version_new <- function(rver,debian_revision=1, debian_epoch=db_get_base_epoch()) { # generate a string representation of the Debian version of an # R version of a package pkgver = rver # ``Writing R extensions'' says that the version consists of at least two # non-negative integers, separated by . or - if (!length(grep('^([0-9]+[.-])+[0-9]+$',rver))) { fail('Not a valid R package version',rver) } # Debian policy says that an upstream version should start with a digit and # may only contain ASCII alphanumerics and '.+-:~' if (!length(grep('^[0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+:~-]*$',rver))) { fail('R package version',rver ,'does not obviously translate into a valid Debian version.') } # if rver contains a : then the Debian version must also have a colon if (debian_epoch == 0 && length(grep(':',pkgver))) debian_epoch = 1 # if the epoch is non-zero then include it if (debian_epoch != 0) pkgver = paste(debian_epoch,':',pkgver,sep='') # always add the '-1' Debian release; nothing is lost and rarely will R # packages be Debian packages without modification. return(paste(pkgver,'-',debian_revision,version_suffix,version_suffix_step,sep='')) } version_epoch <- function(pkgver) { # return the Debian epoch of a Debian package version if (!length(grep(':',pkgver))) return(0) return(as.integer(sub('^([0-9]+):.*$','\\1',pkgver))) } # version_epoch . version_new(x,y) = id # version_epoch(version_new(x,y)) = base_epoch version_revision <- function(pkgver) { # return the Debian revision of a Debian package version return(as.integer(sub(paste('.*-([0-9]+)(',version_suffix,'[0-9]+)?$',sep=''),'\\1',pkgver))) } # version_revision . version_new(x) = id # version_revision(version_new(x)) = 1 version_upstream <- function(pkgver) { # return the upstream version of a Debian package version return(sub('-[a-zA-Z0-9+.~]+$','',sub('^[0-9]+:','',pkgver))) } # version_upstream . version_new = id version_update <- function(rver, prev_pkgver, prev_success) { # return the next debian package version prev_rver <- version_upstream(prev_pkgver) if (prev_rver == rver) { # increment the Debian revision if the previous build was successful inc = 0 if (prev_success) { inc = 1 } return(version_new(rver ,debian_revision = version_revision(prev_pkgver)+inc ,debian_epoch = version_epoch(prev_pkgver) )) } # new release # TODO: implement Debian ordering over version and then autoincrement # Debian epoch when upstream version does not increment. return(version_new(rver ,debian_epoch = version_epoch(prev_pkgver) )) } new_build_version <- function(pkgname) { if (!(pkgname %in% rownames(available))) { bundle <- r_bundle_of(pkgname) if (is.null(bundle)) { fail('tried to discover new version of',pkgname,'but it does not appear to be available') } name <- bundle } db_ver <- db_latest_build_version(pkgname) db_succ <- db_latest_build_status(pkgname)[[1]] latest_r_ver <- available[pkgname,'Version'] if (!is.null(db_ver)) { return(version_update(latest_r_ver, db_ver, db_succ)) } return(version_new(latest_r_ver)) }