#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use IO::File; use POSIX qw(strftime); # USAGE: # # 0. See "configuration" below # # 1. Put the decision in # tech-ctte.git/_blah_blah/decision # in the special template format. Commit it. # # 2. Run # cd tech-ctte.git # scripts/publish-decision BUGNUMBER_blah_blah/decision # # 3. This will leave: # - BUGNUMBER_blah_blah/decision.email ready for sendmail -t # - BUGNUMBER_blah_blah/decision.wml ready to paste into webmml # Inspect them and if appropriate send and commit. die "bad usage" unless @ARGV==1 && $ARGV[0] =~ m#^((\d+)_\w+)/.*$#; my ($dir, $bugn, $decision) = ($1,$2,$&); my %decision = process_decision($decision,$bugn); decision_email($decision,\%decision); decision_webml($decision,\%decision); sub process_decision{ my ($decision,$bugn) = @_; my $dfh = IO::File->new($decision,'r') or die "Unable to open $decision for reading: $!"; my %d_bits = (bug => $bugn, email_epilogue => '', email_intro => '', decision => '', web_summary => '', ); my $current_bit; while (<$dfh>) { if (/^={4,}\s+(\S.+?)\s*\n?$/) { $current_bit = $1; $current_bit =~ s/[\s_]+/_/g; $current_bit = lc($current_bit); next; } elsif (/^={4,}/) { # this will unset the current bit undef $current_bit; next; } # silently skip wrong sections if (not defined $current_bit) { next; } $d_bits{$current_bit} .= $_; next; } close($dfh); # clean up %d_bits; for my $key (keys %d_bits) { # ditch leading and trailing blank lines $d_bits{$key} =~ s/(?:^\n*|\n*$)//g; } $d_bits{bug} = $bugn; return %d_bits; } sub decision_email { my ($dfn,$d_bits) = @_; my $efh = IO::File->new($dfn.".email",'w') or die "Unable to open ${dfn}.email for writing: $!"; print {$efh} < Subject: [CTTE #$d_bits->{bug}] $d_bits->{title} Mail-Followup-To: debian-ctte\@lists.debian.org $d_bits->{email_intro} ==== RESOLUTION ==== $d_bits->{decision} ==== END OF RESOLUTION ==== $d_bits->{email_epilogue} Please see http://bugs.debian.org/$d_bits->{bug} for discussion of this bug. EOF close($efh); } sub decision_webml { my ($dfn,$d_bits) = @_; my $wfh = IO::File->new($dfn.".wml",'w') or die "Unable to open ${dfn}.wml for writing: $!"; my $date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',gmtime()); print {$wfh} <$date Bug #$d_bits->{bug}:$d_bits->{web_summary} EOF }