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Perltidy Change Log

+ +

2019 06 01

+ +
- rt #128477: Prevent inconsistent owner/group and setuid/setgid bits. 
+  In the -b (--backup-and-modify-in-place) mode, an attempt is made to set ownership
+  of the output file equal to the input file, if they differ.
+  In all cases, if the final output file ownership differs from input file, any setuid/setgid bits are cleared.
+- Added option -bom  (--break-at-old-method-breakpoints) by
+  merrillymeredith which preserves breakpoints of method chains. Modified to also handle a cuddled call style.
+- Merged patch to fix Windows EOL translation error with UTF-8 written by
+  Ron Ivy. This update prevents automatic conversion to 'DOS' CRLF line
+  endings.  Also, Windows system testing at the appveyor site is working again.
+- RT #128280, added flag --one-line-block-semicolons=n (-olbs=n) 
+  to control semicolons in one-line blocks.  The values of n are:
+    n=0 means no semicolons termininating simple one-line blocks
+    n=1 means stable; do not change from input file [DEFAULT and current]
+    n=2 means always add semicolons in one-line blocks
+  The current behavior corresponds to the default n=1.
+- RT #128216, Minor update to prevent inserting unwanted blank line at
+  indentation level change.  This should not change existing scripts.
+- RT #81852: Improved indentation when quoted word (qw) lists are 
+  nested within other containers using the --weld-nested (-wn) flag.
+  The example given previously (below) is now closer to what it would
+  be with a simple list instead of qw:
+  # perltidy -wn
+  use_all_ok( qw{
+      PPI
+      PPI::Tokenizer
+      PPI::Lexer
+      PPI::Dumper
+      PPI::Find
+      PPI::Normal
+      PPI::Util
+      PPI::Cache
+  } );
+- RT#12764, introduced new feature allowing placement of blanks around
+  sequences of selected keywords. This can be activated with the -kgb* 
+  series of parameters described in the manual.
+- Rewrote vertical algnment module.  It is better at finding
+  patterns in complex code. For example,
+       /^-std$/ && do { $std       = 1;     next; };
+       /^--$/   && do { @link_args = @argv; last; };
+       /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path = $1 || shift @argv; next; };
+       /^-std$/  && do { $std       = 1;                 next; };
+       /^--$/    && do { @link_args = @argv;             last; };
+       /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path      = $1 || shift @argv; next; };
+- Add repository URLs to META files 
+- RT #118553, "leave only one newline at end of file". This option was not 
+  added because of undesirable side effects, but a new filter script
+  was added which can do this, "examples/delete_ending_blank_lines.pl".
+ +

2018 11 20

+ +
- fix RT#127736 Perl-Tidy-20181119 has the EXE_FILES entry commented out in
+  Makefile.PL so it doesn't install the perltidy script or its manpage.
+ +

2018 11 19

+ +
- Removed test case 'filter_example.t' which was causing a failure on a
+  Windows installation for unknown reasons, possibly due to an unexpected
+  perltidyrc being read by the test script.  Added VERSION numbers to all
+  new modules.
+ +

2018 11 17

+ +
- Fixed RT #126965, in which a ternary operator was misparsed if immediately
+  following a function call without arguments, such as: 
+    my $restrict_customer = shift ? 1 : 0;
+- Fixed RT #125012: bug in -mangle --delete-all-comments
+  A needed blank space before bareword tokens was being removed when comments 
+  were deleted
+- Fixed RT #81852: Stacked containers and quoting operators. Quoted words
+  (qw) delimited by container tokens ('{', '[', '(', '<') are now included in
+  the --weld-nested (-wn) flag:
+      # perltidy -wn
+      use_all_ok( qw{
+            PPI
+            PPI::Tokenizer
+            PPI::Lexer
+            PPI::Dumper
+            PPI::Find
+            PPI::Normal
+            PPI::Util
+            PPI::Cache
+            } );
+- The cuddled-else (-ce) coding was merged with the new cuddled-block (-cb)
+  coding.  The change is backward compatible and simplifies input.  
+  The --cuddled-block-option=n (-cbo=n) flag now applies to both -ce and -cb 
+  formatting.  In fact the -cb flag is just an alias for -ce now.
+- Fixed RT #124594, license text desc. changed from 'GPL-2.0+' to 'gpl_2'
+- Fixed bug in which a warning about a possible code bug was issued in a
+  script with brace errors. 
+- added option --notimestamp or -nts to eliminate any time stamps in output 
+  files.  This is used to prevent differences in test scripts from causing
+  failure at installation. For example, the -cscw option will put a date
+  stamp on certain closing side comments. We need to avoid this in order
+  to test this feature in an installation test.
+- Fixed bug with the entab option, -et=8, in which the leading space of
+  some lines was was not entabbed.  This happened in code which was adjusted
+  for vertical alignment and in hanging side comments. Thanks to Glenn.
+- Fixed RT #127633, undesirable line break after return when -baao flag is set
+- Fixed RT #127035, vertical alignment. Vertical alignment has been improved 
+  in several ways.  Thanks especially to Michael Wardman and Glenn for sending 
+  helpful snippets. 
+  - Alignment of the =~ operators has been reactivated.  
+      OLD:
+      $service_profile =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+      $host_profile =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+      NEW:
+      $service_profile =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+      $host_profile    =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+  - Alignment of the // operator has been reactivated.  
+      OLD:
+      is( pop // 7,       7, 'pop // ... works' );
+      is( pop() // 7,     0, 'pop() // ... works' );
+      is( pop @ARGV // 7, 3, 'pop @array // ... works' );
+      NEW:
+      is( pop       // 7, 7, 'pop // ... works' );
+      is( pop()     // 7, 0, 'pop() // ... works' );
+      is( pop @ARGV // 7, 3, 'pop @array // ... works' );
+  - The rules for alignment of just two lines have been adjusted,
+    hopefully to be a little better overall.  In some cases, two 
+    lines which were previously unaligned are now aligned, and vice-versa.
+      OLD:
+      $expect = "1$expect" if $expect =~ /^e/i;
+      $p = "1$p" if defined $p and $p =~ /^e/i;
+      NEW:
+      $expect = "1$expect" if $expect =~ /^e/i;
+      $p      = "1$p"      if defined $p and $p =~ /^e/i;
+- RT #106493; source code repository location has been added to docs; it is 
+     https://github.com/perltidy/perltidy
+- The packaging for this version has changed. The Tidy.pm module is much 
+  smaller.  Supporting modules have been split out from it and placed below 
+  it in the path Perl/Tidy/*.
+- A number of new installation test cases have been added. Updates are now
+  continuously tested at Travis CI against versions back to Perl 5.08.
+ +

2018 02 20

+ +
- RT #124469, #124494, perltidy often making empty files.  The previous had
+  an index error causing it to fail, particularly in version 5.18 of Perl.
+  Please avoid version 20180219.
+ +

2018 02 19

+ +
- RT #79947, cuddled-else generalization. A new flag -cb provides
+  'cuddled-else' type formatting for an arbitrary type of block chain. The
+  default is try-catch-finally, but this can be modified with the 
+  parameter -cbl. 
+- Fixed RT #124298: add space after ! operator without breaking !! secret 
+  operator
+- RT #123749: numerous minor improvements to the -wn flag were made.  
+- Fixed a problem with convergence tests in which iterations were stopping 
+  prematurely. 
+- Here doc targets for <<~ type here-docs may now have leading whitespace.
+- Fixed RT #124354. The '-indent-only' flag was not working correctly in the 
+  previous release. A bug in version 20180101 caused extra blank lines 
+  to be output.
+- Issue RT #124114. Some improvements were made in vertical alignment
+  involving 'fat commas'.
+ +

2018 01 01

+ +
- Added new flag -wn (--weld-nested-containers) which addresses these issues:
+  RT #123749: Problem with promises; 
+  RT #119970: opening token stacking strange behavior;
+  RT #81853: Can't stack block braces
+  This option causes closely nested pairs of opening and closing containers
+  to be "welded" together and essentially be formatted as a single unit,
+  with just one level of indentation.
+  Since this is a new flag it is set to be "off" by default but it has given 
+  excellent results in testing. 
+  EXAMPLE 1, multiple blocks, default formatting:
+      do {
+          {
+              next if $x == $y;    # do something here
+          }
+      } until $x++ > $z;
+  perltidy -wn
+      do { {
+          next if $x == $y;
+      } } until $x++ > $z;
+   EXAMPLE 2, three levels of wrapped function calls, default formatting:
+          p(
+              em(
+                  conjug(
+                      translate( param('verb') ), param('tense'),
+                      param('person')
+                  )
+              )
+          );
+      # perltidy -wn
+          p( em( conjug(
+              translate( param('verb') ),
+              param('tense'), param('person')
+          ) ) );
+      # EXAMPLE 3, chained method calls, default formatting:
+      get('http://mojolicious.org')->then(
+          sub {
+              my $mojo = shift;
+              say $mojo->res->code;
+              return get('http://metacpan.org');
+          }
+      )->then(
+          sub {
+              my $cpan = shift;
+              say $cpan->res->code;
+          }
+      )->catch(
+          sub {
+              my $err = shift;
+              warn "Something went wrong: $err";
+          }
+      )->wait;
+      # perltidy -wn
+      get('http://mojolicious.org')->then( sub {
+          my $mojo = shift;
+          say $mojo->res->code;
+          return get('http://metacpan.org');
+      } )->then( sub {
+          my $cpan = shift;
+          say $cpan->res->code;
+      } )->catch( sub {
+          my $err = shift;
+          warn "Something went wrong: $err";
+      } )->wait;
+- Fixed RT #114359: Missparsing of "print $x ** 0.5;
+- Deactivated the --check-syntax flag for better security.  It will be
+  ignored if set.  
+- Corrected minimum perl version from 5.004 to 5.008 based on perlver
+  report.  The change is required for coding involving wide characters.
+- For certain severe errors, the source file will be copied directly to the
+  output without formatting. These include ending in a quote, ending in a
+  here doc, and encountering an unidentified character.
+ +

2017 12 14

+ +
- RT #123749, partial fix.  "Continuation indentation" is removed from lines 
+  with leading closing parens which are part of a call chain. 
+  For example, the call to pack() is is now outdented to the starting 
+  indentation in the following experession:  
+      # OLD
+      $mw->Button(
+          -text    => "New Document",
+          -command => \&new_document
+        )->pack(
+          -side   => 'bottom',
+          -anchor => 'e'
+        );
+      # NEW
+      $mw->Button(
+          -text    => "New Document",
+          -command => \&new_document
+      )->pack(
+          -side   => 'bottom',
+          -anchor => 'e'
+      );
+  This modification improves readability of complex expressions, especially
+  when the user uses the same value for continuation indentation (-ci=n) and 
+  normal indentation (-i=n).  Perltidy was already programmed to
+  do this but a minor bug was preventing it.
+- RT #123774, added flag to control space between a backslash and a single or
+  double quote, requested by Robert Rothenberg.  The issue is that lines like
+     $str1=\"string1";
+     $str2=\'string2';
+  confuse syntax highlighters unless a space is left between the backslash and
+  the quote.
+  The new flag to control this is -sbq=n (--space-backslash-quote=n), 
+  where n=0 means no space, n=1 means follow existing code, n=2 means always
+  space.  The default is n=1, meaning that a space will be retained if there
+  is one in the source code.
+- Fixed RT #123492, support added for indented here doc operator <<~ added 
+  in v5.26.  Thanks to Chris Weyl for the report.
+- Fixed docs; --closing-side-comment-list-string should have been just
+  --closing-side-comment-list.  Thanks to F.Li.
+- Added patch RT #122030] Perl::Tidy sometimes does not call binmode.
+  Thanks to Irilis Aelae.
+- Fixed RT #121959, PERLTIDY doesn't honor the 'three dot' notation for 
+  locating a config file using environment variables.  Thanks to John 
+  Wittkowski.
+- Minor improvements to formatting, in which some additional vertical
+  aligmnemt is done. Thanks to Keith Neargarder.
+- RT #119588.  Vertical alignment is no longer done for // operator.
+ +

2017 05 21

+ +
- Fixed debian #862667: failure to check for perltidy.ERR deletion can lead 
+  to overwriting abritrary files by symlink attack. Perltidy was continuing 
+  to write files after an unlink failure.  Thanks to Don Armstrong 
+  for a patch.
+- Fixed RT #116344, perltidy fails on certain anonymous hash references:
+  in the following code snippet the '?' was misparsed as a pattern 
+  delimiter rather than a ternary operator.
+      return ref {} ? 1 : 0;
+- Fixed RT #113792: misparsing of a fat comma (=>) right after 
+  the __END__ or __DATA__ tokens.  These keywords were getting
+  incorrectly quoted by the following => operator.
+- Fixed RT #118558. Custom Getopt::Long configuration breaks parsing 
+  of perltidyrc.  Perltidy was resetting the users configuration too soon.
+- Fixed RT #119140, failure to parse double diamond operator.  Code to
+  handle this new operator has been added.
+- Fixed RT #120968.  Fixed problem where -enc=utf8 didn't work 
+  with --backup-and-modify-in-place. Thanks to Heinz Knutzen for this patch.
+- Fixed minor formatting issue where one-line blocks for subs with signatures 
+  were unnecesarily broken
+- RT #32905, patch to fix utf-8 error when output was STDOUT. 
+- RT #79947, improved spacing of try/catch/finally blocks. Thanks to qsimpleq
+  for a patch.
+- Fixed #114909, Anonymous subs with signatures and prototypes misparsed as
+  broken ternaries, in which a statement such as this was not being parsed
+  correctly:
+      return sub ( $fh, $out ) : prototype(*$) { ... }
+- Implemented RT #113689, option to introduces spaces after an opening block
+  brace and before a closing block brace. Four new optional controls are
+  added. The first two define the minimum number of blank lines to be
+  inserted 
+   -blao=i or --blank-lines-after-opening-block=i
+   -blbc=i or --blank-lines-before-closing-block=i
+  where i is an integer, the number of lines (the default is 0).  
+  The second two define the types of blocks to which the first two apply 
+   -blaol=s or --blank-lines-after-opening-block-list=s
+   -blbcl=s or --blank-lines-before-closing-block-list=s
+  where s is a string of possible block keywords (default is just 'sub',
+  meaning a named subroutine).
+  For more information please see the documentation.
+- The method for specifying block types for certain input parameters has
+  been generalized to distinguish between normal named subroutines and
+  anonymous subs.  The keyword for normal subroutines remains 'sub', and
+  the new keyword for anonymous subs is 'asub'. 
+- Minor documentation changes. The BUGS sections now have a link
+  to CPAN where most open bugs and issues can be reviewed and bug reports
+  can be submitted.  The information in the AUTHOR and CREDITS sections of
+  the man pages have been removed from the man pages to streamline the
+  documentation. This information is still in the source code.
+ +

2016 03 02

+ +
- RT #112534. Corrected a minor problem in which an unwanted newline
+  was placed before the closing brace of an anonymous sub with 
+  a signature, if it was in a list.  Thanks to Dmytro Zagashev.
+- Corrected a minor problem in which occasional extra indentation was
+  given to the closing brace of an anonymous sub in a list when the -lp 
+  parameter was set.
+ +

