtysecondrest" -0.00\pt 7.03\pt -0.00\pt 15.47\pt
+ "6" "\\sixtyfourthrest" -0.00\pt 7.53\pt -0.00\pt 19.47\pt
+ "7" "\\hundredtwentyeighthrest" -0.00\pt 8.38\pt -0.00\pt 23.47\pt
+ }
+ "accidentals" = \table {
+ "1" "\\sharp" -0.00\pt 4.40\pt -6.00\pt 6.00\pt
+ "0" "\\natural" -0.00\pt 2.67\pt -6.00\pt 6.00\pt
+ "-1" "\\flat" -0.48\pt 3.20\pt -2.00\pt 8.00\pt
+ "-2" "\\flatflat" -0.48\pt 5.80\pt -2.00\pt 8.00\pt
+ "2" "\\sharpsharp" -0.00\pt 4.00\pt -2.00\pt 2.00\pt
+ }
+ "dots" = \table {
+ "dot" "\\dot" -0.00\pt 1.80\pt -0.90\pt 0.90\pt
+ "repeatcolon" "\\repeatcolon" -0.00\pt 1.80\pt -2.00\pt 2.00\pt
+ }
+ "balls" = \table {
+ "-1" "\\brevisball" -0.00\pt 8.00\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "-1l" "\\brevisledger" -2.00\pt 10.00\pt -0.40\pt 0.40\pt
+ "-2" "\\longaball" -0.00\pt 8.00\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "-2l" "\\longaledger" -2.00\pt 10.00\pt -0.40\pt 0.40\pt
+ "0" "\\wholeball" -0.00\pt 7.92\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "0l" "\\wholeledger" -1.98\pt 9.90\pt -0.40\pt 0.40\pt
+ "1" "\\halfball" -0.00\pt 5.51\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "1l" "\\halfledger" -1.38\pt 6.89\pt -0.40\pt 0.40\pt
+ "2" "\\quartball" -0.00\pt 5.28\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "2l" "\\quartledger" -1.32\pt 6.61\pt -0.40\pt 0.40\pt
+ }
+ "scripts" = \table {
+ "ufermata" "\\ufermata" -5.30\pt 5.30\pt -0.30\pt 5.80\pt
+ "dfermata" "\\dfermata" -5.30\pt 5.30\pt -5.80\pt 0.30\pt
+ "sforzato" "\\sforzatoaccent" -3.60\pt 3.60\pt -2.00\pt 2.00\pt
+ "staccato" "\\staccato" -0.60\pt 0.60\pt -0.60\pt 0.60\pt
+ "ustaccatissimo" "\\ustaccatissimo" -0.80\pt 0.80\pt -0.20\pt 4.00\pt
+ "dstaccatissimo" "\\dstaccatissimo" -0.80\pt 0.80\pt -4.00\pt 0.20\pt
+ "tenuto" "\\tenuto" -3.60\pt 3.60\pt -0.24\pt 0.24\pt
+ "umarcato" "\\umarcato" -2.00\pt 2.00\pt -0.00\pt 4.40\pt
+ "dmarcato" "\\dmarcato" -2.00\pt 2.00\pt -4.40\pt 0.00\pt
+ "open" "\\ouvert" -1.60\pt 1.60\pt -2.00\pt 2.00\pt
+ "stopped" "\\plusstop" -2.20\pt 2.20\pt -2.20\pt 2.20\pt
+ "upbow" "\\upbow" -2.60\pt 2.60\pt -0.00\pt 8.32\pt
+ "downbow" "\\downbow" -3.00\pt 3.00\pt -0.00\pt 5.33\pt
+ "turn" "\\turn" -4.38\pt 4.38\pt -2.12\pt 2.12\pt
+ "trill" "\\trill" -0.00\pt 8.00\pt -0.00\pt 9.00\pt
+ "pedalheel" "\\pedalheel" -2.00\pt 2.00\pt -2.00\pt 2.67\pt
+ "pedaltoe" "\\pedaltoe" -2.00\pt 2.00\pt -0.00\pt 6.00\pt
+ }
+ "flags" = \table {
+ "u3" "\\eighthflag" -0.20\pt 4.10\pt -12.26\pt 0.20\pt
+ "u4" "\\sixteenthflag" -0.20\pt 4.10\pt -14.26\pt 0.20\pt
