append_build_from_pkg <- function(pkg, builds) { pkg_build <- data.frame(id = -1 # never used ,package = pkg$name ,system = which_system ,r_version = version_upstream(pkg$debversion) ,deb_epoch = version_epoch(pkg$debversion) ,deb_revision = version_revision(pkg$debversion) ,db_version = db_get_version() ,date_stamp = pkg$date_stamp ,scm_revision = scm_revision ,success = 1 # never used ,log = '' # never used ) return(cbind(data.frame(srcname=pkg$srcname), rbind(builds, pkg_build))) } generate_changelog <- function(pkg) { # TODO: ``Writing R extensions'' mentions that a package may also have # {NEWS,ChangeLog} files. builds <- append_build_from_pkg(pkg, db_builds(pkg$name)) sapply(rev(rownames(builds)), function(b, changelog) generate_changelog_entry(builds[b,], changelog), pkg$debfile('')) } generate_changelog_entry <- function(build, changelog) { # TODO: should say 'New upstream release' when necessary debversion <- version_new(build$r_version, pkgname=build$package, build$deb_revision, build$deb_epoch) cat(paste(paste(build$srcname,' (',debversion,') unstable; urgency=low',sep='') ,'' ,paste(' * cran2deb ',build$scm_revision ,' with DB version ',as.integer(build$db_version),'.',sep='') ,'',paste(' --',maintainer,'',format(build$date_stamp,'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')) ,'','','',sep='\n'),file=changelog, append=TRUE) } generate_rules <- function(pkg) { cat(paste('#!/usr/bin/make -f' ,paste('debRreposname :=',pkg$repo) ,'include /usr/share/R/debian/' ,'',sep='\n') ,file=pkg$debfile('rules')) if (pkg$name %in% c("Rmpi", "npRmpi", "doMPI")) { cat("extraInstallFlags=\"--no-test-load\"\n", file=pkg$debfile('rules'), append=TRUE) } Sys.chmod(pkg$debfile('rules'),'0700') } generate_copyright <- function(pkg) { # generate_copyright file; we trust DESCRIPTION # if maintainer is missing then try to use author if (!('Maintainer' %in% colnames(pkg$description))) { if ('Author' %in% colnames(pkg$description)) { maintainer = pkg$description[1,'Author'] } else { fail('Maintainer and Author not defined in R DESCRIPTION') } } else { maintainer = pkg$description[1,'Maintainer'] } # likewise if author is missing then try to use maintainer if (!('Author' %in% colnames(pkg$description))) { author = maintainer } else { author = pkg$description[1,'Author'] } writeLines(strwrap( paste('This Debian package of the GNU R package',pkg$name ,'was generated automatically using cran2deb by' ,paste(maintainer,'.',sep='') ,'' ,'The original GNU R package is Copyright (C) ' # TODO: copyright start date, true copyright date ,format(Sys.time(),'%Y') ,author ,'and possibly others.' ,'' ,'The original GNU R package is maintained by' ,maintainer,'and was obtained from:' ,'' ,pkg$repoURL ,'' ,'' ,'The GNU R package DESCRIPTION offers a' ,'Copyright licenses under the terms of the license:' ,pkg$license,'. On a Debian GNU/Linux system, common' ,'licenses are included in the directory' ,'/usr/share/common-licenses/.' ,'' ,'The DESCRIPTION file for the original GNU R package ' ,'can be found in ' ,file.path('/usr/lib/R/site-library' ,pkg$debname ,'DESCRIPTION' ) ,sep='\n'), width=72), con=pkg$debfile('')) } prepare_new_debian <- function(pkg,extra_deps) { # generate Debian version and name pkg$debversion = new_build_version(pkg$name) # make the debian/ directory debdir <- file.path(pkg$path,'debian') pkg$debfile <- function(x) { file.path(debdir,x) } unlink(debdir,recursive=T) dir.create(debdir) # see if this is an architecture-dependent package. # heuristic: if /src/ exists in pkg$path, then this is an # architecture-dependent package. # is a bit fancier about this but ``Writing R extensions'' # says: ``The sources and headers for the compiled code are in src, plus # optionally file Makevars or Makefile.'' It seems unlikely that # architecture independent code would end up here. pkg$archdep = file.exists(file.path(pkg$path,'src')) pkg$arch <- 'all' if (pkg$archdep) { pkg$arch <- host_arch() } pkg$license <- accept_license(pkg) pkg$depends <- get_dependencies(pkg,extra_deps) apply_patches(pkg) generate_lintian(pkg) generate_changelog(pkg) generate_rules(pkg) generate_copyright(pkg) generate_control(pkg) ## debdir <- file.path(pkg$path,'debian') ## system(paste("ls ", debdir, "; ls -l ", debdir, "/patches/*", sep="")) # convert text to utf8 (who knows what the original character set is -- # let's hope iconv DTRT). for (file in c('control','changelog','copyright')) { log_system('iconv -o ',shQuote(pkg$debfile(file)) ,' -t utf8 -c ' ,shQuote(pkg$debfile(paste(file,'in',sep='.')))) file.remove(pkg$debfile(paste(file,'in',sep='.'))) } return(pkg) }