2016 03 01

+ +
 - RT #104427. Added support for signatures.
+ - RT #111512.  Changed global warning flag $^W = 1 to use warnings;
+   Thanks to Dmytro Zagashev.
+ - RT #110297, added support for new regexp modifier /n
+   Thanks to Dmytro Zagashev.
+ - RT #111519.  The -io (--indent-only) and -dac (--delete-all-comments)
+   can now both be used in one pass. Thanks to Dmitry Veltishev.
+ - Patch to avoid error message with 'catch' used by TryCatch, as in
+      catch($err){
+         # do something
+      }
+   Thanks to Nick Tonkin.
+ - RT #32905, UTF-8 coding is now more robust. Thanks to qsimpleq
+   and Dmytro for patches.
+ - RT #106885. Added string bitwise operators ^. &. |. ~. ^.= &.= |.=
+ - Fixed RT #107832 and #106492, lack of vertical alignment of two lines
+   when -boc flag (break at old commas) is set.  This bug was 
+   inadvertantly introduced in previous bug fix RT #98902. 
+ - Some common extensions to Perl syntax are handled better.
+   In particular, the following snippet is now foratted cleanly:
+     method deposit( Num $amount) {
+         $self->balance( $self->balance + $amount );
+     }
+   A new flag -xs (--extended-syntax) was added to enable this, and the default
+   is to use -xs. 
+   In previous versions, and now only when -nxs is set, this snippet of code
+   generates the following error message:
+   "syntax error at ') {', didn't see one of: case elsif for foreach given if switch unless until when while"
+ +

2015 08 15

+ +
 - Fixed RT# 105484, Invalid warning about 'else' in 'switch' statement.  The
+   warning happened if a 'case' statement did not use parens.
+ - Fixed RT# 101547, misparse of // caused error message.  Also..
+ - Fixed RT# 102371, misparse of // caused unwated space in //=
+ - Fixed RT# 100871, "silent failure of HTML Output on Windows". 
+   Changed calls to tempfile() from:
+     my ( $fh_tmp, $tmpfile ) = tempfile();
+   to have the full path name:
+     my ( $fh_tmp, $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile()
+   because of problems in the Windows version reported by Dean Pearce.
+ - Fixed RT# 99514, calling the perltidy module multiple times with 
+   a .perltidyrc file containing the parameter --output-line-ending 
+   caused a crash.  This was a glitch in the memoization logic. 
+ - Fixed RT#99961, multiple lines inside a cast block caused unwanted
+   continuation indentation.  
+ - RT# 32905, broken handling of UTF-8 strings. 
+   A new flag -utf8 causes perltidy assume UTF-8 encoding for input and 
+   output of an io stream.  Thanks to Sebastian Podjasek for a patch.  
+   This feature may not work correctly in older versions of Perl. 
+   It worked in a linux version 5.10.1 but not in a Windows version 5.8.3 (but
+   otherwise perltidy ran correctly).
+ - Warning files now report perltidy VERSION. Suggested by John Karr.
+ - Fixed long flag --nostack-closing-tokens (-nsct has always worked though). 
+   This was due to a typo.  This also fixed --nostack-opening-tokens to 
+   behave correctly.  Thanks to Rob Dixon.
+ +

2014 07 11

+ +
- Fixed RT #94902: abbreviation parsing in .perltidyrc files was not
+  working for multi-line abbreviations.  Thanks to Eric Fung for 
+  supplying a patch. 
+- Fixed RT #95708, misparsing of a hash when the first key was a perl
+  keyword, causing a semicolon to be incorrectly added.
+- Fixed RT #94338 for-loop in a parenthesized block-map.  A code block within
+  parentheses of a map, sort, or grep function was being mistokenized.  In 
+  rare cases this could produce in an incorrect error message.  The fix will
+  produce some minor formatting changes.  Thanks to Daniel Trizen 
+  discovering and documenting this.
+- Fixed RT #94354, excess indentation for stacked tokens.  Thanks to 
+  Colin Williams for supplying a patch.
+- Added support for experimental postfix dereferencing notation introduced in
+  perl 5.20. RT #96021.
+- Updated documentation to clarify the behavior of the -io flag
+  in response to RT #95709.  You can add -noll or -l=0 to prevent 
+  long comments from being outdented when -io is used.
+- Added a check to prevent a problem reported in RT #81866, where large
+  scripts which had been compressed to a single line could not be formatted
+  because of a check for VERSION for MakeMaker. The workaround was to 
+  use -nvpl, but this shouldn't be necessary now.
+- Fixed RT #96101; Closing brace of anonymous sub in a list was being
+  indented.  For example, the closing brace of the anonymous sub below 
+  will now be lined up with the word 'callback'.  This problem 
+  occured if there was no comma after the closing brace of the anonymous sub.  
+  This update may cause minor changes to formatting of code with lists 
+  of anonymous subs, especially TK code.
+  # OLD
+  my @menu_items = (
+      #...
+      {
+          path     => '/_Operate/Transcode and split',
+          callback => sub {
+              return 1 if not $self->project_opened;
+              $self->comp('project')->transcode( split => 1 );
+            }
+      }
+  );
+  # NEW
+  my @menu_items = (
+      #...
+      {
+          path     => '/_Operate/Transcode and split',
+          callback => sub {
+              return 1 if not $self->project_opened;
+              $self->comp('project')->transcode( split => 1 );
+          }
+      }
+  );
+ +

2014 03 28

+ +
- Fixed RT #94190 and debian Bug #742004: perltidy.LOG file left behind.
+  Thanks to George Hartzell for debugging this.  The problem was
+  caused by the memoization speedup patch in version 20121207.  An
+  unwanted flag was being set which caused a LOG to be written if 
+  perltidy was called multiple times.
+- New default behavior for LOG files: If the source is from an array or 
+  string (through a call to the perltidy module) then a LOG output is only
+  possible if a logfile stream is specified.  This is to prevent 
+  unexpected perltidy.LOG files. 
+- Fixed debian Bug #740670, insecure temporary file usage.  File::Temp is now
+  used to get a temporary file.  Thanks to Don Anderson for a patch.
+- Any -b (--backup-and-modify-in-place) flag is silently ignored when a 
+  source stream, destination stream, or standard output is used.  
+  This is because the -b flag may have been in a .perltidyrc file and 
+  warnings break Test::NoWarnings.  Thanks to Marijn Brand.
+ +

2013 09 22

+ +
- Fixed RT #88020. --converge was not working with wide characters.
+- Fixed RT #78156. package NAMESPACE VERSION syntax not accepted.
+- First attempt to fix RT #88588.  INDEX END tag change in pod2html breaks 
+  perltidy -html. I put in a patch which should work but I don't yet have
+  a way of testing it.
+ +

2013 08 06

+ +
- Fixed RT #87107, spelling
+ +

2013 08 05

+ +
- Fixed RT #87502, incorrect of parsing of smartmatch before hash brace
+- Added feature request RT #87330, trim whitespace after POD.
+  The flag -trp (--trim-pod) will trim trailing whitespace from lines of POD
+ +

2013 07 17

+ +
- Fixed RT #86929, #86930, missing lhs of assignment.
+- Fixed RT #84922, moved pod from Tidy.pm into Tidy.pod
+ +

2012 12 07

+ +
- The flag -cab=n or --comma-arrow-breakpoints=n has been generalized
+  to give better control over breaking open short containers.  The
+  possible values are now:
+    n=0 break at all commas after =>  
+    n=1 stable: break at all commas after => if container is open,
+        EXCEPT FOR one-line containers
+    n=2 break at all commas after =>, BUT try to form the maximum
+        maximum one-line container lengths
+    n=3 do not treat commas after => specially at all 
+    n=4 break everything: like n=0 but also break a short container with
+        a => not followed by a comma
+    n=5 stable: like n=1 but ALSO break at open one-line containers (default)
+  New values n=4 and n=5 have been added to allow short blocks to be
+  broken open.  The new default is n=5, stable.  It should more closely
+  follow the breaks in the input file, and previously formatted code
+  should remain unchanged.  If this causes problems use -cab=1 to recover 
+  the former behavior.  Thanks to Tony Maszeroski for the suggestion.
+  To illustrate the need for the new options, if perltidy is given
+  the following code, then the old default (-cab=1) was to close up 
+  the 'index' container even if it was open in the source.  The new 
+  default (-cab=5) will keep it open if it was open in the source.
+   our $fancypkg = {
+       'ALL' => {
+           'index' => {
+               'key' => 'value',
+           },
+           'alpine' => {
+               'one'   => '+',
+               'two'   => '+',
+               'three' => '+',
+           },
+       }
+   };
+- New debug flag --memoize (-mem).  This version contains a 
+  patch supplied by Jonathan Swartz which can significantly speed up
+  repeated calls to Perl::Tidy::perltidy in a single process by caching
+  the result of parsing the formatting parameters.  A factor of up to 10
+  speedup was achieved for masontidy (https://metacpan.org/module/masontidy).
+  The memoization patch is on by default but can be deactivated for 
+  testing with -nmem (or --no-memoize).
+- New flag -tso (--tight-secret-operators) causes certain perl operator
+  sequences (secret operators) to be formatted "tightly" (without spaces).  
+  The most common of these are 0 +  and + 0 which become 0+ and +0.  The
+  operators currently modified by this flag are: 
+       =( )=  0+  +0  ()x!! ~~<>  ,=>
+  Suggested by by Philippe Bruhat. See https://metacpan.org/module/perlsecret
+  This flag is off by default.
+- New flag -vmll (--variable-maximum-line-length) makes the maximum
+  line length increase with the nesting depth of a line of code.  
+  Basically, it causes the length of leading whitespace to be ignored when
+  setting line breaks, so the formatting of a block of code is independent
+  of its nesting depth.  Try this option if you have deeply nested 
+  code or data structures, perhaps in conjunction with the -wc flag
+  described next.  The default is not todo this.
+- New flag -wc=n (--whitespace-cycle=n) also addresses problems with
+  very deeply nested code and data structures.  When this parameter is
+  used and the nesting depth exceeds the value n, the leading whitespace 
+  will be reduced and start at 1 again.  The result is that deeply
+  nested blocks of code will shift back to the left. This occurs cyclically 
+  to any nesting depth.  This flag may be used either with or without -vmll.
+  The default is not to use this (-wc=0).
+- Fixed RT #78764, error parsing smartmatch operator followed by anonymous
+  hash or array and then a ternary operator; two examples:
+   qr/3/ ~~ ['1234'] ? 1 : 0;
+   map { $_ ~~ [ '0', '1' ] ? 'x' : 'o' } @a;
+- Fixed problem with specifying spaces around arrows using -wls='->'
+  and -wrs='->'.  Thanks to Alain Valleton for documenting this problem. 
+- Implemented RT #53183, wishlist, lines of code with the same indentation
+  level which are contained with multiple stacked opening and closing tokens
+  (requested with flags -sot -sct) now have reduced indentation.  
+   # Default
+   $sender->MailMsg(
+       {
+           to      => $addr,
+           subject => $subject,
+           msg     => $body
+       }
+   );
+   # OLD: perltidy -sot -sct 
+   $sender->MailMsg( {
+           to      => $addr,
+           subject => $subject,
+           msg     => $body
+   } );
+   # NEW: perltidy -sot -sct 
+   $sender->MailMsg( {
+       to      => $addr,
+       subject => $subject,
+       msg     => $body
+   } );
+- New flag -act=n (--all-containers-tightness=n) is an abbreviation for
+  -pt=n -sbt=n -bt=n -bbt=n, where n=0,1, or 2.  It simplifies input when all
+  containers have the same tightness. Using the same example:
+   # NEW: perltidy -sot -sct -act=2
+   $sender->MailMsg({
+       to      => $addr,
+       subject => $subject,
+       msg     => $body
+   });
+- New flag -sac (--stack-all-containers) is an abbreviation for -sot -sct
+  This is part of wishlist item RT #53183. Using the same example again:
+   # NEW: perltidy -sac -act=2
+   $sender->MailMsg({
+       to      => $addr,
+       subject => $subject,
+       msg     => $body
+   });
+ - new flag -scbb (--stack-closing-block-brace) causes isolated closing 
+   block braces to stack as in the following example. (Wishlist item RT#73788)
+   for $w1 (@w1) {
+       for $w2 (@w2) {
+           for $w3 (@w3) {
+               for $w4 (@w4) {
+                   push( @lines, "$w1 $w2 $w3 $w4\n" );
+               }
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   perltidy -scbb:
+   for $w1 (@w1) {
+       for $w2 (@w2) {
+           for $w3 (@w3) {
+               for $w4 (@w4) {
+                   push( @lines, "$w1 $w2 $w3 $w4\n" );
+               } } } }
+  There is, at present, no flag to place these closing braces at the end
+  of the previous line. It seems difficult to develop good rules for 
+  doing this for a wide variety of code and data structures.
+- Parameters defining block types may use a wildcard '*' to indicate
+  all block types.  Previously it was not possible to include bare blocks.
+- A flag -sobb (--stack-opening-block-brace) has been introduced as an
+  alias for -bbvt=2 -bbvtl='*'.  So for example the following test code:
+  {{{{{{{ $testing }}}}}}}
+  cannot be formatted as above but can at least be kept vertically compact 
+  using perltidy -sobb -scbb
+  {   {   {   {   {   {   {   $testing
+                          } } } } } } }
+  Or even, perltidy -sobb -scbb -i=1 -bbt=2
+  {{{{{{{$testing
+        }}}}}}}
+- Error message improved for conflicts due to -pbp; thanks to Djun Kim.
+- Fixed RT #80645, error parsing special array name '@$' when used as 
+  @{$} or $#{$}
+- Eliminated the -chk debug flag which was included in version 20010406 to
+  do a one-time check for a bug with multi-line quotes.  It has not been
+  needed since then.
+- Numerous other minor formatting improvements.
+ +

2012 07 14

+ +
- Added flag -iscl (--ignore-side-comment-lengths) which causes perltidy 
+  to ignore the length of side comments when setting line breaks, 
+  RT #71848.  The default is to include the length of side comments when
+  breaking lines to stay within the length prescribed by the -l=n
+  maximum line length parameter.  For example,
+    Default behavior on a single line with long side comment:
+       $vmsfile =~ s/;[\d\-]*$//
+         ;    # Clip off version number; we can use a newer version as well
+    perltidy -iscl leaves the line intact:
+       $vmsfile =~ s/;[\d\-]*$//; # Clip off version number; we can use a newer version as well
+- Fixed RT #78182, side effects with STDERR.  Error handling has been
+  revised and the documentation has been updated.  STDERR can now be 
+  redirected to a string reference, and perltidy now returns an 
+  error flag instead of calling die when input errors are detected. 
+  If the error flag is set then no tidied output was produced.
+  See man Perl::Tidy for an example.
+- Fixed RT #78156, erroneous warning message for package VERSION syntax.
+- Added abbreviations -conv (--converge) to simplify iteration control.
+  -conv is equivalent to -it=4 and will insure that the tidied code is
+  converged to its final state with the minimum number of iterations.
+- Minor formatting modifications have been made to insure convergence.
+- Simplified and hopefully improved the method for guessing the starting 
+  indentation level of entabbed code.  Added flag -dt=n (--default_tabsize=n) 
+  which might be helpful if the guessing method does not work well for
+  some editors.
+- Added support for stacked labels, upper case X/B in hex and binary, and
+  CORE:: namespace.
+- Eliminated warning messages for using keyword names as constants.
+ +

