2002-08-17 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
- * lily/source-file.cc (init_port): add an SCM port to the
- sourcefile as well.
+ * lily/system.cc (spanner_count): new function
+ * lily/break-substitution.cc (fast_fubstitute_grob_list): special
+ function for break substitutions on groblists in spanners. By
+ reordering the elements of the list, we can skip large parts of
+ the list in the break substitution. This brings the complexity of
+ Lily back to more-or-less linear in the length of the score.
+ Measured speed increase: 20 % (coriolan, without -O2)
* lily/parse-scm.cc (parse_handler): don't construct a new strport
- for every parsing.
+ for every parsing. This saves a lot of garbage on large files that
+ have many # constructs.
+ * lily/source-file.cc (init_port): add an SCM port to the
+ sourcefile as well.
* lily/include/input-file-results.hh: move from
file-results. Rename Input_file_settings to Input_file_results.
Grob *me = unsmob_grob (element_smob);
Axis a = (Axis) gh_scm2int (scm_axis);
- Grob * common = common_refpoint_of_list (me->get_grob_property ("elements"), me, a);
+ SCM elts = me->get_grob_property ("elements");
+ Grob * common = common_refpoint_of_list (elts, me, a);
Real my_coord = me->relative_coordinate (common, a);
- Interval r (relative_group_extent (a, common, me->get_grob_property ("elements")));
+ Interval r (relative_group_extent (a, common,elts));
return ly_interval2scm (r - my_coord);
+#include <stdio.h>
#include "grob.hh"
#include "item.hh"
#include "spanner.hh"
return l;
+ We don't do
+ forall b in broken-childs:
+ forall p in properties:
+ forall g in p (if grob-list):
+ g := substitute (g)
+ for spanners since this is O(SYSTEMCOUNT * GROBCOUNT), and SYSTEMCOUNT =
+ O(GROBCOUNT), we have a quadratic algorithm. --for a single spanner
+ This is problematic: with large (long) scores, the costs can be
+ significant; especially all-elements in System, can become huge. For
+ a typical 50 page score, it requires running through a 100k list 50
+ times.
+ Instead:
+ forall p in properties:
+ (if grob list)
+ put grob list in array,
+ reorder array so spanners are separate -- O(grobcount)
+ find first and last indexes of grobs on a specific system
+ for items this is O(itemcount)
+ for spanners this is O(sum-of spanner-system-ranges)
+ perform the substitution O(sum-of spanner-system-ranges)
+ The complexity is harder to determine, but should be subquadratic;
+ For the situation above, we run through the entire 100k list once,
+ and also (more or less) once through the item part of the 100k (say
+ 98k elements) of the list.
+These timings were measured without -O2.
+ lehre, before 28.98 seconds, after: 27.91 seconds, 3.5 %.
+ coriolan, before 2:30, after: 1:59. Increase of 20%.
+ moz-k498-p1, before 24.10, after: 19.790s, Increase of 18%
+spanner_system_range (Spanner* sp)
+ Slice rv;
+ if (System*st = sp->get_system())
+ {
+ rv = Slice (st->rank_, st->rank_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (sp->broken_intos_.size())
+ rv = Slice (sp->broken_intos_[0]->get_system()->rank_,
+ sp->broken_intos_.top()->get_system()->rank_);
+ }
+ return rv;
+item_system_range (Item* it)
+ if (System*st= it->get_system())
+ return Slice (st->rank_, st->rank_);
+ Slice sr;
+ Direction d = LEFT;
+ do
+ {
+ Item *bi = it->find_prebroken_piece (d);
+ if (bi && bi->get_system())
+ sr.add_point (bi->get_system()->rank_);
+ }
+ while (flip(&d)!=LEFT);
+ return sr;
+grob_system_range (Grob *g)
+ if (Spanner*s = dynamic_cast<Spanner*>(g))
+ return spanner_system_range (s);
+ else if (Item* it = dynamic_cast<Item*> (g))
+ return item_system_range (it);
+ else
+ return Slice();
+struct Substitution_entry
+ Grob * grob_;
+ short left_;
+ short right_;
+ void set (Grob*g, Slice sr)
+ {
+ grob_ = g;
+ /*
+ duh, don't support scores with more than 32000 systems.