+ "u5" "\\thirtysecondflag" -0.20\pt 4.10\pt -17.26\pt 0.20\pt
+ "u6" "\\sixtyfourthflag" -0.20\pt 4.10\pt -21.26\pt 0.20\pt
+ "d3" "\\deighthflag" -0.20\pt 4.54\pt -0.20\pt 11.66\pt
+ "d4" "\\dsixteenthflag" -0.20\pt 4.54\pt -0.20\pt 12.26\pt
+ "d5" "\\dthirtysecondflag" -0.20\pt 4.54\pt -0.20\pt 15.66\pt
+ "d6" "\\dsixtyfourthflag" -0.20\pt 4.54\pt -0.20\pt 17.66\pt
+ }
+ "klef" = \table {
+ "alto" "\\altoclef" -0.00\pt 10.00\pt -8.00\pt 8.00\pt
+ "alto_change" "\\caltoclef" -0.00\pt 8.00\pt -6.40\pt 6.40\pt
+ "bass" "\\bassclef" 1.20\pt 12.80\pt -10.00\pt 4.00\pt
+ "bass_change" "\\cbassclef" 0.96\pt 10.24\pt -8.00\pt 3.20\pt
+ "violin" "\\violinclef" 0.11\pt 10.55\pt -12.00\pt 20.00\pt
+ "violin_change" "\\cviolinclef" 0.17\pt 8.52\pt -9.60\pt 16.00\pt
+ }
+ % } % $name
--- /dev/null
+% generated automatically by mf-to-table.py version 0.4
+% on Tue Nov 18 23:42:28 1997
+% Do not edit
+% input from out/feta20.log
+% name=\symboltables {
+ "rests" = \table {
+ "0" "\\wholerest" -0.00\pt 7.50\pt -3.13\pt 0.00\pt
+ "1" "\\halfrest" -0.00\pt 7.50\pt -0.00\pt 3.13\pt
+ "0o" "\\outsidewholerest" -3.13\pt 10.62\pt -3.13\pt 0.50\pt
+ "1o" "\\outsidehalfrest" -3.13\pt 10.62\pt -0.50\pt 3.13\pt
+ "2" "\\quartrest" -0.00\pt 5.40\pt 3.75\pt 18.00\pt
+ "3" "\\eighthrest" -0.00\pt 6.67\pt 5.00\pt 14.33\pt
+ "4" "\\sixteenthrest" -0.00\pt 7.79\pt -0.00\pt 14.33\pt
+ "5" "\\thirtysecondrest" -0.00\pt 8.78\pt -0.00\pt 19.33\pt
+ "6" "\\sixtyfourthrest" -0.00\pt 9.41\pt -0.00\pt 24.33\pt
+ "7" "\\hundredtwentyeighthrest" -0.00\pt 10.47\pt -0.00\pt 29.33\pt
+ }
+ "accidentals" = \table {
+ "1" "\\sharp" -0.00\pt 5.50\pt -7.50\pt 7.50\pt
+ "0" "\\natural" -0.00\pt 3.33\pt -7.50\pt 7.50\pt
+ "-1" "\\flat" -0.60\pt 4.00\pt -2.50\pt 10.00\pt
+ "-2" "\\flatflat" -0.60\pt 7.25\pt -2.50\pt 10.00\pt
+ "2" "\\sharpsharp" -0.00\pt 5.00\pt -2.50\pt 2.50\pt
+ }
+ "dots" = \table {
+ "dot" "\\dot" -0.00\pt 2.25\pt -1.13\pt 1.13\pt
+ "repeatcolon" "\\repeatcolon" -0.00\pt 2.25\pt -2.50\pt 2.50\pt
+ }
+ "balls" = \table {
+ "-1" "\\brevisball" -0.00\pt 10.00\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "-1l" "\\brevisledger" -2.50\pt 12.50\pt -0.50\pt 0.50\pt
+ "-2" "\\longaball" -0.00\pt 10.00\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "-2l" "\\longaledger" -2.50\pt 12.50\pt -0.50\pt 0.50\pt
+ "0" "\\wholeball" -0.00\pt 9.90\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "0l" "\\wholeledger" -2.48\pt 12.38\pt -0.50\pt 0.50\pt
+ "1" "\\halfball" -0.00\pt 6.89\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "1l" "\\halfledger" -1.72\pt 8.61\pt -0.50\pt 0.50\pt