2012 07 01

+ +
- Corrected problem introduced by using a chomp on scalar references, RT #77978
+- Added support for Perl 5.14 package block syntax, RT #78114.
+- A convergence test is made if three or more iterations are requested with
+  the -it=n parameter to avoid wasting computer time.  Several hundred Mb of
+  code gleaned from the internet were searched with the results that: 
+   - It is unusual for two iterations to be required unless a major 
+     style change is being made. 
+   - Only one case has been found where three iterations were required.  
+   - No cases requiring four iterations have been found with this version.
+  For the previous version several cases where found the results could
+  oscillate between two semi-stable states. This version corrects this.
+  So if it is important that the code be converged it is okay to set -it=4
+  with this version and it will probably stop after the second iteration.
+- Improved ability to identify and retain good line break points in the
+  input stream, such as at commas and equals. You can always tell 
+  perltidy to ignore old breakpoints with -iob.  
+- Fixed glitch in which a terminal closing hash brace followed by semicolon
+  was not outdented back to the leading line depth like other closing
+  tokens.  Thanks to Keith Neargarder for noting this.
+    OLD:
+       my ( $pre, $post ) = @{
+           {
+               "pp_anonlist" => [ "[", "]" ],
+               "pp_anonhash" => [ "{", "}" ]
+           }->{ $kid->ppaddr }
+         };   # terminal brace
+    NEW:
+       my ( $pre, $post ) = @{
+           {
+               "pp_anonlist" => [ "[", "]" ],
+               "pp_anonhash" => [ "{", "}" ]
+           }->{ $kid->ppaddr }
+       };    # terminal brace
+- Removed extra indentation given to trailing 'if' and 'unless' clauses 
+  without parentheses because this occasionally produced undesirable 
+  results.  This only applies where parens are not used after the if or
+  unless.
+   OLD:
+       return undef
+         unless my ( $who, $actions ) =
+             $clause =~ /^($who_re)((?:$action_re)+)$/o; 
+   NEW:
+       return undef
+         unless my ( $who, $actions ) =
+         $clause =~ /^($who_re)((?:$action_re)+)$/o;
+ +

2012 06 19

+ +
- Updated perltidy to handle all quote modifiers defined for perl 5 version 16.
+- Side comment text in perltidyrc configuration files must now begin with
+  at least one space before the #.  Thus:
+  OK:
+    -l=78 # Max line width is 78 cols
+  BAD: 
+    -l=78# Max line width is 78 cols
+  This is probably true of almost all existing perltidyrc files, 
+  but if you get an error message about bad parameters
+  involving a '#' the first time you run this version, please check the side
+  comments in your perltidyrc file, and add a space before the # if necessary.
+  You can quickly see the contents your perltidyrc file, if any, with the
+  command:
+    perltidy -dpro
+  The reason for this change is that some parameters naturally involve
+  the # symbol, and this can get interpreted as a side comment unless the
+  parameter is quoted.  For example, to define -sphb=# it used to be necessary
+  to write
+    -sbcp='#'
+  to keep the # from becoming part of a comment.  This was causing 
+  trouble for new users.  Now it can also be written without quotes: 
+    -sbcp=#
+- Fixed bug in processing some .perltidyrc files containing parameters with
+  an opening brace character, '{'.  For example the following was
+  incorrectly processed:
+     --static-block-comment-prefix="^#{2,}[^\s#]"
+  Thanks to pdagosto.
+- Added flag -boa (--break-at-old-attribute-breakpoints) which retains
+  any existing line breaks at attribute separation ':'. This is now the
+  default, use -nboa to deactivate.  Thanks to Daphne Phister for the patch.  
+  For example, given the following code, the line breaks at the ':'s will be
+  retained:
+                   my @field
+                     : field
+                     : Default(1)
+                     : Get('Name' => 'foo') : Set('Name');
+  whereas the previous version would have output a single line.  If
+  the attributes are on a single line then they will remain on a single line.
+- Added new flags --blank-lines-before-subs=n (-blbs=n) and
+  --blank-lines-before-packages=n (-blbp=n) to put n blank lines before
+  subs and packages.  The old flag -bbs is now equivalent to -blbs=1 -blbp=1.
+  and -nbbs is equivalent to -blbs=0 -blbp=0. Requested by M. Schwern and
+  several others.
+- Added feature -nsak='*' meaning no space between any keyword and opening 
+  paren.  This avoids listing entering a long list of keywords.  Requested
+  by M. Schwern.
+- Added option to delete a backup of original file with in-place-modify (-b)
+  if there were no errors.  This can be requested with the flag -bext='/'.  
+  See documentation for details.  Requested by M. Schwern and others.
+- Fixed bug where the module postfilter parameter was not applied when -b 
+  flag was used.  This was discovered during testing.
+- Fixed in-place-modify (-b) to work with symbolic links to source files.
+  Thanks to Ted Johnson.
+- Fixed bug where the Perl::Tidy module did not allow -b to be used 
+  in some cases.
+- No extra blank line is added before a comment which follows
+  a short line ending in an opening token, for example like this:
+   OLD:
+           if (
+               # unless we follow a blank or comment line
+               $last_line_leading_type !~ /^[#b]$/
+               ...
+   NEW:
+           if (
+               # unless we follow a blank or comment line
+               $last_line_leading_type !~ /^[#b]$/
+               ...
+   The blank is not needed for readability in these cases because there
+   already is already space above the comment.  If a blank already 
+   exists there it will not be removed, so this change should not 
+   change code which has previously been formatted with perltidy. 
+   Thanks to R.W.Stauner.
+- Likewise, no extra blank line is added above a comment consisting of a
+  single #, since nothing is gained in readability.
+- Fixed error in which a blank line was removed after a #>>> directive. 
+  Thanks to Ricky Morse.
+- Unnecessary semicolons after given/when/default blocks are now removed.
+- Fixed bug where an unwanted blank line could be added before
+  pod text in __DATA__ or __END__ section.  Thanks to jidani.
+- Changed exit flags from 1 to 0 to indicate success for -help, -version, 
+  and all -dump commands.  Also added -? as another way to dump the help.
+  Requested by Keith Neargarder.
+- Fixed bug where .ERR and .LOG files were not written except for -it=2 or more
+- Fixed bug where trailing blank lines at the end of a file were dropped when
+  -it>1.
+- Fixed bug where a line occasionally ended with an extra space. This reduces
+  rhe number of instances where a second iteration gives a result different
+  from the first. 
+- Updated documentation to note that the Tidy.pm module <stderr> parameter may
+  not be a reference to SCALAR or ARRAY; it must be a file.
+- Syntax check with perl now work when the Tidy.pm module is processing
+  references to arrays and strings.  Thanks to Charles Alderman.
+- Zero-length files are no longer processed due to concerns for data loss
+  due to side effects in some scenarios.
+- block labels, if any, are now included in closing side comment text
+  when the -csc flag is used.  Suggested by Aaron.  For example, 
+  the label L102 in the following block is now included in the -csc text:
+     L102: for my $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
+       ...
+     } ## end L102: for my $i ( 1 .. 10 )
+ +

2010 12 17

+ +
- added new flag -it=n or --iterations=n
+  This flag causes perltidy to do n complete iterations.  
+  For most purposes the default of n=1 should be satisfactory.  However n=2
+  can be useful when a major style change is being made, or when code is being
+  beautified on check-in to a source code control system.  The run time will be
+  approximately proportional to n, and it should seldom be necessary to use a
+  value greater than n=2.  Thanks to Jonathan Swartz
+- A configuration file pathname begins with three dots, e.g.
+  ".../.perltidyrc", indicates that the file should be searched for starting
+  in the current directory and working upwards. This makes it easier to have
+  multiple projects each with their own .perltidyrc in their root directories.
+  Thanks to Jonathan Swartz for this patch.
+- Added flag --notidy which disables all formatting and causes the input to be
+  copied unchanged.  This can be useful in conjunction with hierarchical
+  F<.perltidyrc> files to prevent unwanted tidying.
+  Thanks to Jonathan Swartz for this patch.
+- Added prefilters and postfilters in the call to the Tidy.pm module.
+  Prefilters and postfilters. The prefilter is a code reference that 
+  will be applied to the source before tidying, and the postfilter 
+  is a code reference to the result before outputting.  
+  Thanks to Jonathan Swartz for this patch.  He writes:
+  This is useful for all manner of customizations. For example, I use
+  it to convert the 'method' keyword to 'sub' so that perltidy will work for
+  Method::Signature::Simple code:
+  Perl::Tidy::perltidy(
+     prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^method (.*)/sub $1 \#__METHOD/gm; return $_ },
+     postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^sub (.*?)\s* \#__METHOD/method $1/gm; return $_ }
+  );
+- The starting indentation level of sections of code entabbed with -et=n
+  is correctly guessed if it was also produced with the same -et=n flag.  This
+  keeps the indentation stable on repeated formatting passes within an editor.
+  Thanks to Sam Kington and Glenn.
+- Functions with prototype '&' had a space between the function and opening
+  peren.  This space now only occurs if the flag --space-function-paren (-sfp)
+  is set.  Thanks to Zrajm Akfohg.
+- Patch to never put spaces around a bare word in braces beginning with ^ as in:
+    my $before = ${^PREMATCH};
+  even if requested with the -bt=0 flag because any spaces cause a syntax error in perl.
+  Thanks to Fabrice Dulanoy.
+ +

2009 06 16

+ +
- Allow configuration file to be 'perltidy.ini' for Windows systems.
+  i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\User\perltidy.ini
+  and added documentation for setting configuation file under Windows in man
+  page.  Thanks to Stuart Clark.
+- Corrected problem of unwanted semicolons in hash ref within given/when code.
+ Thanks to Nelo Onyiah.
+- added new flag -cscb or --closing-side-comments-balanced
+ When using closing-side-comments, and the closing-side-comment-maximum-text
+ limit is exceeded, then the comment text must be truncated.  Previous
+ versions of perltidy terminate with three dots, and this can still be
+ achieved with -ncscb:
+  perltidy -csc -ncscb
+  } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ...
+ However this causes a problem with older editors which cannot recognize
+ comments or are not configured to doso because they cannot "bounce" around in
+ the text correctly.  The B<-cscb> flag tries to help them by 
+ appending appropriate terminal balancing structure:
+  perltidy -csc -cscb
+  } ## end foreach my $foo (sort { $b cmp $a ... })
+ Since there is much to be gained and little to be lost by doing this,
+ the default is B<-cscb>.  Use B<-ncscb> if you do not want this.
+ Thanks to Daniel Becker for suggesting this option.
+- After an isolated closing eval block the continuation indentation will be
+  removed so that the braces line up more like other blocks.  Thanks to Yves Orton.
+   eval {
+       #STUFF;
+       1;    # return true
+     }  
+     or do {
+       #handle error
+     };
+   eval {
+       #STUFF;
+       1;    # return true
+   } or do {
+       #handle error
+   };
+-A new flag -asbl (or --opening-anonymous-sub-brace-on-new-line) has
+ been added to put the opening brace of anonymous sub's on a new line,
+ as in the following snippet:
+   my $code = sub
+   {
+       my $arg = shift;
+       return $arg->(@_);
+   };
+ This was not possible before because the -sbl flag only applies to named
+ subs. Thanks to Benjamin Krupp.
+-Fix tokenization bug with the following snippet
+  print 'hi' if { x => 1, }->{x};
+ which resulted in a semicolon being added after the comma.  The workaround
+ was to use -nasc, but this is no longer necessary.  Thanks to Brian Duggan. 
+-Fixed problem in which an incorrect error message could be triggered
+by the (unusual) combination of parameters  -lp -i=0 -l=2 -ci=0 for
+example.  Thanks to Richard Jelinek.
+-A new flag --keep-old-blank-lines=n has been added to
+give more control over the treatment of old blank lines in
+a script.  The manual has been revised to discuss the new
+flag and clarify the treatment of old blank lines.  Thanks
+to Oliver Schaefer.
+ +

2007 12 05

+ +
-Improved support for perl 5.10: New quote modifier 'p', new block type UNITCHECK, 
+new keyword break, improved formatting of given/when.
+-Corrected tokenization bug of something like $var{-q}.
+-Numerous minor formatting improvements.
+-Corrected list of operators controlled by -baao -bbao to include
+  . : ? && || and or err xor
+-Corrected very minor error in log file involving incorrect comment
+regarding need for upper case of labels.  
+-Fixed problem where perltidy could run for a very long time
+when given certain non-perl text files.
+-Line breaks in un-parenthesized lists now try to follow
+line breaks in the input file rather than trying to fill
+lines.  This usually works better, but if this causes
+trouble you can use -iob to ignore any old line breaks.
+Example for the following input snippet:
+   print
+   "conformability (Not the same dimension)\n",
+   "\t", $have, " is ", text_unit($hu), "\n",
+   "\t", $want, " is ", text_unit($wu), "\n",
+   ;
+ OLD:
+   print "conformability (Not the same dimension)\n", "\t", $have, " is ",
+     text_unit($hu), "\n", "\t", $want, " is ", text_unit($wu), "\n",;
+ NEW:
+   print "conformability (Not the same dimension)\n",
+     "\t", $have, " is ", text_unit($hu), "\n",
+     "\t", $want, " is ", text_unit($wu), "\n",
+     ;
+ +

2007 08 01

+ +
-Added -fpsc option (--fixed-position-side-comment). Thanks to Ueli Hugenschmidt. 
+For example -fpsc=40 tells perltidy to put side comments in column 40
+if possible.  
+-Added -bbao and -baao options (--break-before-all-operators and
+--break-after-all-operators) to simplify command lines and configuration
+files.  These define an initial preference for breaking at operators which can
+be modified with -wba and -wbb flags.  For example to break before all operators
+except an = one could use --bbao -wba='=' rather than listing every
+single perl operator (except =) on a -wbb flag.
+-Added -kis option (--keep-interior-semicolons).  Use the B<-kis> flag
+to prevent breaking at a semicolon if there was no break there in the
+input file.  To illustrate, consider the following input lines:
+   dbmclose(%verb_delim); undef %verb_delim;
+   dbmclose(%expanded); undef %expanded;
+   dbmclose(%global); undef %global;
+Normally these would be broken into six lines, but 
+perltidy -kis gives:
+   dbmclose(%verb_delim); undef %verb_delim;
+   dbmclose(%expanded);   undef %expanded;
+   dbmclose(%global);     undef %global;
+-Improved formatting of complex ternary statements, with indentation
+of nested statements.  
+ OLD:
+   return defined( $cw->{Selected} )
+     ? (wantarray)
+     ? @{ $cw->{Selected} }
+     : $cw->{Selected}[0]
+     : undef;
+ NEW:
+   return defined( $cw->{Selected} )
+     ? (wantarray)
+         ? @{ $cw->{Selected} }
+         : $cw->{Selected}[0]
+     : undef;
+-Text following un-parenthesized if/unless/while/until statements get a
+full level of indentation.  Suggested by Jeff Armstorng and others. 
+   return $ship->chargeWeapons("phaser-canon")
+     if $encounter->description eq 'klingon'
+     and $ship->firepower >= $encounter->firepower
+     and $location->status ne 'neutral';
+   return $ship->chargeWeapons("phaser-canon")
+     if $encounter->description eq 'klingon'
+         and $ship->firepower >= $encounter->firepower
+         and $location->status ne 'neutral';
+ +