+ */
+ if (sr.empty_b())
+ {
+ /*
+ overflow if we don't treat this specially.
+ */
+ left_ = 1;
+ right_ = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ left_ = sr[LEFT];
+ right_ = sr[RIGHT];
+ }
+ }
+ Substitution_entry()
+ {
+ grob_ =0;
+ left_ = right_ = -2;
+ }
+ int length () { return right_ - left_ ; }
+ static int
+ item_compare (void const * a , void const * b)
+ {
+ return ((Substitution_entry*)a)->left_ -
+ ((Substitution_entry*)b)->left_;
+ }
+ static int
+ spanner_compare (void const * a , void const * b)
+ {
+ return ((Substitution_entry*)a)->length() -
+ ((Substitution_entry*)b)->length ();
+ }
+Spanner::fast_fubstitute_grob_list (SCM sym,
+ SCM grob_list)
+ int len = scm_ilength (grob_list);
+ /*
+ Only do this complicated thing for large lists. This has the added
+ advantage that we won't screw up the ordering for elements in
+ alignments (which typically don't have more than 100 grobs.)
+ */
+ if (len < 100)
+ return false;
+ /*
+ TODO : should not reallocate every time?
+ */
+ static Substitution_entry * vec;
+ static int vec_room;
+ if (vec_room < len)
+ {
+ vec = (Substitution_entry*) scm_realloc (vec, sizeof (Substitution_entry) * len);
+ vec_room = len;
+ }
+ Slice system_range = spanner_system_range (this);
+ Array<Slice> it_indices;
+ Array<Slice> sp_indices;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= system_range.length (); i++)
+ {
+ it_indices.push (Slice (len, 0));
+ sp_indices.push (Slice (len, 0));
+ }
+ int sp_index = len;
+ int it_index = 0;
+ for (SCM s = grob_list; gh_pair_p (s); s = gh_cdr (s))
+ {
+ Grob * g = unsmob_grob (gh_car(s));
+ Slice sr = grob_system_range (g);
+ sr.intersect (system_range);
+ int idx = 0;
+ if (dynamic_cast<Spanner*>(g))
+ {
+ idx =--sp_index;
+ }
+ else if (dynamic_cast<Item*> (g))
+ {
+ idx = it_index++;
+ }
+ vec[idx].set (g, sr);
+ }
+ qsort (vec, it_index,
+ sizeof (Substitution_entry), &Substitution_entry::item_compare);
+ Array<Slice> *arrs[] = {
+ &it_indices, &sp_indices
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < it_index ;i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = vec[i].left_; j <= vec[i].right_; j++)
+ {
+ it_indices[j - system_range[LEFT]].add_point (i);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ qsort (vec + sp_index, len - sp_index,
+ sizeof (Substitution_entry), &Substitution_entry::spanner_compare);
+ /*
+ This is a waste of time -- the staff-spanners screw up the
+ ordering, since they go across the entire score.
