X-Git-Url: https://git.donarmstrong.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=current%2Fr%2Fenable-sup%2Fdoom_ena.doc;fp=current%2Fr%2Fenable-sup%2Fdoom_ena.doc;h=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hb=b13ea8a082364672c6de2b010e558211ff52ec9a;hp=b2c799006fcaa4f69611cfbcf35a2d5c3148f771;hpb=01534a94130c1f5a3a230cf4fe18365a235ba271;p=deb_pkgs%2Fscowl.git diff --git a/current/r/enable-sup/doom_ena.doc b/current/r/enable-sup/doom_ena.doc deleted file mode 100644 index b2c7990..0000000 --- a/current/r/enable-sup/doom_ena.doc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,717 +0,0 @@ - ENABLE vs. DOOM -ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ - -[Note: This file was included in the first edition of ENABLE, and is -mostly unchanged in ENABLE2K. In a few cases, where ENABLE2K differs -from its predecessor, the differences are noted in brackets.] - -The NSA updated "Tournament Word List" (TWL98) is to be the official -reference for tournament and club Scrabble (r) play. The operators of the -DOOM Scrabble server originally compiled this list, and it has undergone -an update by an official "Dictionary Committee". Unfortunately, this -TWL98 list remains proprietary and it is, despite promises to the -contrary, available only to a small group of insiders. Our aim in -distributing the Public Domain ENABLE list is to provide a very necessary -resource and reference to the rest of the Scrabble community. - -In spring of 1997, Mendel was approached by an individual known to us only -as Deep Glottides, offering him a number of arcane items of dubious value, -including shards of the True Cross, an edition of the Necronomicon in the -original Arabic, an exotic ebony statuette of a Mediterranean bird of prey, -and an absolutely amazing way to MAKE MONEY FAST! While he found these items -uninteresting, Mendel did accept the offer of a list of corrections to the -then-current draft of the ENABLE list, supposedly derived from the contents -of the DOOM list. Of course, we have no way of verifying the bona fides of -these corrections; the hypothesis that they are instead code words used by -the black helicopter division of the Insect Trust delegates from the Crab -Nebula cannot be ruled out. However, using highly advanced UNIX (tm) -software, we were able to reconstruct the list on which they were based. -This list proved to be a highly accurate approximation to the union of -OSPD (r) and MW10, and we consider it very likely that it is in fact a -faithful copy of the DOOM list current at that time. This file lists the -differences between that list and the ENABLE list (not including signature -words). - -The differences between the DOOM list and ENABLE fall into four categories: - -I. MW10 changes - -These words were added or removed solely on the basis of their presence or -absence in MW10. None of the listings is in any way ambiguous or suggestive -of an error in MW10. The word "coresidenttial" was not added, since it is -clearly a typographical error. - -DOOM words removed from ENABLE (MW10) - -fricandeaux (*) -kafkaesque - -(*) "fricandeaux" has been added to the ENABLE list as a signature word. -It is accepted by other dictionaries. - -non-DOOM words added to ENABLE (MW10) - -edutainment -edutainments -homeschool -homeschooled -homeschooler -homeschoolers -homeschooling -homeschools -hypoglycemics -maquiladora -maquiladoras -mediterranean -philharmonic -philharmonics -upgradabilities -upgradability -upgradable -upgradeability -upgradeable -victimologies -victimologist -victimologists -victimology - - -II. TWL98 words - -The status of these words was changed by TWL98. We anticipate these changes -will be reflected in the DOOM list, and possibly already are. Note that some -published TWL98 changes are not listed here, because these changes were -already reflected in the DOOM list as of Spring 1997 (e.g., the false word -"nonfinites" could not be removed because it was not present). Also, one -version of the TWL98 changes mandated the removal of the word "suboptimum", -which we ignored since the word is clearly present in MW10, and this change -was not confirmed by other accounts of TWL98. - -DOOM words removed from ENABLE (TWL98) - -alkalosises -anopheleses -antiradars -antishocks -antismokes -antisolars -antitumors -antiwomen -arterites -arteritises -beachwears -cacoetheses -cafetoria -chlorosises -cocksfeet -da -dei -des -enterites -fluorosises -footwears -franglaises -gastrites -gastritises -glossites -glossitides -halitosises -hanguls -heterosises -hybridomata -impatienses -interflowed -interflowing -interflows -interfolded (*) -interfolding (*) -interfolds (*) -interzones -kev -knitwears -laminites -laminitides -lezes -licenti -literatuses -lycopodia -menswears -multilanes -multipaths -multipoles -neckwears -nephrosises -nightlives -nonanimals -nonbuyings -noncakings -noncareers -nonchurches -noncounties -nondeserts -nonedibles -nonenergies -nonexempts -nonfossils -nonghettos -nongrowths -nonimpacts -noninjuries -nonkoshers -nonleagues -nonlivings -nonmarkets -nonrubbers -nonrulings -nonsexuals -nonspeeches -nontariffs -outerwears -overwearied -overwearies -overwearying -parotites -parotitides -phlebites -phlebitises -playwears -postfaults -predinners -preflights -premarketed -premarketing (*) -premarkets -prereturned -prereturning -prereturns -prereviewed -prereviewing -prereviews -preseasons (*) -prestricken -prestrikes -prestriking -prestruck -presummits -pretraveled -pretraveling -pretravelled -pretravelling -pretravels -proptosises -rainwears -reticulums -retinitises -sauterneses -sclerosises -silicosises -sinusites -sinusitides -skiwears -sleepwears -straphanged -strid -suboptima -subvisuals -superriches -supersizes -swimwears -synovites -synovitides -teniasises -testatrixes -townwears -trapeziums -ultralefts -ultrariches -underwears -utriculuses -vaginites -vaginitides -vin -vins -von -womenkinds -zamindaries -zemindaris - -(*) These words are present in the ENABLE list as signature words. -Despite their rejection by TWL98, they appear to us to be reasonably valid. -Note that "premarketing" is actually listed in MW10. - -[ENABLE2K lists "premarketing" as a base word, not a signature word, as -it has become clear that the statement that TWL98 removed it was simply -an error. ENABLE2K also lists "vaginitides", based on its appearance -in the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary.] - -non-DOOM words added to ENABLE (TWL98) - -acervulus -aerobrake -aerobraked -aerobrakes -aerobraking -anthelion -anthelions -anthodium -antimycin -antimycins -backdropt -backstab -backstabbed -backstabs -bassett -bassetts -bedsit -bedsits -booklouse -bronchium -caldarium -calyculus -chalazion -chalazions -chemo -chemos -cocaptained -cocaptaining -cocksfoots -cocounseled -cocounseling -cocounselled -cocounselling -cocultured -coculturing -cofeatured -cofeaturing -cohostessed -cohostessing -copartnered -copartnering -copresented -copresenting -copresents -credendum -ctenidium -cubiculum -declaw -declawed -declawing -declaws -epicedium -esthetics -ferretings -finalise -finalised -finalises -finalising -flabellum -gallamine -gallamines -gammadion -gelsemium -gelsemiums -gynaeceum -gynaecium -hospitium -ignorami -iller -illest -imaginaries -latte -lattes -lepidotes -lezzes -louvred -lycopodiums -macadamia -macadamias -maglevs -malleolus -mazaedium -microbrew -microbrews -misstricken -misstriking -misstruck -nightlifes -nonmutants (*) -oasthouse -oasthouses -overcleaned (*) -overcleaning (*) -overcleans (*) -overdried (*) -overdries (*) -overdriven (*) -overdriving (*) -overdrove (*) -overdrying (*) -overlighted -petrale -petrales -phelonion -phelonions -photostatted -photostatting -pineals -platyfish -platyfishes -pocketsful -ponderosa -ponderosas -premixt -preshrunken -pterygium -pterygiums -pyrolize -pyrolized -pyrolizes -pyrolizing -redtail -redtails -retiarius -rhytons -samaritans -sarmentum -scintillae -septarium -sevruga -sevrugas -sextarius -silkies -slaphappier -slaphappiest -sleepover -sleepovers -smoothes -spaetzles -sporozoon -starfruit -starfruits -superfirms -superhyped -superhyping -supermini -superminis -sympodium -technicals -teniases -trapezii -treenware -treenwares -tricyclics -trihedron -trihedrons -trochilus -trochlears -unguentum -unhealthier -unhealthiest -unsell -unselling -unsells -unsightlier -unsightliest -vestigium -voguer -voguers -whinging -yellowfin -yellowfins - -(*) Accounts of the TWL98 changes varied concerning these words. They were -described as both added and removed. Since they were not present as of -Spring 1997, and since they all seemed to be perfectly valid inflections, we -added them to the ENABLE list. - -[In ENABLE2K, the words "bassett" and "bassetts" were dropped; their -inclusion was based on an error in MW10 which has now been corrected. -Similarly, the words "starfruit" and "starfruits" have been removed from -the latest edition of MW10, and should be removed from the main ENABLE -word list the next time it is revised.] - - -III. "also called" words - -These words are words shown in italics in MW10 entries for other words. -TWL98 legitimizes these words, even though it only catalogued those shorter -than 10 letters. - -non-DOOM words added to ENABLE (also called) - -buffalofish -buffalofishes -colorpoint -colorpoints -cyclicalities -cyclicality -diamondbacks -dolphinfish -dolphinfishes -ellipticals -exponentials -greaseproofs -handyperson -handypersons -hypoglossals -incandescents -largemouth -largemouths -maidenhair -maidenhairs -parainfluenza -parainfluenzas -photomultiplier -reflectivities -reflectivity -scissortail -scissortails -smallmouth -smallmouths -streetlamp -streetlamps -trigeminals -tsutsugamushi - -[In ENABLE2K, the implied plural of "tsutsugamushi", "tsutsugamushis", -was also added.] - - -IV. Interpretations - -One of the dirty secrets of Scrabble (tm) is that the official source for -resolution of word validity, MW10, is incapable of resolving all such -questions. The primary reason for this is the MW10 practice of including -lists of words starting with a