2007 05 08

+ +
-Fixed bug where #line directives were being indented.  Thanks to
+Philippe Bruhat.
+ +

2007 05 04

+ +
-Fixed problem where an extra blank line was added after an =cut when either
+(a) the =cut started (not stopped) a POD section, or (b) -mbl > 1. 
+Thanks to J. Robert Ray and Bill Moseley.
+ +

2007 04 24

+ +
-ole (--output-line-ending) and -ple (--preserve-line-endings) should
+now work on all systems rather than just unix systems. Thanks to Dan
+-Fixed problem of a warning issued for multiple subs for BEGIN subs
+and other control subs. Thanks to Heiko Eissfeldt.
+-Fixed problem where no space was introduced between a keyword or
+bareword and a colon, such as:
+( ref($result) eq 'HASH' && !%$result ) ? undef: $result;
+Thanks to Niek.
+-Added a utility program 'break_long_quotes.pl' to the examples directory of
+the distribution.  It breaks long quoted strings into a chain of concatenated
+sub strings no longer than a selected length.  Suggested by Michael Renner as
+a perltidy feature but was judged to be best done in a separate program.
+-Updated docs to remove extra < and >= from list of tokens 
+after which breaks are made by default.  Thanks to Bob Kleemann.
+-Removed improper uses of $_ to avoid conflicts with external calls, giving
+error message similar to:
+   Modification of a read-only value attempted at 
+   /usr/share/perl5/Perl/Tidy.pm line 6907.
+Thanks to Michael Renner.
+-Fixed problem when errorfile was not a plain filename or filehandle
+in a call to Tidy.pm.  The call
+perltidy(source => \$input, destination => \$output, errorfile => \$err);
+gave the following error message:
+ Not a GLOB reference at /usr/share/perl5/Perl/Tidy.pm line 3827.
+Thanks to Michael Renner and Phillipe Bruhat.
+-Fixed problem where -sot would not stack an opening token followed by
+a side comment.  Thanks to Jens Schicke.
+-improved breakpoints in complex math and other long statements. Example:
+   return
+     log($n) + 0.577215664901532 + ( 1 / ( 2 * $n ) ) -
+     ( 1 / ( 12 * ( $n**2 ) ) ) + ( 1 / ( 120 * ( $n**4 ) ) );
+   return
+     log($n) + 0.577215664901532 +
+     ( 1 / ( 2 * $n ) ) -
+     ( 1 / ( 12 * ( $n**2 ) ) ) +
+     ( 1 / ( 120 * ( $n**4 ) ) );
+-more robust vertical alignment of complex terminal else blocks and ternary
+ +

2006 07 19

+ +
-Eliminated bug where a here-doc invoked through an 'e' modifier on a pattern
+replacement text was not recognized.  The tokenizer now recursively scans
+replacement text (but does not reformat it).
+-improved vertical alignment of terminal else blocks and ternary statements.
+ Thanks to Chris for the suggestion. 
+ OLD:
+   if    ( IsBitmap() ) { return GetBitmap(); }
+   elsif ( IsFiles() )  { return GetFiles(); }
+   else { return GetText(); }
+ NEW:
+   if    ( IsBitmap() ) { return GetBitmap(); }
+   elsif ( IsFiles() )  { return GetFiles(); }
+   else                 { return GetText(); }
+ OLD:
+   $which_search =
+       $opts{"t"} ? 'title'
+     : $opts{"s"} ? 'subject'
+     : $opts{"a"} ? 'author'
+     : 'title';
+ NEW:
+   $which_search =
+       $opts{"t"} ? 'title'
+     : $opts{"s"} ? 'subject'
+     : $opts{"a"} ? 'author'
+     :              'title';
+-improved indentation of try/catch blocks and other externally defined
+functions accepting a block argument.  Thanks to jae.
+-Added support for Perl 5.10 features say and smartmatch.
+-Added flag -pbp (--perl-best-practices) as an abbreviation for parameters
+suggested in Damian Conway's "Perl Best Practices".  -pbp is the same as:
+   -l=78 -i=4 -ci=4 -st -se -vt=2 -cti=0 -pt=1 -bt=1 -sbt=1 -bbt=1 -nsfs -nolq
+   -wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = 
+         **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
+ Please note that the -st here restricts input to standard input; use
+ -nst if necessary to override.
+-Eliminated some needless breaks at equals signs in -lp indentation.
+   OLD:
+       $c =
+         Math::Complex->make(LEFT + $x * (RIGHT - LEFT) / SIZE,
+                             TOP + $y * (BOTTOM - TOP) / SIZE);
+   NEW:
+       $c = Math::Complex->make(LEFT + $x * (RIGHT - LEFT) / SIZE,
+                                TOP + $y * (BOTTOM - TOP) / SIZE);
+A break at an equals is sometimes useful for preventing complex statements 
+from hitting the line length limit.  The decision to do this was 
+over-eager in some cases and has been improved.  Thanks to Royce Reece.
+-qw quotes contained in braces, square brackets, and parens are being
+treated more like those containers as far as stacking of tokens.  Also
+stack of closing tokens ending ');' will outdent to where the ');' would
+have outdented if the closing stack is matched with a similar opening stack.
+ OLD: perltidy -soc -sct
+   __PACKAGE__->load_components(
+       qw(
+         PK::Auto
+         Core
+         )
+   );
+ NEW: perltidy -soc -sct
+   __PACKAGE__->load_components( qw(
+         PK::Auto
+         Core
+   ) );
+ Thanks to Aran Deltac
+-Eliminated some undesirable or marginally desirable vertical alignments.
+These include terminal colons, opening braces, and equals, and particularly
+when just two lines would be aligned.
+   my $accurate_timestamps = $Stamps{lnk};
+   my $has_link            = 
+       ...
+   my $accurate_timestamps = $Stamps{lnk};
+   my $has_link =
+-Corrected a problem with -mangle in which a space would be removed
+between a keyword and variable beginning with ::.
+ +

2006 06 14

+ +
-Attribute argument lists are now correctly treated as quoted strings
+and not formatted.  This is the most important update in this version.
+Thanks to Borris Zentner, Greg Ferguson, Steve Kirkup.
+-Updated to recognize the defined or operator, //, to be released in Perl 10.
+Thanks to Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni.
+-A useful utility perltidyrc_dump.pl is included in the examples section.  It
+will read any perltidyrc file and write it back out in a standard format
+(though comments are lost).
+-Added option to have perltidy read and return a hash with the contents of a
+perltidyrc file.  This may be used by Leif Eriksen's tidyview code.  This
+feature is used by the demonstration program 'perltidyrc_dump.pl' in the
+examples directory.
+-Improved error checking in perltidyrc files.  Unknown bare words were not
+being caught.
+-The --dump-options parameter now dumps parameters in the format required by a
+perltidyrc file.
+-V-Strings with underscores are now recognized.
+For example: $v = v1.2_3; 
+-cti=3 option added which gives one extra indentation level to closing 
+tokens always.  This provides more predictable closing token placement
+than cti=2.  If you are using cti=2 you might want to try cti=3.
+-To identify all left-adjusted comments as static block comments, use C<-sbcp='^#'>.
+-New parameters -fs, -fsb, -fse added to allow sections of code between #<<<
+and #>>> to be passed through verbatim. This is enabled by default and turned
+off by -nfs.  Flags -fsb and -fse allow other beginning and ending markers.
+Thanks to Wolfgang Werner and Marion Berryman for suggesting this.  
+-added flag -skp to put a space between all Perl keywords and following paren.
+The default is to only do this for certain keywords.  Suggested by
+H.Merijn Brand.
+-added flag -sfp to put a space between a function name and following paren.
+The default is not to do this.  Suggested by H.Merijn Brand.
+-Added patch to avoid breaking GetOpt::Long::Configure set by calling program. 
+Thanks to Philippe Bruhat.
+-An error was fixed in which certain parameters in a .perltidyrc file given
+without the equals sign were not recognized.  That is,
+'--brace-tightness 0' gave an error but '--brace-tightness=0' worked
+ok.  Thanks to Zac Hansen.
+-An error preventing the -nwrs flag from working was corrected. Thanks to
+ Greg Ferguson.
+-Corrected some alignment problems with entab option.
+-A bug with the combination of -lp and -extrude was fixed (though this
+combination doesn't really make sense).  The bug was that a line with
+a single zero would be dropped.  Thanks to Cameron Hayne.
+-Updated Windows detection code to avoid an undefined variable.
+Thanks to Joe Yates and Russ Jones.
+-Improved formatting for short trailing statements following a closing paren.
+Thanks to Joe Matarazzo.
+-The handling of the -icb (indent closing block braces) flag has been changed
+slightly to provide more consistent and predictable formatting of complex
+structures.  Instead of giving a closing block brace the indentation of the
+previous line, it is now given one extra indentation level.  The two methods
+give the same result if the previous line was a complete statement, as in this
+       if ($task) {
+           yyy();
+           }    # -icb
+       else {
+           zzz();
+           }
+The change also fixes a problem with empty blocks such as:
+   OLD, -icb:
+   elsif ($debug) {
+   }
+   NEW, -icb:
+   elsif ($debug) {
+       }
+-A problem with -icb was fixed in which a closing brace was misplaced when
+it followed a quote which spanned multiple lines.
+-Some improved breakpoints for -wba='&& || and or'
+-Fixed problem with misaligned cuddled else in complex statements
+when the -bar flag was also used.  Thanks to Alex and Royce Reese.
+-Corrected documentation to show that --outdent-long-comments is the default.
+Thanks to Mario Lia.
+-New flag -otr (opening-token-right) is similar to -bar (braces-always-right)
+but applies to non-structural opening tokens.
+-new flags -sot (stack-opening-token), -sct (stack-closing-token).
+Suggested by Tony.
+ +

2003 10 21

+ +
-The default has been changed to not do syntax checking with perl.  
+  Use -syn if you want it.  Perltidy is very robust now, and the -syn
+  flag now causes more problems than it's worth because of BEGIN blocks
+  (which get executed with perl -c).  For example, perltidy will never
+  return when trying to beautify this code if -syn is used:
+       BEGIN { 1 while { }; }
+ Although this is an obvious error, perltidy is often run on untested
+ code which is more likely to have this sort of problem.  A more subtle
+ example is:
+       BEGIN { use FindBin; }
+ which may hang on some systems using -syn if a shared file system is
+ unavailable.
+-Changed style -gnu to use -cti=1 instead of -cti=2 (see next item).
+ In most cases it looks better.  To recover the previous format, use
+ '-gnu -cti=2'
+-Added flags -cti=n for finer control of closing token indentation.
+  -cti = 0 no extra indentation (default; same as -nicp)
+  -cti = 1 enough indentation so that the closing token
+       aligns with its opening token.
+  -cti = 2 one extra indentation level if the line has the form 
+         );   ];   or   };     (same as -icp).
+  The new option -cti=1 works well with -lp:
+   # perltidy -lp -cti=1
+   @month_of_year = (
+                      'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+                      'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
+                    );
+   # perltidy -lp -cti=2
+   @month_of_year = (
+                      'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+                      'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
+                      );
+ This is backwards compatible with -icp. See revised manual for
+ details.  Suggested by Mike Pennington.
+-Added flag '--preserve-line-endings' or '-ple' to cause the output
+ line ending to be the same as in the input file, for unix, dos, 
+ or mac line endings.  Only works under unix. Suggested by 
+ Rainer Hochschild.
+-Added flag '--output-line-ending=s' or '-ole=s' where s=dos or win,
+ unix, or mac.  Only works under unix.
+-Files with Mac line endings should now be handled properly under unix
+ and dos without being passed through a converter.
+-You may now include 'and', 'or', and 'xor' in the list following
+ '--want-break-after' to get line breaks after those keywords rather than
+ before them.  Suggested by Rainer Hochschild.
+-Corrected problem with command line option for -vtc=n and -vt=n. The
+ equals sign was being eaten up by the Windows shell so perltidy didn't
+ see it.
+ +

2003 07 26

+ +
-Corrected cause of warning message with recent versions of Perl:
+   "Possible precedence problem on bitwise & operator at ..."
+ Thanks to Jim Files.
+-fixed bug with -html with '=for pod2html' sections, in which code/pod
+output order was incorrect.  Thanks to Tassilo von Parseval.
+-fixed bug when the -html flag is used, in which the following error
+message, plus others, appear:
+    did not see <body> in pod2html output
+This was caused by a change in the format of html output by pod2html
+VERSION 1.04 (included with perl 5.8).  Thanks to Tassilo von Parseval.
+-Fixed bug where an __END__ statement would be mistaken for a label
+if it is immediately followed by a line with a leading colon. Thanks
+to John Bayes.
+-Implemented guessing logic for brace types when it is ambiguous.  This
+has been on the TODO list a long time.  Thanks to Boris Zentner for
+an example.
+-Long options may now be negated either as '--nolong-option' 
+or '--no-long-option'.  Thanks to Philip Newton for the suggestion.
+-added flag --html-entities or -hent which controls the use of
+Html::Entities for html formatting.  Use --nohtml-entities or -nhent to
+prevent the use of Html::Entities to encode special symbols.  The
+default is -hent.  Html::Entities when formatting perl text to escape
+special symbols.  This may or may not be the right thing to do,
+depending on browser/language combinations.  Thanks to Burak Gursoy for
+this suggestion.
+-Bareword strings with leading '-', like, '-foo' now count as 1 token
+for horizontal tightness.  This way $a{'-foo'}, $a{foo}, and $a{-foo}
+are now all treated similarly.  Thus, by default, OLD: $a{ -foo } will
+now be NEW: $a{-foo}.  Suggested by Mark Olesen.
+-added 2 new flags to control spaces between keywords and opening parens:
+  -sak=s  or --space-after-keyword=s,  and
+  -nsak=s or --nospace-after-keyword=s, where 's' is a list of keywords.
+The new default list of keywords which get a space is:
+  "my local our and or eq ne if else elsif until unless while for foreach
+    return switch case given when"
+Use -sak=s and -nsak=s to add and remove keywords from this list,
+   respectively.
+Explanation: Stephen Hildrey noted that perltidy was being inconsistent
+in placing spaces between keywords and opening parens, and sent a patch
+to give user control over this.  The above list was selected as being
+a reasonable default keyword list.  Previously, perltidy
+had a hardwired list which also included these keywords:
+       push pop shift unshift join split die
+but did not have 'our'.  Example: if you prefer to make perltidy behave
+exactly as before, you can include the following two lines in your
+.perltidyrc file: 
+  -sak="push pop local shift unshift join split die"
+  -nsak="our"
+-Corrected html error in .toc file when -frm -html is used (extra ");
+ browsers were tolerant of it.
+-Improved alignment of chains of binary and ?/: operators. Example:
+ OLD:
+   $leapyear =
+     $year % 4     ? 0
+     : $year % 100 ? 1
+     : $year % 400 ? 0
+     : 1;
+ NEW:
+   $leapyear =
+       $year % 4   ? 0
+     : $year % 100 ? 1
+     : $year % 400 ? 0
+     : 1;
+-improved breakpoint choices involving '->'
+-Corrected tokenization of things like ${#}. For example,
+ ${#} is valid, but ${# } is a syntax error.
+-Corrected minor tokenization errors with indirect object notation.
+ For example, 'new A::()' works now.
+-Minor tokenization improvements; all perl code distributed with perl 5.8 
+ seems to be parsed correctly except for one instance (lextest.t) 
+ of the known bug.
+ +

