+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.10"
-filename = "chord-table.ly"
-copyright = "public domain"
-enteredby = "jcn"
-tab = \notes\transpose c c''\chords{
- c1 c:m c:4 c:m4 c:5+ \break
- c:5- c:dim c:5-.5+ c:6 c:m6\break
- c:4.6 c:7 c:m7 c:4.7 c:m4.7\break
- c:5+.7 c:5-.7 c:m5-.7 c:maj c:m.maj\break
- c:4.maj c:m4.maj c:5+.maj c:m4+.maj c:5-.maj\break
- c1:m5-.maj c:dim7 c:5-.5+.7 c:6.maj c:m6.maj\break
- c:4.6.maj c:9 c:m9 c:4.9 c:m.4.9\break
-% \context StaffGroup <
- <
- \context Staff=c \notes\transpose c' c\tab
- \context ChordNames=c \notes\transpose c' c\tab
- \context Staff=cis \notes\transpose c' cis\tab
- \context ChordNames=cis \notes\transpose c' cis\tab
- \context Staff=des \notes\transpose c' des\tab
- \context ChordNames=des \notes\transpose c' des\tab
- \context Staff=d \notes\transpose c' d\tab
- \context ChordNames=d \notes\transpose c' d\tab
- \context Staff=es \notes\transpose c' es\tab
- \context ChordNames=es \notes\transpose c' es\tab
- \context Staff=e \notes\transpose c' e\tab
- \context ChordNames=e \notes\transpose c' e\tab
- \context Staff=fis \notes\transpose c' fis\tab
- \context ChordNames=fis \notes\transpose c' fis\tab
- \context Staff=g \notes\transpose c' g\tab
- \context ChordNames=g \notes\transpose c' g\tab
- \context Staff=as \notes\transpose c' as\tab
- \context ChordNames=as \notes\transpose c' as\tab
- \context Staff=a \notes\transpose c' a\tab
- \context ChordNames=a \notes\transpose c' a\tab
- \context Staff=bes \notes\transpose c' bes,\tab
- \context ChordNames=bes \notes\transpose c' bes,\tab
- \context Staff=b \notes\transpose c' b,\tab
- \context ChordNames=b \notes\transpose c' b,\tab
- >
- \paper{
- textheight = \vsize - 4.0 * \staffheight
- }
-%% new-chords-done %%
+++ /dev/null
-\version "1.7.10"
-texidoc = "banter chords
-% test German (Banter) naming
-% for more conventional naming, comment scm stuff out
-% urg,
-% this shows a serious shortcoming with our guile approach:
-% we can't (easily) display banter/non banter chords alongside
-% eachother. These guile lists are fixed in the guile environment
-% when this file has been parsed...
-%% FIXME:
-#;(define chord::names-alist-banter '())
-#(set! chord::names-alist-banter
- (append
- '(
- (((0 . 0) (2 . -1) (4 . -1)) . (("m" ("5-" . (type . "super")))))
- Co iso Cm5-7-
- (((0 . 0) (2 . -1) (4 . -1) (6 . -2)) . ("o" (type "super")))
- )))
-% German note names:
-% Urg, this will break again, in time
-% Is this correct, anyway?
-#(define (pitch->text pitch)
- (if (and (= (modulo (cadr pitch) 7) 6)
- (= (caddr pitch) -1))
- (cons (make-string 1 (integer->char 66)) '())
- (cons
- (if (= (modulo (cadr pitch) 7) 6)
- (make-string 1 (integer->char 72))
- (make-string 1 (integer->char (+ (modulo (+ (cadr pitch) 2) 7) 65))))
- (if (= (caddr pitch) 0)
- '()
- (list (list (string-append "accidentals-"
- (number->string (caddr pitch)))
- '(font . "feta")))))))
-chord = \notes\transpose c' c''\chords{
- % dim modifier means: lower all implicit additions
- c:dim9
- c:dim
- c:dim7
- % explicit additions are taken as entered:
- c:m5-.7-
- % note that 7 is a special case: it's always lowered by 1...
- c:dim7-.9
- c:dim9-.11
- % test German names
- b:dim7
- bes:m5-
- \break
- c:sus2 %?
- c:sus4
- c^3
- c^3.5
- c:2.6^5
- c:dim^5-
- c:dim7^5-
- cis:m5-
- < \context ChordNames {
- #(set-chord-name-style 'banter)
- \chord }
- \context Staff \chord
- >
-%% new-chords-done %%