+ */
+ for (int i = sp_index; i < len ;i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = vec[i].left_; j <= vec[i].right_; j++)
+ {
+ sp_indices[j - system_range[LEFT]].add_point (i);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = sp_indices.size(); i--;)
+ sp_indices[i]= Slice (sp_index, len-1);
+ assert (it_index <= sp_index);
+ assert (broken_intos_.size () == system_range.length () + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < broken_intos_.size(); i++)
+ {
+ Grob * sc = broken_intos_[i];
+ System * l = sc->get_system ();
+ set_break_subsititution (l ? l->self_scm(): SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ SCM newval = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM * tail = &newval;
+ for (int k = 0; k < 2;k++)
+ for (int j = (*arrs[k])[i][LEFT]; j <= (*arrs[k])[i][RIGHT]; j++)
+ {
+ SCM subs =substitute_grob (vec[j].grob_);
+ if (subs!= SCM_UNDEFINED)
+ {
+ *tail = scm_cons (subs, SCM_EOL);
+ tail = SCM_CDRLOC(*tail);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef PARANOIA
+ printf ("%d (%d), sp %d (%d)\n",
+ it_indices [i].length (), it_index,
+ sp_indices[i].length() , len -sp_index);
+ {
+ SCM l1 =substitute_grob_list (grob_list);
+ assert (scm_ilength (l1) == scm_ilength (newval));
+ }
+ sc->mutable_property_alist_ = scm_acons (sym, newval,
+ sc->mutable_property_alist_);
+ }
+ return true;
SCM grob_list_p;
+Spanner::substitute_one_mutable_property (SCM sym,
+ SCM val)
+ SCM type = scm_object_property (sym, ly_symbol2scm ("backend-type?"));
+ Spanner*s = this;
+ bool fast_done = false;
+ if (type == grob_list_p)
+ fast_done = s->fast_fubstitute_grob_list (sym, val);
+ if (!fast_done)
+ for (int i = 0; i < s->broken_intos_ .size (); i++)
+ {
+ Grob * sc = s->broken_intos_[i];
+ System * l = sc->get_system ();
+ set_break_subsititution (l ? l->self_scm () : SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ SCM newval = (type == grob_list_p)
+ ? substitute_grob_list (val)
+ : do_break_substitution(val);
+ sc->mutable_property_alist_ = scm_cons (scm_cons (sym, newval),
+ sc->mutable_property_alist_);
+ }
#include "misc.hh"
#include "item.hh"
- plain, -O0 compile
-user 0m12.400s
-sz == 13, -O0 compile
- xdvi trip
-user 0m13.780s
-sz == 5
-user 0m13.000s
-sz == 3
-user 0m13.080s
-Hashing doesn't improve the result of grob property lookup, at least
-not with naive hashing. It is possible that the overhead of the
-scm_hash* functions take too much time. One way to solve this is by
-using vector accesses directly, and precompute the hashvalues, similar
-to CACHE_SYMBOLS. That option could only cause slowdowns if the hash
-tables produces weird cache-line trashing.
-Second option: we could index immutable props in a hash tab as
-well. This only takes space, since they are immutable no updates are
-needed. This does take a lot of space, since we must duplicate the
-alists (but not the entries).
Grob::get_property_alist_chain (SCM def) const
return scm_list_n (mutable_property_alist_,
- SCM chain = gh_list (immutable_property_alist_, def, SCM_UNDEFINED);
- SCM * velts = SCM_VELTS (mutable_property_alist_);
- int l = SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH(mutable_property_alist_);
- for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
- {
- if (gh_pair_p (velts[i]))
- chain = gh_cons ( velts[i], chain);
- }
- return chain;
Grob::add_to_list_property (SCM sym, SCM thing)
SCM handle
= scm_sloppy_assq (sym, mutable_property_alist_)
- = scm_hashq_get_handle (mutable_property_alist_, sym);
if (handle != SCM_BOOL_F)
gh_set_cdr_x (handle, gh_cons (thing, gh_cdr (handle)));
handle = scm_sloppy_assq (sym, immutable_property_alist_);
SCM tail = (handle != SCM_BOOL_F) ? gh_cdr(handle) : SCM_EOL;
SCM val = gh_cons (thing, tail);
mutable_property_alist_ = gh_cons (gh_cons (sym, val),
- scm_hashq_set_x (mutable_property_alist_, sym, val);
mutable_property_alist_ = scm_assq_set_x (mutable_property_alist_, s, v);
- scm_hashq_set_x (mutable_property_alist_, s, v);
Grob::internal_get_grob_property (SCM sym) const
SCM s = scm_sloppy_assq (sym, mutable_property_alist_);
