#!/bin/bash # play safe set -e set -u # Standard Debian install # prepare on hydra and use debproxy for speed # have dedicated hard-drives for swap and home # expert install # hostname: neurodebian # domain: '' # Needs to be assured since it got reset to debian hostname neurodebian # this is not a permanent change echo "neurodebian" >| /etc/hostname # make it permanent sed -i -e 's/^127\.0\.1\.1.*/\tneurodebian/g' /etc/hosts # all file in one partition # root: not there # user: brain # pwd: neurodebian # Do a minimal install # -------------------- # All files in one partition/ # just base system, run selection, but no tasks (not even 'Standard system') # set root password to 'neurodebian' too #echo "Set root passwd:" #passwd root apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y etckeeper # setup etckeeper git config --global user.name NeuroDebian git config --global user.email nd@localhost # install new stuff # ----------------- # Add sources.list for backports and neurodebian wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neuro.debian.net.list http://neuro.debian.net/lists/wheezy.us-nh # Development versions (TODO: comment out upon finishing) cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neuro.debian.net.list | sed -e 's,/debian ,/debian-devel ,g' \ >| /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neuro.debian.net-devel.list ## No backports yet ## echo "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports wheezy-backports main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.debian.org.list cat << EOT > /etc/apt/preferences.d/backports.debian.org.pref Package: * Pin: release a=wheezy-backports Pin-Priority: 200 EOT apt-get update -y # Backports' Release files signed with both ftpmaster and old backports keys # That causes APT to spit out a warning, but to not confuse users, lets simply # obtain that key if possible gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 16BA136C && \ gpg --export 16BA136C | apt-key add - || : apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated neurodebian-keyring apt-get update -y # to cheat the VM check touch /dev/vboxguest # Assure that corresponding linux headers are installed since otherwise they # might not be. There is also a dichotomy between target 686 and installer # using 486 build of the kernel. It requires manual build/installation # of guest additions for 686 at this point. Hence all the ugly logic below cunamer=`uname -r` cdarch=${cunamer##*-} # We carry 686 only [ $cdarch = '486' ] && darch='686-pae' || darch=$cdarch apt-get install -y linux-headers-$cdarch ## # Forcefully install guest additions from backports so we are ## # compatible with VirtualBox 4.x series ## apt-get install -y -t wheezy-backports virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms \ ## virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 \ ## >| /var/log/initial_setup-dkms.log 2>&1 # to get all the rest stuff in recommends apt-get install -y dkms neurodebian-guest-additions if [ "$darch" != "$cdarch" ] ; then # Because DKMS builds for currently running kernel, which during # installation might be a more generic 486, lets force building for 686 # and also install necessary headers (will be purged later on anyways) apt-get install -y linux-headers-$darch unamer=${cunamer//$cdarch/$darch} # First collect information about installed vb additions vbg=( `dkms status | grep virtualbox | head -n 1 | tr ',' ' '` ) echo "I: forcing build and install of guest additions for 686" dkms build -m ${vbg[0]} -v ${vbg[1]} -a i686 -k $unamer \ >| /var/log/initial_setup-dkms-686-build.log 2>&1 dkms install -m ${vbg[0]} -v ${vbg[1]} -a i686 -k $unamer \ >| /var/log/initial_setup-dkms-686-install.log 2>&1 fi # Add brain use into vboxsf group so he gets access to shared folders # by default adduser brain vboxsf # assure at the end that we got right modules build in the right location find /lib/modules/*$darch -iname vboxsf.ko | grep -q . # That was for GNOME # apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ # gnome-core mc evince bash-completion ntpdate file-roller gnome-utils \ # gnome-themes gnome-disk-utility network-manager-gnome eog vim reportbug \ # software-center gdebi gedit-plugins gnome-media synaptic menu less libxp6 apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ mc evince bash-completion ntpdate file-roller \ eog vim reportbug \ software-center synaptic menu less libxp6 \ task-xfce-desktop lightdm zenity \ chromium-browser \ sudo neurodebian-desktop update-notifier # "Slightly" better terminal by default # TODO: might want to change default bg color to black there apt-get install -y rxvt-unicode update-alternatives --set x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/urxvt # XXX last ones are actually pulled it by neurodebian-guest-additions whenever we # resolve their destiny ;-) a;though it might be pooling too much, eg exim4 # TODO: pre-configure the panel "Welcome to the first start of the panel", "Use default config"? # Clean-up installed development files which got pulled in for # VM guest additions (to build kernel modules via DKMS) apt-get purge -y libc6-dev dpkg -l | awk '/^ii.*[ \t]linux-headers/{print $2;}' | xargs -r apt-get purge -y # Gnome optional pulled by gnome-core: apt-get purge -y gnome-core evolution-common evolution libevolution # And utter cleanup apt-get -y autoremove # intermediate cleanup to prevent virtual harddrive from fragmenting too much find /var/cache/apt/archives/ -name '*.deb' -delete # cleanup unwanted stuff # video drivers (all but vesa) apt-get purge -y --force-yes $(apt-cache search --names-only --installed xserver-xorg-video | grep xserver-xorg-video | cut -d ' ' -f 1,1) xserver-xorg-video-vesa+ apt-get purge -y brasero # and whatever is obsolete apt-get autoremove --purge -y # custom config # use NeuroDebian website as default homepage sed -i -e 's,http://www.debian.org,http://neuro.debian.net,g' /etc/chromium*/master_preferences # Place default XFCE4 panel config, otherwise a dialog appears # Thanks go to cavalier@freenode IRC for the hint xfdir=/home/brain/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml mkdir -p $xfdir cp /etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/default.xml $xfdir/xfce4-panel.xml chown brain.brain -R /home/brain/.config # reduce grub timeout to speed up boot of VM sed -i -e 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=5/GRUB_TIMEOUT=1/g' /etc/default/grub update-grub # finally configure geomirror for APT and disable deb-src lists cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig sed -i -e "s,\(deb\(\|-src\) http://\)[^/]*/debian,\1$(dpkg --print-architecture)-geomirror.debian.net/debian,g" \ -e "s/^deb-src/#deb-src/" /etc/apt/sources.list etckeeper commit "Initial VM setup done" # Create a link to automatically mounted Shared folder # Created by the Welcome Wizard #sudo -u brain ln -s /mnt/host /home/brain/