2002 11 30

+ +
-Implemented scalar attributes.  Thanks to Sean Tobin for noting this.
+-Fixed glitch introduced in previous release where -pre option
+was not outputting a leading html <pre> tag.
+-Numerous minor improvements in vertical alignment, including the following:
+-Improved alignment of opening braces in many cases.  Needed for improved
+switch/case formatting, and also suggested by Mark Olesen for sort/map/grep
+formatting.  For example:
+ OLD:
+   @modified =
+     map { $_->[0] }
+     sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+     map { [ $_, -M ] } @filenames;
+ NEW:
+   @modified =
+     map  { $_->[0] }
+     sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+     map  { [ $_, -M ] } @filenames;
+-Eliminated alignments across unrelated statements. Example:
+ OLD:
+   $borrowerinfo->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
+   $borrowerinfo->grid( -col        => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w' );
+ NEW:  
+   $borrowerinfo->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
+   $borrowerinfo->grid( -col => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w' );
+ Thanks to Mark Olesen for suggesting this.
+-Improved alignement of '='s in certain cases.
+ Thanks to Norbert Gruener for sending an example.
+-Outdent-long-comments (-olc) has been re-instated as a default, since
+ it works much better now.  Use -nolc if you want to prevent it.
+-Added check for 'perltidy file.pl -o file.pl', which causes file.pl
+to be lost. (The -b option should be used instead). Thanks to mreister
+for reporting this problem.
+ +

2002 11 06

+ +
-Switch/case or given/when syntax is now recognized.  Its vertical alignment
+is not great yet, but it parses ok.  The words 'switch', 'case', 'given',
+and 'when' are now treated as keywords.  If this causes trouble with older
+code, we could introduce a switch to deactivate it.  Thanks to Stan Brown
+and Jochen Schneider for recommending this.
+-Corrected error parsing sub attributes with call parameters.
+Thanks to Marc Kerr for catching this.
+-Sub prototypes no longer need to be on the same line as sub names.  
+-a new flag -frm or --frames will cause html output to be in a
+frame, with table of contents in the left panel and formatted source
+in the right panel.  Try 'perltidy -html -frm somemodule.pm' for example.
+-The new default for -html formatting is to pass the pod through Pod::Html.
+The result is syntax colored code within your pod documents. This can be
+deactivated with -npod.  Thanks to those who have written to discuss this,
+particularly Mark Olesen and Hugh Myers.
+-the -olc (--outdent-long-comments) option works much better.  It now outdents
+groups of consecutive comments together, and by just the amount needed to
+avoid having any one line exceeding the maximum line length.
+-block comments are now trimmed of trailing whitespace.
+-if a directory specified with -opath does not exist, it will be created.
+-a table of contents to packages and subs is output when -html is used.
+Use -ntoc to prevent this. 
+-fixed an unusual bug in which a 'for' statement following a 'format'
+statement was not correctly tokenized.  Thanks to Boris Zentner for
+catching this.
+-Tidy.pm is no longer dependent on modules IO::Scalar and IO::ScalarArray.  
+There were some speed issues.  Suggested by Joerg Walter.
+-The treatment of quoted wildcards (file globs) is now system-independent. 
+For example
+   perltidy 'b*x.p[lm]'
+would match box.pl, box.pm, brinx.pm under any operating system.  Of
+course, anything unquoted will be subject to expansion by any shell.
+-default color for keywords under -html changed from 
+SaddleBrown (#8B4513) to magenta4 (#8B008B).
+-fixed an arg parsing glitch in which something like:
+  perltidy quick-help
+would trigger the help message and exit, rather than operate on the
+file 'quick-help'.
+ +

2002 09 22

+ +
-New option '-b' or '--backup-and-modify-in-place' will cause perltidy to
+overwrite the original file with the tidied output file.  The original
+file will be saved with a '.bak' extension (which can be changed with
+-bext=s).  Thanks to Rudi Farkas for the suggestion.
+-An index to all subs is included at the top of -html output, unless
+only the <pre> section is written.
+-Anchor lines of the form <a name="mysub"></a> are now inserted at key points
+in html output, such as before sub definitions, for the convenience of
+postprocessing scripts.  Suggested by Howard Owen.
+-The cuddled-else (-ce) flag now also makes cuddled continues, like
+   while ( ( $pack, $file, $line ) = caller( $i++ ) ) {
+      # bla bla
+   } continue {
+       $prevpack = $pack;
+   }
+Suggested by Simon Perreault.  
+-Fixed bug in which an extra blank line was added before an =head or 
+similar pod line after an __END__ or __DATA__ line each time 
+perltidy was run.  Also, an extra blank was being added after
+a terminal =cut.  Thanks to Mike Birdsall for reporting this.
+ +

2002 08 26

+ +
-Fixed bug in which space was inserted in a hyphenated hash key:
+   my $val = $myhash{USER-NAME};
+ was converted to:
+   my $val = $myhash{USER -NAME}; 
+ Thanks to an anonymous bug reporter at sourceforge.
+-Fixed problem with the '-io' ('--indent-only') where all lines 
+ were double spaced.  Thanks to Nick Andrew for reporting this bug.
+-Fixed tokenization error in which something like '-e1' was 
+ parsed as a number. 
+-Corrected a rare problem involving older perl versions, in which 
+ a line break before a bareword caused problems with 'use strict'.
+ Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for noting this.
+-More syntax error checking added.
+-Outdenting labels (-ola) has been made the default, in order to follow the
+ perlstyle guidelines better.  It's probably a good idea in general, but
+ if you do not want this, use -nola in your .perltidyrc file.
+-Updated rules for padding logical expressions to include more cases.
+ Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for helpful discussions.
+-Added new flag -osbc (--outdent-static-block-comments) which will
+ outdent static block comments by 2 spaces (or whatever -ci equals).
+ Requested by Jon Robison.
+ +

2002 04 25

+ +
-Corrected a bug, introduced in the previous release, in which some
+ closing side comments (-csc) could have incorrect text.  This is
+ annoying but will be correct the next time perltidy is run with -csc.
+-Fixed bug where whitespace was being removed between 'Bar' and '()' 
+ in a use statement like:
+      use Foo::Bar ();
+-Whenever possible, if a logical expression is broken with leading
+ '&&', '||', 'and', or 'or', then the leading line will be padded
+ with additional space to produce alignment.  This has been on the
+ todo list for a long time; thanks to Frank Steinhauer for reminding
+ me to do it.  Notice the first line after the open parens here:
+       OLD: perltidy -lp
+       if (
+            !param("rules.to.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.from.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.subject.$linecount")
+            && !(
+                  param("rules.fieldname.$linecount")
+                  && param("rules.fieldval.$linecount")
+            )
+            && !param("rules.size.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.custom.$linecount")
+         )
+       NEW: perltidy -lp
+       if (
+               !param("rules.to.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.from.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.subject.$linecount")
+            && !(
+                     param("rules.fieldname.$linecount")
+                  && param("rules.fieldval.$linecount")
+            )
+            && !param("rules.size.$linecount")
+            && !param("rules.custom.$linecount")
+         )
+ +

2002 04 16

+ +
-Corrected a mistokenization of variables for a package with a name
+ equal to a perl keyword.  For example: 
+    my::qx();
+    package my;
+    sub qx{print "Hello from my::qx\n";}
+ In this case, the leading 'my' was mistokenized as a keyword, and a
+ space was being place between 'my' and '::'.  This has been
+ corrected.  Thanks to Martin Sluka for discovering this. 
+-A new flag -bol (--break-at-old-logic-breakpoints)
+ has been added to control whether containers with logical expressions
+ should be broken open.  This is the default.
+-A new flag -bok (--break-at-old-keyword-breakpoints)
+ has been added to follow breaks at old keywords which return lists,
+ such as sort and map.  This is the default.
+-A new flag -bot (--break-at-old-trinary-breakpoints) has been added to
+ follow breaks at trinary (conditional) operators.  This is the default.
+-A new flag -cab=n has been added to control breaks at commas after
+ '=>' tokens.  The default is n=1, meaning break unless this breaks
+ open an existing on-line container.
+-A new flag -boc has been added to allow existing list formatting
+ to be retained.  (--break-at-old-comma-breakpoints).  See updated manual.
+-A new flag -iob (--ignore-old-breakpoints) has been added to
+ prevent the locations of old breakpoints from influencing the output
+ format.
+-Corrected problem where nested parentheses were not getting full
+ indentation.  This has been on the todo list for some time; thanks 
+ to Axel Rose for a snippet demonstrating this issue.
+           OLD: inner list is not indented
+           $this->sendnumeric(
+               $this->server,
+               (
+                 $ret->name,        $user->username, $user->host,
+               $user->server->name, $user->nick,     "H"
+               ),
+           );
+           NEW:
+           $this->sendnumeric(
+               $this->server,
+               (
+                   $ret->name,          $user->username, $user->host,
+                   $user->server->name, $user->nick,     "H"
+               ),
+           );
+-Code cleaned up by removing the following unused, undocumented flags.
+ They should not be in any .perltidyrc files because they were just
+ experimental flags which were never documented.  Most of them placed
+ artificial limits on spaces, and Wolfgang Weisselberg convinced me that
+ most of them they do more harm than good by causing unexpected results.
+ --maximum-continuation-indentation (-mci)
+ --maximum-whitespace-columns
+ --maximum-space-to-comment (-xsc)
+ --big-space-jump (-bsj)
+-Pod file 'perltidy.pod' has been appended to the script 'perltidy', and
+ Tidy.pod has been append to the module 'Tidy.pm'.  Older MakeMaker's
+ were having trouble.
+-A new flag -isbc has been added for more control on comments. This flag
+ has the effect that if there is no leading space on the line, then the
+ comment will not be indented, and otherwise it may be.  If both -ibc and
+ -isbc are set, then -isbc takes priority.  Thanks to Frank Steinhauer
+ for suggesting this.
+-A new document 'stylekey.pod' has been created to quickly guide new users
+ through the maze of perltidy style parameters.  An html version is 
+ on the perltidy web page.  Take a look! It should be very helpful.
+-Parameters for controlling 'vertical tightness' have been added:
+ -vt and -vtc are the main controls, but finer control is provided
+ with -pvt, -pcvt, -bvt, -bcvt, -sbvt, -sbcvt.  Block brace vertical
+ tightness controls have also been added.
+ See updated manual and also see 'stylekey.pod'. Simple examples:
+   # perltidy -lp -vt=1 -vtc=1
+   @month_of_year = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+                      'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' );
+   # perltidy -lp -vt=1 -vtc=0
+   @month_of_year = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+                      'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
+   );
+-Lists which do not format well in uniform columns are now better
+ identified and formated.
+   OLD:
+   return $c->create( 'polygon', $x, $y, $x + $ruler_info{'size'},
+       $y + $ruler_info{'size'}, $x - $ruler_info{'size'},
+       $y + $ruler_info{'size'} );
+   NEW:
+   return $c->create(
+       'polygon', $x, $y,
+       $x + $ruler_info{'size'},
+       $y + $ruler_info{'size'},
+       $x - $ruler_info{'size'},
+       $y + $ruler_info{'size'}
+   );
+   OLD:
+     radlablist($f1, pad('Initial', $p), $b->{Init}->get_panel_ref, 'None ',
+                'None', 'Default', 'Default', 'Simple', 'Simple');
+   NEW:
+     radlablist($f1,
+                pad('Initial', $p),
+                $b->{Init}->get_panel_ref,
+                'None ', 'None', 'Default', 'Default', 'Simple', 'Simple');
+-Corrected problem where an incorrect html filename was generated for 
+ external calls to Tidy.pm module.  Fixed incorrect html title when
+ Tidy.pm is called with IO::Scalar or IO::Array source.
+-Output file permissons are now set as follows.  An output script file
+ gets the same permission as the input file, except that owner
+ read/write permission is added (otherwise, perltidy could not be
+ rerun).  Html output files use system defaults.  Previously chmod 0755
+ was used in all cases.  Thanks to Mark Olesen for bringing this up.
+-Missing semicolons will not be added in multi-line blocks of type
+ sort, map, or grep.  This brings perltidy into closer agreement
+ with common practice.  Of course, you can still put semicolons 
+ there if you like.  Thanks to Simon Perreault for a discussion of this.
+-Most instances of extra semicolons are now deleted.  This is
+ particularly important if the -csc option is used.  Thanks to Wolfgang
+ Weisselberg for noting this.  For example, the following line
+ (produced by 'h2xs' :) has an extra semicolon which will now be
+ removed:
+    BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
+-New parameter -csce (--closing-side-comment-else-flag) can be used
+ to control what text is appended to 'else' and 'elsif' blocks.
+ Default is to just add leading 'if' text to an 'else'.  See manual.
+-The -csc option now labels 'else' blocks with additinal information
+ from the opening if statement and elsif statements, if space.
+ Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for suggesting this.
+-The -csc option will now remove any old closing side comments
+ below the line interval threshold. Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for
+ suggesting this.
+-The abbreviation feature, which was broken in the previous version,
+ is now fixed.  Thanks to Michael Cartmell for noting this.
+-Vertical alignment is now done for '||='  .. somehow this was 
+ overlooked.
+ +

