#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More tests => 228; use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open2; use Cwd (); use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); use File::Basename (); # Let the tests to be run from anywhere but currect directory # is expected to be the one where this test lives in. chdir File::Basename::dirname($0) or die "Unable to chdir to ".File::Basename::dirname($0); use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib' ); use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem' ); use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems' ); my $TOPDIR = "../.."; my @STEPS = qw(configure build test install clean); my @BUILDSYSTEMS = qw(autoconf perl_makemaker makefile python_distutils perl_build cmake); my $BS_CLASS = 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem'; my ($bs, @bs, %bs); my ($tmp, @tmp, %tmp); my ($tmpdir, $builddir, $default_builddir); ### Common subs #### sub touch { my $file=shift; my $chmod=shift; open FILE, ">", $file and close FILE or die "Unable to touch $file"; chmod $chmod, $file if defined $chmod; } sub cleandir { my $dir=shift; system ("find", $dir, "-type", "f", "-delete"); } sub readlines { my $h=shift; my @lines = <$h>; close $h; chop @lines; return \@lines; } sub process_stdout { my ($cmdline, $stdin) = @_; my ($reader, $writer); open2($reader, $writer, $cmdline) or die "Unable to exec $cmdline"; print $writer $stdin if $stdin; close $writer; return readlines($reader); } ### Test Buildsystem class API methods is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/the/./nowhere/../../somewhere"), "path/to/somewhere", "canonpath no1" ); is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/../forward/../../somewhere"), "somewhere","canonpath no2" ); is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/../../../somewhere"), "../somewhere","canonpath no3" ); is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("./"), ".", "canonpath no4" ); is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("/absolute/path/./somewhere/../to/nowhere"), "/absolute/path/to/nowhere", "canonpath no5" ); is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path/my/file", "path/my"), "file", "_rel2rel no1" ); is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path/dir/file", "path/my"), "../dir/file", "_rel2rel no2" ); is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("file", "/root/path/my", "/root"), "../../file", "_rel2rel no3" ); is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel(".", "."), ".", "_rel2rel no4" ); is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path", "path/"), ".", "_rel2rel no5" ); ### Test Buildsystem class path API methods under different configurations sub test_buildsystem_paths_api { my ($bs, $config, $expected)=@_; my $api_is = sub { my ($got, $name)=@_; is( $got, $expected->{$name}, "paths API ($config): $name") }; &$api_is( $bs->get_sourcedir(), 'get_sourcedir()' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_sourcepath("a/b"), 'get_sourcepath(a/b)' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_builddir(), 'get_builddir()' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_buildpath(), 'get_buildpath()' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_buildpath("a/b"), 'get_buildpath(a/b)' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_source_rel2builddir(), 'get_source_rel2builddir()' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_source_rel2builddir("a/b"), 'get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_build_rel2sourcedir(), 'get_build_rel2sourcedir()' ); &$api_is( $bs->get_build_rel2sourcedir("a/b"), 'get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)' ); } # Defaults $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(); $default_builddir = $bs->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY(); %tmp = ( "get_sourcedir()" => ".", "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "./a/b", "get_builddir()" => undef, "get_buildpath()" => ".", "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "./a/b", "get_source_rel2builddir()" => ".", "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "./a/b", "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => ".", "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "./a/b", ); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "no builddir, no sourcedir", \%tmp); # builddir=bld/dir $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir"); %tmp = ( "get_sourcedir()" => ".", "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "./a/b", "get_builddir()" => "bld/dir", "get_buildpath()" => "bld/dir", "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b", "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../..", "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../../a/b", "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "bld/dir", "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b", ); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "builddir=bld/dir, no sourcedir", \%tmp); # Default builddir, sourcedir=autoconf $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => undef, sourcedir => "autoconf"); %tmp = ( "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf", "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b", "get_builddir()" => "$default_builddir", "get_buildpath()" => "$default_builddir", "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "$default_builddir/a/b", "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../autoconf", "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../autoconf/a/b", "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "../$default_builddir", "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "../$default_builddir/a/b", ); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "default builddir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp); # Enforce out of source tree building # sourcedir=builddir=autoconf hence default builddir is implied $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "autoconf", sourcedir => "autoconf/"); $bs->enforce_out_of_source_building(); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "hard out of source enforced, sourcedir=builddir", \%tmp); # sourcedir=autoconf (builddir should be dropped) $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "autoconf", sourcedir => "autoconf"); %tmp = ( "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf", "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b", "get_builddir()" => undef, "get_buildpath()" => "autoconf", "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b", "get_source_rel2builddir()" => ".", "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "./a/b", "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => ".", "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "./a/b", ); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "no builddir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp); # Prefer out of source tree building when # sourcedir=builddir=autoconf hence builddir should be dropped. $bs->prefer_out_of_source_building(builddir => "autoconf"); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "out of source prefered, sourcedir=builddir", \%tmp); # builddir=bld/dir, sourcedir=autoconf. Should be the same as sourcedir=autoconf. $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir", sourcedir => "autoconf"); $bs->enforce_in_source_building(); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "in source enforced, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp); # builddir=../bld/dir (relative to the curdir) $bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir/", sourcedir => "autoconf"); %tmp = ( "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf", "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b", "get_builddir()" => "bld/dir", "get_buildpath()" => "bld/dir", "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b", "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../../autoconf", "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../../autoconf/a/b", "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "../bld/dir", "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "../bld/dir/a/b", ); test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "builddir=../bld/dir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp); ### Test if all buildsystems can be loaded @bs = load_all_buildsystems([ $INC[0] ]); @tmp = map { $_->NAME() } @bs; is_deeply( \@tmp, \@BUILDSYSTEMS, "load_all_buildsystems() loads all built-in buildsystems" ); ### Test check_auto_buildable() of each buildsystem sub test_check_auto_buildable { my $bs=shift; my $config=shift; my $expected=shift; my @steps=@_ || @STEPS; if (! ref $expected) { my %all_steps; $all_steps{$_} = $expected foreach (@steps); $expected = \%all_steps; } for my $step (@steps) { my $e = 0; if (exists $expected->{$step}) { $e = $expected->{$step}; } elsif (exists $expected->{default}) { $e = $expected->{default}; } if ($e) { ok( $bs->check_auto_buildable($step), $bs->NAME() . "($config): check_auto_buildable($step)" ); } else { ok( ! $bs->check_auto_buildable($step), $bs->NAME() . "($config): ! check_auto_buildable($step)" ); } } } $tmpdir = tempdir("tmp.XXXXXX"); $builddir = "$tmpdir/builddir"; mkdir $builddir; %tmp = ( builddir => "$tmpdir/builddir", sourcedir => $tmpdir ); $bs{autoconf} = load_buildsystem("autoconf", undef, %tmp); $bs{cmake} = load_buildsystem("cmake", undef, %tmp); $bs{perl_mm} = load_buildsystem("perl_makemaker", undef, %tmp); $bs = load_buildsystem("makefile", undef, %tmp); test_check_auto_buildable($bs{autoconf}, "no configure", 0); test_check_auto_buildable($bs{cmake}, "no CMakeLists.txt", 0); test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_mm}, "no Makefile.PL", 0); test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "no Makefile", 0); touch "$tmpdir/configure", 0755; test_check_auto_buildable($bs{autoconf}, "configure", { configure => 1 }); touch "$tmpdir/CMakeLists.txt"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs{cmake}, "CMakeLists.txt", { configure => 1 }); touch "$tmpdir/Makefile.PL"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_mm}, "Makefile.PL", { configure => 1, install => 1 }); # With Makefile touch "$builddir/Makefile"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "Makefile", { configure => 0, default => 1 }); test_check_auto_buildable($bs{autoconf}, "configure+Makefile", { configure => 1 }); test_check_auto_buildable($bs{cmake}, "CMakeLists.txt+Makefile", 1); # Makefile.PL forces in-source #(see note in check_auto_buildable() why always 1 here) unlink "$builddir/Makefile"; touch "$tmpdir/Makefile"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_mm}, "Makefile.PL+Makefile", 1); # Perl Build.PL - handles always $bs = load_buildsystem("perl_build", undef, %tmp); test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "no Build.PL", 0); touch "$tmpdir/Build.PL"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "Build.PL", { configure => 1 }); touch "$tmpdir/Build"; # forced in source test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "Build.PL+Build", 1); # Python Distutils $bs = load_buildsystem("python_distutils", undef, %tmp); test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "no setup.py", 0); touch "$tmpdir/setup.py"; test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "setup.py", 1); cleandir($tmpdir); ### Now test if it can autoselect a proper buildsystem for a typical package sub test_autoselection { my $system=shift; my $expected=shift; for my $step (@STEPS) { my $bs = load_buildsystem(undef, $step, @_); my $e = $expected; $e = $expected->{$step} if ref $expected; if (defined $bs) { is( $bs->NAME(), $e, "autoselection($system): $step=".((defined $e)?$e:'undef') ); } else { is ( undef, $e, "autoselection($system): $step=".((defined $e)?$e:'undef') ); } } } # Autoconf touch "$tmpdir/configure", 0755; touch "$builddir/Makefile"; test_autoselection("autoconf", { configure => "autoconf", build => "makefile", test => "makefile", install => "makefile", clean => "makefile" }, %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; # Perl Makemaker (build, test, clean fail with builddir set [not supported]) touch "$tmpdir/Makefile.PL"; touch "$tmpdir/Makefile"; test_autoselection("perl_makemaker", "perl_makemaker", %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; # Makefile touch "$builddir/Makefile"; test_autoselection("makefile", { build => "makefile", test => "makefile", install => "makefile", clean => "makefile" }, %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; # Python Distutils touch "$tmpdir/setup.py"; test_autoselection("python_distutils", "python_distutils", %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; # Perl Build touch "$tmpdir/Build.PL"; touch "$tmpdir/Build"; test_autoselection("perl_build", "perl_build", %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; # CMake touch "$tmpdir/CMakeLists.txt"; touch "$builddir/Makefile"; test_autoselection("cmake", { configure => "cmake", build => "makefile", test => "makefile", install => "makefile", clean => "makefile" }, %tmp); cleandir $tmpdir; ### Test buildsystems_init() and commandline/env argument handling sub get_load_bs_source { my ($system, $step)=@_; $step = (defined $step) ? "'$step'" : 'undef'; $system = (defined $system) ? "'$system'" : 'undef'; return < [ "--extra-autoconf-configure-arg" ]); ok ( ! -e 'autoconf/bld', "autoconf/bld got deleted too" ); END { system("rm", "-rf", $tmpdir); system("$TOPDIR/dh_clean"); }