article(Automake -- Urgh!)(HWN and JCN)() sect(Introduction) Every once in a while, we get comments on our `non-standard' (non GNU compliant) configuration/compilation system. In this document, we try to explain why we built our own system. We focus on Automake, but of course writing complex file( without generating them automatically is an even more deadly sin in our opinion. sect(What's wrong with Automake?) We have tried to use Automake and found it to be inadequate for our needs for several reasons. On the surface the shortcomings to Automake may seem bugs or "not-yet-completed" features. However, file(make) itself is broken, and any tool built on top of file(make) is broken as well. sect(Irritations) We'll start with the superficial irritations first: itemize( it() there is no intrinsic support for wildcarding; Adding support for wildcarding adds yet another layer to a top-heavy system. This may sound silly, but for a fast moving project, with 1250 sourcefiles, one does not want to administer a list of filenames by hand: files are created, deleted and moved very often, and wildcarding prevents that distributions miss files. it() Automake tries to cater for every taste of file(make). But anyone who does more than the trivial code(configure; make install) has to install Automake and GNU make anyway (for example, you need GCC and GNU Make for dependency tracking). Automake's universal make support is good for tools that have to be highly portable, but you have pay in ease of use and speed while developing. This means that it is counterproductive to use Automake for non-essential programs that are under (heavy) development. it() Support for filetypes in built in to Automake, and cannot be added on the fly: Automake is very much targeted at standard GNU packages that are written in C (or C++) and come with info-pages. If you want to add dependencies from TeX() or METAFONT files you are out of luck. Ditto if you have weird file types (.pod), weird programming languages, etc. There are as many file types as there are languages and compilers. Extending Automake to support all these languages is error-prone, and creates nasty version dependencies between an Automake-using package and Automake itself. A package should be able to supply its own specific rules and targets. it() Dependency handling is unreliable in our experience. On several occasions we had unexplainable errors, that went away after doing a code(make distclean), and recompile. it() It is slower, much slower than a tailored solution. This diffence in speed can be as large as 800%. (On JCNs machine a code(make dist) takes 17 minutes in stead of 2) for every distribution made; this constitutes 45 minutes of irritation on an average hacking-night. it() For a large project, a specialised file(Makefile) system costs relatively little extra effort. The extra effort pays itself back in speed and control. it() The file(Makefile)s, file(, and extensions constitute a huge amount of state. We found it hard to reproduce bugs in Automake (Strictly spoken they aren't bugs, as we haven't diagnosed because we couldn't reproduce them.) ) sect(Fundamental problems) Many of the fundamental problems can be traced back to flaws in make: itemize( it() make is not standardised. The only decent implementation is GNU make, and GNU make is not widespread enough to require GNU make for compiling GNU tools. it() make does not have enough meta-ness: one cannot manipulate dependencies and rules in make: they cannot be put in variables, mapped at lists, etc. (In our tailor made compilation system, we worked around this non-feature by using generic include files as a stopgap function call.) it() code(VPATH) is a broken concept: programs should not try to be intelligent on their own; being intelligent is something the programmer should do. make should do exactly as it is told, and make should enable easy formulation of these commands. ) Automake tries to solve these problems by building on top of this broken tool: an extra layer of complexity is added, with self-modifying Makefiles, and different Makefile versions for maintainer and user. sect(Conclusions) We could be called `cheap' for complaining about the above points, while not even filing decent bugreports. The reality is that we ourselves are busy and that we don't find it amusing to hunt for and fix bugs in a fix (Automake) for a broken tool (make). It should also be emphasised that we still think that Automake is a good tool: it is excellent for small projects, and reasonable for big projects that are fully "standard." However, for LilyPond, with its many sourcefiles and many different filetypes we found it unwieldy. We hope that some day a better replacement for make comes along, so that the gruesomeness of make and friends may die in oblivion. (*) (*) I personally would like to enter a Makefile as functional program, whose execution caches function results on the disk as files. But I shan't bother you further with my vaporware thoughts..