2002 02 25

+ +
-This version uses modules for the first time, and a standard perl
+ Makefile.PL has been supplied.  However, perltidy may still be
+ installed as a single script, without modules.  See INSTALL for
+ details.
+-The man page 'perl2web' has been merged back into the main 'perltidy'
+ man page to simplify installation.  So you may remove that man page
+ if you have an older installation.
+-Added patch from Axel Rose for MacPerl.  The patch prompts the user
+ for command line arguments before calling the module 
+ Perl::Tidy::perltidy.
+-Corrected bug with '-bar' which was introduced in the previous
+ version.  A closing block brace was being indented.  Thanks to
+ Alexandros M Manoussakis for reporting this.
+-New parameter '--entab-leading-whitespace=n', or '-et=n', has been
+ added for those who prefer tabs.  This behaves different from the
+ existing '-t' parameter; see updated man page.  Suggested by Mark
+ Olesen.
+-New parameter '--perl-syntax-check-flags=s'  or '-pcsf=s' can be
+ used to change the flags passed to perltidy in a syntax check.
+ See updated man page.  Suggested by Mark Olesen. 
+-New parameter '--output-path=s'  or '-opath=s' will cause output
+ files to be placed in directory s.  See updated man page.  Thanks for
+ Mark Olesen for suggesting this.
+-New parameter --dump-profile (or -dpro) will dump to
+ standard output information about the search for a
+ configuration file, the name of whatever configuration file
+ is selected, and its contents.  This should help debugging
+ config files, especially on different Windows systems.
+-The -w parameter now notes possible errors of the form:
+       $comment = s/^\s*(\S+)\..*/$1/;   # trim whitespace
+-Corrections added for a leading ':' and for leaving a leading 'tcsh'
+ line untouched.  Mark Olesen reported that lines of this form were
+ accepted by perl but not by perltidy:
+       : # use -*- perl -*-
+       eval 'exec perl -wS $0 "$@"'  # shell should exec 'perl'
+       unless 1;                     # but Perl should skip this one
+ Perl will silently swallow a leading colon on line 1 of a
+ script, and now perltidy will do likewise.  For example,
+ this is a valid script, provided that it is the first line,
+ but not otherwise:
+       : print "Hello World\n";
+ Also, perltidy will now mark a first line with leading ':' followed by
+ '#' as type SYSTEM (just as a #!  line), not to be formatted.
+-List formatting improved for certain lists with special
+ initial terms, such as occur with 'printf', 'sprintf',
+ 'push', 'pack', 'join', 'chmod'.  The special initial term is
+ now placed on a line by itself.  For example, perltidy -gnu
+    OLD:
+       $Addr = pack(
+                    "C4",                hex($SourceAddr[0]),
+                    hex($SourceAddr[1]), hex($SourceAddr[2]),
+                    hex($SourceAddr[3])
+                    );
+    NEW:
+       $Addr = pack("C4",
+                    hex($SourceAddr[0]), hex($SourceAddr[1]),
+                    hex($SourceAddr[2]), hex($SourceAddr[3]));
+     OLD:
+           push (
+                 @{$$self{states}}, '64', '66', '68',
+                 '70',              '72', '74', '76',
+                 '78',              '80', '82', '84',
+                 '86',              '88', '90', '92',
+                 '94',              '96', '98', '100',
+                 '102',             '104'
+                 );
+     NEW:
+           push (
+                 @{$$self{states}},
+                 '64', '66', '68', '70', '72',  '74',  '76',
+                 '78', '80', '82', '84', '86',  '88',  '90',
+                 '92', '94', '96', '98', '100', '102', '104'
+                 );
+-Lists of complex items, such as matricies, are now detected
+ and displayed with just one item per row:
+   OLD:
+   $this->{'CURRENT'}{'gfx'}{'MatrixSkew'} = Text::PDF::API::Matrix->new(
+       [ 1, tan( deg2rad($a) ), 0 ], [ tan( deg2rad($b) ), 1, 0 ],
+       [ 0, 0, 1 ]
+   );
+   NEW:
+   $this->{'CURRENT'}{'gfx'}{'MatrixSkew'} = Text::PDF::API::Matrix->new(
+       [ 1,                  tan( deg2rad($a) ), 0 ],
+       [ tan( deg2rad($b) ), 1,                  0 ],
+       [ 0,                  0,                  1 ]
+   );
+-The perl syntax check will be turned off for now when input is from
+ standard input or standard output.  The reason is that this requires
+ temporary files, which has produced far too many problems during
+ Windows testing.  For example, the POSIX module under Windows XP/2000
+ creates temporary names in the root directory, to which only the
+ administrator should have permission to write.
+-Merged patch sent by Yves Orton to handle appropriate
+ configuration file locations for different Windows varieties
+ (2000, NT, Me, XP, 95, 98).
+-Added patch to properly handle a for/foreach loop without
+ parens around a list represented as a qw.  I didn't know this
+ was possible until Wolfgang Weisselberg pointed it out:
+       foreach my $key qw\Uno Due Tres Quadro\ {
+           print "Set $key\n";
+       }
+ But Perl will give a syntax error without the $ variable; ie this will
+ not work:
+       foreach qw\Uno Due Tres Quadro\ {
+           print "Set $_\n";
+       }
+-Merged Windows version detection code sent by Yves Orton.  Perltidy
+ now automatically turns off syntax checking for Win 9x/ME versions,
+ and this has solved a lot of robustness problems.  These systems 
+ cannot reliably handle backtick operators.  See man page for
+ details.
+-Merged VMS filename handling patch sent by Michael Cartmell.  (Invalid
+ output filenames were being created in some cases). 
+-Numerous minor improvements have been made for -lp style indentation.
+-Long C-style 'for' expressions will be broken after each ';'.   
+ 'perltidy -gnu' gives:
+   OLD:
+   for ($status = $db->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR()) ; $status == 0
+        and $key eq $origkey ; $status = $db->seq($key, $value, R_NEXT())) 
+   NEW:
+   for ($status = $db->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR()) ;
+        $status == 0 and $key eq $origkey ;
+        $status = $db->seq($key, $value, R_NEXT()))
+-For the -lp option, a single long term within parens
+ (without commas) now has better alignment.  For example,
+ perltidy -gnu
+           OLD:
+           $self->throw("Must specify a known host, not $location,"
+                 . " possible values ("
+                 . join (",", sort keys %hosts) . ")");
+           NEW:
+           $self->throw("Must specify a known host, not $location,"
+                        . " possible values ("
+                        . join (",", sort keys %hosts) . ")");
+ +

2001 12 31

+ +
-This version is about 20 percent faster than the previous
+ version as a result of optimization work.  The largest gain
+ came from switching to a dispatch hash table in the
+ tokenizer.
+-perltidy -html will check to see if HTML::Entities is
+ installed, and if so, it will use it to encode unsafe
+ characters.
+-Added flag -oext=ext to change the output file extension to
+ be different from the default ('tdy' or 'html').  For
+ example:
+   perltidy -html -oext=htm filename
+will produce filename.htm
+-Added flag -cscw to issue warnings if a closing side comment would replace
+an existing, different side comments.  See the man page for details.
+Thanks to Peter Masiar for helpful discussions.
+-Corrected tokenization error of signed hex/octal/binary numbers. For
+example, the first hex number below would have been parsed correctly
+but the second one was not:
+   if ( ( $tmp >= 0x80_00_00 ) || ( $tmp < -0x80_00_00 ) ) { }
+-'**=' was incorrectly tokenized as '**' and '='.  This only
+    caused a problem with the -extrude opton.
+-Corrected a divide by zero when -extrude option is used
+-The flag -w will now contain all errors reported by 'perl -c' on the
+input file, but otherwise they are not reported.  The reason is that
+perl will report lots of problems and syntax errors which are not of
+interest when only a small snippet is being formatted (such as missing
+modules and unknown bare words).  Perltidy will always report all
+significant syntax errors that it finds, such as unbalanced braces,
+unless the -q (quiet) flag is set.
+-Merged modifications created by Hugh Myers into perltidy.
+ These include a 'streamhandle' routine which allows perltidy
+ as a module to operate on input and output arrays and strings
+ in addition to files.  Documentation and new packaging as a
+ module should be ready early next year; This is an elegant,
+ powerful update; many thanks to Hugh for contributing it.
+ +

2001 11 28

+ +
-added a tentative patch which tries to keep any existing breakpoints
+at lines with leading keywords map,sort,eval,grep. The idea is to
+improve formatting of sequences of list operations, as in a schwartzian
+transform.  Example:
+   INPUT:
+   my @sorted = map { $_->[0] }
+                sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+                map { [ $_, rand ] } @list;
+   OLD:
+   my @sorted =
+     map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, rand ] } @list;
+   NEW:
+   my @sorted = map { $_->[0] }
+     sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
+     map { [ $_, rand ] } @list;
+ The new alignment is not as nice as the input, but this is an improvement.
+ Thanks to Yves Orton for this suggestion.
+-modified indentation logic so that a line with leading opening paren,
+brace, or square bracket will never have less indentation than the
+line with the corresponding opening token.  Here's a simple example:
+   OLD:
+       $mw->Button(
+           -text    => "New Document",
+           -command => \&new_document
+         )->pack(
+           -side   => 'bottom',
+           -anchor => 'e'
+       );
+   Note how the closing ');' is lined up with the first line, even
+   though it closes a paren in the 'pack' line.  That seems wrong.
+   NEW:
+       $mw->Button(
+           -text    => "New Document",
+           -command => \&new_document
+         )->pack(
+           -side   => 'bottom',
+           -anchor => 'e'
+         );
+  This seems nicer: you can up-arrow with an editor and arrive at the
+  opening 'pack' line.
+-corrected minor glitch in which cuddled else (-ce) did not get applied
+to an 'unless' block, which should look like this:
+       unless ($test) {
+       } else {
+       }
+ Thanks to Jeremy Mates for reporting this.
+-The man page has been reorganized to parameters easier to find.
+-Added check for multiple definitions of same subroutine.  It is easy
+ to introduce this problem when cutting and pasting. Perl does not
+ complain about it, but it can lead to disaster.
+-The command -pro=filename  or -profile=filename may be used to specify a
+ configuration file which will override the default name of .perltidyrc.
+ There must not be a space on either side of the '=' sign.  I needed
+ this to be able to easily test perltidy with a variety of different
+ configuration files.
+-Side comment alignment has been improved somewhat across frequent level
+ changes, as in short if/else blocks.  Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg 
+ for pointing out this problem.  For example:
+   OLD:
+   if ( ref $self ) {    # Called as a method
+       $format = shift;
+   }
+   else {    # Regular procedure call
+       $format = $self;
+       undef $self;
+   }
+   NEW:
+   if ( ref $self ) {    # Called as a method
+       $format = shift;
+   }
+   else {                # Regular procedure call
+       $format = $self;
+       undef $self;
+   }
+-New command -ssc (--static-side-comment) and related command allows
+ side comments to be spaced close to preceding character.  This is
+ useful for displaying commented code as side comments.
+-New command -csc (--closing-side-comment) and several related
+ commands allow comments to be added to (and deleted from) any or all
+ closing block braces.  This can be useful if you have to maintain large
+ programs, especially those that you didn't write.  See updated man page.
+ Thanks to Peter Masiar for this suggestion.  For a simple example:
+       perltidy -csc
+       sub foo {
+           if ( !defined( $_[0] ) ) {
+               print("Hello, World\n");
+           }
+           else {
+               print( $_[0], "\n" );
+           }
+       } ## end sub foo
+ This added '## end sub foo' to the closing brace.  
+ To remove it, perltidy -ncsc.
+-New commands -ola, for outdenting labels, and -okw, for outdenting
+ selected control keywords, were implemented.  See the perltidy man
+ page for details.  Thanks to Peter Masiar for this suggestion.
+-Hanging side comment change: a comment will not be considered to be a
+ hanging side comment if there is no leading whitespace on the line.
+ This should improve the reliability of identifying hanging side comments.
+ Thanks to Peter Masiar for this suggestion.
+-Two new commands for outdenting, -olq (outdent-long-quotes) and -olc
+ (outdent-long-comments), have been added.  The original -oll
+ (outdent-long-lines) remains, and now is an abbreviation for -olq and -olc.
+ The new default is just -olq.  This was necessary to avoid inconsistency with
+ the new static block comment option.
+-Static block comments:  to provide a way to display commented code
+ better, the convention is used that comments with a leading '##' should
+ not be formatted as usual.  Please see '-sbc' (or '--static-block-comment')
+ for documentation.  It can be deactivated with with -nsbc, but
+ should not normally be necessary. Thanks to Peter Masiar for this 
+ suggestion.
+-Two changes were made to help show structure of complex lists:
+ (1) breakpoints are forced after every ',' in a list where any of
+ the list items spans multiple lines, and
+ (2) List items which span multiple lines now get continuation indentation.
+ The following example illustrates both of these points.  Many thanks to
+ Wolfgang Weisselberg for this snippet and a discussion of it; this is a
+ significant formatting improvement. Note how it is easier to see the call
+ parameters in the NEW version:
+   OLD:
+   assert( __LINE__, ( not defined $check )
+       or ref $check
+       or $check eq "new"
+       or $check eq "old", "Error in parameters",
+       defined $old_new ? ( ref $old_new ? ref $old_new : $old_new ) : "undef",
+       defined $db_new  ? ( ref $db_new  ? ref $db_new  : $db_new )  : "undef",
+       defined $old_db ? ( ref $old_db ? ref $old_db : $old_db ) : "undef" );
+   NEW: 
+   assert(
+       __LINE__,
+       ( not defined $check )
+         or ref $check
+         or $check eq "new"
+         or $check eq "old",
+       "Error in parameters",
+       defined $old_new ? ( ref $old_new ? ref $old_new : $old_new ) : "undef",
+       defined $db_new  ? ( ref $db_new  ? ref $db_new  : $db_new )  : "undef",
+       defined $old_db  ? ( ref $old_db  ? ref $old_db  : $old_db )  : "undef"
+   );
+   Another example shows how this helps displaying lists:
+   OLD:
+   %{ $self->{COMPONENTS} } = (
+       fname =>
+       { type => 'name', adj => 'yes', font => 'Helvetica', 'index' => 0 },
+       street =>
+       { type => 'road', adj => 'yes', font => 'Helvetica', 'index' => 2 },
+   );
+   The structure is clearer with the added indentation:
+   NEW:
+   %{ $self->{COMPONENTS} } = (
+       fname =>
+         { type => 'name', adj => 'yes', font => 'Helvetica', 'index' => 0 },
+       street =>
+         { type => 'road', adj => 'yes', font => 'Helvetica', 'index' => 2 },
+   );
+   -The structure of nested logical expressions is now displayed better.
+   Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for helpful discussions.  For example,
+   note how the status of the final 'or' is displayed in the following:
+   OLD:
+   return ( !null($op)
+         and null( $op->sibling )
+         and $op->ppaddr eq "pp_null"
+         and class($op) eq "UNOP"
+         and ( ( $op->first->ppaddr =~ /^pp_(and|or)$/
+           and $op->first->first->sibling->ppaddr eq "pp_lineseq" )
+           or ( $op->first->ppaddr eq "pp_lineseq"
+               and not null $op->first->first->sibling
+               and $op->first->first->sibling->ppaddr eq "pp_unstack" ) ) );
+   NEW:
+   return (
+       !null($op)
+         and null( $op->sibling )
+         and $op->ppaddr eq "pp_null"
+         and class($op) eq "UNOP"
+         and (
+           (
+               $op->first->ppaddr =~ /^pp_(and|or)$/
+               and $op->first->first->sibling->ppaddr eq "pp_lineseq"
+           )
+           or ( $op->first->ppaddr eq "pp_lineseq"
+               and not null $op->first->first->sibling
+               and $op->first->first->sibling->ppaddr eq "pp_unstack" )
+         )
+   );
+  -A break will always be put before a list item containing a comma-arrow.
+  This will improve formatting of mixed lists of this form:
+       OLD:
+       $c->create(
+           'text', 225, 20, -text => 'A Simple Plot',
+           -font => $font,
+           -fill => 'brown'
+       );
+       NEW:
+       $c->create(
+           'text', 225, 20,
+           -text => 'A Simple Plot',
+           -font => $font,
+           -fill => 'brown'
+       );
+ -For convenience, the command -dac (--delete-all-comments) now also
+ deletes pod.  Likewise, -tac (--tee-all-comments) now also sends pod
+ to a '.TEE' file.  Complete control over the treatment of pod and
+ comments is still possible, as described in the updated help message 
+ and man page.
+ -The logic which breaks open 'containers' has been rewritten to be completely
+ symmetric in the following sense: if a line break is placed after an opening
+ {, [, or (, then a break will be placed before the corresponding closing
+ token.  Thus, a container either remains closed or is completely cracked
+ open.
+ -Improved indentation of parenthesized lists.  For example, 
+           OLD:
+           $GPSCompCourse =
+             int(
+             atan2( $GPSTempCompLong - $GPSLongitude,
+             $GPSLatitude - $GPSTempCompLat ) * 180 / 3.14159265 );
+           NEW:
+           $GPSCompCourse = int(
+               atan2(
+                   $GPSTempCompLong - $GPSLongitude,
+                   $GPSLatitude - $GPSTempCompLat
+                 ) * 180 / 3.14159265
+           );
+  Further improvements will be made in future releases.
+ -Some improvements were made in formatting small lists.
+ -Correspondence between Input and Output line numbers reported in a 
+  .LOG file should now be exact.  They were sometimes off due to the size
+  of intermediate buffers.
+ -Corrected minor tokenization error in which a ';' in a foreach loop
+  control was tokenized as a statement termination, which forced a 
+  line break:
+       OLD:
+       foreach ( $i = 0;
+           $i <= 10;
+           $i += 2
+         )
+       {
+           print "$i ";
+       }
+       NEW:
+       foreach ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 10 ; $i += 2 ) {
+           print "$i ";
+       }
+ -Corrected a problem with reading config files, in which quote marks were not
+  stripped.  As a result, something like -wba="&& . || " would have the leading
+  quote attached to the && and not work correctly.  A workaround for older
+  versions is to place a space around all tokens within the quotes, like this:
+  -wba=" && . || "
+ -Removed any existing space between a label and its ':'
+   OLD    : { }
+   NEW: { }
+  This was necessary because the label and its colon are a single token.
+ -Corrected tokenization error for the following (highly non-recommended) 
+  construct:
+   $user = @vars[1] / 100;
+ -Resolved cause of a difference between perltidy under perl v5.6.1 and
+ 5.005_03; the problem was different behavior of \G regex position
+ marker(!)
+ +