+ "2" "\\quartball" -0.00\pt 6.61\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "2l" "\\quartledger" -1.65\pt 8.26\pt -0.50\pt 0.50\pt
+ }
+ "scripts" = \table {
+ "ufermata" "\\ufermata" -6.63\pt 6.63\pt -0.38\pt 7.25\pt
+ "dfermata" "\\dfermata" -6.63\pt 6.63\pt -7.25\pt 0.38\pt
+ "sforzato" "\\sforzatoaccent" -4.50\pt 4.50\pt -2.50\pt 2.50\pt
+ "staccato" "\\staccato" -0.75\pt 0.75\pt -0.75\pt 0.75\pt
+ "ustaccatissimo" "\\ustaccatissimo" -1.00\pt 1.00\pt -0.20\pt 5.00\pt
+ "dstaccatissimo" "\\dstaccatissimo" -1.00\pt 1.00\pt -5.00\pt 0.20\pt
+ "tenuto" "\\tenuto" -4.50\pt 4.50\pt -0.30\pt 0.30\pt
+ "umarcato" "\\umarcato" -2.50\pt 2.50\pt -0.00\pt 5.50\pt
+ "dmarcato" "\\dmarcato" -2.50\pt 2.50\pt -5.50\pt 0.00\pt
+ "open" "\\ouvert" -2.00\pt 2.00\pt -2.50\pt 2.50\pt
+ "stopped" "\\plusstop" -2.75\pt 2.75\pt -2.75\pt 2.75\pt
+ "upbow" "\\upbow" -3.25\pt 3.25\pt -0.00\pt 10.40\pt
+ "downbow" "\\downbow" -3.75\pt 3.75\pt -0.00\pt 6.67\pt
+ "turn" "\\turn" -5.47\pt 5.47\pt -2.65\pt 2.65\pt
+ "trill" "\\trill" -0.00\pt 10.00\pt -0.00\pt 11.25\pt
+ "pedalheel" "\\pedalheel" -2.50\pt 2.50\pt -2.50\pt 3.33\pt
+ "pedaltoe" "\\pedaltoe" -2.50\pt 2.50\pt -0.00\pt 7.50\pt
+ }
+ "flags" = \table {
+ "u3" "\\eighthflag" -0.25\pt 5.13\pt -15.33\pt 0.25\pt
+ "u4" "\\sixteenthflag" -0.25\pt 5.13\pt -17.83\pt 0.25\pt
+ "u5" "\\thirtysecondflag" -0.25\pt 5.13\pt -21.58\pt 0.25\pt
+ "u6" "\\sixtyfourthflag" -0.25\pt 5.13\pt -26.58\pt 0.25\pt
+ "d3" "\\deighthflag" -0.25\pt 5.68\pt -0.25\pt 14.58\pt
+ "d4" "\\dsixteenthflag" -0.25\pt 5.68\pt -0.25\pt 15.33\pt
+ "d5" "\\dthirtysecondflag" -0.25\pt 5.68\pt -0.25\pt 19.58\pt
+ "d6" "\\dsixtyfourthflag" -0.25\pt 5.68\pt -0.25\pt 22.08\pt
+ }
+ "klef" = \table {
+ "alto" "\\altoclef" -0.00\pt 12.50\pt -10.00\pt 10.00\pt
+ "alto_change" "\\caltoclef" -0.00\pt 10.00\pt -8.00\pt 8.00\pt
+ "bass" "\\bassclef" 1.50\pt 16.00\pt -12.50\pt 5.00\pt
+ "bass_change" "\\cbassclef" 1.20\pt 12.80\pt -10.00\pt 4.00\pt
+ "violin" "\\violinclef" 0.14\pt 13.19\pt -15.00\pt 25.00\pt
+ "violin_change" "\\cviolinclef" 0.21\pt 10.65\pt -12.00\pt 20.00\pt
+ }
+ % } % $name
% input feta-bolletjes;
% input feta-banier;
% input feta-eindelijk;
-% input feta-klef;
- input feta-toevallig;
+ input feta-klef;
+% input feta-toevallig;
+% [Wanske] says the bulbs should be positioned about 1/4 right of the
+% "arrow"
def draw_c_clef (expr reduction) =
save hair, norm, reduced_il;
define_pixels (hair,norm,reduced_il);
- set_char_box (0, 11/4interline#, 2 reduced_il#, 2 reduced_il#);
- % huh, what's y-zero?
