use IO::Scalar;
use IO::File;
-use Debbugs::Config qw(:globals :text);
+use Debbugs::Config qw(:globals :text :config);
# for read_log_records
use Debbugs::Log qw(:read);
-use Debbugs::CGI qw(:url :html :util);
+use Debbugs::CGI qw(:url :html :util :cache);
use Debbugs::CGI::Bugreport qw(:all);
use Debbugs::Common qw(buglog getmaintainers make_list bug_status);
use Debbugs::Packages qw(getpkgsrc);
-cache_control => 'public, max-age=600',
-etag => $etag,
content_disposition => qq(attachment; filename="bug_${ref}.mbox"),
- (length $mtime)?(-last_modified => $mtime):(),
else {
-cache_control => 'public, max-age=86400',
-etag => $etag,
content_disposition => qq(attachment; filename="bug_${ref}_message_${msg_num}.mbox"),
- (length $mtime)?(-last_modified => $mtime):(),
if ($mbox_status_message and @records > 1) {
# -*- mode: cperl;-*-
-use Test::More tests => 16;
+use Test::More tests => 18;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Debbugs::MIME qw(create_mime_message);
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
+use HTTP::Status qw(RC_NOT_MODIFIED);
# The test functions are placed here to make things easier
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DebbugsTest qw(:all);
# start up an HTTP::Server::Simple
my $bugreport_cgi_handler = sub {
- # I do not understand why this is necessary.
- $ENV{DEBBUGS_CONFIG_FILE} = "$config{config_dir}/debbugs_config";
- my $content = qx(perl -I. -T cgi/bugreport.cgi);
- $content =~ s/^\s*Content-Type:[^\n]+\n*//si;
- print $content;
+ # I do not understand why this is necessary.
+ $ENV{DEBBUGS_CONFIG_FILE} = "$config{config_dir}/debbugs_config";
+ my $fh;
+ open($fh,'-|',-e './cgi/version.cgi'? 'perl -I. -T ./cgi/bugreport.cgi' : 'perl -I. -T ../cgi/bugreport.cgi');
+ my $headers;
+ my $status = 200;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ if (/^\s*$/ and $status) {
+ print "HTTP/1.1 $status OK\n";
+ print $headers;
+ $status = 0;
+ print $_;
+ } elsif ($status) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ if (/^Status:\s*(\d+)/i) {
+ $status = $1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ }
my $port = 11342;
'Page received ok');
ok($mech->content() =~ qr/\<title\>\#1.+Submitting a bug/i,
'Title of bug is submitting a bug');
+my $etag = $mech->response->header('Etag');
+ 'If-None-Match' => $etag);
+is($mech->res->code, RC_NOT_MODIFIED,
+ 'Not modified when the same ETag sent for bug');
'Page received ok');
'Page received ok');
-print STDERR $mech->content();
ok($mech->content() !~ qr/[\x01\x02\x03\x05\x06\x07]/i,
'No unescaped states');
+$etag = $mech->response->header('Etag');
+ 'If-None-Match' => $etag);
+is($mech->res->code, RC_NOT_MODIFIED,
+ 'Not modified when the same ETag sent for bug maintmbox');
# now test the output of some control commands
my @control_commands =