2001 10 20

+ +
-Corrected a bug in which a break was not being made after a full-line
+comment within a short eval/sort/map/grep block.  A flag was not being
+zeroed.  The syntax error check catches this.  Here is a snippet which
+illustrates the bug:
+       eval {
+           #open Socket to Dispatcher
+           $sock = &OpenSocket;
+       };
+The formatter mistakenly thought that it had found the following 
+one-line block:
+       eval {#open Socket to Dispatcher$sock = &OpenSocket; };
+The patch fixes this. Many thanks to Henry Story for reporting this bug.
+-Changes were made to help diagnose and resolve problems in a
+.perltidyrc file: 
+  (1) processing of command parameters has been into two separate
+  batches so that any errors in a .perltidyrc file can be localized.  
+  (2) commands --help, --version, and as many of the --dump-xxx
+  commands are handled immediately, without any command line processing
+  at all.  
+  (3) Perltidy will ignore any commands in the .perltidyrc file which
+  cause immediate exit.  These are:  -h -v -ddf -dln -dop -dsn -dtt
+  -dwls -dwrs -ss.  Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for helpful
+  suggestions regarding these updates.
+-Syntax check has been reinstated as default for MSWin32 systems.  This
+way Windows 2000 users will get syntax check by default, which seems
+like a better idea, since the number of Win 95/98 systems will be
+decreasing over time.  Documentation revised to warn Windows 95/98
+users about the problem with empty '&1'.  Too bad these systems
+all report themselves as MSWin32.
+ +

2001 10 16

+ +
-Fixed tokenization error in which a method call of the form
+   Module::->new();
+ got a space before the '::' like this:
+   Module ::->new();
+ Thanks to David Holden for reporting this.
+-Added -html control over pod text, using a new abbreviation 'pd'.  See
+updated perl2web man page. The default is to use the color of a comment,
+but italicized.  Old .css style sheets will need a new line for
+.pd to use this.  The old color was the color of a string, and there
+was no control.  
+-.css lines are now printed in sorted order.
+-Fixed interpolation problem where html files had '$input_file' as title
+instead of actual input file name.  Thanks to Simon Perreault for finding
+this and sending a patch, and also to Tobias Weber.
+-Breaks will now have the ':' placed at the start of a line, 
+one per line by default because this shows logical structure
+more clearly. This coding has been completely redone. Some 
+examples of new ?/: formatting:
+      OLD:
+           wantarray ? map( $dir::cwd->lookup($_)->path, @_ ) :
+             $dir::cwd->lookup( $_[0] )->path;
+      NEW:
+           wantarray 
+             ? map( $dir::cwd->lookup($_)->path, @_ )
+             : $dir::cwd->lookup( $_[0] )->path;
+      OLD:
+               $a = ( $b > 0 ) ? {
+                   a => 1,
+                   b => 2
+               } : { a => 6, b => 8 };
+      NEW:
+               $a = ( $b > 0 )
+                 ? {
+                   a => 1,
+                   b => 2
+                 }
+                 : { a => 6, b => 8 };
+   OLD: (-gnu):
+   $self->note($self->{skip} ? "Hunk #$self->{hunk} ignored at 1.\n" :
+               "Hunk #$self->{hunk} failed--$@");
+   NEW: (-gnu):
+   $self->note($self->{skip} 
+               ? "Hunk #$self->{hunk} ignored at 1.\n"
+               : "Hunk #$self->{hunk} failed--$@");
+   OLD:
+       $which_search =
+         $opts{"t"} ? 'title'   :
+         $opts{"s"} ? 'subject' : $opts{"a"} ? 'author' : 'title';
+   NEW:
+       $which_search =
+         $opts{"t"} ? 'title'
+         : $opts{"s"} ? 'subject'
+         : $opts{"a"} ? 'author'
+         : 'title';
+You can use -wba=':' to recover the previous default which placed ':'
+at the end of a line.  Thanks to Michael Cartmell for helpful
+discussions and examples.  
+-Tokenizer updated to do syntax checking for matched ?/: pairs.  Also,
+the tokenizer now outputs a unique serial number for every balanced
+pair of brace types and ?/: pairs.  This greatly simplifies the
+-Long lines with repeated 'and', 'or', '&&', '||'  will now have
+one such item per line.  For example:
+   OLD:
+       if ( $opt_d || $opt_m || $opt_p || $opt_t || $opt_x
+           || ( -e $archive && $opt_r ) )
+       {
+           ( $pAr, $pNames ) = readAr($archive);
+       }
+   NEW:
+       if ( $opt_d
+           || $opt_m
+           || $opt_p
+           || $opt_t
+           || $opt_x
+           || ( -e $archive && $opt_r ) )
+       {
+           ( $pAr, $pNames ) = readAr($archive);
+       }
+  OLD:
+       if ( $vp->{X0} + 4 <= $x && $vp->{X0} + $vp->{W} - 4 >= $x
+           && $vp->{Y0} + 4 <= $y && $vp->{Y0} + $vp->{H} - 4 >= $y ) 
+  NEW:
+       if ( $vp->{X0} + 4 <= $x
+           && $vp->{X0} + $vp->{W} - 4 >= $x
+           && $vp->{Y0} + 4 <= $y
+           && $vp->{Y0} + $vp->{H} - 4 >= $y )
+-Long lines with multiple concatenated tokens will have concatenated
+terms (see below) placed one per line, except for short items.  For
+  OLD:
+       $report .=
+         "Device type:" . $ib->family . "  ID:" . $ib->serial . "  CRC:"
+         . $ib->crc . ": " . $ib->model() . "\n";
+  NEW:
+       $report .= "Device type:"
+         . $ib->family . "  ID:"
+         . $ib->serial . "  CRC:"
+         . $ib->model()
+         . $ib->crc . ": " . "\n";
+NOTE: at present 'short' means 8 characters or less.  There is a
+tentative flag to change this (-scl), but it is undocumented and
+is likely to be changed or removed later, so only use it for testing.  
+In the above example, the tokens "  ID:", "  CRC:", and "\n" are below
+this limit.  
+-If a line which is short enough to fit on a single line was
+nevertheless broken in the input file at a 'good' location (see below), 
+perltidy will try to retain a break.  For example, the following line
+will be formatted as:
+   open SUM, "<$file"
+     or die "Cannot open $file ($!)";
+if it was broken in the input file, and like this if not:
+   open SUM, "<$file" or die "Cannot open $file ($!)";
+GOOD: 'good' location means before 'and','or','if','unless','&&','||'
+The reason perltidy does not just always break at these points is that if
+there are multiple, similar statements, this would preclude alignment.  So
+rather than check for this, perltidy just tries to follow the input style,
+in the hopes that the author made a good choice. Here is an example where 
+we might not want to break before each 'if':
+   ($Locale, @Locale) = ($English, @English) if (@English > @Locale);
+   ($Locale, @Locale) = ($German,  @German)  if (@German > @Locale);
+   ($Locale, @Locale) = ($French,  @French)  if (@French > @Locale);
+   ($Locale, @Locale) = ($Spanish, @Spanish) if (@Spanish > @Locale);
+-Added wildcard file expansion for systems with shells which lack this.
+Now 'perltidy *.pl' should work under MSDOS/Windows.  Thanks to Hugh Myers 
+for suggesting this.  This uses builtin glob() for now; I may change that.
+-Added new flag -sbl which, if specified, overrides the value of -bl
+for opening sub braces.  This allows formatting of this type:
+perltidy -sbl 
+sub foo
+   if (!defined($_[0])) {
+       print("Hello, World\n");
+   }
+   else {
+       print($_[0], "\n");
+   }
+Requested by Don Alexander.
+-Fixed minor parsing error which prevented a space after a $$ variable
+(pid) in some cases.  Thanks to Michael Cartmell for noting this.
+For example, 
+  old: $$< 700 
+  new: $$ < 700
+-Improved line break choices 'and' and 'or' to display logic better.
+For example:
+   OLD:
+       exists $self->{'build_dir'} and push @e,
+         "Unwrapped into directory $self->{'build_dir'}";
+   NEW:
+       exists $self->{'build_dir'}
+         and push @e, "Unwrapped into directory $self->{'build_dir'}";
+-Fixed error of multiple use of abbreviatioin '-dsc'.  -dsc remains 
+abbreviation for delete-side-comments; -dsm is new abbreviation for 
+-Corrected and updated 'usage' help routine.  Thanks to Slaven Rezic for 
+noting an error.
+-The default for Windows is, for now, not to do a 'perl -c' syntax
+check (but -syn will activate it).  This is because of problems with
+command.com.  James Freeman sent me a patch which tries to get around
+the problems, and it works in many cases, but testing revealed several
+issues that still need to be resolved.  So for now, the default is no
+syntax check for Windows.
+-I added a -T flag when doing perl -c syntax check.
+This is because I test it on a large number of scripts from sources
+unknown, and who knows what might be hidden in initialization blocks?
+Also, deactivated the syntax check if perltidy is run as root.  As a
+benign example, running the previous version of perltidy on the
+following file would cause it to disappear:
+       BEGIN{
+               print "Bye, bye baby!\n";
+               unlink $0;
+       }
+The new version will not let that happen.
+-I am contemplating (but have not yet implemented) making '-lp' the
+default indentation, because it is stable now and may be closer to how
+perl is commonly formatted.  This could be in the next release.  The
+reason that '-lp' was not the original default is that the coding for
+it was complex and not ready for the initial release of perltidy.  If
+anyone has any strong feelings about this, I'd like to hear.  The
+current default could always be recovered with the '-nlp' flag.
+ +

2001 09 03

+ +
-html updates:
+    - sub definition names are now specially colored, red by default.  
+      The letter 'm' is used to identify them.
+    - keyword 'sub' now has color of other keywords.
+    - restored html keyword color to __END__ and __DATA__, which was 
+      accidentally removed in the previous version.
+-A new -se (--standard-error-output) flag has been implemented and
+documented which causes all errors to be written to standard output
+instead of a .ERR file.
+-A new -w (--warning-output) flag has been implemented and documented
+ which causes perltidy to output certain non-critical messages to the
+ error output file, .ERR.  These include complaints about pod usage,
+ for example.  The default is to not include these.
+ NOTE: This replaces an undocumented -w=0 or --warning-level flag
+ which was tentatively introduced in the previous version to avoid some
+ unwanted messages.  The new default is the same as the old -w=0, so
+ that is no longer needed. 
+ -Improved syntax checking and corrected tokenization of functions such
+ as rand, srand, sqrt, ...  These can accept either an operator or a term
+ to their right.  This has been corrected.
+-Corrected tokenization of semicolon: testing of the previous update showed 
+that the semicolon in the following statement was being mis-tokenized.  That
+did no harm, other than adding an extra blank space, but has been corrected.
+         for (sort {strcoll($a,$b);} keys %investments) {
+            ...
+         }
+-New syntax check: after wasting 5 minutes trying to resolve a syntax
+ error in which I had an extra terminal ';' in a complex for (;;) statement, 
+ I spent a few more minutes adding a check for this in perltidy so it won't
+ happen again.
+-The behavior of --break-before-subs (-bbs) and --break-before-blocks
+(-bbb) has been modified.  Also, a new control parameter,
+--long-block-line-count=n (-lbl=n) has been introduced to give more
+control on -bbb.  This was previously a hardwired value.  The reason
+for the change is to reduce the number of unwanted blank lines that
+perltidy introduces, and make it less erratic.  It's annoying to remove
+an unwanted blank line and have perltidy put it back.  The goal is to
+be able to sprinkle a few blank lines in that dense script you
+inherited from Bubba.  I did a lot of experimenting with different
+schemes for introducing blank lines before and after code blocks, and
+decided that there is no really good way to do it.  But I think the new
+scheme is an improvement.  You can always deactivate this with -nbbb.
+I've been meaning to work on this; thanks to Erik Thaysen for bringing
+it to my attention.
+-The .LOG file is seldom needed, and I get tired of deleting them, so
+ they will now only be automatically saved if perltidy thinks that it
+ made an error, which is almost never.  You can still force the logfile
+ to be saved with -log or -g.
+-Improved method for computing number of columns in a table.  The old
+method always tried for an even number.  The new method allows odd
+numbers when it is obvious that a list is not a hash initialization
+  old: my (
+            $name,       $xsargs, $parobjs, $optypes,
+            $hasp2child, $pmcode, $hdrcode, $inplacecode,
+            $globalnew,  $callcopy
+         )
+         = @_;
+  new: my (
+            $name,   $xsargs,  $parobjs,     $optypes,   $hasp2child,
+            $pmcode, $hdrcode, $inplacecode, $globalnew, $callcopy
+         )
+         = @_;
+-I fiddled with the list threshold adjustment, and some small lists
+look better now.  Here is the change for one of the lists in test file
+  %units =
+    ("in", "in", "pt", "pt", "pc", "pi", "mm", "mm", "cm", "cm", "\\hsize", "%",
+      "\\vsize", "%", "\\textwidth", "%", "\\textheight", "%");
+  %units = (
+             "in",      "in", "pt",          "pt", "pc",           "pi",
+             "mm",      "mm", "cm",          "cm", "\\hsize",      "%",
+             "\\vsize", "%",  "\\textwidth", "%",  "\\textheight", "%"
+             );
+-Improved -lp formatting at '=' sign.  A break was always being added after
+the '=' sign in a statement such as this, (to be sure there was enough room
+for the parameters):
+old: my $fee =
+       CalcReserveFee(
+                       $env,          $borrnum,
+                       $biblionumber, $constraint,
+                       $bibitems
+                       );
+The updated version doesn't do this unless the space is really needed:
+new: my $fee = CalcReserveFee(
+                              $env,          $borrnum,
+                              $biblionumber, $constraint,
+                              $bibitems
+                              );
+-I updated the tokenizer to allow $#+ and $#-, which seem to be new to
+Perl 5.6.  Some experimenting with a recent version of Perl indicated
+that it allows these non-alphanumeric '$#' array maximum index
+varaibles: $#: $#- $#+ so I updated the parser accordingly.  Only $#:
+seems to be valid in older versions of Perl.
+-Fixed a rare formatting problem with -lp (and -gnu) which caused
+excessive indentation.
+-Many additional syntax checks have been added.
+-Revised method for testing here-doc target strings; the following
+was causing trouble with a regex test because of the '*' characters:
+ print <<"*EOF*";
+ bla bla
+ *EOF*
+Perl seems to allow almost anything to be a here doc target, so an
+exact string comparison is now used.
+-Made update to allow underscores in binary numbers, like '0b1100_0000'.
+-Corrected problem with scanning certain module names; a blank space was 
+being inserted after 'warnings' in the following:
+   use warnings::register;
+The problem was that warnings (and a couple of other key modules) were 
+being tokenized as keywords.  They should have just been identifiers.
+-Corrected tokenization of indirect objects after sort, system, and exec,
+after testing produced an incorrect error message for the following
+line of code:
+   print sort $sortsubref @list;
+-Corrected minor problem where a line after a format had unwanted
+extra continuation indentation.  
+-Delete-block-comments (and -dac) now retain any leading hash-bang line
+-Update for -lp (and -gnu) to not align the leading '=' of a list
+with a previous '=', since this interferes with alignment of parameters.
+ old:  my $hireDay = new Date;
+       my $self    = {
+                    firstName => undef,
+                    lastName  => undef,
+                    hireDay   => $hireDay
+                    };
+ new:  my $hireDay = new Date;
+       my $self = {
+                    firstName => undef,
+                    lastName  => undef,
+                    hireDay   => $hireDay
+                    };
+-Modifications made to display tables more compactly when possible,
+ without adding lines. For example,
+ old:
+               '1', "I", '2', "II", '3', "III", '4', "IV",
+               '5', "V", '6', "VI", '7', "VII", '8', "VIII",
+               '9', "IX"
+ new:
+               '1', "I",   '2', "II",   '3', "III",
+               '4', "IV",  '5', "V",    '6', "VI",
+               '7', "VII", '8', "VIII", '9', "IX"
+-Corrected minor bug in which -pt=2 did not keep the right paren tight
+around a '++' or '--' token, like this:
+           for ($i = 0 ; $i < length $key ; $i++ )
+The formatting for this should be, and now is: 
+           for ($i = 0 ; $i < length $key ; $i++)
+Thanks to Erik Thaysen for noting this.
+-Discovered a new bug involving here-docs during testing!  See BUGS.html.  
+-Finally fixed parsing of subroutine attributes (A Perl 5.6 feature).
+However, the attributes and prototypes must still be on the same line
+as the sub name.
+ +