if (s != SCM_BOOL_F)
return ly_cdr (s);
- if (mutable_property_alist_ == SCM_EOL)
- return SCM_EOL;
- SCM s = scm_hashq_ref (mutable_property_alist_, sym, SCM_EOL);
- if (s!=SCM_EOL)
- return s;
s = scm_sloppy_assq (sym, immutable_property_alist_);
Grob::substitute_mutable_properties (SCM crit, SCM orig)
mutable_property_alist_ = substitute_mutable_property_alist (orig);
- if (orig == SCM_EOL)
- {
- mutable_property_alist_ = SCM_EOL;
- return ;
- }
- SCM * src_elts = SCM_VELTS (orig);
- SCM * dest_elts = SCM_VELTS (mutable_property_alist_);
- unsigned int l = SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH(mutable_property_alist_);
- assert (l == SCM_VECTOR_LENGTH(orig));
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l; i++)
- {
- dest_elts[i] = substitute_mutable_property_alist (src_elts[i]);
- }
Grob::handle_broken_dependencies ()
- Spanner * s= dynamic_cast<Spanner*> (this);
- if (original_ && s)
+ Spanner * sp = dynamic_cast<Spanner*> (this);
+ if (original_ && sp)
- if (s)
+ if (sp)
- for (int i = 0; i< s->broken_intos_ .size (); i++)
+ for (SCM s = mutable_property_alist_; gh_pair_p(s);
+ s = gh_cdr(s))
- Grob * sc = s->broken_intos_[i];
- System * l = sc->get_system ();
- sc->substitute_mutable_properties (l ? l->self_scm () : SCM_UNDEFINED,
- mutable_property_alist_);
+ sp->substitute_one_mutable_property (gh_caar (s),
+ gh_cdar (s));
System *system = get_system ();
if (live ()
&& system && common_refpoint (system, X_AXIS) && common_refpoint (system, Y_AXIS))
substitute_mutable_properties (system ? system->self_scm () : SCM_UNDEFINED,
- mutable_property_alist_);
+ mutable_property_alist_);
else if (dynamic_cast <System*> (this))
Basic output object.
class Grob {
SCM immutable_property_alist_;
SCM mutable_property_alist_;
+ friend class Spanner;
void substitute_mutable_properties(SCM,SCM);
Grob *original_;
Item *find_prebroken_piece (Direction) const;
Grob *find_broken_piece (System *) const;
virtual System *get_system () const;
virtual Paper_column *get_column () const;
virtual void handle_prebroken_dependencies ();
class Spanner : public Grob {
Drul_array<Item*> spanned_drul_;
DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (set_spacing_rods, (SCM));
Link_array<Spanner> broken_intos_;
+ int break_index_;
// todo: move to somewhere else.
Real get_broken_left_end_align () const;
+ void substitute_one_mutable_property (SCM sym, SCM val) ;
+ bool fast_fubstitute_grob_list (SCM sym, SCM grob_list);
// TODO: make virtual and do this for Items as well.
Interval_t<int> spanned_rank_iv ();
void set_bound (Direction d, Grob*);
virtual Grob* find_broken_piece (System*) const;
virtual SCM do_derived_mark ();
static bool has_interface (Grob*);
+ virtual System *get_system () const;
void set_my_columns ();
virtual void do_break_processing ();
- virtual System *get_system () const;
void add_bound_item (Spanner*, Grob*);
///DECLARE_UNSMOB (Spanner, spanner);
/// is #c# contained in #*this#?
bool contains_b (Paper_column const *c) const;
int element_count () const;
+ int spanner_count () const;
void break_into_pieces (Array<Column_x_positions> const&);
void output_lines ();
Paper_score::process ()
if (verbose_global_b)
- progress_indication (_f ("Element count %d ", system_->element_count ()));
+ progress_indication (_f ("Element count %d (spanners %d) ",
+ system_->element_count (),
+ system_->spanner_count ()));
progress_indication (_ ("Preprocessing elements...") + " ");
broken_intos_.sort (Spanner::compare);
+ for (int i= broken_intos_.size();i--;)
+ broken_intos_[i]->break_index_ = i;
return iv;
Spanner::get_bound (Direction d) const
Spanner::Spanner (SCM s)
: Grob (s)
+ break_index_ = 0;
Group_interface::add_thing (this, ly_symbol2scm ("interfaces"), ly_symbol2scm ("spanner-interface"));
return scm_ilength (get_grob_property ("all-elements"));
+System::spanner_count () const
+ int k =0;
+ for (SCM s = get_grob_property ("all-elements");
+ gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s))
+ {
+ if (dynamic_cast<Spanner*> (unsmob_grob (gh_car(s))))
+ k++;
+ }
+ return k;
System::typeset_grob (Grob * elem)