setup <- function() { # set up the working directory tmp <- tempfile('cran2deb') dir.create(tmp) return (tmp) } cleanup <- function(dir) { # remove the working directory unlink(dir,recursive=T) invisible() } download_pkg <- function(dir, pkgname) { # download pkgname into dir, and construct some metadata # record some basic information pkg <- pairlist() pkg$date_stamp = format(Sys.time(),'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z') pkg$name = pkgname pkg$repoURL = available[pkgname,'Repository'] pkg$repo = repourl_as_debian(pkg$repoURL) if (!length(grep('^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+.-]+$',pkg$name))) { fail('Cannot convert package name into a Debian name',pkg$name) } pkg$srcname = pkgname_as_debian(pkg$name,binary=F) pkg$debname = pkgname_as_debian(pkg$name,repo=pkg$repo) pkg$version <- available[pkgname,'Version'] # see if we have already built this release and uploaded it. debfn <- file.path(pbuilder_results, paste(pkg$srcname, '_', pkg$version, '.orig.tar.gz', sep='')) pkg$need_repack = FALSE if (file.exists(debfn)) { # if so, use the existing archive. this is good for three reasons: # 1. it saves downloading the archive again # 2. the repacking performed below changes the MD5 sum of the archive # which upsets some Debian archive software. # 3. why repack more than once? pkg$archive <- file.path(dir, basename(debfn)) file.copy(debfn,pkg$archive) pkg$path = file.path(dir, paste(pkg$srcname ,pkg$version ,sep='-')) } else { # use this instead of download.packages as it is more resilient to # dodgy network connections (hello BT 'OpenWorld', bad ISP) fn <- paste(pkgname, '_', pkg$version, '.tar.gz', sep='') url <- paste(available[pkgname,'Repository'], fn, sep='/') archive <- file.path(dir, fn) # don't log the output -- we don't care! ret <- system(paste('curl','-o',shQuote(archive),'-m 720 --retry 5',shQuote(url))) if (ret != 0) { fail('failed to download',url) } # end of download.packages replacement if (length(grep('\\.\\.',archive)) || normalizePath(archive) != archive) { fail('funny looking path',archive) } pkg$path = sub("_\\.(zip|tar\\.gz)", "" ,gsub(.standard_regexps()$valid_package_version, "" ,archive)) pkg$archive = archive # this is not a Debian conformant archive pkg$need_repack = TRUE } return(pkg) } repack_pkg <- function(pkg) { # re-pack into a Debian-named archive with a Debian-named directory. debpath = file.path(dirname(pkg$archive) ,paste(pkg$srcname ,pkg$version ,sep='-')) file.rename(pkg$path, debpath) pkg$path = debpath debarchive = file.path(dirname(pkg$archive) ,paste(pkg$srcname,'_' ,pkg$version,'.orig.tar.gz' ,sep='')) wd <- getwd() setwd(dirname(pkg$path)) # remove them pesky +x files # BUT EXCLUDE configure and cleanup log_system('find',shQuote(basename(pkg$path)) ,'-type f -a ' , '! \\( -name configure -o -name cleanup \\)' ,'-exec chmod -x {} \\;') # tar it all back up log_system('tar -czf',shQuote(debarchive),shQuote(basename(pkg$path))) setwd(wd) file.remove(pkg$archive) pkg$archive = debarchive pkg$need_repack = FALSE return(pkg) } prepare_pkg <- function(dir, pkgname) { # download and extract an R package named pkgname # OR the bundle containing pkgname # based loosely on library/utils/R/packages2.R::install.packages # first a little trick; change pkgname if pkgname is contained in a bundle if (!(pkgname %in% rownames(available))) { bundle <- r_bundle_of(pkgname) if (is.null(bundle)) { fail('package',pkgname,'is unavailable') } pkgname <- bundle } # grab the archive and some metadata pkg <- download_pkg(dir, pkgname) # now extract the archive if (!length(grep('\\.tar\\.gz',pkg$archive))) { fail('archive is not tarball') } wd <- getwd() setwd(dir) ret = log_system('tar','xzf',shQuote(pkg$archive)) setwd(wd) if (ret != 0) { fail('Extraction of archive',pkg$archive,'failed.') } # if necessary, repack the archive into Debian-conformant format if (pkg$need_repack) { pkg <- repack_pkg(pkg) } if (!$path)[,'isdir']) { fail(pkg$path,'is not a directory and should be.') } # extract the DESCRIPTION file, which contains much metadata pkg$description = read.dcf(file.path(pkg$path,'DESCRIPTION')) # ensure consistency of version numbers if ('Version' %in% names(pkg$description[1,])) { if (pkg$description[1,'Version'] != available[pkg$name,'Version']) { # should never happen since available is the basis upon which the # package is retrieved. error('available version:',available[pkg$name,'Version']) error('package version:',pkg$description[1,'Version']) fail('inconsistency between R package version and cached R version') } } pkg$is_bundle = 'Bundle' %in% names(pkg$description[1,]) # note subtly of short circuit operators (no absorption) if ((!pkg$is_bundle && pkg$description[1,'Package'] != pkg$name) || ( pkg$is_bundle && pkg$description[1,'Bundle'] != pkg$name)) { fail('package name mismatch') } return(pkg) }