X-Git-Url: https://git.donarmstrong.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=NEWS;h=41a6cc8ebe05185ea8e97f0639fede7ce15675d9;hb=9b352ed762c83f3df15cb385e0355930f6362074;hp=8e0ba351ba15c148491119e45b2c1531ded6f66c;hpb=0746c10643c92a4e8c7dc9663b2cc0c63249e683;p=samtools.git diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS index 8e0ba35..41a6cc8 100644 --- a/NEWS +++ b/NEWS @@ -1,3 +1,534 @@ +Beta Release 0.1.18 (2 September, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Notable changes in samtools: + + * Support the new =/X CIGAR operators (by Peter Cock). + + * Allow to subsample BAM while keeping the pairing intact (view -s). + + * Implemented variant distance bias as a new filter (by Petr Danecek). + + * Bugfix: huge memory usage during indexing + + * Bugfix: use of uninitialized variable in mpileup (rare) + + * Bugfix: wrong BAQ probability (rare) + +Notable changes in bcftools: + + * Support indel in the contrast caller. + + * Bugfix: LRT2=nan in rare cases + +(0.1.18: 2 September 2011, r982:295) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.17 (6 July, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +With the maturity of `mpileup' and the lack of update in the `pileup' command, +the `pileup' command is now formally dropped. Most of the pileup functionality, +such as outputting mapping quality and read positions, have been added +`mpileup'. + +Since this release, `bcftools view' is able to perform contrast SNP calling +(option -T) for discovering de novo and/or somatic mutations between a pair of +samples or in a family trio. Potential mutations are scored by a log likelihood +ratio, which is very simple in math, but should be comparable to more +sophisticated methods. Note that getting the score is only the very first step. +A lot more need to be done to reduce systematical errors due to mapping and +reference errors and structural variations. + +Other notable changes in samtools: + + * Improved sorting order checking during indexing. + + * Improved region parsing. Colons in reference sequence names are parsed + properly. + + * Fixed an issue where mpileup does not apply BAQ for the first few reads when + a region is specified. + + * Fixed an issue where `faidx' does not work with FASTA files with long lines. + + * Bugfix: wrong SP genotype information in the BCF output. + +Other notable changes in bcftools: + + * Output the ML esitmate of the allele count. + + * Added the HWE plus F<0 filter to varFilter. For multiple samples, it + effectively filters false heterozygous calls around centromeres. + + * For association mapping, perform both 1-degree and 2-degree test. The + 2-degree test is conservative but more robust to HWE violation. + +(0.1.17: 6 July 2011, r973:277) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.16 (21 April, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Notable changes in samtools: + + * Support the new SAM/BAM type `B' in the latest SAM spec v1.4. + + * When the output file of `samtools merge' exists, do not overwrite it unless + a new command-line option `-f' is applied. + + * Bugfix: BED support is not working when the input BED is not sorted. + + * Bugfix: some reads without coordinates but given on the reverse strand are + lost in merging. + +Notable changes in bcftools: + + * Code cleanup: separated max-likelihood inference and Bayesian inference. + + * Test Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a likelihood-ratio test. + + * Provided another association test P-value by likelihood-ratio test. + + * Use Brent's method to estimate the site allele frequency when EM converges + slowly. The resulting ML estimate of allele frequnecy is more accurate. + + * Added the `ldpair' command, which computes r^2 between SNP pairs given in + an input file. + +Also, the `pileup' command, which has been deprecated by `mpileup' since +version 0.1.10, will be dropped in the next release. The old `pileup' command +is substandard and causing a lot of confusion. + +(0.1.16: 21 April 2011, r963:234) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.15 (10 April, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Noteable changes: + + * Allow to perform variant calling or to extract information in multiple + regions specified by a BED file (`samtools mpileup -l', `samtools view -L' + and `bcftools view -l'). + + * Added the `depth' command to samtools to compute the per-base depth with a + simpler interface. File `bam2depth.c', which implements this command, is the + recommended example on how to use the mpileup APIs. + + * Estimate genotype frequencies with ML; perform chi^2 based Hardy-Weinberg + test using this estimate. + + * For `samtools view', when `-R' is specified, drop read groups in the header + that are not contained in the specified file. + + * For `samtools flagstat', separate QC-pass and QC-fail reads. + + * Improved the command line help of `samtools mpileup' and `bcftools view'. + + * Use a global variable to control the verbose level of samtools stderr + output. Nonetheless, it has not been