is_acceptable_license <- function(license,verbose=FALSE,debug=FALSE) { if (verbose) cat("is_acceptable_license: license:",license,"\n",sep="") # determine if license text is acceptable if (length(grep('^file ',license))) { # skip file licenses notice("The package has a file license. This needs individual checking and settings in the respective table.") return(FALSE) } license <- license_text_reduce(license) if (debug) cat("**** a ****\n") action = db_license_override_name(license) if (verbose) { cat("**** action: ****\n") print(action) } if (!is.null(action)) { if (debug) cat("**** c1 ****\n") #return(isTRUE(action)) return(TRUE) } if (debug) cat("**** c ****\n") license <- license_text_further_reduce(license) if (debug) cat("**** d ****\n") action = db_license_override_name(license) if (debug) cat("**** e ****\n") if (!is.null(action)) { warn('Accepting/rejecting wild license as',license,'. FIX THE PACKAGE!') return(action) } license <- license_text_extreme_reduce(license) if (debug) cat("**** f ****\n") action = db_license_override_name(license) if (debug) cat("**** g ****\n") if (!is.null(action)) { warn('Accepting/rejecting wild license as',license,'. FIX THE PACKAGE!') return(action) } error('is_acceptable_license: Wild license',license,'did not match classic rules; rejecting.') return(F) } license_text_reduce <- function(license,verbose=FALSE,debug=FALSE) { if (verbose) cat("license_text_reduce license:",license,"\n",sep="") # these reduction steps are sound for all conformant R license # specifications. if (Encoding(license) == "unknown") Encoding(license) <- "latin1" # or should it be UTF-8 ? ## compress spaces into a single space license = gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license) # make all characters lower case license = tolower(license) # don't care about versions of licenses license = chomp(sub('\\( ?[<=>!]+ ?[0-9.-]+ ?\\)','' ,sub('-[0-9.-]+','',license))) # remove any extra space introduced license = chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) if (debug) cat("license_text_reduce: ",license,"\n",sep="") return(license) } license_text_further_reduce <- function(license,verbose=TRUE) { if (verbose) cat("license_text_further_reduce license:",license,"\n",sep="") # these reduction steps are heuristic and may lead to # in correct acceptances, if care is not taken. # uninteresting urls license = gsub('[[:alnum:]/._-]*','',license) license = gsub('[[:alnum:]/._-]*','',license) license = gsub('[[:alnum:]/._-]*','',license) # remove all punctuation license = gsub('[[:punct:]]+','',license) # remove any extra space introduced license = chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) # redundant license = gsub('the','',license) license = gsub('see','',license) license = gsub('standard','',license) license = gsub('licen[sc]e','',license) license = gsub('(gnu )?(gpl|general public)','gpl',license) license = gsub('(mozilla )?(mpl|mozilla public)','mpl',license) # remove any extra space introduced license = chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) return(license) } license_text_extreme_reduce <- function(license,verbose=TRUE) { if (verbose) cat("license_text_extreme_reduce license:",license,"\n",sep="") # remove everything that may or may not be a version specification license = gsub('(ver?sion|v)? *[0-9.-]+ *(or *(higher|later|newer|greater|above))?','' ,license) # remove any extra space introduced license = chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) return(license) } license_text_hash_reduce <- function(text,verbose=TRUE) { if (verbose) cat("license_text_hash_reduce text:",text,"\n",sep="") # reduction of license text, suitable for hashing. return(chomp(tolower(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',text)))) } get_license <- function(pkg,license) { license <- chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) if (length(grep('^file ',license))) { if (length(grep('^file LICEN[CS]E$',license))) { file = gsub('file ','',license) path = file.path(pkg$path, file) if (file.exists(path)) { #license <- license_text_reduce(readChar(path,$size)) con <- file(path, "rb") content <- paste(readLines(con), collapse="\n") close(con) license <- license_text_reduce(content) } else { path = file.path(pkg$path, 'inst', file) if (file.exists(path)) { #license <- license_text_reduce(readChar(path,$size)) con <- file(path, "rb") content <- paste(readLines(con), collapse="\n") close(con) license <- license_text_reduce(content) } else { error('said to look at a license file but license file is missing') } } } else { error('invalid license file specification',license) return(NA) } } return(license) } get_license_hash <- function(pkg,license) { return(digest(get_license(pkg,license),algo='sha1',serialize=FALSE)) } is_acceptable_hash_license <- function(pkg,license,verbose=TRUE) { license_sha1 <- get_license_hash(pkg,license) if (is.null(license_sha1)) { if (verbose) cat("is_acceptable_hash_license: get_license_hash(pkg,license) returned NULL, returning FALSE.\n") return(FALSE) } action = db_license_override_hash(license_sha1) if (is.null(action)) { if (verbose) cat("is_acceptable_hash_license: get_license_override_hash(license_sha1) returned NULL, returning FALSE.\n") action = FALSE } else if (0 == length(action)) { notice("An error occurred, 0==length(action), ignoring package.\n") action = FALSE } else if ( { notice("An error occurred,, ignoring package.\n") action = FALSE } if (action) { warn('Wild license',license,'accepted via hash',license_sha1) } return(action) } accept_license <- function(pkg,verbose=FALSE) { # check the license if (!('License' %in% names(pkg$description[1,]))) { fail('package has no License: field in description!') return(NULL) } accept=NULL if (verbose) { cat("accept_license: pkg:\n"); print(pkg$srcname) } license<-pkg$description[1,'License'] if (verbose) { cat(" license:\n"); print(license) } for (l in strsplit(chomp(license),'[[:space:]]*\\|[[:space:]]*')[[1]]) { if (verbose) cat("Investigating: '",l,"'\n",sep="") if (is_acceptable_license(l)) { accept=l break } else if (is_acceptable_hash_license(pkg,l)) { accept=l break } else { notice(paste("Could not accept license ",l," for package ",pkg,"\n",sep="")) } } if (is.null(accept)) { fail('No acceptable license:',pkg$description[1,'License']) } else { notice('Auto-accepted license',accept) } if (accept == 'Unlimited') { # definition of Unlimited from ``Writing R extensions'' accept=paste('Unlimited (no restrictions on distribution or' ,'use other than those imposed by relevant laws)') } return(accept) }