particular prefix, such as anti- or non-, -without providing part of speech information. This makes it impossible to -decide, on the basis of MW10 alone, whether "antitakeovers", for example, is -a valid word or not. - -To resolve such questions, it is necessary to go to other sources, such as -the Hasbro Scrabble (tm) CD-ROM and other dictionaries, and then to use good -judgment and "word sense" to decide. (The Random House Unabridged dictionary -proved especially helpful here, since it provides similar word lists having -a large intersection with the MW10 lists, and also provides part of speech -information.) In many cases, our judgment on these questions disagreed with -that of the compilers of the DOOM list. Can we claim that our judgments were -always correct? Well, of course we can. That's called "marketing"! More -realistically, we claim we have considered each putative word on its merits, -and have always tried to make a careful and thoughtful decision. At the very -least, we hope we have avoided absurdities such as the abominable -"nonpolices" and "ultrariches" (words rightly rejected by TWL98, but -accepted by the Hasbro CD-ROM and, in the case of "ultrariches", by the DOOM -list as well). - -For each word listed below, we explain our rationale for accepting or -rejecting the word. Note that no words are listed where we reached the same -conclusions as the DOOM list, but be assured that these words were examined -as carefully as those where there was disagreement. - - -DOOM words removed from ENABLE (interpretations) - -antitakeovers - An obvious nonsense word, despite acceptance by Hasbro CD and RH - Unabridged. -beautifuler - Not listed in MW10, accepted by the Hasbro CD. This word - proved very controversial. MW10, in its introduction, does not - claim to list all -er and -est forms, only those whose spelling - might be in doubt. So its absence from MW10 does not, in itself, - prove it invalid. But I claim the following: (a) No dictionary - that I have been able to check lists this form, and (b) if a - single-word comparative form of beautiful exists, it would be - "beautifuller". (If one looks at the -ful words in OSPD for - which a comparative form is listed, one finds they all double - the "l".) Finally, I note that neither the DOOM list nor the - Hasbro CD lists the putative superlative "beautifulest". (While - English has the occasional word with a superlative but no comparative, - I'm unaware of any examples of the opposite sort.) Mendel feels - that there is a tradition of accepting this word, and recalls - having seen arguments for it, though he cannot reconstruct them. - Accordingly, "beautifuler" (and the implied "beautifulest") have - been added to ENABLE as signature words despite the impossibility - of justifying them on the basis of MW10. - [During the research for the second edition of the ENABLE2K - Supplement, two additional facts about "beautifuler" turned up. - First the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary (NI3) lists it, as - well as the corresponding superlative; this is doubtless the original - justification for including the word in the DOOM list. Additionally, - the fourth edition of the American Heritage dictionary notes its - existence as "obsolete" and, interestingly enough, spells it with a - double "l".] - -endocardites - Rejected based on OSPD's listing of "carditises" as the only - plural of "carditis". Since "carditis" is not listed by MW10, - the OSPD listing seems to be the best information available on - pluralization of words with this root. -endocarditides - See "endocardites". [ENABLE2K allows "carditides", a plural listed - by the MW Medical Dictionary. MW Medical does not, however, list - "endocarditides", so this word remains removed.] -enterocolites - Rejected based on OSPD's listing of "colitises" as the only - plural of "colitis". Plurals such as this one present a difficult - problem. Based on MW10 alone, one would admit this plural, since - OSPD gives no explicit pluralization, and the general -itis entry - allows -ites and -itides as well as -itises. However, OSPD shows - only the plural "colitises" for "colitis". OSPD was compiled by - Merriam-Webster, and presumably would have included "colites" and - "colitides" if they were legitimate. Therefore, we have decided - to follow the lead of OSPD in such cases. -enterocolitides - See "enterocolites". -gastroenterites - Rejected based on TWL98's removal of the root form "enterites". -heterozyogises - Rejected based on OSPD's listing of "zygoses" as the only plural - of "zygosis". See "enterocolites". -homozygosises - See "enterocolites". -hyperhidrosises - See "enterocolites". OSPD shows only the plural "hidroses" for - "hidrosis". -loungewears - Rejected due to TWL98's condemnation of all -wears plurals. -lymphadenites - See "enterocolites". OSPD shows only the plural "adenitises" for - "adenitis". -lymphadenitides - See "enterocolites". -myelofibrosises - See "enterocolites". OSPD shows only the plural "fibroses" for - "fibrosis". -myocardites - See "endocardites". -myocarditides - See "endocardites". -nonghettoes - TWL98 removes "nonghettos" on the grounds that "nonghetto" is not - a noun. So "nonghettoes" has to go too. -otosclerosises - Rejected due to TWL98's rejection of the root form "sclerosises" -pericardites - When OSPD and MW10 appeared to be in conflict about the plurals of - diseases (see "endocardites"), other sources were consulted. Actually, - very few sources *could* be consulted, since virtually no one other - than a few crazed Scrabble (tm) players believes that diseases even have - plurals. However, the Merriam-Webster Unabridged does accept them. - Though it was not helpful for any other of the troublesome disease - words, MW Unabridged does show "pericarditides" as the only plural of - "pericarditis". Since this was an explicit entry, we decided it - overrode the implications of both MW10 and OSPD, and accordingly - included only "pericarditides" in ENABLE. -pericarditises - See "pericardites". -saccharomyceses - Supposedly the plural of "saccharomyces". MW10 defines two other - -myces words, both of which have plurals identical to the singular - form. Also, American Heritage shows "saccharomyces" as unchanged - in the plural. Accordingly, we made a judgment call that this - unnatural-looking plural is an error, and removed it from the - ENABLE list. -scaramouchs - Rejected as an obvious offense to the English language, since the - "ch" in scarmouch is a soft ch, not a hard one as in "oligarch". -schmaltzier - Not listed by MW10, but accepted by the other major American - dictionaries. Added to ENABLE as signature word. -schmaltziest - See "schmaltzier". -sportswears - Rejected due to TWL98's condemnation of all -wears plurals. -tenosynovites - Rejected based on TWL98's rejection of the root form "synovites". -tenosynovitides - See "tenosynovites". -ultrarights - Accepted by the Hasbro CD, but removed from ENABLE by analogy with - "ultralefts", which is rejected by TWL98. -vulvovaginites - Rejected based on TWL98's rejection of the root form "vaginites". - - -non-DOOM words added to ENABLE (interpretations) - -antefixae - This word is given explicitly as a plural of "antefix" by MW10. - OSPD and MW Unabridged reject this plural, and give "antefixa" - in its place (as does American Heritage). This may be evidence - that "antefixae" is erroneous. Nevertheless, not having the - resources or experience to second-guess Merriam-Webster on this - point, we decided to take MW10 at face value, and added "antefixae" - to the ENABLE list. [The Encarta(r) dictionary confirms "antefixae" - as a valid plural of "antefix". However, as a plural not listed in - OSPD, we treat "antefixae" as a new MW10 word, rather than as an - OSPD word.] -anticolonials - Accepted by RH Unabridged, rejected by the Hasbro CD. Judgment - call. -antisubversives - Judgment call. -begirting - This word is given explicitly as the present participle of "begird" - by MW10. OSPD and MW Unabridged (and American Heritage) instead - give a more regular "begirding". Again, possibly an error in MW10. - Not being expert in the conjugation of archaic verbs, once more we - have put our trust in the scolarship of MW10 and accepted "begirting". - [The 1999 edition of MW10 removes "begirting". Accordingly, we have - removed it from ENABLE2K.] -chlorenchymata - A plural of "chlorenchyma", by virtue of the MW10 -enchyma entry. -interboroughs - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -interurbans - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -interworkings - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -interwrought - Past tense of "interwork", accepted by RH Unabridged, rejected - by the Hasbro CD. Accepted as clearly implied by MW10. -nonalcoholics - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -nonchemicals - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -noncomplyings - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -noncompounds - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -nondiabetics - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -nonperishables - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. -overlighting - TWL98 adds "overlighted", implying that "overlighting" is also valid. - Also, the OSPD entry for "overlit" implies the existence of the verb - "overlight". -parenchymata - A plural of "parenchyma", by virtue of the MW10 -enchyma entry. -precomputers - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -predischarged - Accepted by RH Unabridged, rejected by the Hasbro CD. Judgment call. -predischarging - See "predischarged". -presentencings - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -ultraheated - Accepted by the Hasbro CD. -ultraheating - See "ultraheated". -ultraheats - See "ultraheated". -ultraradicals - Accepted by both RH Unabridged and the Hasbro CD. - - ---- -Scrabble is a trademark of the Milton Bradley Co., Inc. -The OSPD is a trademark of the Milton Bradley Co., Inc. -Encarta is a trademark of the Microsoft Corp. -UNIX is a trademark of AT & T. - - - - ----Alan Beale