full utilized. + + * Fixed an issue in association test which may report false associations, + possibly due to floating point underflow. + +(0.1.15: 10 April 2011, r949:203) + + + +Beta release 0.1.14 (21 March, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This release implements a method for testing associations for case-control +data. The method does not call genotypes but instead sums over all genotype +configurations to compute a chi^2 based test statistics. It can be potentially +applied to comparing a pair of samples (e.g. a tumor-normal pair), but this +has not been evaluated on real data. + +Another new feature is to make X chromosome variant calls when female and male +samples are both present. The user needs to provide a file indicating the +ploidy of each sample (see also manual bcftools/bcftools.1). + +Other notable changes: + + * Added `bcftools view -F' to parse BCF files generated by samtools r921 or + older which encodes PL in a different way. + + * Changed the behavior of `bcftools view -s'. Now when a list of samples is + provided, the samples in the output will be reordered to match the ordering + in the sample list. This change is mainly designed for association test. + + * Sped up `bcftools view -v' for target sequencing given thousands of samples. + Also added a new option `view -d' to skip loci where only a few samples are + covered by reads. + + * Dropped HWE test. This feature has never been implemented properly. An EM + should be much better. To be implemented in future. + + * Added the `cat' command to samtools. This command concatenate BAMs with + identical sequence dictionaries in an efficient way. Modified from bam_cat.c + written by Chris Saunders. + + * Added `samtools view -1' to write BAMs at a low compression level but twice + faster to create. The `sort' command generates temporary files at a low + compression level as well. + + * Added `samtools mpileup -6' to accept "BAM" with Illumina 1.3+ quality + strings (strictly speaking, such a file is not BAM). + + * Added `samtools mpileup -L' to skip INDEL calling in regions with + excessively high coverage. Such regions dramatically slow down mpileup. + + * Updated `misc/export2sam.pl', provided by Chris Saunders from Illumina Inc. + +(0.1.14: 21 March 2011, r933:170) + + + +Beta release 0.1.13 (1 March, 2011) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The most important though largely invisible modification is the change of the +order of genotypes in the PL VCF/BCF tag. This is to conform the upcoming VCF +spec v4.1. The change means that 0.1.13 is not backward compatible with VCF/BCF +generated by samtools older than r921 inclusive. VCF/BCF generated by the new +samtools will contain a line `##fileformat=VCFv4.1' as well as the samtools +version number. + +Single Individual Haplotyping (SIH) is added as an experimental feature. It +originally aims to produce haploid consensus from fosmid pool sequencing, but +also works with short-read data. For short reads, phased blocks are usually too +short to be useful in many applications, but they can help to rule out part of +SNPs close to INDELs or between copies of CNVs. + + +Other notable changes in samtools: + + * Construct per-sample consensus to reduce the effect of nearby SNPs in INDEL + calling. This reduces the power but improves specificity. + + * Improved sorting order checking in indexing. Now indexing is the preferred way + to check if a BAM is sorted. + + * Added a switch `-E' to mpileup and calmd. This option uses an alternative way + to apply BAQ, which increases sensistivity, especially to MNPs, at the cost of + a little loss in specificity. + + * Added `mpileup -A' to allow to use reads in anomalous pairs in SNP calling. + + * Added `mpileup -m' to allow fine control of the collection of INDEL candidates. + + * Added `mpileup -S' to compute per-sample strand bias P-value. + + * Added `mpileup -G' to exclude read groups in variant calling. + + * Fixed segfault in indel calling related to unmapped and refskip reads. + + * Fixed an integer overflow in INDEL calling. This bug produces wrong INDEL + genotypes for longer short INDELs, typically over 10bp. + + * Fixed a bug in tview on big-endian machines. + + * Fixed a very rare memory issue in bam_md.c + + * Fixed an out-of-boundary bug in mpileup when the read base is `N'. + + * Fixed a compiling error when the knetfile library is not used. Fixed a + library compiling error due to the lack of bam_nt16_nt4_table[] table. + Suppress a compiling warning related to the latest zlib. + + +Other notable changes in bcftools: + + * Updated the BCF spec. + + * Added the `FQ' VCF INFO field, which gives the phred-scaled probability + of all samples being the same (identical to the reference or all homozygous + variants). Option `view -f' has been dropped. + + * Implementated of "vcfutils.pl vcf2fq" to generate a consensus sequence + similar to "samtools.pl pileup2fq". + + * Make sure the GT FORMAT field is always the first FORMAT to conform the VCF + spec. Drop bcf-fix.pl. + + * Output