+ set_char_box (0, 5/2reduced_il#, 2 reduced_il#, 2 reduced_il#);
draw_block ((0,-d), (1/2reduced_il,h));
draw_block ((1/2reduced_il+stafflinethickness,-d),
save xoff;
- z1l=(xoff+norm+hair/2,h);
+ z1l=(xoff+norm+hair,h);
- penpos4(hair,90);
- z4=(xoff+hair+1/2norm+hair,y3);
- penpos6(hair,-90);
- z6r=(xoff+norm+hair,-d);
+ penpos4(hair,0);
+ z4=(xoff+1/2norm+1/2hair,reduced_il-hair);
+ penpos5(4hair,0);
+ z5=(xoff+5/4hair,0);
+ penpos6(norm-hair,90);
+ z6=(xoff+3/4norm,0);
+ penpos7(hair,-90);
+ z7r=(x1,-d);
save t; t=0.833;
save p; path p;
- p = z4r{right}..z3r{right}..tension t..z2r{up}
+% p = z5l..z4l{up}..z4r{down}..z3r{right}..tension t..z2r{up}
+% ..z1r{left}..z1l{right}..z2l{down}
+% ..z3l{left}..z5r{down};
+ p = z5l..z4l{up}..z4r{down}..z3r{right}..tension t..z2r{up}
- ..z3l{left}..z4l{left};
+ ..z3l{left}..z6r..z5r{down};
pickup pencircle scaled 1pt#;
- % boehoe, howto?
-% draw p..(p yscaled -1)..cycle;
- fill p..cycle;
- fill (p yscaled -1)..cycle;
- penlabels (1,2,3,4);
- % ugh, should be bulb, not flare
- draw_flare(z1l,180,90,hair,norm);
- draw_flare(z6r,180,-90,hair,norm+hair);
+ filldraw p..(reverse p yscaled -1)..cycle;
+ penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6);
+ % ugh, should be bulb, not flare?
+ draw_flare(z1l,180,90,hair,norm-1/4hair);
+ draw_flare(z7r,180,-90,hair,norm-1/4hair);
-fet_beginchar ("C clef", "ugh_alto", "ugh_altoclef")
+fet_beginchar ("C clef", "alto", "altoclef")
if test = 1:
- draw_staff (-1,3);
+ draw_staff (-2,2);
draw_c_clef (1.0);
-fet_beginchar ("C clef", "ugh_alto_change", "ugh_caltoclef")
+fet_beginchar ("C clef", "alto_change", "caltoclef")
+ if test = 1:
+ draw_staff (-2,2);
+ fi;
draw_c_clef (.8);
input autometric;
fet_beginfont("feta", 20);
-test := 1;
+test := 0;
input feta-generic;
--- /dev/null
+% generated automatically by mf-to-table.py version 0.4
+% on Tue Nov 18 23:42:04 1997
+% Do not edit
+% input from out/feta16.log
+% name
+% rests
+% accidentals
+% dots
+% balls
+% scripts
+% flags
+% klef
--- /dev/null
+% generated automatically by mf-to-table.py version 0.4
+% on Tue Nov 18 23:42:28 1997
+% Do not edit
+% input from out/feta20.log
+% name
+% rests
+% accidentals
+% dots
+% balls
+% scripts
+% flags
+% klef