2001 07 31

+ +
-Corrected minor, uncommon bug found during routine testing, in which a
+blank got inserted between a function name and its opening paren after
+a file test operator, but only in the case that the function had not
+been previously seen.  Perl uses the existence (or lack thereof) of 
+the blank to guess if it is a function call.  That is,
+   if (-l pid_filename()) {
+   if (-l pid_filename ()) {
+which is a syntax error if pid_filename has not been seen by perl.
+-If the AutoLoader module is used, perltidy will continue formatting
+code after seeing an __END__ line.  Use -nlal to deactivate this feature.  
+Likewise, if the SelfLoader module is used, perltidy will continue 
+formatting code after seeing a __DATA__ line.  Use -nlsl to
+deactivate this feature.  Thanks to Slaven Rezic for this suggestion.
+-pod text after __END__ and __DATA__ is now identified by perltidy
+so that -dp works correctly.  Thanks to Slaven Rezic for this suggestion.
+-The first $VERSION line which might be eval'd by MakeMaker
+is now passed through unchanged.  Use -npvl to deactivate this feature.
+Thanks to Manfred Winter for this suggestion.
+-Improved indentation of nested parenthesized expressions.  Tests have
+given favorable results.  Thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg for helpful
+ +

2001 07 23

+ +
-Fixed a very rare problem in which an unwanted semicolon was inserted
+due to misidentification of anonymous hash reference curly as a code
+block curly.  (No instances of this have been reported; I discovered it
+during testing).  A workaround for older versions of perltidy is to use
+-Added -icb (-indent-closing-brace) parameter to indent a brace which
+terminates a code block to the same level as the previous line.
+Suggested by Andrew Cutler.  For example, 
+       if ($task) {
+           yyy();
+           }    # -icb
+       else {
+           zzz();
+           }
+-Rewrote error message triggered by an unknown bareword in a print or
+printf filehandle position, and added flag -w=0 to prevent issuing this
+error message.  Suggested by Byron Jones.
+-Added modification to align a one-line 'if' block with similar
+following 'elsif' one-line blocks, like this:
+     if    ( $something eq "simple" )  { &handle_simple }
+     elsif ( $something eq "hard" )    { &handle_hard }
+(Suggested by  Wolfgang Weisselberg).
+ +

2001 07 02

+ +
-Eliminated all constants with leading underscores because perl 5.005_03
+does not support that.  For example, _SPACES changed to XX_SPACES.
+Thanks to kromJx for this update.
+ +

2001 07 01

+ +
-the directory of test files has been moved to a separate distribution
+file because it is getting large but is of little interest to most users.
+For the current distribution:
+  perltidy-20010701.tgz        contains the source and docs for perltidy
+  perltidy-20010701-test.tgz   contains the test files
+-fixed bug where temporary file perltidy.TMPI was not being deleted 
+when input was from stdin.
+-adjusted line break logic to not break after closing brace of an
+eval block (suggested by Boris Zentner).
+-added flag -gnu (--gnu-style) to give an approximation to the GNU
+style as sometimes applied to perl.  The programming style in GNU
+'automake' was used as a guide in setting the parameters; these
+parameters will probably be adjusted over time.
+-an empty code block now has one space for emphasis:
+  if ( $cmd eq "bg_untested" ) {}    # old
+  if ( $cmd eq "bg_untested" ) { }   # new
+If this bothers anyone, we could create a parameter.
+-the -bt (--brace-tightness) parameter has been split into two
+parameters to give more control. -bt now applies only to non-BLOCK
+braces, while a new parameter -bbt (block-brace-tightness) applies to
+curly braces which contain code BLOCKS. The default value is -bbt=0.
+-added flag -icp (--indent-closing-paren) which leaves a statement
+termination of the form );, };, or ]; indented with the same
+indentation as the previous line.  For example,
+   @month_of_year = (          # default, or -nicp
+       'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
+       'Nov', 'Dec'
+   );
+   @month_of_year = (          # -icp
+       'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
+       'Nov', 'Dec'
+       );
+-Vertical alignment updated to synchronize with tokens &&, ||,
+and, or, if, unless.  Allowable space before forcing
+resynchronization has been increased.  (Suggested by  Wolfgang
+-html corrected to use -nohtml-bold-xxxxxxx or -nhbx to negate bold,
+and likewise -nohtml-italic-xxxxxxx or -nhbi to negate italic.  There
+was no way to negate these previously.  html documentation updated and
+corrected.  (Suggested by  Wolfgang Weisselberg).
+-Some modifications have been made which improve the -lp formatting in
+a few cases.
+-Perltidy now retains or creates a blank line after an =cut to keep
+podchecker happy (Suggested by Manfred H. Winter).  This appears to be
+a glitch in podchecker, but it was annoying.
+ +

2001 06 17

+ +
-Added -bli flag to give continuation indentation to braces, like this
+       if ($bli_flag)
+         {
+           extra_indentation();
+         }
+-Corrected an error with the tab (-t) option which caused the last line
+of a multi-line quote to receive a leading tab.  This error was in
+version 2001 06 08  but not 2001 04 06.  If you formatted a script
+with -t with this version, please check it by running once with the
+-chk flag and perltidy will scan for this possible error.
+-Corrected an invalid pattern (\R should have been just R), changed
+$^W =1 to BEGIN {$^W=1} to use warnings in compile phase, and corrected
+several unnecessary 'my' declarations. Many thanks to Wolfgang Weisselberg,
+2001-06-12, for catching these errors.
+-A '-bar' flag has been added to require braces to always be on the
+right, even for multi-line if and foreach statements.  For example,
+the default formatting of a long if statement would be:
+       if ($bigwasteofspace1 && $bigwasteofspace2
+         || $bigwasteofspace3 && $bigwasteofspace4)
+       {
+           bigwastoftime();
+       }
+With -bar, the formatting is:
+       if ($bigwasteofspace1 && $bigwasteofspace2
+         || $bigwasteofspace3 && $bigwasteofspace4) {
+           bigwastoftime();
+       }
+Suggested by Eli Fidler 2001-06-11.
+-Uploaded perltidy to sourceforge cvs 2001-06-10.
+-An '-lp' flag (--line-up-parentheses) has been added which causes lists
+to be indented with extra indentation in the manner sometimes
+associated with emacs or the GNU suggestions.  Thanks to Ian Stuart for
+this suggestion and for extensive help in testing it. 
+-Subroutine call parameter lists are now formatted as other lists.
+This should improve formatting of tables being passed via subroutine
+calls.  This will also cause full indentation ('-i=n, default n= 4) of
+continued parameter list lines rather than just the number of spaces
+given with -ci=n, default n=2.
+-Added support for hanging side comments.  Perltidy identifies a hanging
+side comment as a comment immediately following a line with a side
+comment or another hanging side comment.  This should work in most
+cases.  It can be deactivated with --no-hanging-side-comments (-nhsc).
+The manual has been updated to discuss this.  Suggested by Brad
+Eisenberg some time ago, and finally implemented.
+ +

2001 06 08

+ +
-fixed problem with parsing command parameters containing quoted
+strings in .perltidyrc files. (Reported by Roger Espel Llima 2001-06-07).
+-added two command line flags, --want-break-after and 
+--want-break-before, which allow changing whether perltidy
+breaks lines before or after any operators.  Please see the revised 
+man pages for details.
+-added system-wide configuration file capability.
+If perltidy does not find a .perltidyrc command line file in
+the current directory, nor in the home directory, it now looks
+for '/usr/local/etc/perltidyrc' and then for '/etc/perltidyrc'.
+(Suggested by Roger Espel Llima 2001-05-31).
+-fixed problem in which spaces were trimmed from lines of a multi-line
+quote. (Reported by Roger Espel Llima 2001-05-30).  This is an 
+uncommon situation, but serious, because it could conceivably change
+the proper function of a script.
+-fixed problem in which a semicolon was incorrectly added within 
+an anonymous hash.  (Reported by A.C. Yardley, 2001-5-23).
+(You would know if this happened, because perl would give a syntax
+error for the resulting script).
+-fixed problem in which an incorrect error message was produced
+ after a version number on a 'use' line, like this ( Reported 
+ by Andres Kroonmaa, 2001-5-14):
+             use CGI 2.42 qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+ Other than the extraneous error message, this bug was harmless.
+ +

2001 04 06

+ +
-fixed serious bug in which the last line of some multi-line quotes or
+ patterns was given continuation indentation spaces.  This may make
+ a pattern incorrect unless it uses the /x modifier.  To find
+ instances of this error in scripts which have been formatted with
+ earlier versions of perltidy, run with the -chk flag, which has
+ been added for this purpose (SLH, 2001-04-05).
+ ** So, please check previously formatted scripts by running with -chk
+ at least once **
+-continuation indentation has been reprogrammed to be hierarchical, 
+ which improves deeply nested structures.
+-fixed problem with undefined value in list formatting (reported by Michael
+ Langner 2001-04-05)
+-Switched to graphical display of nesting in .LOG files.  If an
+ old format string was "(1 [0 {2", the new string is "{{(".  This
+ is easier to read and also shows the order of nesting.
+-added outdenting of cuddled paren structures, like  ")->pack(".
+-added line break and outdenting of ')->' so that instead of
+       $mw->Label(
+         -text   => "perltidy",
+         -relief => 'ridge')->pack;
+ the current default is:
+       $mw->Label(
+         -text   => "perltidy",
+         -relief => 'ridge'
+       )->pack;
+ (requested by Michael Langner 2001-03-31; in the future this could 
+ be controlled by a command-line parameter).
+-revised list indentation logic, so that lists following an assignment
+ operator get one full indentation level, rather than just continuation 
+ indentation.  Also corrected some minor glitches in the continuation 
+ indentation logic. 
+-Fixed problem with unwanted continuation indentation after a blank line 
+(reported by Erik Thaysen 2001-03-28):
+-minor update to avoid stranding a single '(' on one line
+ +

2001 03 28:

+ +
-corrected serious error tokenizing filehandles, in which a sub call 
+after a print or printf, like this:
+   print usage() and exit;
+became this:
+   print usage () and exit;
+Unfortunately, this converts 'usage' to a filehandle.  To fix this, rerun
+perltidy; it will look for this situation and issue a warning. 
+-fixed another cuddled-else formatting bug (Reported by Craig Bourne)
+-added several diagnostic --dump routines
+-added token-level whitespace controls (suggested by Hans Ecke)
+ +

2001 03 23:

+ +
-added support for special variables of the form ${^WANT_BITS}
+-space added between scalar and left paren in 'for' and 'foreach' loops,
+ (suggestion by Michael Cartmell):
+   for $i( 1 .. 20 )   # old
+   for $i ( 1 .. 20 )   # new
+-html now outputs cascading style sheets (thanks to suggestion from
+ Hans Ecke)
+-flags -o and -st now work with -html
+-added missing -html documentation for comments (noted by Alex Izvorski)
+-support for VMS added (thanks to Michael Cartmell for code patches and 
+  testing)
+-v-strings implemented (noted by Hans Ecke and Michael Cartmell; extensive
+  testing by Michael Cartmell)
+-fixed problem where operand may be empty at line 3970 
+ (\b should be just b in lines 3970, 3973) (Thanks to Erik Thaysen, 
+ Keith Marshall for bug reports)
+-fixed -ce bug (cuddled else), where lines like '} else {' were indented
+ (Thanks to Shawn Stepper and Rick Measham for reporting this)
+ +

2001 03 04:

+ +
-fixed undefined value in line 153 (only worked with -I set)
+(Thanks to Mike Stok, Phantom of the Opcodes, Ian Ehrenwald, and others)
+-fixed undefined value in line 1069 (filehandle problem with perl versions <
+5.6) (Thanks to Yuri Leikind, Mike Stok, Michael Holve, Jeff Kolber)
+ +

2001 03 03:

+ +
-Initial announcement at freshmeat.net; started Change Log
+(Unfortunately this version was DOA, but it was fixed the next day)