bcftools specific INFO and FORMAT in the VCF header. + + * Added `view -s' to call variants from a subset of samples. + + * Properly convert VCF to BCF with a user provided sequence dictionary. Nonetheless, + custom fields are still unparsed and will be stored as a missing value. + + * Fixed a minor bug in Fisher's exact test; the results are rarely changed. + + +(0.1.13: 1 March 2011, r926:134) + + + +Beta release 0.1.12a (2 December, 2010) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This is another bug fix release: + + * Fixed a memory violation in mpileup, which causes segfault. Release + 0.1.9 and above are affected. + + * Fixed a memory violation in the indel caller, which does not causes + segfault, but may potentially affect deletion calls in an unexpected + way. Release 0.1.10 and above are affected. + + * Fixed a bug in computing r-square in bcftools. Few are using this + functionality and it only has minor effect. + + * Fixed a memory leak in bam_fetch(). + + * Fixed a bug in writing meta information to the BAM index for the last + sequence. This bug is invisible to most users, but it is a bug anyway. + + * Fixed a bug in bcftools which causes false "DP4=0,0,0,0" annotations. + +(0.1.12: 2 December 2010, r862) + + + +Beta release 0.1.11 (21 November, 2010) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This is mainly a bug fix release: + + * Fixed a bug in random retrieval (since 0.1.8). It occurs when reads + are retrieved from a small region containing no reads. + + * Fixed a bug in pileup (since 0.1.9). The bug causes an assertion + failure when the first CIGAR operation is a deletion. + + * Improved fault tolerence in remote access. + +One minor feature has been implemented in bcftools: + + * Added a reference-free variant calling mode. In this mode, a site is + regarded as a variat iff the sample(s) contains two or more alleles; + the meaning of the QUAL field in the VCF output is changed + accordingly. Effectively, the reference allele is irrelevant to the + result in the new mode, although the reference sequence has to be + used in realignment when SAMtools computes genotype likelihoods. + +In addition, since 0.1.10, the `pileup' command has been deprecated by +`mpileup' which is more powerful and more accurate. The `pileup' command +will not be removed in the next few releases, but new features will not +be added. + +(0.1.11: 21 November 2010, r851) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.10 (16 November, 2010) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This release is featured as the first major improvement to the indel +caller. The method is similar to the old one implemented in the pileup +command, but the details are handled more carefully both in theory and +in practice. As a result, the new indel caller usually gives more +accurate indel calls, though at the cost of sensitivity. The caller is +implemented in the mpileup command and is invoked by default. It works +with multiple samples. + +Other notable changes: + + * With the -r option, the calmd command writes the difference between + the original base quality and the BAQ capped base quality at the BQ + tag but does not modify the base quality. Please use -Ar to overwrite + the original base quality (the 0.1.9 behavior). + + * Allow to set a maximum per-sample read depth to reduce memory. In + 0.1.9, most of memory is wasted for the ultra high read depth in some + regions (e.g. the chr1 centromere). + + * Optionally write per-sample read depth and per-sample strand bias + P-value. + + * Compute equal-tail (Bayesian) credible interval of site allele + frequency at the CI95 VCF annotation. + + * Merged the vcfutils.pl varFilter and filter4vcf for better SNP/indel + filtering. + +(0.1.10: 16 November 2010, r829) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.9 (27 October, 2010) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This release is featured as the first major improvement to the samtools' +SNP caller. It comes with a revised MAQ error model, the support of +multi-sample SNP calling and the computation of base alignment quality +(BAQ). + +The revised MAQ error model is based on the original model. It solves an +issue of miscalling SNPs in repetitive regions. Althought such SNPs can +usually be filtered at a later step, they mess up unfiltered calls. This +is a theoretical flaw in the original model. The revised MAQ model +deprecates the orginal MAQ model and the simplified SOAPsnp model. + +Multi-sample SNP calling is separated in two steps. The first is done by +samtools mpileup and the second by a new program, bcftools, which is +included in the samtools source code tree. Multi-sample SNP calling also +works for single sample and has the advantage of enabling more powerful +filtration. It is likely to deprecate pileup in future once a proper +indel calling method is implemented. + +BAQ is the Phred-scaled probability of a read base being wrongly +aligned. Capping base quality by BAQ has been shown to be very effective +in suppressing false SNPs caused by