# THIS IS A TEMPLATE FOR SUB-PROJECT MAKEFILES # /Makefile # subdir level: # depth = .. # # identify module: # NAME = # # descent order into subdirectories: # SUBDIRS = # # dependencies and linkage of custom libraries: # MODULE_LIBES = # $(depth)/lib $(depth)/flower # # list of extra distribution files: # Makefile, C++ and pod are dist'ed automatically EXTRA_DIST_FILES = # # bootstrap stepmake: # include $(depth)/make/stepmake.make # # module compile settings: (not generally needed!) # EXTRA_CFLAGS = EXTRA_CXXFLAGS = EXTRA_LDFLAGS = # # main target of this module: # default: $(EXECUTABLE) # default: $(LIBRARY) # # EXECUTABLES= # include $(stepmake)/Executable.make