misalignments around indels or in +low-complexity regions with acceptable compromise on computation +time. This strategy is highly recommended and can be used with other SNP +callers as well. + +In addition to the three major improvements, other notable changes are: + + * Changes to the pileup format. A reference skip (the N CIGAR operator) + is shown as '<' or '>' depending on the strand. Tview is also changed + accordingly. + + * Accelerated pileup. The plain pileup is about 50% faster. + + * Regional merge. The merge command now accepts a new option to merge + files in a specified region. + + * Fixed a bug in bgzip and razip which causes source files to be + deleted even if option -c is applied. + + * In APIs, propogate errors to downstream callers and make samtools + return non-zero values once errors occur. + +(0.1.9: 27 October 2010, r783) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.8 (11 July, 2010) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Notable functional changes: + + * Added the `reheader' command which replaces a BAM header with a new + header. This command is much faster than replacing header by + BAM->SAM->BAM conversions. + + * Added the `mpileup' command which computes the pileup of multiple + alignments. + + * The `index' command now stores the number of mapped and unmapped + reads in the index file. This information can be retrieved quickly by + the new `idxstats' command. + + * By default, pileup used the SOAPsnp model for SNP calling. This + avoids the floating overflow in the MAQ model which leads to spurious + calls in repetitive regions, although these calls will be immediately + filtered by varFilter. + + * The `tview' command now correctly handles CIGARs like 7I10M and + 10M1P1I10M which cause assertion failure in earlier versions. + + * Tview accepts a region like `=10,000' where `=' stands for the + current sequence name. This saves typing for long sequence names. + + * Added the `-d' option to `pileup' which avoids slow indel calling + in ultradeep regions by subsampling reads locally. + + * Added the `-R' option to `view' which retrieves alignments in read + groups listed in the specified file. + +Performance improvements: + + * The BAM->SAM conversion is up to twice faster, depending on the + characteristic of the input. + + * Parsing SAM headers with a lot of reference sequences is now much + faster. + + * The number of lseek() calls per query is reduced when the query + region contains no read alignments. + +Bug fixes: + + * Fixed an issue in the indel caller that leads to miscall of indels. + Note that this solution may not work well when the sequencing indel + error rate is higher than the rate of SNPs. + + * Fixed another issue in the indel caller which may lead to incorrect + genotype. + + * Fixed a bug in `sort' when option `-o' is applied. + + * Fixed a bug in `view -r'. + +APIs and other changes: + + * Added iterator interfaces to random access and pileup. The callback + interfaces directly call the iterator interfaces. + + * The BGZF blocks holding the BAM header are indepedent of alignment + BGZF blocks. Alignment records shorter than 64kB is guaranteed to be + fully contained in one BGZF block. This change is fully compatible + with the old version of samtools/picard. + +Changes in other utilities: + + * Updated export2sam.pl by Chris Saunders. + + * Improved the sam2vcf.pl script. + + * Added a Python version of varfilter.py by Aylwyn Scally. + +(0.1.8: 11 July 2010, r613) + + + +Beta Release 0.1.7 (10 November, 2009) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Notable changes: + + * Improved the indel caller in complex scenariors, in particular for + long reads. The indel caller is now able to make reasonable indel + calls from Craig Venter capillary reads. + + * Rewrote single-end duplicate removal with improved + performance. Paired-end reads are not touched. + + * Duplicate removal is now library aware. Samtools remove potential + PCR/optical dupliates inside a library rather than across libraries. + + * SAM header is now fully parsed, although this functionality is not + used in merging and so on. + + * In samtools merge, optionally take the input file name as RG-ID and + attach the RG tag to each alignment. + + * Added FTP support in the RAZF library. RAZF-compressed reference + sequence can be retrieved remotely. + + * Improved network support for Win32. + + * Samtools sort and merge are now stable. + +Changes in other utilities: + + * Implemented sam2vcf.pl that converts the pileup format to the VCF + format. + + * This release of samtools is known to work with the latest + Bio-Samtools Perl module. + +(0.1.7: 10 November 2009, r510) + + + Beta Release 0.1.6 (2 September, 2009) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -272,4 +803,4 @@ Beta Release 0.1.1 (22 December, 2008) The is the first public release of samtools. For more information, please check the manual page `samtools.1' and the samtools website -http://samtools.sourceforge.net \ No newline at end of file +http://samtools.sourceforge.net